Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Blue Brick

City God Temple, in the main hall.

Wang Qianchen fell into a drowsy sleep this night, and he didn’t know how long ago, when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Junxian sitting next to him, looking at him lovingly, with a smile on his face, as if he was looking at his own family. dog.

“Are you awake?” Zhou Junxian lowered his head and fondly touched Wang Qianchen’s head.

Wang Qianchen: “…”

It was the first time that Wang Qianchen had seen such a down-to-earth God.

Although he had never seen other gods before, he always felt that gods should not be like this!

“How long have I slept?” Wang Qianchen rolled over and sat up, rubbing his still aching head.

“It’s been a long time, but it doesn’t get in the way. After all, it’s your first fierce battle, and it’s normal for you to lose your strength!” In Zhou Junxian’s eyes, it seemed that Wang Qianchen was justifiable and justified in what he did.

“…I said why my bladder looks like it’s about to explode, where’s the toilet?”

“Backyard, turn left!”

Wang Qianchen stood up and rushed out of the hall towards the backyard.

After going to the toilet, Wang Qianchen took a deep breath, and then walked towards the hall again.

“Help me… help me…”

When passing an upside-down water tank, Wang Qianchen suddenly heard a faint cry for help.

anyone? !

Wang Qianchen was taken aback, and immediately reached out and patted the water tank.

“Is there anyone, is anyone inside?” Wang Qianchen asked while taking pictures.

“There… help me… help me…” The voice continued.

There are really people!

Wang Qianchen didn’t know how this person ran into the water tank and was pressed by the water tank, but saving people was the most important thing, so he didn’t think too much, and immediately reached out to move the black water tank that was as tall as a person.

Needless to say, Wang Qianchen’s strength is quite strong now, especially after entering the ‘sand” realm, his strength has increased a lot. I don’t know how many years this water tank is. It’s dark all over, and I don’t know what material it is made of. At least it weighs more than 300 kilograms!

“Hey! Yo!”

Wang Qianchen shouted twice, wrapped his arms around the water tank, and finally lifted the big guy more than half a meter high.

“call out-”

A black light flickered, and something flew out from under the water tank.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a black brick!

“Grass, after hundreds of years, I finally came out!”

When Wang Qianchen was still in a daze, Brick suddenly spoke, and it was still swearing!

“Fuck!” This time, Wang Qianchen was shocked, his body kept on his hind legs, the water tank fell to the ground with a “bang”, and he tripped over a stone under his feet, and fell to the ground with a “bang”.

“His grandmother suffocated Lao Tzu to death. Zhou Junxian, that old bastard, even threw me into the water tank… Thanks to Lao Tzu who didn’t give up, he devoted himself to cultivating in hell, and he was finally able to escape the danger today. Gao Ren’s birds fly, and the sea is wide to leap with fish, let’s see who else can stop me! Hahaha, I’m going too!” Banzhuan said as he flew into the air, at least five feet above the ground.

“Boy, since you have saved my life, I won’t shoot you today. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, I will kneel on the ground and call Grandpa Banzhuan three times. If I happen to be nearby, I will come to save you!” Brick nodded slightly at Wang Qianchen, and then flew out of the backyard with a “huh”.

Wang Qianchen sat on the ground for a while, and finally remembered the story Zhou Junxian told him before.

This **** is the brick that became a monster!

It’s still alive!

And myself, let it go!

“Master Zhou! Master Zhou!”

Wang Qianchen, who realized that he had gotten into trouble, ran to the outside, shouting and running.

“Don’t shout, I’m here!”

Just as Wang Qianchen took two steps, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out, covering his mouth with one hand and pulling him into the corner with the other.

Wang Qianchen looked back and saw that it was Zhou Junxian, the God of the City God!

“Woooooo-” Wang Qianchen gestured like a “tile”, and made a flying motion with his hands in the air.

“I know, I saw it!” Zhou Junxian whispered, and pointed to a certain direction in the middle court.

Wang Qianchen followed Zhou Junxian’s fingers and saw that in a pool beside the middle courtyard, the black slab was rolling and cruising freely, and the stains on his body fell off layer by layer, finally showing a blue color. It turned out to be a brick.

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