Urban Sims

Chapter 57 - Crazy profiteering

After a heavy snow fall, the winter season came.

The ground was covered with a thick white blanket.

It stands to reason that in this kind of cold weather that is not easy to travel, the best way to move is to nest in a home with closed doors and windows, sit by a warm fireplace, roast a fire, drink a little wine, talk to family and friends, and sleep well Last night, through this winter.

But unexpectedly, weird carriages were parked in front of the gates of Grand Collar Castle.

These horse-drawn carriages were dragged by a strong horse, and a square body was dragged in the back. The body was loaded with 20 bags of heavy, about 20 tarun food.

The wheels of the carriage are not the original pair of circular symmetrical spoke wooden wheels, but two wooden boards with bowed ends at both ends and a smooth bottom surface-this is the snowmobile invented by Zhou Ming.

In front of the castle, there are as many as 400 sleigh carts filled with grain bags. With so many sleigh carts, one can transport 8,000 tarun grains to Pa, which is more than 60 miles away in the north, with the efficiency of two trips a day Dayton leading the business station, and then let another person stationed at the business station drive a sleigh car with a similar structure to transport the grain from the business station to various places where there is a demand for food purchase.

From the beginning of Earl Merlin, to the west of Earl Gargan, Earl of Tingen … The final grain sales outlets, almost all of the seven Earl Ears throughout the North.

Zhou Ming was very surprised that because of the poverty and poor environment in the north, there was very little business travel. The earl and baron among the seven earl leaders, I heard that as long as they joined the “Free Business Alliance”, they could buy them After the shortage of food, perhaps the poor will change, and most of the territories, after a little thought, have joined this free business alliance.

In one month, the number of members of the Free Business Alliance increased from 4 to more than 60. There are still many members. After seeing that the neighbors bought a lot of food, they applied for membership.

Therefore, when the horse-drawn sleigh cart transported a bag of grain to the gate of the castle led by the counts and barons, the grain was unloaded and put into the warehouses of various territories. The animal fur, precious wood, and savaged ore weapons (the nobles of the Northland have been fighting the savages of the north for many years, and many ore weapons have been seized) were moved to the side of the sleigh for selection by the caravan leader.

“This fox skin is good. It should be an old fox skin with a life span of more than 20 years. Hey, how did you wear two holes in your head? Unfortunately, one hole is okay, two holes are worthless. This fox skin is still Don’t do it. “The team leader put this fox skin which is extremely rare in the southern kingdom, enough to sell hundreds of gold coins, and thrown aside like garbage.

“This white bear skin is okay, it should be more than 30 years old, and the color is also very good. Hey, how come there are a few yellow hairs? Unfortunately, it is pure white. Mao is worthless, do n’t need it, and do n’t do this anymore. ”There is no million in value, but the white bear skin that can sell at least a thousand gold coins after removing the miscellaneous hair is also regarded as garbage and thrown aside.

“This piece of wood should be a fir tree of more than a thousand years old, the color should be bright golden red, but because the storage is not good, the color becomes dark, don’t!”

“Hey, this savage axe sells well, the color is golden … it should be copper! This axe is about to be taken!” The shrewd leader inadvertently put this piece of dog’s head gold into the sled bucket.

In the warehouses of various territories in the Northland, the amount of fur wood ore in it is too much, but according to the trading rules for one cart of food for one cart, the leaders of the various food alliances of the Shangmeng can only choose from these piles of mountains. Among the goods, pick the goods with the best completeness, the longest year, the purest color, and the highest rarity, and put them in the sled body.

This selection process is critical, critical and critical. The owners of these goods want to get angry.

After picking the goods, a sled cart full of fur, wood, and ore returned to the Glen Collar. Because the craftsman was very scarce, the Glen Collar did not have the ability to further process these cargoes. Therefore, except for all the ore And some of the wood was left, and the remaining pieces of animal fur and precious wood, which were called treasures, were sold to several wealthy kingdoms in the south through the hands of a large number of merchants who joined the Free Trade Union, and they were sold to the officials of these kingdoms. .

Relying on the good operation mechanism of the internal coordination of the Free Business Alliance, centralized lean manpower, and unified planning and sales, the transit base with the Grand collar as the core throughout the winter, divided into dozens of transportation teams in nearly 1,000 snowmobiles In the case of protection by hundreds of knights, the originally quiet and deserted business activities suddenly broke out in dozens of territories with unprecedented vitality, and even in the cold winter, the heat broke out.

sold out.

Sell ​​everything you can sell.

In the case of Grand Collar, in just two months, the 200,000 Taren ’s grain in the castle granary, together with the black and rotten old grain underneath, are all sold. The large amount of dried meat, cheese and sausage accumulated in the field, the tens of thousands of barrels of ale brewed by the winery in these years, and the thousands of dried apples left in the orchard are all in short supply, and they are sold cleanly!

Nathan’s warehouse surplus grain, Bodu collar beef and mutton and specialty nuts (a kind of Bodu collar specialty nuts, thin skin and thick meat, similar to walnuts), only three or four trips, also sold out.

In the later period, in order to continue to meet the strong demand in the north, Zhou Ming had to send someone to greet the Count of Count of Lodz, and even the Baron Garcia in the west had been tempted many times, and finally the remaining 9 in the Count of Count of Lodz The surplus grains of all territories (including Count Lauchitz ’s immediate territory) were all pulled to the north, which only met their food needs.

