Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 64: : My name is Cangsu

Cangsu nodded slightly, and was silent for a while, as if pondering words.

Then, in a desolate tone, he said: "I am called Cangxu, I was born in a farmer's house, originally a farmer's son."

"I started working when I was five or six years old. My main job is to clean up horse dung. Our family has a short-legged stallion, which is used to pull plows."

"Once I was cleaning horse dung, the stallion suddenly became angry and kicked me in the heels. I fell into the dung and nearly died of suffocation. Although I was saved by luck, I was so close that I was killed by contact It ’s full of my young soul and I ca n’t release it for a long time. ”

"I became very timid, afraid of any kind of horse, or even something in a similar shape. I did n’t even dare to get close to the stable. My parents arranged for other jobs for me, and I was afraid of shrinking. To hide. "

"This kind of me is naturally ridiculed and alienated by playmates, disgusted by parents, and everyone in the village is not optimistic about my future."

"After a long time, I realized that my fear may not be a horse, but a life like a farmer."

"Shame makes me lonely, and loneliness makes me think. The gift of fate is bitter and then sweet, making me afraid that I will live my life as a farmer."

"Lucky has come. When I was eight years old, I saw the dawn of fate. A priest of the horse gods came to our village and wanted to build a church. There is no church in the village, and the whole village hopes to be sick At that time, there was a priest who treated him. So, the villagers organized themselves, and the priest with a free status built a horse **** church. Among all the volunteers, I was the most hardworking. The belief of the horse **** wants to win the favor of the pastor. "

"The pastor very much hopes for children of my age. After a day of work, he will convene more than a dozen children, including me, to teach us the knowledge of arithmetic and writing."

"From spring to autumn, when the church was successfully built, a message was announced among the pastors."

"He will select several volunteers to become co-workers. He will even recruit two of the children and train them to become apprentice pastors."

"No one is a fool, villagers are rushing for this. The status of clergy is much higher than that of a farmer. And families with school-age children are almost crazy."

"I really want to be an apprentice pastor. I know this may be the only chance in my life to change my destiny, so I can even spare my life!"

"very intense competition."

"With my hard work and my previous hard work, I stayed in the final selection. There are four people in total, but only two apprentice pastors are recruited. The remaining three are all rich households in the village, and one of them is the village head. In order to increase hope, they used their power and wealth to bully my family, force my parents, and let me take the initiative to admit defeat. "

"My home was squeezed out so that it almost couldn't survive, and it became a torment every day. My parents persuaded me, of course I refused, and almost broke with them."

"I took the attitude of not being able to be successful, and went to the final assessment. However, I failed."

"The shadow of my childhood still envelopes my heart, and I fear horses. For the **** of horses, I have only fear and no respect."

"I can't believe in him, even if I try my best."

"The clever and wise pastor of the horse **** is also ruthless. Even though I knelt on the ground and begged him, he still eliminated me."

"I was so lost, I felt that my whole life was bleak. I was walking down the street that evening, surrounded by villagers mocking me. I didn't know how to get home, and I couldn't eat any food at all."

"For a while, my father scolded me, and my mother scolded me for thinking too much. Although my family is a free man, because the father had a serious illness, the family conditions were very poor, and the forced livelihood could only be cultivated. Other people ’s farmland, and then pay rent. This is actually no different from the serf. However, because of me, no villager rents us extra land. "

"In order to punish me, my parents gave me a lot of labor. Every day, I slept on a haystack with a body that was almost falling apart."

"Punishment and failure did not make me admit defeat, nor did ridicule and exclusion make me despair. I became more and more unwilling, and this unwillingness gradually turned into a kind of resentment. Although I have been depressed for many days, I soon Cheer up. The biggest way I tried was to review what I learned from the pastor. "

"I only have free time at night. During the daytime, I have to get up early. If I can't finish the work my parents told me, I won't even have a piece of black bread."

"Even though I was very tired every day, I never gave up studying at night. What I taught the pastor was memorable and deeply imprinted in my heart. Until now, I have every knowledge I remember all very clearly. I cherish them and cherish them, just like the hope of cherishing my life. They are my resistance to my own destiny! "

"One night, Pastor Horse God quietly came to the haystack and awakened me who was asleep."

"I was shocked and happy, did I think there was a turning point? I immediately knelt down on the ground and swear to the priest that I would do my utmost to believe in the **** of horses and eliminate all fears in my heart."

"But Pastor Horse God shook his head. He said: Horse God doesn't demand faith. The reason why he found me was because he discovered my state of life and had been secretly observing it for a while. I worked hard and was full of knowledge The eager attitude touched him. "

"Pastor Ma Shen gave me a whole new choice. If I acted as his slave, he would teach me what I want. As for the future, it all depends on my own efforts."

"I convinced my parents to sell myself."

"Of course, it was mainly pastor Ma Shen who spent a lot of money to buy me."

"The pastor did n’t deceive me, and even treated me much better than I thought. He even kept the deal secret and made me a servant in the church. I served the pastor ’s life with all my heart and effort, and he taught me Valuable knowledge. I know more about arithmetic, literature, astronomy, geography. "

"Among all the gains, I think the most precious thing is Pastor Ma Shen's curiosity about knowledge and his attitude of seeking hard. This attitude has affected my life."

Speaking of which, Cangsu paused. The long narrative made him breathless.

