Unto the Ages

Chapter 89

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As Grud was wiping the gore off himself, he remembered why he fought this monster in the first place. He was not so sure about the culture of these people, but he assumed the basic rule of ‘You keep what you kill.’ should apply, which means he gets first dibs on the corpse.


Grud touched the monster as he felt around for the Monster Core location, and after some prodding around, he found the closest place to the Monster Core to make an incision and used the copper spearhead to cut the monster open. Due to this monster’s huge size, Grud ended up having to hold his breath and plunge his upper body into the chest cavity of the monster to feel around and cut out the Monster Core.


After getting the monster's core, Grud deboned both of the monster’s arms with practiced ease and carried his prize to the village gates that were already opened with men streaming past Grud toward the monster's corpse while holding bladed copper tools. 


When Grud got back into the village, he could no longer see the village chief, and Yara was waving him over. When he got to Yara, she pointed to what looked to be vases of water and told Grud to wash himself off, then she pointed to the wound on his shoulder where the spearhead stabbed him just now, then told him to see her back home to get it treated.


Grud thanked the woman and went to wash off the gore stuck to him. Once he was clean of gore and monster brain matter, Grud went to the room he had been staying at for the past week and got his wounds treated while Yara asked the sisters to cook up something for Grud before leaving.



After leaving her home, Yara went to Jorah’s home, after being let in and sat down, they both stewed in silence for a while. Jorah was the first one to break the silence, “You saw him use magic… how powerful do you think he is?”


After a moment of thinking, Yara replied, “Very powerful… I have seen Elder Witch Doctors do what Grud did to move or push things around, but I have never seen it used with such power, or even used in combat for that matter. The other matter is how he moved, have you seen any warrior move so quickly or survive the Tyrant’s roar point blank?”


Jorah shook his head, “This Grud, is a formidable warrior, were he to move like that in a battle against warriors and not beasts, the warriors would be quickly slaughtered.”


“Exactly!” Yara said and continued, “And if what he said about being a Chief himself is to be believed, I say we better form a good relationship with him, and what better relationship-forming method is there besides marriage.” Yara said with a twinkle in her eye.


Jorah nodded but frowned, “To have such a powerful ally, I would throw all my daughters at him if I had any for marriage, but they are all already married off.”


Yara showed a sly smile and said, “Lucky for you I have a ready and available solution. You remember the 2 sisters taking care of Grud?”


Jorah thought about it for a moment, “Arik’s daughters, right? A shame what happened to them, at least those girls were left the family home.”


“Yes, them. They are already smitten with Grud and I am pretty sure Grud would not mind them, they are pretty after all, that's why your boy is chasing them.” Yara said.


Jorah thought about it for a while and said, “Hmm… Their family does trace all the way back to the founding of the Riversong village, so there is a link to the village as a whole.”


They started discussing other details, but from there, it was more or less decided that they would be marrying Tala and Kaya to Grud.


But as they were talking, they did not notice that someone was eavesdropping on them.



Thak was on his way to ask his father for some of the meat from the Tyrant that was just slain less than an hour ago.


‘With this, me and my friends can say we have tasted the meat of the notorious Tyrant. Maybe we can get some of its claws and teeth to make into necklaces, it would look fearsome on me’ Thak thought to himself.


Just as he was about to open the door to his father’s house, he heard Yara’s voice, “Lucky for you I have a ready and available solution. You remember the 2 sisters taking care of Grud?”


Hearing about Tala, Kaya, and Grud, Thak paused his movement and listened. ‘What does that stupid outsider have to do with Tala and Kaya? The last I heard, they were just nursing him back to health.’ Thak thought to himself as he listened on.


“Yes, them. They are already smitten with Grud and I am pretty sure Grud would not mind them, they are pretty after all, that's why your boy is chasing them.” Hearing Yara say that made Thak burn with anger as he listened on.


As he listened longer, Thak picked up Yara and his father discussing the marriage of the Tala and Kaya to Grud. Thak was not able to hear any more of this and walked away fuming. 