In the last business, I did not forget the “ore weapon” Zhou Ming in the hands of the northern savages. He personally took the horse and brought a food truck with 20 grains of dried meat and dried fruit, and 80 nothing. Take the empty car (in fact, there is no time, bring the food that people and horses eat), according to the optimal route planned by the [World Map] in his mind, across the white ice field, and reached several elderly people who are discussing to eat Well, it ’s still a tribe of savages that eat women and children. Good guys. If these savages are hungry, they ca n’t take their weapons. The hundreds of people that Zhou Ming brought with him had to be swallowed by these savages.

When returning from the Savage Tribe, the hundreds of sled fleets that Zhou Ming brought with him, in addition to a dozen or so damaged by various accidents, the remaining more than 80 sled vehicles were all filled or Jin Cancan, or Dark or shiny metal ores, as well as some beautifully colored and huge gems (a diamond as big as a human head, crystal clear and free of tiny impurities, Zhou Ming used a pound of grain to replace it), Returning to the ground with full load, he returned to Grand Collar.

At this time, in the large granary of the Grand Collar Castle, Chen Liang was swept away and replaced by countless animal fur, a large amount of precious wood, and no place to store all kinds of metals that can only be placed in the castle room Raw ore.

How to deal with these three types of objects has become the biggest problem before Zhou Ming.

This problem must be a big problem for others, but for Zhou Ming, who has already become a man in his chest, it is just a little drizzle that he has long predicted in his complete plan.

“It ’s important to deal with all those furs first, so many precious furs, and then want to sell tens of thousands of gold coins to customers one by one, it is very unlikely, things are rare and expensive, and things that are not rare, can only rely on The quantity is up, and those with lower quality, one piece of 50 to 100 gold coins, are wholesaled to those traveling businessmen who sell fur. The highest quality is sold to the rich people of the rich kingdom in the south at a slightly higher price. Sale, to ensure that the nobles in the south, whether it is the lowest knight or the most noble king, each buy a few pieces! The weather is so cold, the demand will not drop … “

“As for some precious woods, let’s put them in the hands first. After the Spring Festival, recruit a group of carpenters to come, and the apprentices of ordinary carpenters will also need to be! In the next few months, the large-scale furniture workshop of Grand Collar must be established. Now … “

“There are also those ores that must be left in the hands. These ores are natural rare metal ores that are not easily corroded. After being smelted in a blast furnace, all kinds of metal ingots, whether made of alloy armor, Still casting currency, can play a huge role … “

Zhou Ming, who had made the above plans, took a small caravan with thousands of top furs and went to the Iron Fort Kingdom for the next month.

Uh …

February early spring.

After returning from the Iron Fort Kingdom.

Zhou Ming brought the three members who first joined the business alliance, the three lords of Youcan, Nathan and Patton, to the Grand Collar Castle, and let the health servants carry three unusually heavy chests and placed them. In front of the three lords.

Walked all the way, opened the treasure chest at the foot of the three, a dazzling yet very delicate and soft light radiated out, Zhou Ming said to them:

“Baron Howard, the 25,000 gold coins in this box are the rewards I gave to you and your knights. Thank you very much for your strong support for the business alliance in the past few months. Please accept these gold coins. This is yours. A little reward. “

After hearing this, Baron Howard could not wait to squat down, his eyes radiating the unique brilliance of the wealth fan, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the gold coins in the box one by one, grinning broadly, and muttering in his mouth: ” A lot of gold coins, all mine, all mine … “

“My dear father-in-law, the 30,000 gold coins in this box are your reward. You have provided 100,000 taruns of food for the trade union, and more than 20,000 taruns of dried meat and dried fruit. Those knights under your hands, this It has been very hard for me to run south and north with me for a few months. When you go back, do n’t forget to give some of the gold coins to them. This is the reward they deserve. “

After hearing Zhou Ming ’s words, Baron Sean nodded and was very excited. 30,000 gold coins. He has never seen so many gold coins in his life. This time it took only three or four months to earn it. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com now he has a dream-like feeling, is this true?

In the end, Zhou Ming walked to the point where he could not stand, his eyes flicked, and he looked at the two Baron Romon, who was full of gold coins and treasure boxes, from now on-the rough-looking northern man, who was uneasy at the moment and wanted to put his feet down Open the treasure chest belonging to him, and see how many gold coins are contained in it, which is his reward …

However, the Baron Romon, who has never moved forward and never feared on the battlefield, still dared not open this treasure chest, because in the Free Business League, he made the least effort and could not get any food, dried meat, etc. The goods, to make more contributions to the Shangmeng, what he can do, at most send some knights and farmers to fight for the caravan.

Now that I see Edward Knight, I have to give myself some extra rewards. He dare not think of 20,000 or 30,000 gold coins. He can be happy with thousands of gold coins. The set of his family has been passed down for generations. After more than a hundred years, the armor has been sewed and repaired countless times, and this time it should be possible to replace it with a new one.


Good dazzling golden light.

Baron Romon narrowed his eyes and heard a voice in his ear: “Dear Baron Romon, if you have n’t been in the North Territories for matchmaking in these months, it will provide convenience and help for the Business Alliance. Free Business Alliance It is impossible to sell so much food and goods, I am grateful! Here are 20,000 gold coins, I hope not too much, believe me, as long as you work together, next year, you can earn more gold coins than this ! “

“Um ~”

Baron Luomon nodded his head lightly. The man who was always honest and straightforward, somehow, had red eyes and a slightly sour nose.

He secretly said that this free trade union is really very interesting.

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