Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 177: : Are you in love with him? !

Zong Ge handed the thin sword silver power to the double.

The three swords behind Li Ge explained: "The blue dog jackal organized the last charge at the front gate, and the underground giant worm also participated. But it encountered Lord Li Ge and was defeated by the adults again."

"It was Master Mange who saw the sword inserted in his body and ventured out of the pit to retrieve the rapier."

Zhenjin breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally came back. I was still worried that Zong Ge would hold the silver electricity in his hand."

The substitute nodded and looked at Zong Ge: "This must be a very exciting battle. Thank you! It came back in time, and now we can take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

"What? Need to pursue it?" Zhenjin was surprised secretly.

But the next words of the stand-in are reasonable and well-founded, and let it go, it will be more dangerous in the future. Instead, take advantage of the attack now, the remaining monsters are very weak.

The stand-in seeks help, but wherever his gaze is swept, people lower their heads, or turn their eyes to look at the person next to him, avoiding his gaze.

The stand-in is very firm: Well, you have your own choice, and I will not force it. But even if it's me alone, I have to deal with the blue dog jackal. "

"My lord!" Zidi whispered.

Others were also moved.

Zhenjin glared secretly: "You are trying to die, bastard, do you know how much we spent to buy you?!"

The blue algae, zongge, and three knives all stood up and chose to attack together with the needle gold.

"This group of fools, going to the forest to hunt down the Warcraft Legion, is simply seeking a dead end! It's crazy, we just failed miserably, and even the camp was burned!" Zhenjin was mad, but helpless, he couldn't stand. Come out to refute.

In fact, he also thinks that there is some truth to the words of the substitute.

"At least the injury must be cured." Zidi insisted, stopping the double.

"I must race against time." The substitute shook his head.

Zidi stared at her substitute, as if she had forgotten everything around her, tears filled her beautiful amethyst eyes.

"When I just didn't show up, Zidi must be extremely worried about me. Actually, I have a lot of confidence, as long as someone attracts firepower for me. But I can't tell her about this, only let her worry about me."

The substitute also stared at Zidi, a guilt caused by concealment, and a strong feeling of love and compassion rising in the body and mind.

The next moment, the avatar slowly held Zidi in his arms.

"I..." Zhenjin saw this scene and immediately breathed fire in his eyes.

"Hug again! You hug my fiancee again!"

"This time in front of so many people!!"

"You are dead, you are dead!"

Zhenjin was furious and kept roaring in his heart.

Zidi's body trembled slightly.

Zhenjin put her nose against Zidi's ears and gently said to her: "When I come back, I promise you that I will come back."

After saying this, Zhenjin released Zidi, turned and left.

Zong Ge and others followed closely.

The others were dumbfounded, watching the four of them drift away.

Zhenjin was panting, and his head was dizzy with anger.

"Hurry up and die, I don't want to see you anymore!!"

"It's better to die with those two evil blue dogs and jackals!"

"This is a hero!" Someone sighed sincerely.

These words touched the deepest part of Bai Ya's heart. The young man yelled, "Sir, wait for me!"

Bai Ya rushed out of the crowd without the slightest hesitation on her face.

At this moment, the spirit and glory of adventure filled his mind and made him lose his mind.

"Quickly stop him." Zidi ordered immediately.

"Just give me a break, brat." Marlin gently hooked her foot and tripped Bai Ya to the ground. "You are going to die."

Bai Ya got up, still wanting to follow the needle gold: "I want to be a knight, how can a knight shrink?"

"Braveness is not stupid, young man." Cangsu sighed and persuaded, "Maybe one day, you will become a knight. But you are still just a mortal now, and this...is the romance of knights."

Bai Ya still wants to talk.

"Shut up for me!" Acupuncture knocked Bai Ya stunned, looking shameful.

"Just because you want to seek the glory of the knight? Huh!" Zhenjin snorted coldly, becoming more angry in his heart.

This anger is complicated.

Even he didn't notice it, and his anger was mixed with admiration and admiration for the substitute.


While the avatar, Zong Ge and others were chasing the blue dog jackal, Zhenjin and Zidi quarreled again.

"I don't want to see you hug him again, you know what I mean!" Zhenjin warned Zidi very severely.

Zidi shook her head and stared at the needle gold with innocent and aggrieved eyes: "My lord, please don't use such wording, I have never given up!"

"I know, but you never refused!" The needle gold circled in place, and the whole person looked very irritable.

"My lord, if I dodge, it would be too suspicious, isn't it?" Zidi retorted, "What do you want me to do to continue our plan? Please teach me."

