Urban Inventor

Chapter 420 - Norwegian Civilization Decision

Zhang Wei and others are full of ambition and full of confidence in the rise of earth civilizations, and each civilization does not exist in isolation in the universe. After its rise, it will inevitably have an impact on the entire cosmic environment. The first to be affected will be inevitable. It is the civilization around it. For this point, the Nuo civilization is very clear, because the first thing after their rise is to conquer the surrounding civilizations, and now there are 12 vassal civilizations. Therefore, after they reached a preliminary agreement with the earth civilization, they held it immediately. A high-level meeting was held to discuss matters related to earth civilization.

“Everyone, with the information we currently have, we can basically confirm that the potential of the earth’s civilization is infinite, and science and technology in all fields are booming. Although the military power is now slightly inferior to us, but with their technological level, one year The technology acquired from us can be digested inside, and it takes only 10 years of development for military power to surpass us. “

“There are still Bodo civilizations sandwiched between our two civilizations, but when the Bodo civilization is eliminated, we become neighbors, and unfortunately, this neighbor is stronger than us, and more unfortunately, they are too evil and develop The speed is simply not human, it will only become stronger and stronger than us. So, we must seriously think about the future of the Novo Civilization. What do you think? “

Hebrel, the head of the Novo Civilization, sat on the rostrum and looked at the crowd with a serious look.

“The patriarch, even if the earth civilization possesses the qualities of a sixth-level civilization, within a hundred years, they will not be able to become a fifth-level civilization. Although stronger than us, we also have the power to fight back and can cause them serious damage, as long as they are not Stupid, it won’t hit us. “

Someone said.

“So, one hundred years later? Earth civilization has already involved technologies in space, gravity, and gravitational waves. After a hundred years, they may be able to penetrate these technologies and become a five-level civilization, while the technologies in space, gravity, and gravitational waves, Once transformed into weapons, they will be absolutely defensive and destructive. At that time, they had a crushing advantage over civilizations below level 5, and they were completely invincible. In the face of such neighbors, what should we do? “

Hebrew asked the Patriarch.

“The road to the rise of earth civilization is unstoppable. Sooner or later, they will expand to the outside world. At the very least, they will also include the surrounding territory of hundreds of light years into the sphere of influence, and we are too close to them. , Their warships now only need six months to reach us. When their material technology has been breakthrough, the warp speed warship can reach 1024 times the speed of light. It only takes eight days to come to us. So, in my It seems that it is impossible for them to leave us alone. “

Someone said with a sigh, “If there were no bad things like the Bodo civilization, we would have conquered them before the rise of the earth civilization.”

Others nodded in spite of words, and did not conquer the earth civilization before it rose, which is the biggest regret in the hearts of all Novos.

It took a long time for everyone to return to the topic, and some people said, “We ca n’t naively expect that the earth ’s civilization will coexist peacefully with us, so I think we have only two options. First, choose a suitable time and take the initiative. Apply to the earth civilization to become their vassal civilization. Second, before the earth civilization starts, take the initiative to leave and look for a new home. “

“The future of earth civilization is infinite. As long as they can treat the vassal civilization preferentially, we might as well follow them.”

“But becoming a vassal civilization is equivalent to putting shackles on yourself and handing over your destiny to the people of the earth. I do n’t recommend it. It ’s better to take our vassal civilization together to find a new home in the universe. Anyway We will soon be able to extend our lifespan to 280 years. Such a long lifespan will allow us to travel a hundred or two hundred light years away. “

“I support leaving and retain the autonomy of our Nuo civilization.”

The discussion was full of people, and the support for leaving was the majority. Hebrew was very satisfied with it. He was finalized, “Then it is decided, we leave here to find a new home, but before leaving, We must first destroy the Bodo civilization and avenge our compatriots who have died for more than a hundred years. Then, we must learn as much as possible from the civilization of the earth, especially genetic technology. In addition, even if we leave here, We ca n’t break the connection with the civilization of the earth, maybe we will ask them in the future. “

Just as the Novo civilization discussed the future, the earth civilization also discussed the future.

Zhang Wei and the cabinet headed by Beidou formulated a ten-year plan after careful discussion.

First, military forces surpassed the Bodo civilization and the Novo civilization, and if there is a suitable opportunity, they will work with the Novo civilization to eliminate the Podo civilization.

Second, further enhance the status of scientists, increase support for scientific research, and promote the rapid development of science and technology.

Third, plan to build a commercial space fleet, go to the universe to do business, and at the same time communicate with various civilizations and absorb the strengths of each civilization. It is best to exchange technology and let the eternal kingdom develop rapidly.


This ten-year plan was made public together with the information of the universe, and it immediately caused a stir ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ People only know that there are so many civilizations in the universe, and the earth civilization is just a civilization in a **** corner, which is better than the earth. Civilizations Powerful civilizations abound. However, after learning that the earth civilization has six levels of civilization literacy, people can’t help but feel extremely proud, hum, although we humans are weak now, but the growth potential is great, in the future we will certainly be able to stand in the forest of the strong race of the universe. In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, each of us must work hard, well, work hard! struggle!

In the scientific community, scientists have also been greatly inspired. Civilized races in the universe can be divided into mechanical civilization, biological civilization, and spiritual civilization. We are mechanical civilizations and mainly develop mechanical science and technology. Biological civilization mainly develops biological science and technology. The monsters cultivated can travel through the universe and even create wormholes. How do they do it? Can we develop mechanical technology and biotechnology at the same time? There are also mysterious spiritual civilizations. How do they practice? Is it related to the dark matter and dark energy in the universe? Can humans embark on the path of spiritual practice? Scientists have opened their brains and proposed various research projects. For these research projects, Eternal Kingdom will approve and give them great support.

The commercial space fleet under construction has also attracted a lot of attention. People call it the cosmic version of “Zheng He’s Expedition to the Western Ocean”, which can enable human beings to have a deeper understanding of the universe and gain a lot of benefits. There are also countless consortia who are interested in the benefits of space trade and have contacted the government of the Eternal Kingdom in hopes of joining it.

In general, the information in these universes has brought great impact to mankind, and it has also brought far-reaching impact to human society. The entire human society is full of vigour and enthusiasm, and wants to quickly upgrade technology and upgrade Strength, become a giant in the universe. (To be continued.)

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