Urban Sims

Chapter 56 - Free Business Alliance

Late autumn in September.

In a golden maple forest in front of the castle, in the blessing of all the guests and friends, after a solemn oath in front of Brother Robert, a new couple officially married.

This couple is naturally Zhou Ming and Fanny.

The newly-married Yaner, perhaps out of the guilt left over from the previous life, Zhou Ming temporarily threw away the troubles in his heart, riding a horse, and taking his wife Fanny, went out for a full month of honeymoon.

For more than a month, the two went to see the snowy mountains in the east, the grasslands in the north, hunted in the forest together, and went to the lake to play together. When the stars in the night sky hung high, the two of them were full of ecstasy. The lingering, wiped out the worries in my heart, and also forgot the glory of the world.

This time is the happiest time in the life of wife Fanny.

Uh …

Soon after the honeymoon.

With some clear thoughts in his mind, Zhou Ming took a roll of parchment paper and walked to his father Baron Conner’s study.

“This … can this really work?”

It took more than an hour to read the hundreds of lines of dense text on the parchment. Baron Conner patted the swollen brain and had not fully digested the huge amount of information on the parchment.

“Dad must be able to do it! As long as there are three Baron collars, willing to join this plan, within five years, our Grand Collar will become the richest territory in the entire Kingdom of Wallis!”

Zhou Ming is confident!

This “free business alliance” plan he spent more than a month tossing and thinking, as long as it is launched to the outside world, as long as it gets the response of three to five surrounding territories to join, after tasting some sweetness, it is estimated that it will not take long Even the greedy and stingy lord will be involuntarily joined in this plan under the guidance of huge profits.

In the “Free Business Alliance” drafted by Zhou Ming, the main plan was led by Glenn, to form a business alliance, and then to the surrounding Bordeaux, Jokken, Nathan and Patton (belonging to the North Count Merlin) and other territories are all drawn into this business alliance!

For this business alliance, Zhou Ming has also formulated several core rules that all members of the business alliance must strictly abide by. If these rules are violated, they will be bound and severely punished by the business alliance!

The core rules of the “Free Business Alliance”, there are five main-

1. All business activities in which all lords participate in each territory follow the principle of tax exemption.

(That is, Lord A sells all his goods to Lord B who lacks the goods. After Lord B buys these goods, he will not pay tax to Lord A, and vice versa)

2. All business activities in which all lords participate in all territories shall follow the principle of universal tax exemption.

(That is, when Lord A sells all of his goods to Lord B who lacks the goods, such as between Lord AB and a Lord C, then this Lord C, as long as he joins the Free Business Alliance, will not be allowed To levy taxes on these goods, these goods should be allowed to pass through their territory free of charge. Conversely, when the goods of Lord C pass through the territory of Lord AB, Lord AB cannot be taxed.)

3. Each lord ’s territory shall allow other lords to establish a fully functional sales and warehousing center in their territory and exchange information with the commodity supply and demand information exchange center on a regular basis. If a goods transaction occurs here, the local lord, A maximum of 20% commercial tax can only be levied. If the local lord conducts a transaction here, the first principle of tax exemption should be followed.

4. Each lord’s territory should set a uniform tax rate for local merchants. For example, when traveling merchants from all over the world bring foreign goods into the Shangmeng region for sale, each lord can levy a commercial tax of no more than 50%. Goods within the League, shipped to non-Commercial Union regions for sale, will enjoy the second territory-wide tax exemption policy. If the merchant goods are sold within the merchant alliance, the merchants will enjoy the third policy preference, that is, only up to 20% of commercial tax.

5. The lords of all territories should abide by the various agreements of the Shangmeng Union, and they must not force buy and sell, arbitrarily levy taxes, or break the regulations. Remove sanctions.

Around the five core articles, Zhou Ming has also formulated some supplementary provisions to ensure that in all circumstances, the five core articles of the core will be strictly followed by all members of the Free Business Alliance, and will not dare to take more than half a step.