The needle gold was run into speechless, and he became angry: "I don't care about these! Do you know? When he hugs you, I can hardly control myself. Angrily rushes to the top of my head, every time I kill him, The urge to kill everyone else!"

"Master Zhenjin!" Zidi shook her head, looking speechless, "I understand you very well, but please put away your jealousy, okay? He is not worthy to make you jealous of the lord, he is just a stand-in, one is deceived by us. The poor tool in the drum. Everything he does is to pave the way for you, my lord."

Zidi gave some persuasion and comfort, and Zhenjin finally calmed down: "I have lost my mind. You are right, he is just a tool. It is a very useful tool. But it is a pity... He is estimated to be unable to come back this time. ."

Zidi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately revealed sadness and sorrow.

Zhenjin keenly caught this change in Zidi's expression, and a sense of badness suddenly surged in his heart.

"Wait." He stared at Zidi, "What are you thinking? My fiancee, are you worried about him? Worried about a substitute, a chess piece?"

Zidi immediately stared, and her previous expression suddenly disappeared: "My lord! What's wrong with you? Am I worried that he is wrong? If he is damaged, our previous investment will be lost. The impact on our future is also true. Great! After all, he has a silver cultivation base, and your lord, you are only black iron."

A strong feeling of shame suddenly rushed to Zhenjin's heart, making him stare at Zidi.

"I, I will become the Silver Knight sooner or later!"

Zidi seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and quickly remedied: "My lord, your aptitude is obvious to all, and the golden knight is by no means your end point. Sorry, I'm just very nervous. If the substitute is damaged, how can we protect it next? Safe? How to escape from here?"

Zhenjin's attention was involved in his own safety, and suddenly he lost his true mood with Zidi.

"You said yes." He sighed deeply, "It's a bit too early to die for the substitute."

"I think we should keep hope." Zidi insisted.

"I hope... Hope is really slim." Zhenjin replied feebly.


But after all four of them, including the double, the mane, and the others, brought the body of a blue dog jackal, Zhen Jin was really shocked.

"Unbelievable... It really succeeded."

"My lord!" The girl Zidi trot all the way and came to the stand in front of her. Her eyes were red, as if she wanted to hug her, but so many people stopped because of shyness.

Seeing this scene, Zhenjin's heart was relieved.

At the celebration dinner, the double became the well-deserved protagonist.

People's adoration and admiration focused on the substitute, talking about the knight of the gods.

Zhenjin sat in the corner, disdainful in his heart.

"Holy Knight?"

"Hehe, if he is a knight of the gods, I can swallow the silver life!"

"Even Mange was deceived! Humph, the orcs really have no brains."

"But... what kind of beastization can actually grow armor?"

Looking at the eulogized substitute, Jin Jin's heart became more envious, and he could not wait to replace him.

Then, Zhenjin heard Cangxu's words again.

"Master Zhenjin himself is an extremely good practitioner, and his talent is very outstanding."

"He has a noble blood, and he is also a Templar knight, who dedicated all his faith to Emperor Shengming."

"These have made him unique, but what is more valuable for him is that he always abides by the way of the knight, heals the strong and supports the weak, punishes the evil and promotes the good, takes care of the weak, even if he sacrifices himself, he does not violate the principles of the Templar! "

"He is brave and fearless, fair and just, willing to accept anyone, and treats everyone as a companion. From this we can see his broad mind, compassion and benevolent nature."

"Isn't it right for such a person to be favored by the gods?"

Zhenjin fell into silence.

In his mind, a problem suddenly emerged that made him difficult to face——

If it's him, can he do all this?


"Huh, this question is meaningless."

"He is a lycanthrope. Before the transformation, he was a Silver Knight. He is much stronger than me."

"If I have a silver cultivation base, I can...should it."

Zhenjin became more silent.

The voice of the stand-in went on to spread throughout the camp: "So, not just my name, but we also have to cheer for Mange, cheer for the three swords, cheer for the blue algae, cheer for our warriors!"

When the avatar distributed the credit and glory to the mane Ge, the three swords and the blue algae, and everyone kept reciting the names of these three people, the needle gold was as silent as death, and his face became a little pale.


The wolf corpse brought back by the avatar was dissected in public. Zidi was very excited when he talked about perfume.

The camp was burned down, and the survivors set off with timber.

Because of the knight's name, Marlin took the initiative to take refuge in the stand-in, and the mane died. The battles together made everyone get along better, no longer the two previous camps.

"It was really made by a substitute. Now, he is the real leader of everyone!" Zhenjin sighed in her heart.

