Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 65: : Shaking and suffering

There was silence in the cave.

Was betrayed by his own son. It is conceivable that this is a big blow to Cangsu as his father.

However, at the moment when Cangsu was facing death, he still thought about his son.

Cangsu hopes that his writings can help his son. Of course, at the same time, he also hopes that his work will be passed on.

Here there is hate, there is love, there are many helplessness and vicissitudes.

Very complex emotions.

Jin Jin and Zidi finally began to understand the old scholar in front of her.

No wonder he used to sacrifice his life, and no wonder he was willing to sacrifice himself now.

"If I escape, it will help you realize this last wish." Zidi promised solemnly.

"Thank you, Miss Zidi." Cangsu sincerely thanks.

"So, Master Jinjin ..." Cangsu looked at Jinjin again.

Although Jin Jin did not speak, she just shook her head slightly, but she showed a very determined attitude.

During the stalemate, Zidi took out several letters: "In fact, I think, Bai Ya also confessed his will."

Jin Jin glanced at it and recognized it.

These letters were retrieved from Bai Ya.

"Bai Ya used to have a little while and seemed to be struggling from a faint state. He pointed his hand at his chest and motioned us for these letters."

"I read both the letter and Cangsu."

"Sir, please take a look."

Zidi handed these letters to Pin Jin.

Jin Jin was curious and took over to browse.

These letters are love letters.

The leading actor is Bai Ya, and the leading actor's name is Xi Hagi.

Some letters were written by Shihagi to Baiya, which was collected by Baiya and brought with him. Some letters were written by Baiya to Xi Hagi, which recorded Baiya's experience and thoughts after boarding the ship.

Nishiha is a noble lady, and Baiya is the son of Orion.

Nishi Hagi's family has a summer resort in the mountain village, and hunting is also a traditional entertainment for nobles. Bai Ya was selected and acted as a guide.

Therefore, the two met, and although the status of the two was very different, they had love.

This kind of situation is very rare, just like a story among the bard population.

For this love, Bai Ya was flattered, like being in a dream. He regarded Xi Hagi as the whole life, and wrote many times in the letter: But because of the life of his beloved one.

However, between them is their cloud-like identity gap. Bai Ya wants to become a knight in order to make love a positive result.

It is difficult for civilians to become knights.

To be precise, it is very difficult.

Jumped from a civilian to a knight, has been a matter of hundreds of years ago. Even if Emperor Shengming unified the entire human continent and completely conquered the battle of the aristocratic alliance in the south, there were few new nobles.

For Bai Ya, his only hope lies in the overseas battlefield.

The Emperor Shengming ordered the Terran ship to go to the wilderness continent and set off a war of aggression against the Orcs.

This is a golden opportunity.

Although it is very dangerous, for a civilian, the battlefield against the Orcs has the opportunity to become a knight.

This is why Baiya took a boat to Baisha City.

Needle Jin sighed: "If I am lucky, I will hand over these letters to Miss Xiha. And I guarantee with the reputation of the knight, I will tell her: her sweetheart Bai Ya is a very brave man. He archery Skillful, once helped me. He was benevolent, he did not hesitate to be seriously injured in order to help his companions. He was courageous and unyielding, even at the last moment of his life, he did not fear to shrink. Although he is not a knight, I am sure that he has a variety of knights Virtue. "

To tell the truth, Pin Jin did not want to be a messenger who passed the pain. When he said this, he already imagined the pitiful appearance of Miss Xiha's heartbreaking cry.

However, Cangsu shook his head.

The old scholar showed a hint of sarcasm: "As far as I know, this may not be the case, Master Jin."

"In recent years, there has been a wave among imperial noble women. The source of the wave is the Duke of Amy."

"The Duchess, chasing love and beauty, has always been high-profile to promote women ’s power and status in the empire. She is powerful, but one of the gods in the world, life is indulgent and indulgent. Famous. "

"Using the Duke of Emmy as an example, aristocratic women scrambled to follow suit. They lured love, tricked men, made them fall under their skirts, or watched them fight for their blood, or manipulate them to become puppet."

Frowned with needles and pinched the letter paper: "So you think that this is also the case with Baiya and Xihagi?"

Cangsu nodded: "I'm not guessing out of thin air, there is evidence in the letter."

"First, love came too abruptly. The time between the two was too short, and no heroes saved the incident."

"Second, Xi Hagi offered to encourage Baiya to become a knight. So, this is not Baiya's original idea."

"Third, Xihagi also asked Baiya to write to her."

"It's a very interesting thing from the perspective of Nishiha, to play tricks on white buds, change the fate of a son of Orion, and manipulate him to become a knight."

"If she succeeds, she will reap a knight and serve her with loyalty. She pays very little."

"If it is not successful, then what I heard from Baiya's letter can greatly reduce her boredom and boredom in the boudoir. Even if Baiya finally sacrificed, it can become a show-off capital for Xiha. You see , Someone died for me-a fool who wanted to be a knight. "

"Fourth, the reason why I am so clear and even certain is that my son is the victim. It is likely that he is still dreaming of marrying the three Miss Shata family. Perhaps this is my fault. The mediocre blood was passed on to him, but he did not have the qualifications to practice. This poor and sad little guy, he was exactly the same as when I was young-not satisfied with the status quo, and wanted to break away from the present life. "

"Miss Three ’s love gave him a bright future. However, he did not know how much his father had paid and how long he had spent in order to get rid of his original life and cross the humble identity. time."

