Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 163: : Magma Battleground

The march to the center of the island is also the last stroke of the Jin Jin and others when the new ship cannot sail.

Being able to meet scabs and others who can use magic arts makes Pin Jin feel very lucky.

These days, about the fact that the needle gold is a knight of the gods and the madness of the companion, the scab is naturally already known.

But Scab never asked about anything about Jinjin's concern for knights.

This seems to be a signal of goodwill.

And the beastly madness has become a huge hidden danger in the hearts of everyone since the ruinous battle.

The role of scab is too critical. Without him, everyone can't even enter the underground alchemy factory!

Jing Jin knew that he had to explain the situation to Scab in advance, otherwise at a certain moment in the future, he would be forced to change, but as a result, Scab and others misunderstood that he was a beast, and suffered a blow from his companion, which would be bad.

Even if there is no blow, the needle gold suddenly changes, it will inevitably make sceptics and others suspect.

"Our current biggest enemy is a war dealer."

"If we don't cooperate sincerely, there are still suspicions and scruples in our interior, which makes it impossible to exert our full strength and restraint, it is too stupid."

"I don't want to see any of my companions hurt without my best efforts."

"I don't want to regret it..."

With such thoughts and emotions, Jin Jin found the scab alone, and said in a heavy tone: "Master Father, I need a confession."

Scab smiled at him with a deep smile: "Young Templar, do you know? I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Father, I'm guilty!" Pin Jin frowned, showing a painful look.

"Everyone in the world is guilty." Scarlet shook her head, comfortingly and encouragingly, "It is your courage to face your sins, and it is also your way to the sage. Please allow me to pray to my lord first ."

Pin gold nodded.

The confession began.

The young knight knelt on the ground half-heartedly, facing the scab.

Pin Jindao: "Since I woke up on the island, my prayers have never been answered by my Lord. I have no grudge, and regard my Lord as the only rely."

"But my Lord never responds to me, and I inevitably suffer from loss, disappointment, and even resentment."

"I'm guilty!"

Scab nodded.

Needle continued: "I don't think this is my problem, but the special environment of this island is a means of warfare, which isolates me from my lord."

"I underestimated the power of my lord and thought that my lord was weak."

"I blame the problem on the outside world without real self-reflection."

"I'm guilty!"

Scarlet sighed: "Child, you can recognize and confess at this moment that your sins have been eliminated by half."

Jing Jin's brow furrowed, and he gritted his teeth in pain: "When I saw the priest, your prayers every day, you can get a response and instillation of divine power. Then I realized that this island does not prohibit magic."

"But I dare not face this truth, I am cowardly and let myself escape, and dare not think about it and delve into it."

"I misunderstood the Lord, underestimated the Lord, and even deceived the Lord!"

"Many times, in order to improve the morale of the team, I had to use my lord's name to pretend to be a godly knight. Actually, I am not. In fact, I never received a response from my lord."

"I'm deeply guilty!"

Scab nodded, but there was no unexpected color: "Boy, my Lord's lost lamb, poor and respectable person. I am pleased and pleased to see you because you are finding your way back."

"Anything else? Keep going, good boy."

"My Lord's eyes are omniscient, maybe He is always watching you, but you don't understand what he wants."

Scab gently stroked Jin Jin's hair, performed magical techniques, and calmed Jin Jin's painful and heavy emotions.

Needle gold felt a warm heart.

He was bathed with a white holy light, making him feel like a tired traveler returning to his home.

The young knight took a deep breath and opened his mouth. He wanted to tell the secret that he could control the change independently, but the words seemed to be blocked in his throat.

He took another deep breath and opened his mouth again, but he still couldn't tell.

The breath of needle gold became hurried and slightly disturbed, his heart seemed to be pressed against a mountain, and the Holy Light that shrouded his body at this moment also appeared thin.

"There is a serious situation!" At this time, Zidi's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Afterwards, the guardian knight Bearton responded: "Please stop, President Zidi. Father Father is presiding over Master Jin Jin."

After being interrupted in this way, the courage of the needle gold finally disappeared.

He was overwhelmed by the pressure in his heart, and he could only sigh deeply: "No, Master Father. This is all my confession."

Scab stood on the spot, looking down at the needle gold half-kneeling, and was silent for a while: "Okay, I understand."

Then he lowered his head, holding the holy emblem on his chest with both hands, and whispered in a deep tone:

"Lord, the great Holy Emperor, my god."

"You are the **** of hope, you are the **** of victory, and you are the **** of light."

"At this moment, I brought the Templar knight gold to You, only You know his heart. I can't change the needle gold, only You can. Please open the needle gold to help him understand what made him leave You. Pray that you will repent of your sins, stir up his desire to reconcile with You, plead with him to hate sin, and practise everything you need to break his cowardice and paranoia, but I ask You to do it in a gentle way , Please bring your experience into Pin Jin’s life and encourage him to return to You.”