The spider group that was blocking the road suddenly disappeared mysteriously.

Zhen Jin thought of the remaining blue dog jackal, and felt terrified: "Could it be the blue dog jackal that has been following us secretly? The blade spider swarms will not move randomly, and they will not Fleeing because of fear of us, this is their lair! But without any fighting and fighting, they disappeared like this. They must have been taken away by the blue dog jackal. It took the initiative to lead the swarm of blade spiders to retreat, with the purpose of continuing nearby Accumulate the legion, and after reaching a certain level, it will lead the legion to attack us again!"

A large number of monkey-tailed brown bears are also gone.

The faces of the survivors were worried and solemn that could not hide.

"The monkey-tailed brown bears are gone, there are signs of fighting near the cave, not many."

"That blue dog jackal is still following us!"

"The Warcraft Legion has grown again, what should we do?"

During the long journey, the disease spread among the survivors.

"The symptoms of these sick people vary in severity, but they are all similar. Do you want to give up these people?" Sandao asked the substitute.

"Give up?" Zhenjin shook his head, "How would we build ships without a boatmaker?"

The stand-in insisted on seeing the patient.

"In this situation, what else do you want to perform? The guy who stands for the role is too deep, and the superior should keep his own safety. This is the best responsibility for others!"

Jingjin secretly sneered at the substitute's behavior and was also worried about it.

Unfortunately, he couldn't control the actions of the double.

The disease subsided, and people began to advocate the correct choice of substitutes and wise leadership.

Upon reaching the beach, Bai Ya found a small barrel of rum.

Bonfire dinner on the beach.

The survivors were ragged and unshaven, shaped like savages.

Bai Ya divided the wine, with a serious face. The fat tongue lowered his head, dipping the wine on the edge of the shell little by little.

Cangsu wiped his eyes. After passing through the jungle, there was only one lens left in his pair of glasses, and there was only an empty frame on the other side.

Muban pinched an empty wine bottle and stroked the surface affectionately with his fingers-this is the touch of human civilization.

Zong Ge and Sandao lowered their heads and talked quietly.

The big man squatted on the ground, listening quietly to the boatman's song.

The cyanobacteria still stood loyally on the beach behind Jin Jin.

The avatar looked at the night sky, starry night. He looks far to the east, where there is a wilderness continent, there is a white sand city, and he has his responsibilities and hope for the future.

Pinjin looked at the wine in his shell, and sneered in his heart: "Huh, rum. How can I degenerate to such a degree?"

The rare cheap rum did not bring joy to needle gold, but a shame. 52 Literature

He disgustedly gave the wine to the people around him, and he looked to the west, it was Shengming Continent, where there was a home.


The weather became weird and changeable, and the heavy rain kept falling.

When the stand-in was not there, Zhenjin found Zidi and asked, "That night, someone saw you go to the stand-in's tent secretly. What did you do?"

Zidi was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I'm going to deliver the medicine, sir, I will be out soon."

"Hmph, of course I know that you haven't stayed for long. If that's not the case, my attitude is different now!" Zhenjin's face was gloomy, "Why did you take the initiative to go to his tent? He didn't come to provoke you, but you Take the initiative to provoke him! Potion, what is it?"

"A kind of anti-cold medicine. It is made with a kind of poisonous mushroom as the main ingredient. The medicine is slightly toxic, but it can invigorate the spirit. Only people with a high level of life can use it." Zidi replied.

"Why do you care about him so much? To drive away the cold? Does he need to drive away the cold? Before the transformation, he was a silver knight, after the transformation, he was a beast, and he is likely to be stronger than Mane Ge!" Zhenjin's eyes became sharp, as if To penetrate the deepest part of Zi Di.

Zidi shook his head and said aggrieved: "My lord, we can't control him anymore. We need to keep in touch and fetter him in other ways. I have been implementing the plan we have agreed upon."

Zhenjin's eyes were scrutinized: "My fiancee, something is wrong with you!"

"Then excuse me, what's wrong with me? Everything I do is for us!" Zidi's expression changed slightly, and she retorted.

Zhenjin shook his head: "As long as you know that I am the needle gold, that is just a counterfeit. When he has no use value, he will usher in death. This **** island is not the whole world. Remember, you are Zidi , Is the master of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and also my fiancee!"

Zidi stared slightly: "I know! Master Zhenjin, what are you suspicious of me?"

"You are so good at it." Zhen Jin said with a cold face and quietly retreated.


"Whether it is mountains, seas, swamps, or islands, the holy light of our lord shines on everything. The flag of the empire will always fly in the wind and stand tall!"

