Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 107 - Alfred

The Scarlet Continent.

A very special continent.

Compared with the blue continent, the whole body of the red continent is red, and the structure is complete, not in a fragmented state.

But the area is relatively small, with a maximum diameter of 0.3 light-years. The total area is only about one-fifth of the blue continent, and there is not even a large crescent-shaped main continent that has the blue moon plane.

Because of its small size and weak strength, hundreds of millions of years ago, the **** of blue regarded the “red god” as a soft persimmon, and wanted to swallow everything of the “red god”.

In the end, the Blue God did indeed. After some battles, the Blue God successfully killed the Red God, causing the Red God to fall completely.

But I didn’t expect that the last moment of the battle, the red **** who was unwilling to fail, actually chose to explode the magic net, and he would die with the blue god!

The power of the self-detonation of the magic net is unimaginable, but the obviously strong blue **** ca n’t resist. As a result, his own magic net is damaged by two-thirds, and the remaining one-third is also under the power of the red Contaminated a considerable part.

To make matters worse, due to the incompatibility of the power system, everything the blue gods did proved to be worthless and unprofitable.

And caused him to fall into a hundred million years of sleep, and his strength was greatly damaged.

What about the Red Continent?

The red continent, which has lost the red **** and the magic net exploded, is naturally more miserable than the blue continent.

Coupled with the harsh natural conditions, whether in terms of population, economy, resources, science and technology, social development, etc., the red continent is far behind the blue continent.

Compared with the blue continent, the red continent can be highly summarized by the word “backward”.

However, when the plane expedition team dispatched by Zhou Ming arrived in the Red Continent, took root, and gradually integrated into the local indigenous people, he soon made a number of major discoveries.

Some even found that Alfred, the captain of the expedition, was amazed and felt incredible.

Through the Magic Net communication, Alfred reported some of his findings to Zhou Ming:

“Adult President, the Red Continent is savagely backward, but there are some commendable places.”

“The magical concentration in the air of this plane is very high, and it is conservatively estimated that it is more than 10 times that of ours. This allows local indigenous people to easily contact cultivation and step into the door of the strong, even in a village of about 100 people. , Can emerge more than ten scarlet warlocks, a high proportion of cultivators! “

“In addition, due to the high concentration of magic power, this plane is strong like a cloud, countless masters, and there are not many rare warlocks at the sixth and seventh levels, or even the top warlocks at the eighth and ninth levels … This makes us have to act low-key and try our best. Avoid offending forces that are difficult to overcome. “

“Also, we have another major discovery in the Youhong Continent!”

“That is the plane, there is the power of blue! There is a lot of power of blue!”

“And the concentration of blue power is not only a little bit, but very high, about three times the plane of the blue moon … higher than the concentration of our home!”

“Just because of the pollution of the power of red, few people here can practice the power of blue, and the local warlocks who practice the power of blue are not affected by the power of blue. They can all Practice normally, “

“But I have heard that monks in some countries on the northern side of the red continent can practice the power of blue … because the density of the red power there is very low, and it is basically not affected.

“Because the power of the Crimson Red is biased towards” darkness “and” cruelty “, the power of the Cyan is neutral. This continent, two types of monks, often have conflicts, and it is often the Crimson Warlock that dominates, so many Cultivators The monk of Lan Zhili became a slave who worked hard, and the survival situation was difficult. “

“It is our expedition team that has also been attacked by the indigenous people many times. If it were not for several members of the team, it was the demon who practiced the power of the Scarlet Red. I am afraid we would have been killed by those evil indigenous peoples. “

It turned out that before this expedition team went to the Youhong Continent, Zhou Ming took a few demon heads that he had captured but not all killed. After a certain amount of wrists made the demon heads surrender, they were stuffed into the floating boat and let them together Go to the Red Continent and perform the mission of exploration.

Fortunately, the demon heads were more cooperative, and there was no trouble on the way. It was considered that they entered their role and played their due role.

In addition, the leader of the expedition, Alfred, told Zhou Ming that one of the most important findings was that there is no energy layer in the Red Continent, and the Red Power Magic Net can be used correspondingly.

The magic net exploded completely hundreds of millions of years ago.

Now in the energy layer, not to mention the magic net, it is a complete magic string, which can’t be sensed.

In other words, there is no magic net walker on the Youhong Continent.

Even because of the age, the local indigenous people, even the legend of the magic net, have never heard of it, and it has completely reduced to a “barren land.”

However, because of the high concentration of magic in the Redland, it is suitable for cultivation. Even without the help of the magic net, the local practitioners are generally powerful and generally adapt to this environment. They must not be underestimated.


Have the great convenience provided by the magic net.

And the environment where no magic web exists.

A world with two levels!

For example, the plane expedition team sent by Zhou Ming is composed of 8 immortal magic net walkers (cultivating the power of blue, connected to the new magic net), plus 6 demon heads (cultivating the power of red, connecting Into a faint red power).

A total of 14 members.

All connected with the magic net ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After these 14 people arrived in the Youhong Continent, due to the influence of the free red power in the air, the 8 magic net walkers who practiced the power of blue had a greatly reduced combat power The strength is only the usual 80%.

And because they are far away from the blue moon plane, the soul chord connected to the magic net has lengthened the distance of two or three light years, which makes the diameter of the soul chord narrower, the channel for transmitting magic power narrows, and the strength has dropped. Fifty percent.

In this way, the two factors combined, the strength of the eight magic net walkers has dropped to the level of magic net walkers of level 5 … This level of strength, roaming in the red continent, can be said to be very dangerous and can kill them A lot of natives.

What about the other 6 demons?

Due to the lengthening of the soul chords, their strength has dropped to about 70% as usual.

However, the high-concentration power of the Crimson Continent is very beneficial to their strength and can be better played.

The two factors are combined, and the strength of the six demon heads is basically not affected.

Therefore, in a battle, when this plane exploration team faced more than 1,000 indigenous attacks, they not only did not annihilate the whole army, but killed the indigenous people and killed more than 800 people.

The remaining more than 200 people surrendered on their knees and gave their land and property, so that Alfred had a foothold for them.

The expedition has a foothold and a firm foothold, so what next?

What are they going to do next?

Naturally, it is the user who develops the “red magic power net”, and has been continuously ambitious to the “little red system”.

Not bad!

Another brand-new magic net, after Zhou Ming’s soul string, connected with the group of “red power”, was quickly formed under his control.

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