‘What so great about this stupid outsider?! All he does is just lay in bed and suck up our food.’ Thak thought as he fumed. He and his friends were goofing off on the far end of the village, away from the Tyrant’s attack, so they did not know what exactly happened, the only news they got from the villagers’ shouts was that the Tyrant arrived and died shortly after, they did not hear who killed it and just assumed the village’s warriors did it, and even of they announced that Grud did it, very few people knew who Grud was.


Thak fumed all the way back to where his lackeys were hanging out.


“Young Chief, where's the Tyrant meat?” one of his lackeys asked.


“Fuck the Tyrant meat! I have bigger problems than that!” Thak snapped at the man, then ranted about what he heard when Yara and his father were discussing marrying the 2 sisters he had his eyes on to Grud.


When Thak was done ranting, one of his lackeys asked, “Err… Young Chief, don’t you already have 2 wives?”


“Yes, but they are ugly, the first one was an arranged marriage, so I did not have a choice, the second one I knocked up while I was drunk. She complained to my father and he forced me to marry her. They are a useless waste of food that I occasionally use to pleasure myself, but I am the future village chief! What kind of chief does not have beautiful wives? But instead, my father and that old bitch are marrying away what is mine to some dumb outsider!” Thak shouted.


“Then the solution is simple. Do what you did to your second wife and just have your way with Tala and Kaya and get them pregnant, then they will be forced to marry you. As for that guy Tala and Kaya are taking care of, I heard he got badly burned by ant acid, so he should not be in good shape, all we need to do is beat him up good and drive him out of the village.” Another lackey said with a grin.


Thak thought about it for a while, “Yeah… you are right… if I make Tala and Kaya bear my children, they will be forced to marry me. My father may scold me for a while, but those women would already be mine. As for beating up an outsider who cannot even speak our language, nobody would care. Come on, let's do this quick while Yara and my father are still occupied.”


The men showed malicious smiles as one of the lackeys asked, “Hey, Young Chief, once you are done with those 2 sisters, can we have a go?”


“No! They are mine!” Thak snapped, but seeing the unsatisfied looks on their faces, he told them, “You guys can do what you want with my first 2 wives, after this, I will have no use for them.”



Grud laid his head down on the bed after eating a meal that Tala and Kaya were adamant about feeding him with the excuse of not wanting him to aggravate the wound on his shoulder while using every excuse to touch him.


As he was thinking about the 2 sisters feeding him, Mita talked to him telepathically, >Those 2 girls seem nice, a bit too skinny, but I approve, and I am sure my sister-wives would as well. <


Grud chuckled and replied, <As much as I would like to fill Tala and Kaya with my seed, it would not be proper. I am currently on an expedition and the main expedition has not made proper contact with this tribe yet. If I impregnate those 2 women and diplomacy fails, we will either have to leave or fight, and if Tala and Kaya do not want to leave their birthplace that means they will be raising my children on their own, I will not let that happen. >


The top half of Mita's body came out of Grud's chest, planted a kiss on Grud's lips, and went back into his chest, >And that is why we love you, once you decide a woman is family, you take care of them all the way.<


As Grud was mentally chatting with Mita, he suddenly heard the front door of the house burst open, followed by the shouts of some men and then Tala and Kaya’s screams which were quickly muffled.


Within a second, Grud was on his feet and made his way out into the dining area, where he saw 6 men, 2 men were holding Tala and Kaya down while covering their mouths, 3 men were making their way to the room Grud was in, and the last one Grud recognized as the Chief’s son, he had his tunic hiked up to reveal his dick and was trying to force open Tala’s legs.


The 3 men who were heading toward his room, were now heading towards Grud with sticks in hand and looking rather aggressive while shouting what Grud had no doubt were something along the lines of “I am going to beat you up.” But Grud had no time for that.


Seeing the situation Grud came to the obvious conclusion that these men had malevolent intentions for the Tala, Kaya, and himself.


Grud eyed all of the men in the room and deemed them to have inadequate strength to even bruise him with those sticks in hand, so Grud decided to get this fight over and done with. 


Before the 3 men could react, Grud dashed before them and stomped whichever leg they had forward at the time, snapping bones or dislocating knees. 


Before the 3 men could crumple to the floor, Grud grabbed 2 of them by the neck and threw them at the men holding down the girls.


Men crashed into men, and the only people in the room left standing was Thak with his dick hanging out, and Grud who was walking towards Thak.

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