"Nothing can hinder me from moving forward. I will gain glory, and follow me, the glory will belong to you."

"From now on, I will be in charge of this place."

"Who has objections?"

The audience was silent.

The substitute nodded in satisfaction.

He led the crowd, finally brought together the rest of the survivors, and successfully controlled these people in the first time.

The stand-in at this moment showed the domineering and prestige that had never been before.

"Yes, I... should be like this!" The needle gold in the crowd looked up at the substitute, yearning, gratified, joyful, envious, excited, and at the same time there was a trace of fear and hesitation.


Solved the threat of underground sandworms, dismantled half of the pig's kiss, the shipmaker designed a new ship, people began to build the ship, and at the same time cleared the nearby herd.

Prepared for a long time and finally waited for the opportunity.

He climbed up a hillside and witnessed the slaughter of an entire group of scale-horned panthers after the needle-gold transformation.

"He is so powerful! A monster, it's a monster!!" Zhenjin shuddered.

Suddenly, the substitute turned his head and looked at him.

"He found me! Damn it, run!" Zhenjin's heart jumped wildly, turned and ran, and fled to the valley!


"How did he find me?"

"Did you feel my gaze?!"

"Quick, quicker. If he catches me, I will be murdered!"

The extreme fear of stimulating the needle gold made him burst out at an unprecedented speed.

Running wildly, he quickly panted and sweated profusely.

The tree canopy suddenly shook behind him, and Zhenjin suddenly turned around to check when he heard the movement.

"Is there something?"

"Should it be a stand-in?"

"How fast is he?!"

"Am I going to die? Am I going to die?"

"No, don't scare yourself like that. Run, run!"

Pausing for a few breaths in place, there was no other movement in the canopy that had just shaken.

Zhenjin's heart is set off a monstrous storm.

"Am I scaring myself?"

"No! It might be a substitute. He... hesitating. Yes, he hesitating!"

"My memory has shaped him. He thinks he is a Templar, how can he attack my companion? But I saw him beastly again."

"Not good, not good!"

"Should I directly identify myself? No! This is to stimulate him and encourage him to kill me."

"Run, pretend not to see through, keep running!"


Zhenjin let out a suffocating breath, pretending to be more relieved, turned around and continued running.

After a while, Zhenjin and the other patrol members joined together.

"Master Heiju." The team members greeted Jingjin.

"According to the worst plan, there will be a substitute behind me."

"According to the stand-in's combat power, the entire patrol will suffer his poison, two or three minutes is more than enough!"

"I have to explain first and hold him steady."

Zhenjin's thoughts flashed, and he nodded at the same time: "I followed the strange sound and explored for a long distance, but found nothing. Let's go, let's go back to the camp now."

"But it's still early." Some people objected.

Zhenjin's heart was furious: "How early?! Do you know that it is very likely that we will all die in the next second!"

Forcibly suppressing the strong emotions in his heart, Jin Jin smiled and said: "The time is almost here, we are already far from the valley camp, rushed back, just can eat a warm bite."

"Don't worry, we have already surveyed this place. If there are beasts in the future, there will be traps to be stepped on to warn us."

Seeing the attitude of needle gold, others no longer insist on it.


"Just listen to Lord Heijuan."

Some people laughed and joked: "I always thought that Lord Heijuan is not good for you, but it turns out that you really get along with you, it's a rumors.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, let's go quickly." Zhenjin couldn't help but urged.

But I was roaring in my heart: "Go away, you idiots!!! If you don't go, we will all die!"

Finally, in a state of extreme anxiety, Zhenjin and others returned to the valley camp.


Suddenly, the manta monkey's needle-gold beast roared and disturbed the nearby birds flying into the sky.

Zhenjin's whole body was agitated, and he told him instinctively: "It's a substitute, that's him! He's probably been following us all the time, and has been hesitating whether to attack me!"

"Have he finally made up his mind?"

"Is he going to kill me?"

"No! It must not be like this, how can I die here?"

"Killed by my own double?! This is so sad, so funny!"

This movement also attracted the attention of others.

"what sound?"

"Did you hear anything just now?"

"It looks like a manta monkey is roaring."

They stopped subconsciously and turned to look behind them.

"Go away, you bastards!" Zhenjin roared in his heart. He didn't dare to show any abnormality. Success was right in front of him. If the irritation became a substitute for the killer, he would be very angry and unwilling when he died.

"How is it possible?" Zhenjindui laughed and retorted, "Manta monkeys are all in groups, even the stray manta monkeys expelled by the group do not dare to go deep near the valley camp."

