Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 178: : I don't care about your mistakes

"Stop!" Zidi stretched out her hand and pressed virtually, "My lord, please stop these persecuted fantasies! I'm a little bit fed up!"

Zidi pulled the hair from her forehead to behind her ears. She took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her emotions. After a few breaths, she said: "I have a way, I have a way, Master Jinjin, you must calm down first. , Listen to me..."

"Is only part of it exposed? Make him mistakenly think I didn't see clearly? This is indeed a way." Zhenjin nodded and approved Zidi's plan.

After a meeting, whether it was a substitute or the crisis of needle gold, it was temporarily lifted.

The next day, Zhenjin led a team to explore the battlefield again, but found that the battlefield had been cleaned up.

The information was sent back, and the executives discussed it again.

Zidi looked at the double worrisomely: "My lord, you still did night patrol last night. Please don't do this, okay? A huge army of Warcraft is likely to be lurking around us, and the blue dog jackal is very likely After learning a lesson, this time I have subdued a new type of terrifying beast. My lord, although you have the power of your heart, you are only alone in the middle of the night."

The double feels heavy. The one who cleans up the battlefield is of course him!

"This woman..." Zhenjin lowered her head, hiding a gloomy expression.

"Master Zidi is very reasonable. Master, your personal safety is related to the overall situation. It has always been because of you that we have reunited, built ships together, and worked together to escape together. Without you leading us, we will become A plate of loose sand. Your status is precious, so you shouldn't take the risk yourself." Cyanobacteria also persuaded.

Cangxu and others nodded one after another.

Even Mange said: "Knights Templar, we can understand your feelings, and we know your bravery, and never shirk the responsibility of being a leader. But because of this, we have to be more careful. If we are in the wild late at night, You are besieged by the army of warcraft, or attacked by that mysterious warcraft, it will be a huge blow to your side. The two armies start war, the commander can't run around at will."

"It's ridiculous and sad! If you let them know the real identity of the substitute, what kind of expression will they have?" Zhenjin sneered.

There has been a lot of progress in ship building, but the big man went crazy, earthquakes and volcanoes erupted, and more and more warcraft groups continued to besiege the valley camp.

In this difficult and difficult situation, the new ship was finally built successfully.

During the celebration banquet, the double left quietly.

"Where is he going?" Zijin secretly followed, and soon he found that Zijin and the big man were sitting on the hillside.

"Huh, it really means gathering people in groups, a beast, a half-giant, all monsters!" Zhenjin sneered and returned to the banquet.

However, under the double attacks of the earthquake and the Warcraft Corps, the new ship was destroyed.

At the critical juncture, if it were not for many people's sudden beastization and frantically counterattack, the needle gold would have died in the mouth of the beasts.

When the old boatman was dead, he couldn't let go of the big man and begged for a substitute with his eyes.

"Don't agree! With such an idiot, what noble reputation do I have!" Zhen Jin was extremely opposed, but there was no way.

He watched as the substitute agreed and successfully coaxed the big man.

"The sympathy between the two monsters is really disgusting!" Zhenjin spurned secretly.

The animalized companion was dissected, and Zidi suspected: "The arrangement of the lord of the island can subtly change the life on the island. This is probably the reason why our companion is animalized."

"Should I be recruited too? I have been on this island for such a long time, and maybe I have also been secretly reformed!" Jin Jin felt fear.

And these weird monsters proposed by Cangxu, perhaps their predecessors were all speculations of human beings, it was even more chilling.

Zhenjin grabbed his curly hair and gritted his teeth and cursed: "I'm so fed up with this **** place! Guess what we are doing. Let's fix the boat quickly and get out of here as soon as possible."

The reality is very cruel-the new ship has been destroyed and cannot sail.

It was another huge earthquake, the ground was cracked, and a brand new river appeared in front of everyone.

Zidi proposed to go to the volcanic zone and attack the center.

"No." Zhenjin shook his head, "We can wait for rescue. It's crazy to attack the center of the island! There is a volcano erupting there, and there is a warcraft army along the way. We will even die halfway."

"We use boats." The voice of the stand-in came. "This will save us a lot of travel and time."

The needle was taken aback.

"Just now, Emperor Shengming conveyed the enlightenment to me!" The substitute pointed at the river.

Everyone was shocked again.

Jin Jin was so angry that he almost slapped it over. I don't know what the details of your substitute are? Still cheating people to death!

"Could it be that this river was made by Emperor Shengming?"

"No wonder we did not die."

"The will of the gods can't be calculated!"

"Knight of the Gods..." Cangsu bowed deeply to the needle gold, sighing, "This may be your heroic road. My master needle gold!"

Almost everyone present had some scalp tingling.

They seem to feel that they are witnessing history!

If the hero’s epic is sung in the future, do we also have a role?

"It's over! You idiots!!" Zhenjin's heart was filled with despair, "He is not a hero at all, he can mutate and beast, he is the most terrible threat!"

