Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Captain, Zhao Zhe

Kill monsters? !

Wang Qianchen suddenly remembered that Chairman Liu had also said this word before, and it could be heard that he was quite afraid of killing monsters. Monster Slayer, it’s easy to understand just by the name, it’s “the one who kills monsters”!

Obviously, the monster slayer in front of him regarded him as a monster like Chairman Liu!

Until now, Wang Qianchen doesn’t think he is a monster. Although he has some dog characteristics, he was bitten by a dog before. He has been a person for more than 20 years, why did he suddenly become a monster? Spiderman is also a monster?

This is not reasonable!

But it’s useless to say anything now, the middle-aged man has already regarded him as a monster, a black steel knife, shining sharply in the night, smearing straight at his neck!

When fighting against the wild boar that Liu Feng transformed into, Wang Qianchen still had the mind to resist, but when facing this monster slayer, he instinctively felt that he was not an opponent.

The opponent’s aura was too strong, and his murderous aura was too strong. I don’t know how many monsters have died under that knife!

Escape, must escape!

Wang Qianchen turned around and ran, and ran on all fours. This was his instinctive reaction in extreme danger, just like a real dog, dashing forward.

Landing on all fours, it really was faster than running on two legs, and the speed was at least doubled. If you go to run 100 meters at this time, I am afraid that it will be completed in about four seconds, which also exceeds the speed of any dog in the world.

But in an instant, he encountered the high wall in the dead end again.

The high wall that blocked him before was at least three meters long. In normal times, he would never try, and it was impossible to try, but driven by his body instinct, his limbs slammed on the ground and his body jumped high. He jumped over the high wall and jumped to the other side.

Seeing Wang Qianchen disappear under his eyes in an instant, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then he took a few steps forward, and then clicked on one foot with a “deng”, his body was like a big bird, standing firmly. above the high wall.

On the other side of the wall was a field, pitch black.

Wang Qianchen had long since disappeared.

The demon bell on the middle-aged man’s waist no longer rang, indicating that the other party had escaped from a certain range.

“Damn it, the dog jumps off the wall in a hurry… It’s not really a dog, is it? Impossible, a dog doesn’t have the ability…” The middle-aged man frowned and whispered softly.

Losing the trace of Wang Qianchen, the middle-aged man had to come back and go back to the wild boar. As usual, he took out the demon bell, shook it gently on the top of the corpse, and whispered something in his mouth. The wild boar and the blood on the scene disappeared instantly. .

Half an hour later, the middle-aged man came to the door of a bungalow called “Zhezhe Car Wash” in the north of the city.

The front of Zhezhe’s car wash is extremely broken and extremely small, the windows and door frames are covered with dust, there are faint spider webs in the corners, and a ‘suspended business” sign is posted on the door.

“Two biscuits!”


The lights were on in the car wash, and the sound of playing mahjong came from time to time. The middle-aged man pushed the door and went in. There was an automatic mahjong table in the center of the room, with one person sitting in each of the south, east, and northwest.

“Yo, Brother Li, are you back?” The speaker was a young man in his early twenties. He was handsome, with a very pale complexion and a faint smile on his face.

His name is Zhao Zhe, and he is the captain of this demon slaying team; and the middle-aged man is Li Qianqiu, who is over forty years old.

“Captain, a civilian died, and more than one monster…” Li Qianqiu came to Zhao Zhe and quickly reported the situation tonight.

Several others also looked up and listened.

“Hey, don’t stop, keep playing! Yaoji!” Zhao Zhe threw out a card.

“Captain, do you understand, another monster escaped!” Li Qianqiu was a little anxious.

“Understood.” Zhao Zhe crossed Erlang’s legs and played another card, as if he didn’t take it seriously.

“We need to find out the identity of the monster as soon as possible, he has no spiritual power, not even in the ‘sand’ realm, but he can easily kill a wild boar, and it is extremely fast, either a tiger or a cheetah, let such a monster live in the city. It’s too dangerous, and it’s more dangerous to delay one day, we can check the surveillance around that, so as to lock his position and so on…” Li Qianqiu quickly came up with an idea.

“Hey, I see, you go back to rest first, and I’ll do it tomorrow!” Zhao Zhe nodded, but his eyes were always on the mahjong tiles.

“Captain, the rules for killing monsters: 1, deal with monsters as soon as possible; 2, protect the safety of civilians with life…”

“I said tomorrow, didn’t you hear? Who is the captain?”

Zhao Zhe raised his head and interrupted Li Qianqiu.

Li Qianqiu was silent for a while, and finally sighed, turned and walked to another room.

“Captain, you shouldn’t treat Brother Li like this…” a woman in a blue cheongsam said quietly.

“Yeah…” An old man and a girl also looked at Zhao Zhe.

“He hasn’t slept for three days, do you know?” Zhao Zhe raised his head and said solemnly, “The day before yesterday, he went to kill a monster in the ‘Stone’ realm and made himself half dead. Come on, let’s track down the other two monsters! The life of the common man is life, but the life of the demon slayer is not the life? Of course I know the duty of the demon slayer, but rules are rules, and favors are favors. I have to protect myself first. Team members, let’s talk about the monsters!”

Several people were silent.

“Everyone has been busy for several days, let’s go back and rest! We’ll talk about other things tomorrow!” Zhao Zhe stood up.

Several others stood up one after another and walked to their rooms.

After the lights in several rooms went out and everyone fell asleep, Zhao Zhecai glanced at the night outside the window, then put on a cape with the word “Chop” printed on it, picked up a pitch-black steel knife, and ran out of the door quietly…

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