"Should we investigate?" someone suggested.

"You are going to die, I will never stop you!!!" Zhenjin wanted to choke the proposed guy to death on the spot.

But reason kept suppressing his impulse.

Zhenjin shook his head and tried his best to keep his face calm: "No need. There is no threat to a single stray manta monkey. Was there really any movement just now? Why didn't I hear it? The wind is rising, and the wind is getting louder and louder. The camp is right in front of you. Are some of you too nervous?"

Everyone knows the strength of Heijuan, since the elites of Bronze rank say so, everyone is relieved.

"It should be just the wind."

"Okay, go back to the camp."

When he officially entered the camp, Zhenjin's heart was full of tears: "I finally came back! I really took my life."

"No, not yet!"

"I have to completely dispel my suspicion. If I can't dispel the suspicion of the substitute, I might be assassinated in the camp someday!"

"Find Zidi!"

"Now only she can help me!!"

Zidi knew the situation and stared at Zhenjin in disbelief: "My lord, how can you do this?! You are too risky to do this, it is not necessary. What we have to do now is to escape here with all our strength."

"No, how could it be unnecessary?" Zhenjin shook his head, "We need to investigate, we know too little about him. His current authority must not be offended. It is really against us. We have no power to fight back. He hides too much. It's deep, there is too much city government. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that he has such a powerful combat power!"

"This time, you have to help me."

"If he assassinates me in the future, we will all be over. You and your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce will be completely destroyed under my father's wrath!"

Zidi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Master Zhenjin, don't worry. According to your description, the avatar has followed you all the way. But on the way, he didn't kill him. You are safe!"

"No." Jin Jin immediately retorted, "What if he changes his mind in the future? I'm still very dangerous. I must find a way as soon as possible to dispel his suspicion of me."

"You don't know him, my lord." Zidi sighed.

Zhenjin stared at Zidi tightly: "I don't know him, you know?! Why do you think he will not kill me, why? Is there a close relationship between you and him that I don't know? ? Or do you think it doesn't matter if he kills me?"

"Ha ha."

"Zidi, I must tell you. If I am going to die, a few days later, many letters will be discovered in large numbers. They are full of our secrets and the truth about the substitute."

"I'm going to spy on intelligence, how can I not take any measures?"

Zidi suddenly changed her tone: "My lord, you are playing with fire! Where are the letters?"

Zhenjin laughed: "The letter is specially made and will not be easily discovered by you."

Zidi took a deep breath: "Master Zhenjin, please calm down, I will definitely help you, because we are always in the same camp. You shouldn't do aggressive behavior, please calm down first?"

"If I continue to calm down, I might be killed by a substitute and replaced by him!" Zhenjin growled.

"How is it possible?" Zidi rolled his eyes and was speechless. "No matter how much he looks like you, even if his blood is the same as you, he can't replace you. The empire has a strict censorship system, and all the dukes are Gods, insight into everything, there has never been an example of long-term disguise replaced by high-level empires!"

"But I'm in danger right now, if he changes his mind and wants to kill me, who can protect me?!" Zhenjin continued to growl, the pressure of death made him hysterical.

"and many more!"

Zhenjin suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Your reaction is very strange, my fiancee!"

"You don't seem to worry about my safety at all. I am your fiancé. The fact of our marriage has been announced. I am dead, and your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce must be over!"

"What did you just say? I don't know about doubles. You trust the doubles too much. Do you really think he is a knight? A knight of the gods?"

"Wait!" Zhenjin's eyes became sharp, he stared at Zidi's eyes firmly, and asked in a difficult voice, "Aren't you falling in love with him?!"

Zidi rolled her eyes and became visibly frantic: "My lord, what is in your mind? I will fall in love with him? A stand-in? A beast?"

"Hahaha." Zhenjin sneered, his face full of suspicion.

"Yeah, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really ridiculous. Falling in love with a stand-in, falling in love with a beast... This is really unwise, and it will never be what a chamber of commerce president should do."

"But love... this kind of thing, I really can't tell."

"When love goes to the head, no matter how sensible people in this world are, they will become hopeless fools!"

"Very dangerous, Zidi, your current performance makes me feel that you are dangerous now."

"I hope you can recognize reality clearly."

"Even if you fall in love with him, there will only be a tragedy between you!"

"Think about it, when he knows the truth about everything, when he knows that he is not a Templar at all, but a humble stand-in, when he knows the person he loves the most, the fiancee he always thought was actually the one who deceived him the most. People. What would he do? What would he think of you?"

Zidi held his breath.

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