Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Mrs Rat, Come On

Zhou Junxian was stunned for a moment, then said with deep eyes: “I am the city **** of Luzhou City, and you are a subject under my rule, of course I have an obligation to protect you and treat you well! Also, you come to burn incense every year. , see me at least once a year, of course I think I am very familiar and kind, so we have known each other for a long time!”

This answer is reasonable.

Although Wang Qianchen still had a little doubt, he still chose to believe the city god’s statement.

“Is there any problem?” Zhou Junxian smiled softly.

“No more.” After saying this, Wang Qianchen fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Wang Qianchen was really tired. He had already overdrawn all his physical strength in the battle with the rat demon before. Later, he fought with Li Qianqiu for a while. He insisted on it until now, clarified some doubts in his heart, and finally fell asleep with confidence. past.

Seeing Wang Qianchen lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, Zhou Junxian also took a deep breath.

“Long time no see…Welcome back…” Zhou Junxian whispered at Wang Qianchen’s face, then tapped his toes, his whole body flew up lightly, and finally turned into a phantom and melted into the tall clay statue among.

Majestic, solemn, and unattainable, where is there a hint of kindness and gentleness?

Zhezhe Car Wash.

As soon as Li Qianqiu entered the store, he saw the captain Zhao Zhe leaning on the sofa with his head tilted, obviously sleeping, and his fair and handsome face was full of exhaustion.

Li Qianqiu has tried his best to keep his steps light, but Zhao Zhe woke up the first time.

“How’s it going?” Zhao Zhe raised his head and asked.

“It’s not going well, another civilian died…” Li Qianqiu walked over and said softly with his head down.

“…This is also inevitable, we just do our best! Report back to the military and let them be responsible for providing pensions to the family members.” Zhao Zhe quickly looked at Li Qianqiu’s body, “Are you alright?”

“No, I’m fine, the other party is just a rat demon in the ‘earth’ realm.”

“How many rounds haven’t you fought? You two are in the same realm!”

Zhao Zhe stood up with a smile and patted Li Qianqiu’s back lightly.

“I have a demon-suppressing bell and a demon-slaying knife. How much courage does it have to fight me? When you see me, you just kneel down!” Li Qianqiu looked proud.

“That’s good, I hope our future tasks can be so smooth!” Zhao Zhe sighed and put his hand down from Li Qianqiu’s shoulder. In just a dozen seconds, he had already determined that he was the No teammates were injured.

“But there is another weird thing…” Li Qianqiu told the whole process of Chenghuang Temple.

“That Wang Qianchen is not a demon, but a human?” Zhao Zhe was a little surprised.

“Well, that’s what Master Zhou said. I believe in his eyes. He has lived for thousands of years and has seen countless monsters, so he shouldn’t be mistaken. And I also let him practice [The Heart Sutra of Slaying Monsters], and also I didn’t find any abnormal phenomenon… It’s just that this kid’s promotion speed is too fast, and it took less than a minute to break through the ‘sand’ realm, which surprised both me and Master Zhou!”

“Break through the ‘sand’ realm in one minute?! Are you sure?!” Zhao Zhe was shocked.

“Sure, Master Zhou and I both saw it!”

“Fuck, he’s a genius!” Zhao Zhe got up and said excitedly, “Such a talent must be recruited into our team! Hurry up, where is he?”

Zhao Zhe said, looking for clothes to wear, and shouting to buy some gifts.

“Captain, don’t get excited yet…” Li Qianqiu said helplessly: “Even if we want to recruit new demon slayers, we still need the approval of the top management. That kid has a demonic energy, what do you think are the chances of passing? It’s no wonder your superiors don’t slap your application in the face! Besides, we don’t know his character and temperament at all, so it would be a bit too rash to recruit him!”

“Yes, yes, let’s have a long-term plan…” Zhao Zhe nodded and accepted Li Qianqiu’s idea.

In a cave hundreds of miles away.


A group of gray-haired mice played and amused freely in the hole, and on a soil platform not far in front of them lay a plump female mouse, whose body was as big as a small wild boar, and even the one behind her buttocks. The tails are over a meter long.

In the human world, I have never seen such a big mouse!

“Little Er!” The female mouse who was sleeping suddenly woke up, uttering words and looking in astonishment.

“Mother, what’s wrong?”

“Mother, what’s the matter?”

A group of little mice rushed over, all spitting out human words.

“I had a nightmare, dreaming that the second child died…” The mother mouse looked gloomy.

“Second sister is dead?!”

“Wouldn’t it be killed by the demon slayer?”

“I told my second sister earlier, don’t join in the fun in the human world…”

A group of little mice chattered, some were frightened, some panicked, and some regretted.

“It’s just a dream, it’s not necessarily accurate… I’ll go check the situation, I hope Xiao Er is okay…” The female mouse swayed, and her figure gradually swelled and became taller, and finally turned into an old lady with white hair, still leaning on her hands. A cane with a carved dragon head.

“Mother, don’t go, there are monster slayers over there!” One of the little mice cried nervously.

“The monster slayers in Luzhou City, I still don’t take them seriously!” The old lady looked gloomy and walked out of the cave step by step on crutches.

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