Urban Sims

v3 Chapter 4 - Mining area uprising

The mining company is the sky above Area 51 and controls everything in Area 51.

The existence of a mineral company is a mineral resource that is tens of kilometers deep underground.

Mining companies need to create benefits, and they need to provide upper class nobles with various types of ore that they only want to increase and do not want to decrease.

In order to achieve this goal, the mining company provides the miners with rock drills and protective clothing at a cost price, including high-energy batteries, electrical energy, high-strength drill bits used by the rock drills, and oxygen to fill the oxygen cylinders in the mine, which are basically free .

Otherwise, it is necessary to strictly implement the regulations of 1 credit point and 1 credit point. Miners digging mines cannot afford even the lost electricity bills.

It is important to know that most of the mining area is 2,30 kilometers deep underground, where the hardness of the rock layer is close to diamond, and it takes at least half an hour for miners to extract 1 kg of ore from here.

In the entire area 51, the total annual output of various ores is only 30 million tons.

This output is an insult to the level of technological development in this world.

Why doesn’t the company use large-scale mining machinery to increase production, or develop mining robots that are not fatigue-prone and not afraid of sacrifice instead of labor?

The main reason is cost.

One, the cost of manufacturing, purchasing, and using large-scale mining machinery is so high that it is unbearable to mining companies.

Two, labor is cheaper, or those miners are cheaper, even cheaper than mining robots, they can completely serve as consumables, and they are completely enough and very easy to use.

The only value that miners have is mining for mining companies.

Therefore, the mining company has formulated a very strict price system to ensure that miners will not starve to death, and there is no way to be lazy.

But now, this set of price system, in the third mining area, is being hit in all directions.

In three years, with only two items of hydropower, the economic losses of mining companies exceeded 20 million credit points.

The most important raw ore produced, in three years, plummeted by 30%.

Following this trend, once the grain in the third mining area is also self-sufficient, the output of the original mines may decline.

Other mines, after seeing this scene, will scramble to follow suit.

This is a terrible disaster for Area 51!

“Banning, all these new things appearing in the third mine area are banned for me! You can take any means!”

After reporting the situation to the company’s head of the company, the head of the 51th district is so loyal to the other party.

“Yes, Mr. Wang!”

Tiejia in the third mining area, and the fierce struggle with the mining company, officially began.

At the beginning, it was a warning that the staff sent by the mining company asked the iron family to release all the fresh water, turn off the generator, and remove the greenhouse in three days, otherwise the company will be punished and sanctioned!

Of course, the Tiejia don’t buy it. The mining company only cares about the mines. Why should it control the things in the living area? What do they do in the living area, and why does the company manage it?

Because Area 51 is a very loose anarchy area, the mining company is only responsible for mining matters and supplies. The more than 300 underground mining areas, the company does not send personnel to manage, all mining areas are actually in chaos and autonomy The miners are mostly tough and difficult to tame. Mining companies do not want to pay too high management costs to manage these miners.

Therefore, the Tiejia still do their own thing. Not only did they not demolish these facilities as required, but on the contrary, they increased the protection of personnel and made all the plans for coping.

But how can the arm be overtightened?

On the fourth day, the mining company just increased the price of all kinds of materials supplied to the third mining area in the store by ten times, and canceled the supply of a lot of important materials. The third mining area immediately fell into a panic. Those who originally supported iron After the family of miners felt the sudden increase in survival pressure, they were holding a lively attitude and immediately opened the distance from the iron family, and there were many complaints behind them.

Brothers Jin and Wolf didn’t forget to drop the rock, taking this opportunity to take people to many times and smash a greenhouse in Tiejia.

Fortunately, Zhou Ming had anticipated such a situation long ago, while hoarding a large number of materials in advance, he also allowed Tieqiang to send people to the fourth and fifth mines next door to buy a large amount of materials, the more the better!

After all, the E7 area can be partially self-sufficient. At present, it is only the third mining area. In other mining areas, the price is unlikely to change much. If it also rises ten times at the same time, it is strange that the miners do not rebel.

After being aware of this situation, Fang Zhihong was not an easy generation. He was so cruel, he actually increased the price of the ten mining areas in the E7 area under his jurisdiction by 10 times, and told them in the broadcast. Miners: “I want you to destroy the water source of the Tiejia in the third area, destroy their generators and greenhouses! After killing the people of this family, the price will fall back, and the company will drop you another 10%!”

Hearing this news from the broadcast, Zhou Ming knew that if he wanted to survive, he would not be able to execute that plan. He immediately said to Tie Qiang: “To this day, we can only execute plan E.”

“Plan E?”

Tie Qiang grinned awkwardly and hit his fist **** the rock wall: “Company, you forced me! Since you want us to die, we won’t make you feel better!”

After that, the Tieqiang family put on thick miner’s protective clothing and brought more than fifty people with iron hammers and rock drills in their hands. On the same day, they rushed into the company store inside the mine and killed After the clerk, he looted the materials in the store and distributed them to the onlookers outside.

