Unto the Ages

Chapter 88

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Over the next week, as Grud recovered, his lessons with Yara continued and he was now able to form basic sentences. While learning the language of this new land, Grud noticed that not only were the words similar enough for him to memorize, but the structure of the language was the same as his language.


It also helped that he had a lot of practice every day, whenever Yara was busy, the 2 sisters who introduced themselves as Tala and Kaya would take every opportunity to come and talk to Grud, and it did not take long for Grud to realize the reason they seemed so enthusiastic.


They were obviously smitten with him. Grud could literally smell their sexual excitement and they were doing a rather poor job of pretending not to ogle him, and while Grud was flattered by the 2 young women’s attention, he was thankful to the Great Spirits that Yara treated him normally and did not smell of sexual excitement, fortunately, Yara was not affected due to her being old and her eggs had long dried up.


Of course, this was not entirely the girls’ fault. Grud did not know it, but he was exuding monstrous amounts of potent sex pheromones, literally. This chemical assault of sex pheromones was only made more potent than before due to Grud eating a giant ant and mutating his pheromone glands, and also because Grud was not able to have a proper fuck to empty his balls before he fell into the river.


The result of Grud being so backed up was one of the main reasons he was passively blasting out so much sex pheromones that the room he was resting in was thick with it, and as much as Mita tried to ease some of his pressure by stealthily sucking him off when she could, it was not enough.


So while Grud was feeling blue-balled, Mita was a bit sulky from not getting to keep Grud’s cum inside of her and was forced to speed up the digestion before going back into Grud.



The day Grud had taken his own first unaided steps, to the dismay of the 2 sisters, Yara came by and checked on Grud’s condition. When she was done giving Grud a good once-over, Yara was amazed at the speed of his recovery, acid burns that usually never truly healed, were now looking like new skin, the muscle damage that the acid had eaten away no longer hurt. Yara cleared him for moving around on his own within her home and ordered the sisters to cook him more food, which they gladly complied with.


While Grud was chatting with the 2 enthusiastic girls in the dining area, Yara excused herself and made her way to the Chief’s house. She rapped her walking cane on Jorah’s door and was answered with a “Come in.” 


When she entered the house, she was glad to see Jorah’s idiot son was not around to be annoying. She then took a seat opposite Jorah and said, “It seems Grud has fully recovered.”


Jorah looked up from his meal to give Yara an incredulous look, “You can’t be serious, it has only been a week and you said he has muscle damage, even if he could move around, it would be a stretch to say he is fully recovered.”


Yara shook her head, “Normally, I would agree with you, but I checked his condition myself, it seems Grud is far from normal. Besides his powerful mana, he also has an incredibly strong life force, I think that's the only reason he was alive when we found him.”


Jorah considered it for a while as he chewed on his meal, after coming to the conclusion that people with strong mana like Grud could pull off incredible things, he decided to drop the subject of Grud’s incredible recovery and turned to a subject he was far more interested in, “So, what have you learned about Grud?”


Throughout the week of conversing with hand gestures, half-formed sentences, and even scribbles in the dirt, Yara told Jorah “From what I gathered so far, he says he was separated from his people while escaping from Giant Ants, and if what I interpreted was correct, they are from the north beyond the sea.”


Hearing this, Jorah almost spits out his food, “What!? How did they even cross the sea, and from the north no less, our ancestors were forced out of the north by the increase of ferocious beasts, and he says he came from the north all the way here?... well, I suppose he did almost died, what else did he say?” 


“Well, Grud did say he is apparently the Chief of his own village, but he was requested to come by other Chiefs due to him being a strong warrior, and after seeing his body, I think I belie-” *Roar!* as Yara was talking, she was interrupted by a roar, followed by shouts of the village, and soon, she the shouts let her know what their village was up against.


“Tyrant! The Tyrant is at the gate!” she shouts from outside sound.


When Yara turned back to Jorah, was already gone, and in a nearby room, the sounds of armor and weapons were clanking around. Seeing that she would not be useful where she was, Yara took her leave to prepare for the injured to be brought to her. A monster was at their gate and even if they survived, there would be deaths.



