Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Awakened

“Uh…” Zhou Junxian glanced at him a little embarrassedly, and continued: “The innate talents mentioned here mainly refer to those who are able to perceive.”


“Yes, those who suddenly awakened special abilities.” Zhou Junxian patiently recounted: “For example, I once saw a charcoal seller who worked so hard to pull a truckload of charcoal to sell at the market. The old man was reluctant to burn himself, but was forcibly pulled by the **** in the palace, and finally gave only a few feet of red silk…”

“You wouldn’t be talking about the charcoal salesman who is [poor with a single shirt, worrying about the charcoal and wishing for a cold]?” Wang Qianchen asked incredulously.

“That’s right, it’s him, you have heard his story?” Zhou Junxian looked surprised.

“…I heard it, you continue to say it!”

“The old man was too sad, and since then he has awakened the ability to ‘carbonize’, and his whole body can turn into pitch-black coal!”

“…What’s the use of this ability?”

“It can burn fire! The saliva, the snot, the hair, beard, nails, and even the excrement that the old man spit out can be turned into coal, which can be said to be inexhaustible, although once The amount is not too much, but the journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step, in short, the old man’s life in his later years is OK!” Zhou Junxian was filled with emotion when he recalled the past.

Wang Qianchen didn’t expect that the charcoal seller in the textbook ended up with this result, and… it’s not bad.

“But this ability is not enough to join Monster Slayer, right?” Wang Qianchen is still more concerned about this issue.

“Of course not, the ability of ‘carbonization’ is not conducive to combat, I told you at the beginning, just give an example of ‘enlightened person’, so that you can have an idea in your mind. I have also seen the body can become a flying The swordsman was a swordsmith in the Song Dynasty. Because he failed to forge a satisfactory sword, he resolutely threw himself into the furnace in despair. Since then, he has the ability to become a flying sword, which can kill people thousands of miles away. Among them! In those days, he was a famous monster slayer. There are also those who can control wind and fire, those who can grow spikes on their bodies, and those who can turn their hands into knives… These things, even if you learn the corresponding spells It can be done, but these people have awakened special abilities before they have no spiritual power, so they are collectively referred to as Awakeners, which is called talent! Awakeners have not been many since ancient times, but they are not uncommon. , if you want to be a monster slayer, 80% of them will deal with them.” Zhou Junxian is indeed a man who has lived for thousands of years, and he talks about these things easily and endlessly.

“Then is it possible for me to be an enlightened person? I also have special abilities inexplicably…” Wang Qianchen naturally thought of himself.

“No, you’re not.” Zhou Junxian shook his head very firmly and said, “Because you have a demonic energy on your body, you don’t meet the elements of an ‘enlightened person’. Why did you become like this? It is still a mystery to this day. past this precedent…”

Seeing Wang Qianchen’s disappointment, Zhou Junxian hurriedly said: “But you are by no means a demon, your body is a human being, there is no doubt about that! Moreover, you can bring qi into your body within a minute and reach the ‘sand’ realm, It can definitely be regarded as an extraordinary talent, which Li Qianqiu has to admit. Because spiritual power is a very important thing, even those who are aware, if they do not have the corresponding spiritual power as a backing, they will not be able to play much. effect.”

Wang Qianchen finally regained some confidence, and asked again: “By the way, what is spiritual power, and what does the ‘sand’ realm and the ‘earth’ realm mean, I have heard Li Qianqiu and those monsters mention it more than once. already.”

“Well, spiritual power is the origin of a person. With spiritual power, you can break through the boundaries of ordinary people, increase your strength, speed up, and you can learn and use some spells. In short, except for those who are aware, if you want to obtain special Skills and spiritual power are absolutely essential. As for the sand realm and the soil realm, the realm is divided according to the level of spiritual power. The higher the realm, the stronger the natural strength… I don’t need to tell you this, if you really Join the Monster Slayer, Li Qianqiu and they will naturally tell you.” This is the first time Zhou Junxian has not answered Wang Qianchen’s question directly, probably because he has not really touched that level.

“Then do you think I am expected to join Monster Slayer?” Wang Qianchen asked again.

“…I’m afraid it’s a bit hanging, because you do have a demonic energy on your body. Li Qianqiu is more wary of you than trusting you. It’s probably not easy to get his approval.” Zhou Junxian shook his head gently.

Wang Qianchen’s expression showed a bleak look, and he finally found a way to get money, but now it seems to be slim again.

“I’ll try to help you, if I guarantee you, they should give me some face!” Seeing that Wang Qianchen was not very happy, Zhou Junxian quickly added, and then added: “But you also have to find a way to figure it out! What happened to you, you said you were bitten by a dog, what kind of dog was bitten by, can you still remember it, can you still find it, maybe this is a breakthrough!”

“Well, I understand!” Wang Qianchen nodded.

Zhou Junxian stopped talking, just smiled faintly.

“The last question.” Wang Qianchen looked at Zhou Junxian and said with a serious face: “Master Zhou, why are you being so kind to me? From the beginning, you have protected me and answered all kinds of questions for me. Also, why did I When I see you, there will be a very familiar and intimate feeling, as if we have known each other for a long time?”

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