Not only that, after looting the company’s shops in this mine, the group also kept on non-stop, and in the next one or two days, the surrounding first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth and other eight or nine mining areas The company stores were all looted, and the looted materials were all distributed to the onlookers, and a revolutionary declaration was issued to these people:


“We’ve had enough!”

“Such a day, we can’t survive a day!”

“The company, the mining company, treats us as slaves in captivity, mining, mining, and non-stop mining, let us use our lives to mine! How many wives lose their husbands and how many children lose their father every year, company? No compensation for a credit point will be given to them! “

“We are fortunate to work hard and risk our lives. What is the reward in return? It is such a small amount of compensation that we can only make a living. Under the careful calculation of the company, if we do not work every day, we will be hungry for a day , 6-year-old children, to follow the mine, miners in their 40s who were not working, were disqualified from mining … “

“Slave, we are just a group of slaves, a group of humble ants! The value of our existence is not as good as a piece of ore in the eyes of those in the company!”

“Who else wants to continue this way? Or, like us, no longer dig any piece of mine under the ground, but use the hammer in his hand to smash the heads of those company employees, and use the rock drill in his hand to chisel Open store lockers! Company, this big bonanza, we are very happy to dig! “

“Yes, we may all die, but it is only a few years earlier. We prefer this method of death to death deeper than to poverty and hunger!”

“Tired of this kind of life? What are you waiting for? Come on, come and join us! Put on your miner uniforms and go mining with us!”

Soon, the first miner joined them.

Then came the second, third … tenth, hundredth, thousandth …

In just one week, it seemed like a Mars was sprinkled on a pile of dry firewood. The miners in the E7 area rebelled quickly, and quickly wiped out the company forces in the area.

Fang Zhihong fled and hurriedly reported the situation to his superiors. When Mr. Wang learned of the situation, he yelled at the waste and immediately ordered someone to drag the guy out and throw it into a vast mine.

But at this time, killing 10 Fang Zhihong was of no avail. In order to quell the rebellion and in order not to disrupt the company’s production plan, “Mr. Wang” mobilized the security forces of more than 20 districts and organized a 5,000-man siege All are equipped with chemical energy automatic rifles and a small amount of high-energy electro-optical guns, and strive to completely suppress this rebel force in a short period of time.

However, three years later, this rebel army not only has not been eliminated, but has broken the encirclement and suppression again and again, which not only caused heavy losses to the company, but also expanded the territory controlled by the rebels from ten mines to more than one hundred In the mining area, the number of rebels has increased from more than a thousand at the beginning to more than 30,000, and a large number of weapons seized from the company’s encirclement and suppression teams have been used to defeat the company’s suppression.

Moreover, the rebels used mine guerrilla tactics, the loss of personnel was very small, and the weapons used by the company’s encirclement team, automatic rifles, were difficult to penetrate the protective clothing worn by the miners. Familiarity with the terrain of the mine tunnel will either disorient the encirclement team in the mine tunnel, or be attacked from behind … The advanced advantages of weapons cannot be brought into play at all.

In the later period, the company sent a special force equipped with advanced detective equipment, equipped with life detectors and radar scanners, which caused great losses to the uprising, but this special force of hundreds of people came from other The second floor area is seconded to belong to the ground troops, who are not familiar with the underground mines, and soon lose all …

In the fifth year of the uprising, more than 300 underground mining areas were seen, and more than 200 were controlled by the rebels. The company ’s new general manager “Mr. Long” took a decision that shocked everyone. :

“Turn off 29 vents, leaving only one. Let the miners all come out from under the ground. When a miner comes up, he will be equipped with an” explosive neck ring “. The rebels who did not come out, after closing all the vents, wait The rats below are all dead, the mining area has become clean, and let the miners go back. “

This plan can be described as poisonous, because once the underground mine area loses its external oxygen supply, it will no longer maintain ventilation. The poisonous gas and natural gas that have penetrated through the rock cracks will soon turn all mine areas into dead areas that are no longer suitable for survival. If seven days Within a period of time, humans in the underground mining area did not evacuate to the ground, basically all will die.

And Zhou Ming’s E plan is considered more thoroughly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com also did not expect that this situation will occur.

This is equivalent to a reshuffle.

Therefore, when the rebels were at a high level and panicked, Zhou Ming could only suggest to Tie Qiang:

“Now we can only dig an escape route to the surface, or hide in a shallow mine area with better ventilation, and wait for the company to restart the ventilation equipment before returning to the ground.”

But at this time the rebel army, which had swelled to 100,000 people, plus the family members of more than 300,000 people, the population of nearly 400,000, the daily consumption of massive amounts of food and fresh water, if they escaped from the few greenhouse bases and fresh water storage Point, all went to the surface or shallow mining area, and lost most of the power supply, the final outcome can be imagined.

The Great Uprising failed. Most of the rebels, after being put on the ‘explosion neck ring’, became slaves of the company again. A few rebels who fled to the surface or shallow mining areas, under the heavy encirclement of the company, failed for several years. And killed.

Ten years after the uprising, the rebel leader Tie Qiang was sold by his closest comrade-in-arms. A bullet shot from behind took his 30-year-old life …

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