Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Cut To Pieces, Monsters Of The World

the next day.

Before the early morning sun could shine on the ground, Li Qianqiu got up, walked out of the room as soon as possible, and walked towards Zhao Zhe’s door.

But at this moment, he noticed that there was someone in the living room, and turned to see a young man with fair skin sitting on the sofa.

“Captain, get up so early?” Li Qianqiu said as he walked towards Zhao Zhe.

As soon as Li Qianqiu came over, Zhao Zhe stood up, pressed him down on the mahjong table, then reached out to pick up his clothes, and even reached in and touched it.

“Captain, what are you doing, I’m a man, and I’m over forty…” Li Qianqiu was panicked, and instinctively tightened his belt.

“Not bad, the injury is healed!” Zhao Zhe patted Li Qianqiu’s bare back and nodded with satisfaction.

“Of course, there is Zhong Xin to heal me…” Li Qianqiu sighed. It turned out that he thought too much, so he said that the captain can’t have this hobby.

“Okay, let’s eat!” Zhao Zhe put down Li Qianqiu’s clothes and pointed to the xiaolongbao and bean curd on the coffee table next to him.

“Captain, that monster from yesterday…”

“you eat first!”

Zhao Zhe repeated it.

Li Qianqiu had to sit down, pick up a Xiao Long Bao and eat it.

At the same time, Zhao Zhe began to describe the situation he investigated last night.

“It turned out to be Wang Qianchen, working in Luda Company…” Li Qianqiu nodded and remembered the name.

“Yes, both of you are of the thousand-character generation.” Zhao Zhe made a joke and continued: “That kid is a bit weird, although he is not even in the ‘sand’ environment, but it must not be underestimated to kill a wild boar, you thousand Don’t take it lightly!”

“Don’t worry, Captain, I’m in the ‘earth’ realm anyway. That guy doesn’t even have spiritual power. If I can’t kill him, I’m not qualified to be a monster slayer!” Li Qianqiu laughed.

“Are you sure he has no spiritual power?”

“Okay, I used mental power to detect it from the beginning.”

“Okay, then you can go, we have other things to do, be careful yourself!” Zhao Zhe explained again.

“Okay.” Li Qianqiu pulled a tissue, wiped his greasy hands, and turned to walk out the door.

After another ten minutes, the old man, the girl and the woman all got up, and they sat around the coffee table and had breakfast.

“Brother Li has gone out?” the woman in the cheongsam asked.

“Yes.” Zhao Zhe nodded.

“Every time I kill a demon, Brother Li is the most active!” the girl said with emotion.

“Well, his whole family died at the hands of monsters…” the old man said slowly.

The crowd fell silent.

About twenty minutes later, everyone had their breakfast.

“Okay, let’s take action, all pay attention to safety, there are more and more monsters recently, call as soon as you encounter danger!” Zhao Zhe packed the table and looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

Several people nodded, and then stepped out of the door together, quickly dispersing in all directions.

The morning sun is rising, and the whole world is shining brightly.

Luda Trading Co., Ltd.

It was business hours and the employees walked through the gate methodically.

“Hey, that person, who are you!” The security guard in the guard box rushed out, holding a baton and aggressively blocking one’s way.

“I’m here to work!” Li Qianqiu, who has changed into work uniforms, is righteous.

“Why have I never seen you before, take out the badge and take a look!” The security guard was still reluctant.

“…” Li Qianqiu suddenly froze.

“I know you’re fake, go out! Otherwise I’ll kill you!” The security guard waved his baton fiercely.

In the face of the security guard who opened his teeth and danced his claws, Li Qianqiu resisted the urge to draw a knife and left in despair.

Standing on the side of the road, the town demon bell on Li Qianqiu’s waist still trembled slightly.

“Don’t you still have an old man in the hospital, I’ll wait for you there!” Li Qianqiu glanced at the company building opposite, got on a three-bumper who happened to pass by, and left with a thick smoke ‘suddenly” .


People come and go in the city hospital, and the smell of food wafts from each ward.

In a certain ward, a young man is feeding an old man.

“Song Bo, thank you, and when Qianchen comes back, let him treat you to a good meal!” The old man smiled with relief.

“Uncle, you’re welcome. As far as my relationship with Qianchen is concerned, you are no different from my own father. Isn’t it right to be filial to you? Qianchen is on a business trip, and I’ll bring you meals for the past few days!” The young man also smiled. When he got up, he was Song Bo, Wang Qianchen’s best friend. The company they joined together before helped each other a lot. Even Zhao Mingquan felt that if Wang Qianchen was a manager, Song Bo would be his most effective assistant.

After the old man finished eating, Song Bo chatted with the doctor a few words, and then called a pot of hot water. After cleaning the ward, he turned around and left the hospital.

But when he just came to the corner of the stairs, a dark steel knife rested on his neck.

“Who?!” Song Bo looked terrified.

“Where’s Wang Qianchen?” Li Qianqiu looked cold.

“I don’t know, he called me and asked me to deliver food to his dad…” Song Bo was obviously frightened, and said as if he poured beans into a bamboo tube.

“Call? He’s not in the company?” Li Qianqiu frowned. He eavesdropped on the door of the ward before, and already knew that he and Wang Qianchen were colleagues.

“No, he didn’t come in the morning. He called me to tell me that he was on a business trip…” Song Bo’s voice trembled.

not coming? !

Li Qianqiu’s heart suddenly froze.

Why did the demon town bell around the waist ring at the door of the company before?

A horrifying idea popped up in Li Qianqiu’s heart!

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