"Young people, I always think that I am being favored by fate. Any good luck comes, even if it is unbelievable at first, but they all believe that they are treated kindly, and they should be treated kindly. Any good things, success occurs in All of them are right and proper, of course. "

"Only when they have been beaten and tortured, and have experienced wind and rain and thunder, will they gradually realize that they are ordinary, how valuable others are to treat their goodwill, and how they should cherish them. The reason why beautiful love stories are so widespread Because it is so rare in reality. "

"Don't look at the records in the history books. Those heroes, seemingly destined, should be born to rule a country or achieve a great cause. Even if they encounter disasters, they will always be turned into danger. In the face of dilemma, they will always choose. Morality and glory. "

"That's because they are all winners."

"When they have defeated all the enemies, after the victory, it is up to them to write the history books. They magnify their virtues and even fabricate them out of thin air, just like holding a dazzling torch and letting the world look up. , Great talent, destiny, etc., are convenient for their rule, or to maintain their great cause, or to reap external interests. And their vulgarity, desire, dirty and insidious, etc., are hidden under the torch In the shadows of people. When people see the torch, their eyes are attracted by the brilliant flame for the first time, instead of looking down at the shadow cast on the ground. "

"Sir, even if you eat me, no one will know. Bai Ya is dead and unconscious. Miss Zidi is your fiancée, who is interested, closely related, and will never betray you."

"And you only have enough food to escape."

"You are the winner, your experience is described by you, no one refutes. What is happening here, outsiders will not know."

"And I am also really willing, I believe you will do my best to fulfill my will!"

Jin Jin shook his head slightly: "You overestimate me, I am not a winner, I am just a knight."

The young knight smiled bitterly: "Tell you the truth. Zidi took someone to search and rescue me, and I was awake to survive. However, most of my memories are lost. I only remember my name, my identity. The two memories suddenly recovered, reminding me or letting me regain a certain skill. "

Cang Xu suddenly stunned.

After the reaction, the old scholar continued to persuade: "If you remember that you are a knight, you should eat more food. Your physical fitness is too poor, how long can you fight tomorrow? Perhaps suddenly weak, you ca n’t Avoid the fatal blow of Scorpion Tail. "

"You need food now! A lot of food."

"Think about your identity, your family. As the defeated party, although the Baizhen family entered the camp of the Emperor Ming Ming, but the situation is not very good? You are the only heir of the family. Revitalize. "

"In addition to your inherent responsibility, you also need to protect the life of your fiancee."

"Eating food, you will have physical fitness. Not only will you increase the chance of surviving, but also protect your fiancee. Maybe she just survived the breakout tomorrow morning because you ate an extra piece of meat."

"Are you pushing me?" Pin Jin was furious.

Cangsu smiled: "Yes, I am forcing you. But please forgive me, Master Jin. I am going to die, a dead man does not fear worldly authority. And I want to fulfill my will, for this , My life is only a bargaining chip. "

Jin Jin clenched his fists unconsciously.

He glared at Cangsu and was very angry.

He was so angry that he had to bully himself.

He is angry that he has fallen into such a situation, which is the abuse of fate.

He resented his weakness and was forced to a desperate situation by the scorpions. He could no longer take responsibility, and his fiancee's life could not be guarded.

And his most angry point is-he found that he was shaking!

Zhen Jin knows: Cangsu is a wise person.

He also knew that Cangsu's words made sense. Purely in terms of reason, it should indeed follow the recommendations of Cangsu.

So, what about his morality? What about his conscience?

Where is placed?

How about eating people as food?

I will no longer be a human being, a criminal, and I will steal my life. Glory and reputation will never be linked to myself.

However, thinking this way, is it too selfish? Just care about your own reputation and virtue, but disregard the lives of others?

Eat food, can you sacrifice one person, save yourself and others?

May not be possible, but Jing Jin knows clearly that doing so can indeed increase the probability of survival for everyone!

If you are stubborn, is it stupid?

As Cangsu just said, history is written by the winner. If you do n’t eat humans, you might actually die under the silver scorpion, so what would your father think? Will the ancestors of all generations scold me for not knowing what to do?

If you eat people ~ www.readwn.com ~ Will you regret it in the future?

If you do n’t eat people, you survive, but everyone else is dead. In the future, I recalled that I had a chance before me, but I chose to give up. It may be possible to save the fiancee and others, but he has not done so.

Jin Jin struggled in his heart, all kinds of thoughts came one after another, haunting his mind.

Hesitation, suspicion, and dazed emotions gradually disturbed his thinking.

Suffered this night, not just needle gold.

The cold wind in the middle of the night came like a knife.

Yellow algae is facing the wind and carrying cyanobacteria, and it is difficult to move forward.

He felt like a dilapidated scarecrow and would be blown away by the wind at any time.

The dark and dark patch in front of my eyes was invisible and untouchable, just like the inside of the yellow algae.

The reason why he keeps moving forward is more of numbness or inertia.

His heart was cold, and despair gradually enveloped him. The only enthusiasm was the cyanobacteria he was carrying. The cyanobacteria's body temperature is getting higher and higher, and the wound is festering.

He is almost gone.

"Don't die, brother, don't die!"

"I paid such a big price, carrying you so far away, if you die, I'm so sorry for me."

"I wanted to get off the boat long ago, you know. But you want to beg for life at sea."

"If it is on land, why should I fall to this **** island?"

"So, it's you, and it's all your harm."

Yellow algae shouted in my heart.

With this call, he inspired himself.

However, the feeling of hunger stimulates his body and mind more than the spiritual encouragement.

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