When the roar swept over the village, Grud not only felt the bass of the roar reverberate in his bones, but he also felt the faint tingle of mana sweep over him. “Monster here, you stay.” Grud said in a broken sentence to the sisters who were quaking in fear.


Grud burst out of Yara’s house and ran towards the commotion.


As Grud bounded past the houses and scrambling people, his speed shocked a few people whom he almost crashed into, but with his reflexes, Grud either sidestepped or jumped over those people.


When he got to the village wall, he saw a parapet for the first time and almost slapped his palm to his forehead ‘Why didn’t we think of that before? If we built that platform attached to the wall, it would be like combining a watchtower into our walls.’


As Grud was having an architectural epiphany, he saw men shutting and barring the gates, and others behind them propping up logs against the gates to reinforce it. Wanting to take a look at what was causing such a ruckus, Grud climbed up a ladder to the top of a 5-meter wall.


When he reached the top, that was when he saw it. It was like the Great Maw Lizard he fought back on his homeland, but this monster had a thinner snout, had scars all over its body, and where its left eye was supposed to be was a long nasty scar, but unlike the Great Maw Lizard that invaded Grud’s land, this had a fin on its back, and its arms while smaller in proportion compared to the rest of its body, they were far from vestigial, they were tipped with long nasty claws. But the worst news of all was that it was as tall as the walls, so the wall defenders were vulnerable.


Seeing the monster and looking back down at himself, Grud lamented the loss of his equipment during the escape from the giant ants, but Grud realized that this was a golden opportunity to get some equipment now that his ingredients came walking up to him.


As the monster closed in, Grud grabbed an unattended spear and jumped off the wall. This surprised the men on the wall who thought he was just a particularly big busybody wanting to see what was going on, now they thought he was a madman.


Grud landed on the ground and rolled to disperse the impact. When he recovered to his feet, he sprinted at the monster who saw him coming and opened its mouth in anticipation of snapping up the foolish thing running towards it.


Grud quickly inspected his spear and noticed that it was just a wooden shaft, but the spearhead was made of the same material they attached to their arrows. “I better not empower this spear in case it explodes. But I need to end this fight fast”


When they were about to clash, the monster turned its head sideways, and just before the jaws snapped shut on Grud, he jumped over the beast and released a pulse of mana directly into the side of the monster’s head, slamming it into the ground.


With its head smashed into the ground, the monster lost its footing and flipped ass over head. The impact of the monster’s gigantic body caused tremors to those near the wall.


Grud landed with another roll and then orientated himself to face the monster that was scrambling to its feet.


Grud ran towards the monster’s head in a bid to end the fight quickly, but the monster saw Grud coming and acknowledged him as a dangerous enemy. Just as Grud pounced, spear tip first, and was about to reach the monster’s head, the monster reared its head back and inhaled deeply, then released a mana-empowered roar.


Grud saw it coming but could not do much about it due to being mid-air, the only thing he could do was gather his own mana to try and neutralize whatever was about to be thrown at him, but he was too slow.


The mana-empowered roar hit Grud like a truck, it splintered the spear in his hands and sent the spearhead into his shoulder and Grud’s body was sent flying directly into a tree.


As the monster got to its feet, it started advancing on Grud who was currently getting his battered form to its feet.


As the monster was almost upon him, Grud pulled out the spearhead from his shoulder and held it like a dagger, and dashed to the the monster’s left where its blind spot was.


The monster tried to follow Grud, but Grud was too fast for it. Once Grud was well into its blind spot where its missing eye was, He jumped and used the spearhead to stab and anchor himself to the left side of the monster’s head, Grud then shoved his arm into the empty left eye socket of the monster and pushed as much mana as he could into a mana pulse in all direction.


The results of which were quite spectacular, the top of the monster’s skull exploded off its head, and after standing still for a few seconds, the monster crumbled to the ground dead.


As Grud stood and tried to wipe off the gore that splattered him, he was interrupted by loud cheers from the wall. When he turned to the cheering people on top of the wall, he spotted two people who were not cheering, they were Jorah and Yara.

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