Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Chapter 30

As the fight went on, both Ariadne and Liz received damage whenever they were caught off guard by the change in both the weapon and the stance of the boss. They also managed to do some major damage against the opponent while I kept their health green.


The situation is dire though. We are losing in a battle of attrition mainly because we don't have a tank, a staple role in a high-end dungeon run. Most parties rely on tanks in PvE, especially in the later stages of the game. The boss is also incredibly tanky for someone who hits like a truck, making us extra cautious in the fight whilst prolonging the battle.


To make matters worse, my mana is almost depleted with my constant healing and the boss's HP is still more than half. He is also almost in an enraged state which could be bad for us depending on what triumph card he has in store for his opponents.


King Aurelius

HP: 61%


While surveying the match from afar while pre-casting my heals, I saw Ariadne and Liz communicate with a glance, an unspoken understanding. Their rapport had only become more refined since the short time that they teamed up. Both their experience and skills play a major role in it as they are both extremely talented players.


They executed their plan. Liz created a diversion by throwing quick thrusts at the enemy to draw its attention. Ariadne on the other hand disengaged while using her weapon skill. She melded into the shadows and became invisible to the untrained eye. However, if you pay extra attention, you will see a visible shadow where she is. This type of weapon skill specializes in surprise attacks but has a very long cooldown, suited for assassination. It is also easy to spot if you know where to look or if you have a keen eye for details. Fortunately, the boss doesn’t have a clue about the situation he is in.


As the boss’s weapon shifted into a sword, Liz’s deft movements kept him focused on her. Sensing an opportunity, Ariadne went for a critical strike.





The enemy reacted swiftly, but he couldn't change his weapon form in time due to the surprise attack. Ariadne’s dagger struck true, hitting the boss right in the head. He let out a pained cry as Ariadne’s dagger pierced his noggin. He stumbled backward, disoriented, and Ariadne seized the opportunity to deliver another hit with her daggers.


“Augh!” The boss cried out.


King Aurelius

HP: 47%


The perfectly executed combo of the two barely made the boss enter its enraged state. The boss teleported into the center of the room, a bit far away from us with a tempest of aura surrounding him, preventing the Boss from taking any more damage.


"Stand before me, noble warriors, bearers of courage and honor. As a king, I have ruled with honor and prestige. Yet, in this moment, I am not merely a king, but a warrior, steeled by the fires of countless battles. I see in your eyes the same fire, the same resolve. It is a rare thing to face such worthy opponents." He monologues just as he disengages from our fight.


He is preparing for an attack and it seems like an area of effect skill. This is bad, we don't have a proper shielder.


We also cannot interrupt it due to the raging aura surrounding him. Even if we tried we would just take unnecessary damage from the tempest.


"Our fates are intertwined on this battlefield, our stories forever etched in the annals of time. It is with great respect and a warrior's spirit that I face you now with all my power!"


"Please tell me that you have the 'Guardian Angel' spell!?" Ariadne pressed as the boss continued his monologue.


"I... still need 2 more levels to learn it due to stat deficiency," I bashfully answered.


"By the might of my crown and the power vested in me, I unleash my wrath upon thee! May the heavens bear witness to my ultimate move! For the kingdom, for glory, for victory!" He exclaimed.


"Stay behind me! Both of you!" Liz positioned herself in front of us and adopted a broader stance to shield us.


It was the best strategy we could do in the given situation. Liz has the highest chance of surviving this attack due to her stats build that doesn't wholly rely on dodging like mine and Ariadne.


The boss channeled the intense energy into his sword, causing it to glow with an intense light. The air around him begins to crackle and shimmer, creating a palpable tension that can be felt by all of us.


With a mighty roar, the boss then did a full crescent swing. The energy from his sword is released in a wave of power, causing a massive AOE shockwave.


"Sovereign's Fury!"


The intense light blinded me momentarily. As I came to, I saw that I had taken some damage, and so did Ariadne. The worst of it was that Liz's HP was completely depleted.



Hp: 0%


"Ughh! Looks like it's all up to you two. Good luck, you guys! I'll cheer you on from the sidelines," she gave us a regretful smile before fading into blue motes of light.


"I see you have managed to survive my ultimate attack, a worthy opponent indeed."


The boss quickly resumed his attacks, not giving us any breathing room right after his powerful skill. Ariadne intercepted him in order to protect me.


