Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Chapter 31

A Long chapter to wrap up the Abyss Dungeon run. :)


Happy Reading!   



King Aurelius

Hp: 44%



Hp: 72%

The main thing I noticed in my observation from earlier in how the boss fights against my party is that his arsenal of weapons only encompasses a spear for mid-range attacks, a sword for quick melee combat, a giant broadsword for sweeping attacks, a mace for heavy blows, and shield for defensive purposes like the time when he blocked the spell earlier from Clarissa. Each of the shifts of his weapon completely changes his stance and gameplay, likely incorporating the move and play style of the player it was based on. This doesn't bother me at all, as I had more than plenty of my fair shares of battle with veteran players of each of the aforementioned weapons.


I took a deep breath. Steadying my nerves, I entered the state of intense focus I usually do to perceive his every movement, the zone state. I paid exceedingly close attention to his body language. The way he moved, the shift of his weight, the focus of his eyes - these were all cues that helped me anticipate his next move. As I got close enough, he lunged at me, his weapon morphing into a long, wickedly sharp spear. I sidestepped easily, his attack missing me by a hair's breadth.


Having haste cast on me would have been perfect here, but I don't have the mana nor the weapon equipped to self-cast it. I would just have to win this the old-fashioned way.


He was fast, but I was faster, especially since my stamina bar was completely full. I darted in and out, my every move calculated to keep me one step ahead of his attacks. Everything else melded into the background as I focused solely on my opponent.


Suddenly, his weapon shifted into a broadsword, and he swung it towards me. I rolled to the side, feeling the wind from the blade as it narrowly missed me. I sprung back to my feet, using my momentum to spin and land a quick strike on his arm.


King Aurelius

Hp: 41%


My attack was a quick blow without much power, but it helped me gauge his reactions. It made me reassured that he also has the same habits as players when taking hits from enemies, namely going on defensive to avoid further damage instead of going full aggressive to counterattack.


His ability to change his weapon at will made him a formidable opponent, even if not as skilled as the best players. He was constantly shifting his tactics based on the weapon he was wielding at any given moment, keeping me on my toes.


When he wielded a spear, he would try to keep me at a distance, using the weapon's length to his advantage. He would thrust and jab, forcing me to keep moving and dodging. I countered by relying on my speed and nimbleness to stay out of his reach, using quick, darting movements to narrowly avoid his thrusts and jabs. I kept a close eye on his body language, anticipating his movements and reacting accordingly.


When his weapon morphed into a broadsword, he switched to powerful, sweeping attacks, trying to use the sword's weight and size to overpower me. He wanted to force me into a corner where I wouldn't be able to dodge his strikes. I countered by using my agility to dodge his sweeping attacks, often by a hair's breadth.


When he used his short sword, he did quick slashes and thrusts to keep up with my dodging speed. It was actually the hardest gameplay to counter for me. I just focused on playing defensively by dodging and limiting my attacks when he was on this type of gameplay.


And when he had a mace in his hand, he aimed for crushing, direct blows, hoping to end the fight with a single, powerful strike. I had to avoid direct hits at all costs, so my counter tactic was to use misdirection and feints to confuse him, making him think I was going one way when I was really going the other.


His strategy, if an artificial intelligence even has one, was to keep changing his attack patterns, hoping to catch me off guard with the constant shift in tactics. That won't work if I have countermeasures in his every stance though.


He never went for a shield throughout the fight since he is probably programmed to only use it against spells or unavoidable attacks.


The fight continued, a dance of speed and agility versus raw power and versatility. He was strong, but not strong enough to be comparable to those veteran players I battled back then in my prime. His only advantage against me is his extremely high stats, but stats matter little if you can't hit your opponent.


I dodged his attacks, waited for openings, and struck when he least expected it.


My agility and fighting experience managed to keep me one step ahead of his attacks. It was a truly exhilarating experience. I hadn't fought like this since three years ago at the tournament, and it made me a little giddy inside despite the constant pressure from the boss's attacks as one wrong move will be the end of me.


I didn't get my moniker through my speed and flexibility to dodge alone, though. It's not just about agility but also about understanding your opponent and anticipating the enemy's moves.


And I read the boss like a book.


The boss's strength lay in his ability to change weapons and tactics on the fly, so I stayed adaptable and ready for anything.


I would dart in when the boss was recovering from a swing or when he was changing weapons, landing quick strikes before darting back out of reach. A quick tried and true poking tactic for high HP enemies.


I would hang back, creating uncertainty about when and where my next attack would come from. This unpredictability kept the boss guessing and made it harder for him to anticipate my moves.


I knew when to strike, when to retreat, and when to bide my time. I understood the rhythm of the fight and used it to my advantage, choosing the right moments to attack or change tactics.


Anything that I thought would be useful in the fight, I used it without hesitation.


I didn't know how long it took. I was so engrossed in the fight analyzing my opponent that everything else melded into the background. That includes my sense of time. It could be minutes, hours, or even days. I couldn't care less. The only thing in my mind is winning against this insurmountable foe.

