Urban Sims

v3 Chapter 3 - The most valuable resource

.., The Urban Sims

Mining is an extremely dangerous job.

Even if you are careful and prepared in advance, the probability of survival is very small in the face of sudden disasters such as collapses and magma eruptions.

It is impossible for the government to organize the rescue of tens of thousands of equipment like Zhou Ming’s world, the news media broadcast live day and night, and people all over the country are anxiously hoping for a miracle.

There is no one to save!

In addition, through two gaming experiences, Zhou Ming discovered a rule: the average life expectancy of male miners is no more than 35 years old, and no more than 5% of miners can live to be over 40 years old.

The average life span is so short. On the one hand, the mining labor intensity is too great, long-term overdraft physical strength, and the aging speed is accelerated; on the other hand, all kinds of sudden underground disasters have caused a large number of accidental deaths, about every five Of the miners, two will die from the mine disaster and one will be disabled, without any compensation.

A large number of men died abnormally, which led to the imbalance of the ratio of men and women in various mining areas. More women than men and polygamy became normal. Even so, many adult women are still difficult to marry, especially those widows with children, no one dares Marry, in order to survive, they can only follow the mine.

Isn’t there no such kind of mining disasters happening less, the value of the ore is higher, and the reserves are rich. Just digging for a few hours a day, can you ensure that the whole family is fed and fed?


Not only there, but only in the third mining area, there are fifteen or six such stable veins.

However, these types of mineral veins are all occupied by the large families in the third mining area. These families are crowded, well-equipped, and single-family.

Such as the Jin family brothers, the Wolf family brothers, the Shi family brothers, the Sha family brothers … as long as the mineral veins in your hands are stared by these brothers, there is basically no possibility of keeping them.

Therefore, after two games, you can start a new game. Even if Zhou Ming told him some stable ore veins that he wrote down to Tie Qiang, the forces of the Tie family may not be able to hold it.

“What kind of mineral resource is it that can be exploited for a long time, but also has high value, and it is not very hard and dangerous?”

At this moment, Nao Zhong remembered one thing, Zhou Ming’s flash of light, suddenly became extremely excited:

“I have a way!”

Enter the game again!

In the blink of an eye, Tie Qiang is 16 years old because he is well nourished. Now, he is stronger than his two older brothers. He has earned more credit points in recent years than his dads and brothers added up, and because He can often dig some high-value rare mines, he also has a nickname of “lucky iron strong”.

Even, he still has a lot of “sexual encounters”, and many widows and little beauties with good looks in the three mining areas have favored him and tried to seduce him.

Of course, the young Tie Qiang couldn’t hold it off, not to mention that he was only 16 years old, but he had already achieved the achievement of ten people. He accidentally became the father of two children, causing a small part of his income to flow into those women Hand zhong.

But he doesn’t care, as long as there is a “grandpa” in the brain, he doesn’t worry about not enough credit.

No, today, when he was just off work, the “grandpa” in the brain said another thing to him, which surprised him.

“Tie Qiang, do you want to do the kind of work where you don’t have to go down to mine and sit at home every day, and there are countless credit points?”

“Think about it, of course! Do you really have this kind of work?” Tie Qiang, who was already exhausted, immediately sat up from the iron bed and asked excitedly.

“Yes, as long as you find a mine, a mine of infinite value.”

“What mine? There, I will find it immediately!”

“Water, go to shallow mines and find the water easily.”


Tie Qiang was taken aback, then shook his head and said: “What to do for water, there is no way to extract water, and it can be bought from the company, a liter of water is only worth 2 credit points …”

Tie Qiang disagreed, thinking that water is not a strange thing, and he could n’t sell so much money, but after he heard the idea that “Grandpa” told him, Tie Qiang became more and more excited and only took a short break. After a few hours, I set off with a tool and went to the place designated by the grandpa in the shallow area to find the water.

After finding a month or so, I drilled seven or eight holes in succession with a rock drill. Just when the iron strength was losing confidence, a white liquid torrent hit the machine in his hand at high speed and hit the flexible protective clothing for a while. Pain, he couldn’t help but loosen his hand, the rock drill fell down, and the person flashed to the side, avoiding the thin stream of water.

“Found water, I found water!”

Tie Qiang shouted excitedly, Zhou Ming in reality, a half arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, smiled and nodded.

Groundwater is not difficult to find. There is a shallow rock layer four kilometers above the third mining area. There is a large rock aquifer with a water storage capacity of more than 10 million tons. Last year, when Tieqiang was 30 years old, a branch After the exploration team of the company accidentally cut this rock layer, a large amount of high-pressure fresh water spewed out at a flow rate of hundreds of cubic meters per second, causing the death of many exploration members on the spot, and such a huge amount of fresh water, about half, It went down into the third living area. In the next two years, the third living area was plagued by the flooding of groundwater.

