Urban Inventor

Chapter 421 - 10 years of development

Ten years have passed quietly, and the Eternal Kingdom has begun a new round of changes. As scientists have absorbed and absorbed the technology of the Nordic civilization, the technology of the Eternal Kingdom has once again risen to a small level. In terms of military technology, it has exceeded In terms of military strength, the Porto Civilization and the Nordic Civilization also surpassed the Porto Civilization and the Nordic Civilization. The number of warships of warp speed continues to rise, and ten “big iron balls” with a diameter of 150 kilometers are manufactured. 1km thick, even if the energy shield is not turned on, the enemy can hardly take it. However, the “big iron ball” is too resource-intensive. Every time a big iron ball is built, at least 50 and its volume must be removed. Almost an asteroid, therefore, the “big iron ball” can only be used as the main flagship, it is impossible to build on a large scale.

The space trade has also begun, and five semi-official and semi-commercial fleets have set off in all directions of the galaxy. However, due to the material technology has not yet been broken through, the curved speed ship can only sail at 60 times the speed of light, so their The destinations are all within 100 light years, and there are four main types of goods: information, technology, arms, and rare resources.

Among them, the information that the caravan can sell now is the information in the universe obtained from the Novo Civilization. Those civilizations that have not contacted the outside world are very eager for this information, so in general, they can sell a good price. , And the cost is almost zero, is definitely a good deal for a profit. And if the information really sells for a large price, and then it is known by the Novo Civilization, the Novo people will probably vomit blood, but who has prevented them from carrying out cosmic trade.

As for technology, it is divided into technical information and technical products. Generally speaking, only technical information is sold, because only one copy needs to be copied from the database, and the cost is zero. However, some civilizations are too inferior, you sell to With his technical information, he could not manufacture qualified products. For such customers, he could only sell the finished products to them. The technology sold by the caravan is of course not the core technology of the Eternal Kingdom, but some backward technologies. If you want to obtain the core technology of the eternal kingdom, you must exchange it with the same grade of technology.

Armaments are specially produced arms for sale. They have to be discounted in power, and they have been specifically set up for reverse engineering to prevent other civilizations from buying them and cracking them.

Rare resources, this is difficult to measure. Taking gold as an example, it used to be a rare resource of earth civilization, but in other civilizations, gold may be everywhere. Therefore, for different civilizations, rare resources are different. .

It is worth mentioning that, because they do not understand and trust each other, it is impossible to collect money in cosmic trade between different civilizations. It is only possible to exchange goods for things.

After departure, the caravan led by Ye Chen soon had the first trade partner-the Novo Civilization. The Novo Civilization emptied the house and purchased an advanced version of genetic technology from the caravan.

The second trade object is the Booth civilization. The Booth civilization has always been connected with the Novo civilization. It has long known the existence of the earth civilization and is coveted by the various advanced technologies possessed by the earth civilization. Therefore, it is an eternal kingdom. When the caravan arrived, Buss Civilization gave the highest welcoming standard treatment. The president in power disregarded the old face and flattered Ye Chen, which made many Buss people very embarrassed. A flatterer, but they also admire the president because the president lowered his status for the benefit of the Booths.

For the deliberate favor of the President of Booth Civilization, Ye Chen was very helpful. After all, the other party was the highest leader of a four-level pre-civilization, and he was just a businessman of the Eternal Kingdom. However, under the influence of use, in the transaction, Ye Chen still showed the true character of the businessman, desperately too high the price of his own goods, lowering the price of the other party ’s goods, so that the President of Booth Civilization almost vomited blood, but what the earth civilization mastered Advanced technologies such as genetic technology and speed engine technology are all technologies that the Booth civilization desperately needs. Even if he is rejuvenated, he must give a smile to the people of the earth and facilitate the transaction between the two parties.

In the end, Ye Chen only used less than ten technologies, such as genetic technology, anti-gravity technology, and brain wave technology, to extend the life span to 250 years. Accumulated, 17 kinds of minerals not found in earth civilization, and a corpse of space creatures, this corpse was obtained by the expedition of the Booth civilization on a barren planet 17 light years away, with a length of 120 kilometers. The Imperial Academy of Sciences attaches great importance to this corpse of space creatures, because by studying it, it may allow humans to survive in space without protection. Therefore, after ending the deal with Booth civilization, Ye Chen had to Under the urging of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, a curved spaceship was specially sent to send the corpses of space creatures to Eternal Star, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences was indeed very rewarding. Through the study of this space creature, the study of the third generation of genetic evolution fluid has made a lot of With great progress, human physique is expected to be further strengthened. In addition, the Imperial Academy of Sciences is also preparing to develop biotechnology based on the genes of this space creature, allowing humans to take both the mechanical and biological technologies at the same time.

After ten years of precipitation, the population of the Eternal Kingdom has also exceeded the three billion mark. Most of them are immigrants recruited from the solar system. In order not to let this crazy digging act affect the relations between the two countries, Zhang Wei also deliberately China’s current chief minister has passed many times. In fact, the head of the government does not care much, because the solar system’s birth population exceeded 5 billion in this decade. With the increase of so many people, the resource consumption has also doubled. The country has begun to feel some pressure, and the eternal kingdom has lost it. With a population of 2 billions, it just reduces the pressure on the country, and it can also obtain more curved spaceships from the eternal kingdom ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ so that the country can expand rapidly in the universe. Nearly 500 million people are born every year. How about not expanding. Incidentally, the chimpanzee civilization of the uv star of Cetacean and the lizardman civilization of Sirius have been conquered by humans and become a vassal civilization of human beings, and the control method adopted by humans is the set of the Novo Civilization.

With such a large population, military strength is sufficient. Zhang Wei feels that it is time for a new round of expansion, and before that, he must first solve the Podo civilization that is entrenched in the e-star of the Bojiang constellation, he immediately contacted Hebrew, the Patriarch of the Novo Civilization, said that the army of the Eternal Kingdom was about to dispatch. He hoped that the Fleet of the Novo Civilization would take the initiative to launch a general attack on the Fleet of the Podo Civilization to attract the attention of the Podo Civilization. Jumping to the rear of the Bodo Civilization Fleet, the two armies attacked and wiped out the main force of Bodo Civilization in one fell swoop.

Heber has been waiting for this day for a long time. The hatred between the Novo Civilization and the Podo Civilization is the time to resolve. He immediately agreed to Zhang Wei, and said that after the settlement of the Podo Civilization, the e-Pomeranian will all belong to the eternal kingdom. He behaved so generously, of course, because the Nuo Fang civilization has decided to leave here to find a new home. There is no way. There is such a wicked neighbor. If he does not want to be annexed, then he has to go far away.

In fact, in the Eternal Kingdom, several meetings have been held against the Novotel civilization, and the attitude is also very clear. Sooner or later, one day, we will start with the Novo civilization, but not to eliminate it, but to use the Novo civilization to control the vassal civilization. That method.

This is the dark nature of the universe. Between civilizations, there is only interest!

(Sorry, I have been busy working these days, writing novels to one or two in the morning, resulting in insufficient rest time and bad condition. Today there are only two chapters. Good night.) (Unfinished to be continued.)

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