I did a counter at his broad swing by dodging it narrowly and stabbing his head in quick succession. After that, I saw that he stopped moving abruptly.


"Khuagghh!" The boss made a death cry.


I was cast out of my reverie when I saw his HP bar.


King Aurelius

HP: 0%


"...Huh?" I murmured.


I blinked a couple of times, a bit shocked with a hint of disappointment. Is it over already?


As the boss's HP bar was depleted, all my party members were revived. This was a feature of abyss dungeons made for everyone to have a fair chance at the loot regardless of who stayed alive in the end. It is made so no one would play too passively or would be too afraid to tank to give the party a higher chance of completing the dungeon without self-preservation and greed hindering them.


The three of them looked at me with varying expressions. They all saw the fight from a ghost perspective when they died, and they had just watched me solo the boss.


Clarissa was as happy as when we finished a normal dungeon. She didn't comprehend how difficult it was to clear an abyss dungeon with us three carrying her. She also likely did not doubt that I would lose the fight, which makes me happy she has so much trust in me.


Liz was more or less the same but was more ecstatic since she knew how hard-fought it was. She is grinning from ear to ear.


Ariadne, on the other hand, wears an unreadable expression, a face so bizarre that I have no grasp on what she is thinking right now.


"That was AMAZING Kat!" Liz cried out.


Before she could continue her praise, all of our attention was shifted to the boss when he started his monologue.


"Well, well... So, this is what defeat feels like. It's been so long; I had almost forgotten. You fought well, better than I expected. You've certainly earned your victory." He credited.


"T-thank you, Mr. Aurelius, but I-I didn't do much..." Clarissa mumbled in a voice I could barely hear.


"I can see now; the world has changed. It no longer needs an old king in a ruined castle. It needs fresh blood, new ideas, people like you. You who carry hope and determination, who fight for what you believe in." The boss continued.


"I suppose it's a relief, in a way. The weight of the crown, the burden of rule, it's a heavy load to bear. Perhaps now, I can finally rest..." He said solemnly as he disappeared into motes of light.


I could feel the serenity in his voice. It made me pity him a little bit despite knowing that he is not a real human. Maybe Clarissa was right all along. Maybe the AI had become so sentient that they could feel emotions, too. It's best not to think about it, though, or I would be opening a different can of worms with how many NPC characters I have killed over the years I've been playing different VR games.


"You did it, Kat! We beat the abyss, thanks to you! I never doubt you for a second! Well, I did at first when I saw how much of a cheat that boss was, but when you outplayed him hard like that, I went instantly back to team Kat! I mean, he didn't even get to land a single blow!" she said as she gave me a celebratory hug.


I wanted to dodge her, but I was too mentally tired to be even bothered to.



"It's not that hard once you know the enemy's attack patterns." I reasoned.



"That's what a genius in class would say to someone who doesn't get the lessons," she said sardonically.


"I did not doubt you for a second, Novo!" Clarissa darted to my side.

She hesitated for a bit, looking a little left out. She likely wanted to join the victory group hug but was too shy to.


"Too bad I didn't get to stream it. My viewers would've loved to see a fight like that!" Liz added.


"We likely would've lost if you did, as it would surely distract me," I replied, exasperated.


"Oh, don't be like that! I think you should start streaming, too. There are a lot of people who would want to watch you play! Your movements are so refined that I was so captivated by the fight!" Liz exaggerated.


"Save your banter for later; let's get the loot first," Ariadne interrupted.


She walked past us in a somber mood, urging us to hurry.


Liz gave me a questioning look at her attitude but proceeded to follow her while Clarissa and I did the same a second later.


After a short walk, we stumble upon a door that looks like a treasury room.



Ariadne opened the door and went in without a word. As we followed her inside, I was immediately overwhelmed by the opulence that surrounded me. The room is bathed in a warm, golden glow, thanks to the countless flickering candles that line the walls and the precious gemstones embedded in the ceiling that catch and refract the light. The air is heavy with the scent of ancient leather, polished wood, and the unmistakable aroma of wealth.


“Whoahh, how grand! What a good remembrance to end the dungeon with.” Liz exclaimed.


“Y-yes, this room looks… very luxurious,” Clarissa agreed.


At the center of the room, we saw our prize. The chest is a work of art in itself, a testament to the skill of master artisans and the wealth of the realm. It stands about three feet wide, two feet deep, and two feet tall, constructed from rich, dark mahogany polished to a lustrous sheen.


Ariadne walked near the chest and opened it without hesitation.


A notification popped up at the edge of my view just as she opened the vessel of our spoils.



Abyss Dungeon Cleared!



Unique Skill Stone: Weapon Shift

Dual Orb Slot

Sword of The Forgotten King

Broadsword of The Forgotten King

Spear of The Forgotten King

Shield of The Forgotten King

Mace of The Forgotten King

5,000,000 Gold


What good loot! 5 legendary weapons of the highest tier and two unique loots.


"You take the first pick... Novo," she suggested without taking her eyes off the chest.