When the water in that rock formation reservoir was almost streamed out, there was an extra lake of about 10 mu in the third living area.

Zhou Ming stared at the water, what’s the use?

The first is to sell money. These waters are all fresh water that contains various trace elements and can be directly consumed. If you collect all these fresh water, put it in a container, and then sell it at a price of 1 to 1.5 credit points per liter. The drinking needs of more than 3000 people in the third living area (2 liters per person per day) can earn 6000-9000 credit points.

This does not include people’s daily water for washing, bathing (people here, take a bath at most twice a year), water for cleaning tools … The amount of water used in these aspects will not be less than the amount of drinking water.

The second is to plant land and use the water to grow food and vegetables.

Growing grain and vegetables in a place 12km deep underground, is this a joke?

No kidding, water is the source of life. Even in the harshest environment, as long as there is water and noble soil, plants can grow.

Of course, it also needs to add external energy supply, such as light energy for plant photosynthesis.

At this time, some people might laugh. The power provided by the mining company requires 1 credit point per degree. People usually do n’t turn on the lights for more than one minute, and they will turn off the lights. You take these precious power and emit light. Yes, let plants absorb and grow, has this cost not been properly accounted for?

Of course Zhou Ming has calculated, so he plans to let Tie Qiang assemble the generator himself to generate electricity and be self-sufficient.

What does it depend on to generate electricity?

Underground magma.

Yes, the temperature of the underground magma is as high as more than 3,000 degrees. Even if a steam boiler is placed near the magma river, under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, the steam will continue to expand and work, which will drive the power generation device to generate electricity. Transported to the living area through electric wires, electrical energy is converted into light energy through light bulbs, and energy for plant growth is also available.

With the development of technology in this world, materials such as high Tesla magnets, electric wires, copper wires, welding equipment, plastic water pipes, high-strength steel plates, etc., are still provided by mining companies.

In order to satisfy the tastes of different consumer groups, some cereals, legumes, and even corn kernels are provided, but the price is much more expensive than compressed nutritious meals.

So, after successfully finding the water, in the next few years, Tie Qiang pulled his brother and dad to help, installed a pressure-resistant water pipe more than 4000 meters long, and after controlling those water resources, he sold the water for a while. Earned the first pot of gold: 3 million credits.

After holding these credit points and buying a batch of equipment and materials, the Tiejia organized a group of people and successfully assembled a power generating device with a power generation capacity of 20kw at a depth of 30 kilometers underground, which was transmitted through the cable. To the living area, and under the guidance of Zhou Ming, Tieqiang set up the first greenhouse with a glass box, and the light bulb on the top finally used free electricity.

Two months later, the first batch of peas matured. After being picked, the fresh pea soup cooked by mother Hongyan, the fresh taste and different taste, instantly conquered everyone’s taste.

After waiting another month, the rice was ripe, the barley was ripe, and the corn was ripe … Tie’s table began to have countless patterns.

Some people may ask, this is water, electricity, food and vegetables. The iron family has made so many tricks. Doesn’t others want to be greedy or want it?

Of course greedy, of course want!

Especially the Jin family brothers, the wolf family brothers, the two largest ground snakes in the third mining area, were terribly greedy, and their hands were stretched several times, but apart from suffering losses and paying a heavy price, they almost got nothing.

It turned out that in order to defend these interests, Tie Qiang followed Zhou Ming’s suggestion and took out half of the profits made by selling water, and hired 30 miners with the best skills and physique in Le Mine, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com acts as a full-time bodyguard, defending the interests of the Iron Family, plus 4 Iron Family fathers and sons, as well as more than a dozen relatives, close sturdy men, who are not afraid of any brothers.

Moreover, after the greenhouse was covered, with the expansion of the scale of the greenhouse, the production of grain and vegetables continued to increase, and the demand for manpower also increased, the iron family also hired the wives of some miners and some extremely poor widows in the greenhouse Although the salary is not very high for work, it also greatly reduces the burden on the family and the labor intensity is not large. For a time, being able to work in the greenhouse of the Tiejia greenhouse has become the envy of family women in the mining area.


Will everything go on so smoothly locally?

The person in charge of the third mining area reported this situation to Fang Zhixing, the manager of the e7 area. The 40-year-old man of Zhongzhong patted the desk and said with a blank expression: “They are all like you, mineral companies, How to dig underground mines? “【】

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