“Dear Edward, how can you guarantee that these terms you make will be strictly followed by other lords? And, lords everywhere do n’t seem to have any goods and are worth trading with other lords. These terms you wrote, In most cases, it is not useful, and these terms are so cumbersome … I do n’t think there will be that baron who will join you as a free trade union. “

Baron Kang’an is not optimistic about Zhou Ming ’s plan. The various territories in this world are basically self-sufficient closed states. Only gold, silver, copper, salt and iron cloth, these items with currency circulation, human body necessities, warfare, etc. Has certain flow characteristics.

Like grain, cattle, sheep, wood, and stone, other territories are not lacking. Only in certain special conditions will they become tight, such as wars, famine, and so on.

Therefore, Zhou Ming wanted to make an idea on these goods, he would only touch his nose.

Zhou Ming smiled mysteriously and said with a self-confident face: “Dad, is it really useful to set up a free trade union? No one can say it. It will only be known after trying it. So dad, you put the 200,000 Tarun in the castle granary The food is all handed over to me, and let Mr. Morris be my helper. I am confident that within six months, I will use the power of the Free Business Alliance to sell all the food! “

200,000 Tarun grains sold out in half a year?

Baron Conner shook his head in disbelief and seriously questioned it.

Although he admits that sometimes this son is indeed a little smarter than him, but he sold out the castle granary for half a year and accumulated more than 10 years of food, killing him, he could not believe it.

Because it is Baron Conner himself, through countless merchant channels, he can sell up to 20,000 Tarun of food a year.

But in any case, since his son is so confident, since he grew up, it seems that he has not been disappointed, let him try it, and sell a large amount of food that has been rotten every year, and it is considered to have gone to him. A heart disease in my heart.

Uh …

So, in the next month, Zhou Ming launched a series of “diplomatic” activities, trying to win over the surrounding lords and inviting them to join the Grand Freedom Alliance.

“What? Free Business Alliance, what the hell? Not interested, seeing off.” The Baron Garcia, a baron who was very cold to Zhou Ming, drove him out of temper.

“Boy, if you join this free business alliance, you can really earn more than 10,000 gold coins in half a year? Do you dare to pack tickets? If you don’t have this amount, you can replenish me? Well, I participated, as long as I can get so much money!”

Baron Howard, who was led by Youken, has always been very caring about the business territory. His leader is very large, but there are many rough areas. He is plagued by the financial crisis every year. Now he has a chance to make money. He naturally Will not let go.

“Good son-in-law, why don’t you tell me what to do, without giving me a package ticket, how much you can earn! Also, your self-business alliance has a very good idea, I support you to try it!”

Baron Sean has nothing to say. His son-in-law wants to do a big business. He, a husband-in-law, always has to support it. Moreover, since a few years ago, he introduced some advanced agricultural technologies such as centralized treatment of manure and improved agricultural tools from Granville After that, Nassen collar also experienced the problem of unsalable food sales, and now Zhou Ming said that he can help him solve it together, which is even better.

With the joining of two members, Zhou Ming finally attracted the target and put it on the Patton collar in the territory of Count Merlin.

Patton is a northern neighbor adjacent to the border of the Grand Collegiate. However, due to the “war between the north and the south” in the upper level of the kingdom, the relationship between the two territories is not very good, and it will not dry up every year, but there is also little exchange.

“Edward Knight, are you really willing to accept my son and let him be your knight servant when he is 12 years old?”

Lord Lord Patton, Baron Romon, was very disgusted with all the “Yankees” and felt that they were even more annoying than the wild people in the north. After listening to Zhou Ming’s intention to visit him, he wanted to blast him away. But before he spoke, he heard that Zhou Ming wanted to take his 8-year-old son Eric as a servant, and that he would train him to become an excellent knight. Baron Romon immediately changed his mind and interviewed him in detail.

Unlike the warm and rich south of the “Yanao” people, the cold and long winter in the north has always been synonymous with poverty, and it often faces the savages of the northern savages. Therefore, the Northern Knights are known for their bravery because they are too poor. Most of the baronial territory in the north, although the site is very large, the knights they provide are very poor. Even nobles such as Baron Romon do not have to consider the future of the eldest son, but for the second son, they often do not know how to arrange it.

The economic situation in the north of the country, if you want to buy a set of knight equipment, it will take at least a few generations of accumulation. In a family, you can provide more than two knights. This is something that the count can only do.

So once the eldest son inherited the title and the territory, the exiled second sons, the fate is often very tragic, either to be a mercenary, or to become a logging farmer or horseman.