Looking around, he confirmed that the hearts of the people have changed. He firmly ordered: "It is so decided, we will try our best to repair the ship, cremate our companions, collect food, water and weapons as much as possible. We will set sail and we will go. ...The very center of the island!"

No one objected.

Zhenjin yelled wildly in her heart: "It's crazy, the avatar is crazy, Zidi is also crazy, this group of people are crazy, they are all seeking their own way of death!"


Everyone went all the way, was forced to disembark and was attacked by the army of Warcraft.

Scab appeared: "Needle gold, you are finally here."

"Scabby sand?! He is still alive!" Zhenjin was overjoyed in secret.

"My lord, we are going to succeed!" Zidi quietly found the needle gold, "With Master Scab's magic, we hope to increase greatly. Scab has reached an agreement with the substitute, and he will fully support you to become the Lord of Baisha. And if This time we have made great contributions, and it is by no means just a city! Although the shipwreck is an accident, it is full of opportunities. The stand-in is working hard for us, and as long as we continue, we can gain a lot."

"Yeah, there is nothing wrong with what you said." Zhenjin was worried, "With a substitute in front of it, we can be safer. Alas, I hope it will succeed in the end."

"We have no choice, sir. To stay where we are waiting for rescue, hope is very small." Zidi said.

"I know."

The two talked for a while, looking at Zidi's back, Zhenjin's eyes darkened.

The peers filled everything with opportunities, and finally the time had come for the needle and gold to find the scab in private: "Father, I am eager for a confession."

In the confession, Zhenjin confessed everything.

"Interesting!" The scab couldn't hide the shock, "Whether it is your substitute or your fiancee, it is very interesting."

"Need gold, you made the wisest choice."

"But right now, just as if this conversation between you and me never happened. You know what I mean?"

"I understand, Father priest!" Zhenjin gave a deep salute.


Under the leadership of Scab, everyone broke through to the underground alchemy factory and went all the way to the center.

Lightning smashed to death the full substitute, Zhenjin firmly grasped Zidi and confessed everything to everyone.

The artificial beasts fell into great chaos, killing each other, and the narrow stairs, few could break through.

"Don't panic, everyone. Revealing the truth is good for you and me. Now it's just a substitute, and I'm still alive!" Zhenjin began to persuade the other survivors.

"Blue algae, you should understand now, I am your master." Zhenjin looked at the blue algae.

Spirulina was still holding the body of the substitute, his face was dull, and the truth completely subverted his cognition.

Zhenjin turned his head and smiled at Bai Ya and the others: "You are willing to follow me, I am very happy. As my Templar knight, with the reputation of my nobleman, my loyalty will definitely be rewarded. Follow me and you will get it. The glory and wealth you want."

"God, what is going on?!" Bai Ya held his head, his thoughts in confusion.

Cang Xu was silent.

The half-orc repelled the rushing beast, and snorted coldly: "Shut up! You coward, what qualifications do you have to lead us? Your stand-in is more like a Templar than you!"

Zong Ge believed in the words of scab and needle gold, because the priest would not joke about his faith, but he did not approve such needle gold at all.

"Regardless of whether you are Master Needle, please let go of my president first." Fat Tongue looked stern.

Zhenjin shook his head, firmly grasped Zidi's arm, and refused: "She is your president, and even my fiancee."

Zidi was desperate, staring straight at the body of the substitute.

Seeing such a fiancée, Jin Jin suddenly became angry, and he shouted: "Enough, you give me a clearer mind."

At this moment, several flying squirrels rushed in.

"Be careful!" Zong Ge warned loudly.

The minds of the crowd were already confused, their morale fell to the bottom, and the flying squirrel's attack immediately made them rushed.

Zhenjin pulled Zidi and shot the flying squirrel with a crossbow arrow while moving back.

Zidi had no intention to move, she even wanted to run towards the body of the substitute, but was quickly discovered by needle gold and stopped immediately.

"Enough!" Zhenjin growled.

"Zidi, it's normal for young people to make mistakes."

"I checked your information and I know that you have no experience of being in love. Don't think that this is the collapse of the sky."

"Think about your chamber of commerce, think about you still have so many youthful years."

"I don't care about your mistakes, follow me! We are the most suitable pair~www.readwn.com~We need each other!"

Zidi is still struggling.

Zhenjin had no choice but to whisper in her ear: "Let's go to the next level now."

"I don't trust him, he has been dazzled by the monstrous credit. Of course, I will do the same for me! Who wants to give the credit to others?"

"Scabby Sha doesn't dare to kill me, but he certainly doesn't mind you to die! Follow me, you can live!"

"Besides, scab is the murderer who killed the double. Don't you want to keep your life and avenge your beloved one?!"

In the desperate situation, I can only use these words to persuade.

Zidi's body shook, and finally stopped resisting, and with the needle gold stepped onto the highest level of the central tower.

The rest of the survivors watched. Someone wanted to follow, but was struck by a flash of lightning.

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