Cangsu continued: "The competition for faith is sometimes more intense than war. The horse **** originated in the wilderness continent and is the **** of the orc belief. On the Holy Continent, his influence is too small. So, when the life sect spread , The belief of the horse **** was immediately shaken, quickly defeated, without the slightest amount of competitiveness. "

"Pastor Ma Shen was forced to go. Before leaving, he released my slave status and announced that I was free again. And, he suggested that I continue to study."

"I went to Yinqiao College and participated in the assessment. Pastor Ma Shen ’s professor gave me a solid academic foundation, so I passed the assessment and became a very poor student in the college. Three years later, I successfully passed the college Graduated and became a scholar. "

"I taught at Yinqiao College for three years, and then relying on the network of the college, I became a little nobleman."

"Later, I transferred many nobles to hold small positions in territory management."

"I am not a noble, nor a servant of nobility since childhood, and more importantly, I do not have the qualifications to practice. These reasons have made me repeatedly despised and excluded, and the position has not been high."

"After five years, there is a chance to appear in front of me."

"A riot broke out in a village and the tax collector was killed. The tax collector was deceived and deceived, afraid of being discovered by the lord and rewarding people who could successfully tax."

"I know the villagers in that village very well, so I thought this was an opportunity and I volunteered to go."

"I was hung up and beaten, locked in a cell, and tortured constantly."

"Just when they want to kill me, ask me what I have left."

"I laughed out loud, but just shook my head and didn't speak."

"This confuses the villagers."

"I told them that I am their friend and have never been hostile. I came to save them. If they obey and pay taxes, then the manager will treat everything as if nothing has happened. If they do n’t want to, then there will be a knight Come and kill them. "

"The villagers are afraid, knowing that the entire village can't resist the knights. But if they pay taxes, they will collect their food and they will starve to death."

"I pretended to tell them that the general manager had secretly lowered taxes. By paying them, the villagers would still have the grain to save and survive. But as a condition, the villagers must be kept strictly confidential, otherwise other villages and towns will follow suit.

"After consultation, the villagers agreed to come down. I secretly filled in the missing taxes and returned to life."

"In this way, I got the favor of the manager and was finally promoted."

"I was in a prime position, and at first no one looked at me. They thought I was powerless, just a simple scholar, and an assassination would kill my life. But in fact, I did it in this position. More than thirty years. "

"The position I am in has given me the opportunity to express myself. My knowledge allows me to show my value, and the lords are gradually impressed by me."

"In this process, I never give up my pursuit of knowledge. It is precisely because I keep acquiring new knowledge that my value is growing."

"Although Pastor Horse God left me very early, his spirit of pursuing knowledge has been integrated into my blood."

"I thought I would serve the lord until death, but fate gave me a new way."

"With the passage of time, I am getting older and older, which has given many people the opportunity to see. At the same time, I pursue more knowledge than love, and try to avoid the factional struggle within the lord, and also dissatisfied those in power.

"They instigated a young man."

"He is called Lan Tu, and he is daydreaming of becoming a knight all day. He is my dearest deputy. The lord's third lady is lured by love and finally makes this young man decide to betray."

"He told me that he was a dangerous criminal who had been hiding for many years, and he had always been deliberate about the territory and the family of the lord, and concealed conspiracy."

"In order to save my life, I can only escape. The young man successfully accepted my position and was solicited by the third lady."

"The act of escaping from crime has undoubtedly confirmed the allegations of young people. At the beginning of the escape, I was very sad, angry, and indulged in all kinds of negative emotions.

"After a long time, I finally figured it out."

"Fate gives me a new way."

"I asked myself, I ’m so old, I do n’t have much time, how do I spend the rest of my life? In the end, I decided to pursue what I really want, that is knowledge. Among all the knowledge, I am the most interested in biology. Interested. I want to achieve something academically, I want to complete a book and do my best to explain the mysteries of life. "

“Soon, a wanted order about me spread. I ’m not surprised. I serve the lord ’s family, occupy important positions, and know many secrets. The lord ’s family wo n’t let me easily ~ www.readwn.com ~ I did n’t The way to continue in the Shengming Continent is to go to the Orc Continent by boat. It happens that the Wilderness Continent has many unique ecology, which will greatly help me complete my academic work. "

"Master Jinjin, I am an old guy carrying a wanted order. If you want to recruit me, you will undoubtedly be an enemy of the Miansha family. This is why I refused to recruit you before."

"And the reason why I mastered the taming method of the explosive hoof horse, most of the technology comes from the horse **** pastor. The remaining part of the technology is that I spent more than thirty years experimenting to complete."

"This is my story."

"It's wonderful." Pin Jin praised.

Cangsu smiled slightly: "Thank you, Master, for your praise. It is an honor of my life. I have finished half of my academic works, and they are hidden in my mind, but at the same time, I am also in the territory of Miansha. There is a secret hidden in. "

"These two works are hidden in a cell in the ruins of a village. That was where I was tortured. It was in a brick under iron shackles."

"My last wish is-if I die here, please hand over half of my completed work to Lan Tu. Of course, adults can read it as much as possible. If it can be used for you, it is also my great honour. "

Jin Jin frowned, inevitably puzzled.

"Lantu?" Zidi woke up sometime, "If I am not mistaken, Lantu is the young man who framed you?"

"Yes, Miss Zidi, you heard it right."

Cangsu's face showed a complex look, desolate, sad, and with a trace of pain and hope.

He then said: "Because this young man is my son."

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