Baron Lomont liked his son Eric, who was only 8 years old, and was very worried about his future, not knowing how to arrange him as well in the future.

Did not expect that there was a chance to come to the door today. It was a knight servant who also helped to solve the cost of equipment purchase. He moved a little.

Not only that, after listening to the purpose of coming to the Patton collar as mentioned by the “Yanao”, Baron Luomeng, who had a burly figure and a lot of faces opened by the cold wind, couldn’t help but change his face and cried out. :

“Edward Knight, you said to build a business station in Patton to sell the grain from the south? Why did you think of doing this? When you Nanao encountered disaster in the north of us, did n’t you always die? ? You even thought of selling food to us? “

Surprised, Baron Romon spoke out the nickname ‘nanao’.

Zhou Ming didn’t care, but said indifferently: “We can’t eat enough of the grain of the Grand Collar. Instead of putting it in the granary and rotting, we might as well get some money from the north … I heard that the climate in the north has been bad these two years. There have been several white disasters in the hottest summer. Many tribes in the Northern Savage Kingdom seem to be starting to eat people. Recently, they have added troops at the border. If His Majesty the King will not provide food for them, I am afraid they really want A big offense? “

In the memory left by the last life, Zhou Ming remembers it very clearly. Because of the white disasters for two consecutive years, the Savage Kingdom will invade the Kingdom of Wallis after the spring of March next year. The strength of the force is so large that it has even penetrated the seven counts in the north. The collar, went directly to the seven counts in the south, burned and looted, and even the Grand collar was robbed of seven villages.

Hearing the words “unable to eat” and “rotten”, Baron Romont, who has had a hard time in the past two years, would like to strangle the awful guy in front of him, but when he thinks about the current financial situation of the territory , He frowned and said: “Edward Knight, you can help, and transport some scarce food. I am very grateful, but what do you need? You should know that the North is very poor, there is no gold coins to buy those food, so … “

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have gold coins, as long as you have the territory, whether it is fox skin, mink skin, wolf skin, black bear skin, white bear skin, snow sheepskin, or birch wood, iron pine wood, cold sweater wood … these things can be exchanged for Grain, of course, if some of your natural ore is better, we also collect these things … “

In the northern forest and snow field, various animal furs with excellent cold protection effects have always been the rare and fashionable things of the upper aristocracy in the rich countries of the south, such as the Iron Fort Kingdom. A rare pure white fox fur is worth thousands of gold coins and one is laid. The white bear skin above the king’s throne can also sell ten thousand gold coins. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Not only precious fur, but the most indispensable among the northern forests and snowfields, there are all kinds of high-quality wood resources, such as fine-textured, fire-resistant and moisture-proof 100-year-old birch wood suitable for high-end furniture, iron pine wood with hardness comparable to steel, after burning There is a faint fragrance of fir trees … all are precious resources that can only be grown in the extremely harsh alpine environment in the north.

In addition, Zhou Ming also heard that because of the backward smelting technology, the savages in the sava kingdom farther north use a lot of high-grade iron ore, copper ore and other weapons. Made of hard metal ore, it can be cut with the knight’s sword.

Even some savage pursuing beauty, the ore axe used in his hand, shining with golden light, is an axe-shaped dog head gold.

Zhou Ming knows that the savages tribes in the savages kingdom are also extremely short of grain. If possible, he also wants to transport a batch of grain to the savages tribes further north. No food can grow in the frozen soil. These savages tribes, regardless of disaster Year after year, when transporting some food in the past, you can exchange some of the “weapons” they use every day, including the golden axe.

“There are business opportunities everywhere in this world. No matter what commodities are, to those who lack these commodities, they are all worthy of generous treasure.” Zhou Ming once lamented.

Hearing that you could use the fur in the castle that I did n’t know to put there, and the trees that were too lazy to cut down in the mountains, I could exchange the food in short supply from Zhou Ming. Baron Romon readily agreed to his plan and joined He founded the “Free Business Alliance” founded by him.

At this point, including the four domains of Grand Colleague, Youken Collar, Nathan Collar and Patton Collar, a prototype of an original free business alliance was formally established through Zhou Ming’s persuasion and temptation this month. .

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