The two mighty fighters stood locked in a dance of steel and valor. Their weapons clashed with a symphony of sparks, their movements a tapestry of grace and power.


The good news is that a boss can only get enraged once, therefore he cannot use that overpowered skill again. The bad news is he seems much faster than before, so much so that Ariadne is failing to keep up. She is getting mentally fatigued due to her consistent dodging since earlier, she needs a break or it will only be a matter of time before she slips up and gets fatally hit.


The boss's movements became quicker after his enraged state, while the opposite could be said for Ariadne.


Ariadne is suffering heavily from stamina depletion, a very troublesome debuff that affects players like us who constantly move around.


This is extremely bad; I can literally see her movements slowing down.


This is why proper shield tanks are better for prolonged fights against tanky bosses. She depletes her stamina quickly with her excessive dodges and quick movements just to keep the boss at bay. She had also been acting as our dodge tank since the start of the dungeon run so it's no surprise that she is suffering the feedback now. In hindsight, I could have prevented this by taking a bit of the burden, but it's too late for regrets now. The past is in the past, we just have to do better in the present.


The boss's weapon shifted into a spear, pressing the advantage in Ariadne's dwindling movement.


Ariadne did all she could to dodge every attack but it seemed harder and harder by the second. She is being forced back by the masterful use of the boss's spear, receiving glancing hits here and there.



Hp: 12%


"Heal please!" She panicked as her HP bar was depleted by the constant barrage of spear thrusts.


"I don't have any mana left!" I exclaimed.


"You what!?" She said taken aback by my statement.


I never did tell her that my stats build sacrifices a bit of my mana pool as I saw her as an adversary in the upcoming tournament. That decision came and bit us back when we least expected it.


The boss took the momentary distraction and attacked her whilst changing its weapon to a heavy mace.


Coupled with her slowing movements due to stamina depletion and her panicked thoughts, she failed to dodge the attack.


The mace bash sent her flying towards me. She lay there unmoving on the marble floor, regretting her shortcomings.


"Shit! Sorry... I failed you guys," she said regretfully.


She looked ever so downcast and defeated that I just had to reassure her.


"Don't worry, you have done your part. The boss has low enough HP for me to have a chance at this." I gave her a gentle smile.


She stared at me, shocked at my words before she vanished into blue motes of light. She likely thought that we had already lost so my statement startled her.


I do have a chance against this boss though and it's not just wistful thinking.


The main thing I noticed in my observation from earlier in the boss' fight against my party is that his arsenal of weapons only encompasses a spear for mid-range attacks, a sword for quick melee combat, a giant broadsword for sweeping attacks, a mace for heavy blows, and shield for defensive purposes like the time when he blocked the spell earlier from Clarissa. Each of the shifts of his weapon completely changes his stance and gameplay, likely incorporating that of a player's move and play style. This doesn't bother me at all as I had more than plenty of my fair shares of battle with veteran players of each of the aforementioned weapons.


From all the information I gathered earlier from his attack patterns and skills, he is attuned to fight at a semi-pro level of skill. This dungeon was such a cheat from the start. It almost feels like the boss is unbeatable for normal players.


Although this is perfectly fine for me since I'm used to fighting players of that level. Moreso, the AI thinks like an actual player, an unfair advantage against most players since he can do feints or bait the enemy into overextending their attacks but for me though, it's the opposite. Thinking like an actual player makes him much easier to deal with.


I smiled calmly as I walked unhurriedly towards the boss.


"Looks like it's just you and me now, Mr Abyss Boss," I said as I tossed my staff away, the sound of the clattering wood on marble reverberating throughout the silent throne room.


I have no mana anyway for me to have any use for it. It would just be dead weight, better for me to just toss it aside. It would just return to my inventory later after we finish this dungeon or after I die, which I hope won't happen. I would loathe to see all our hard work gone to waste if I lose here.


He stood there unworried as he had already finished the strongest threat from our party and didn't register healers as a threat on their own without any damage dealers backing them up. Artificial Intelligence seems to be getting more and more humane as time passes and technology advances, which is honestly quite frightening.


"Come, let us finish this once and for all," I said as I pulled out my twin daggers hidden in my robe.


They glinted as I readied my stance. Then I saw it. At the corner of the blade, a reflection of my face.


I was grinning.


This was the most challenging opponent I had ever encountered since returning to the game. It is honestly a bit exciting that I have the chance to go all out again.


Liz and Ariadne had their fun.


It's my turn now.



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