Having said all of this, the cruel sand bent over and stretched out his hand, holding up the needle gold.

"Child, you must have confidence in yourself." 58 reading

"More confidence in our Lord."

"He is tolerant and kind, he can tolerate the ocean and cover the sky."

Scab has always been very gentle, like an old father. His words were more profound, and the look of Jin Jin's hesitation was also very obvious.

Jing Jin nodded, and the two left the corner side by side.

Zidi was stopped by the **** knight, Bearton, when he saw the needle gold and scab coming out, his face dignified: "The person in charge of the investigation is back, the situation in front is very unusual!"

Zidi then described the information in detail, scowling at the sand and looking at the gold face.

Soon after, the crowd came to a ruin entrance.

Obviously, there was a big battle here, and the fighting was very intense.

Previously, Jin Jin and others passed through several production workshops, and the degree of damage was getting heavier. At this point, the original metal channel has completely disappeared, replacing a huge hole.

Before entering the cave, the amazing heat inside came out.

Those who had previously served as scouts did not venture into the cave with caution.

Scab and needle gold discussed for a while, then they performed magical skills, and the person who was re-investigated came back to describe the information, and was shocked incoherently.

The crowd sneaked into the cave. Inside was a huge battlefield, almost the size of a town.

The dark red light flooded everything. The ground and the dome were bumpy and uneven. Debris of golems could be seen everywhere, as well as blood stains left by the assault of the powerful sanctuary.

There are traces of fighting everywhere.

Almost half of the battlefield is turned into magma. It is because of the rolling magma that it causes dark red light and horrible heat.

If it wasn't divine art—elemental patience, ordinary people basically couldn't breathe normally here.

The other half of the battlefield, where people can stop and walk, is active with a large number of golems.

"There are many garrison golems!"

"There is another big guy..."

After hiding in a boulder, everyone sheltered their body temporarily, and after looking at it, they all looked dignified.

After the first production workshop, the survivors encountered garrison golems.

This golem is at least twice as strong as the transport golem!

To eliminate a garrison golem, the entire team must make every effort.

At a glance, there are more than ten garrison golems on the battlefield!

The most attractive thing is a huge monster. It is also a golem, but not in human form, with a dragon head, a pig's body, elephant legs, and a python tail.

Some of the garrison golems stayed where they were, while others kept moving, and the patrol route seemed to be irregular.

And this monster golem is six meters high, constantly opening its mouth and eating the pieces of golem on the ground. The tough golem fragments were bitten into more rotten fragments in its mouth.

"There was a war here, and the intensity was beyond our imagination! Originally it should be the defense ground of the alchemy factory. As a result, all the facilities were destroyed, hit the depths of the ground, and even hit the magma!"

"It's terrible, almost full of golem fragments, thousands of golems destroyed!"

"You haven't found it. Some of the pieces are special and look like fine gold. It should be a powerful golem that is higher than the garrison of Warcraft. We haven't encountered it yet.

"Who actually won?"

"I think it's a sacred domain."

"It is also possible that they were all killed and the bodies were taken away. The garrison golems of these activities, and this big guy, are obviously cleaning the battlefield."

War dealers can make alchemy cannons and sell them, indicating that mass production of gold-level equipment is completely within the scope of his ability. It is speculated that it is also very possible to manufacture gold-grade alchemy golems in batches.

Although the sanctuary is powerful, if the number of gold-level enemies reaches a certain level, it can still form a huge threat.

"How does it go? The garrison golems have real vision."

Everyone is in trouble.

"It is impossible to pass. Forcibly breaking through, only three garrison golems can make us into a crisis."

"Still go back and go around the road."

This proposal has been approved by the vast majority of people.

But scab, needle gold, mango and others are all hesitating.

"It's a bit weird," Mang Ge said. "There are so many defensive forces here, why don't you adjust some of them and wipe us out? Taring has already discovered our invaders."

"What's so strange about this?" The guardian knight Bearton pouted, and UU read www.uukanshu.com. "Everyone knows that Taring is half broken."

"Master priest, how about using Jimushu again?" Pin Jin proposed.

Scab nodded and quietly urged magic.

A moment later, his face was pale: "I only saw the magma, and the dark red magma came."

"Let's retreat and change the way." Bearton also suggested.

Scab was about to nod, and suddenly there was a loud explosion near his ear.


The magnificent dragon roar came out of the magma, and at the same time, hundreds of thousands of huge golden beams of light were transmitted from the magma.

The ghost of a dragon appears in the magma.

"This is... the king of the Yanlong!" Jing Jin and others were thrilled.

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