"Are you sure?" I double-checked.


"It would be an affront to me if you didn't. You basically soloed the boss," she replied solemnly.


"I couldn't have done it alone. You guys bought me enough time to analyze the boss's moveset completely."


She stared at me with an unreadable expression before murmuring something I couldn't hear.


"Sorry, but can you repeat that?" I urged her to clarify.


"Nothing, just choose your item. I will not back down on this."


I paused for a second to think as nostalgia overtook me. She had always been stubborn, so it would be hard to change her mind now.


I gave her an appreciative nod and pondered what loot to take.


The rarest one would be the weapon skill stone ‘Weapon Shift”. Skill stones are embedded in craftable weapons to make the specific weapon have the skill of the embedded stone. Deriving from the name, I assume it has the same effect as the boss we fought earlier, which lets the user switch their weapon at will. It's definitely a strong weapon skill that gives plenty of strategic advantages in the fight. I do not have much use for it, though, as the weapons I could switch are limited to light weapons like daggers due to my build. I'm sure Ariadne or Liz would make better use of it, so I'll leave it to them.


What I currently need now is the dual-orb, which is also very rare to find on its own. With a good blacksmith, you could set 2 different orbs in it. It's a much-welcome addition to me since I won’t have to switch staves when I need to use healing or chronomancy. This also means I could use a single staff in the tournament, drastically reducing my load and making me move faster than if I had two staves weighing me down.


I also don't need to put much on vitality now, as that was my plan from before, just so I can bring two staves without hindering my movements.


"You're not going to take the unique skill stone?” A hint of shock was evident in Ariadne’s voice.


"I'm a mage. The dual orb would benefit me the most." I stated the obvious.


"Could have fooled me," she mumbled, something I couldn't hear.


"Why don't you take the second pick, Ariadne?" Liz suggested.


"No, our deal was to roll for everything."


"Didn’t stop you from conceding first pick to Kat, though. How about this, you take the weapon skill, and Clarissa and I split the weapons evenly? A guild like ours would benefit more from the weapons, which I'm sure the Paragon's guild has plenty, than just single weapon skill."


We all agreed on the allocation of resources. This is honestly better than someone being left out by not getting what they want in the roll. We get to distribute the spoils evenly according to everyone's wishes; therefore, everyone is satisfied.


After getting the loot, the portal opened back to where we first met with Ariadne. We step


"That was a good run. Now I'm tired of how hard the last fight went!" Liz shouted out loud.


"Sorry, I didn't do much..."


"It's fine, it's fine! You did great for someone who just started playing!" Liz reassured her.


By the way, Clarissa, what would you do with the spear and shield? You can't equip it, right?" Liz asked curiously.


"I... will give the spear to my brother. I heard him tell me that he is good at these types of weapons," she said with a soft smile.


Extremely cute and kind! What a deadly combo!


"For the shield... I don't know," she continued.


"Aww, what a sweet sister!" Liz cooed. "I bet you have the luckiest brother in the world!"


Clarissa blushed at the compliment.


"Though I have a suggestion. Would you let me buy the shield for you?"


Clarissa looked at me for confirmation, to which I just nodded. Liz is right. It would be better to sell the shield to someone who will give her a reasonable price. I'm sure Liz wouldn't just scam her.




"Then, let's talk business!" Liz gave Clarissa a look akin to a snake finding her prey.


Clarissa visibly gulped at that.


I almost forgot that Liz was a guild leader first and foremost because of her demeanor and friendly personality.


I was so sure earlier that Liz wouldn't just scam her, but now... Not so much.


As I was contemplating whether to butt in or not, Ariadne suddenly spoke to me.


"Novo, I need to talk to you... alone."


Liz's ears perked up at that. She immediately went next to me and leaned on my ear so fast that I almost thought she was about to do something…. immoral. Wait, what are you thinking of me!?


“Whaawaahh!” I heard Clarissa’s shrill voice in the background, but I was too preoccupied to pay much attention to its cuteness.


Thankfully, she only wanted to whisper something.


"I think she wants to recruit you to her guild. I won't tell you to decline her offer, but at least consult me about it before you decide so I can make a counteroffer," she winked before separating from us.


That's probably the most likely deduction of what Liz thinks Ariadne is going to say.


"Clarissa and I will just finish our negotiation, and I will log out for today. It's getting late, and I'm getting hungry. So, bye, for now, both of you!"


"M-me too, Novo. I'm going to log out after this. Take care! Y-you also Miss Ariadne..." Clarissa shyly waved goodbye.


Ariadne and I both nodded at them and said our respective goodbyes.


After a moment, Ariadne beckoned me to follow in a secluded place in the forest. After a couple of minutes of walking in complete silence, we stopped far enough from the populated spots. After a quick scan of the whole area for any listeners or interruptions, she found none. She then stared at me with an unreadable expression.


We stayed still for a while in complete silence. Just as I thought I would be able to put up with the uncomfortable stare coupled with her solemn silence, she asked me a question that completely caught me off guard.


"...Are you Yuusha?"





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