Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 108 - highway

Little Red System?

Judging from the name alone, this system is similar to the “Xiaozhi system”, right?

There is also the Red Power Magic Net, which is probably not much different from the Blue Power New Magic Net … only one belongs to the negative energy magic net, and the other belongs to the mid-energy magic net.

indeed so.

In addition to the essential differences in energy attributes, in other respects, the template is basically applied, the main framework is exactly the same, and the system is basically copied.

But the problem is coming.

With the magic power of the faint red and the “small red system”, can the “red faint continent” discovered by the expedition team be quickly won by Zhou Ming?

Is there no such thing as “satisfied soil”?

The problem certainly exists.

For example, in terms of hardware, there is a very serious problem, that is, the “Crimson Power” magic net established by Zhou Ming is located above the blue moon, far away from the Crimson Continent. To pull out a string of three or four years old soul, you can connect to the magic web.

But the chord of the soul has been lengthened. Not only has the difficulty of connecting to the magic net increased, but the magic channel will also be narrowed, which will make the strength of the magic net walker a larger discount.

how to solve this problem?

There are two ideas.

One is the migrating magic net, which transfers the “red power” magic net in the energy layer to the material surface “red continent”, shortening the distance and facilitating the use of magic net walkers.

But the idea of ​​migrating the magic net was ruled out by Zhou Ming, because he still had to rely on this magic net to solve the blue god. After the blue **** was killed, he might take this method.

He can only adopt the second idea!

What ideas?

In the energy layer, build a “red highway” of Crimson Force, which extends over the Crimson Continent, and a connection bridge is set at the end, allowing magic net walkers who practice Crimson Force to connect to the magic through the connection bridge at the end Net, and then through the “highway” to achieve the inflow and outflow of magic power into the magic net.

So how to build this “highway”?

Is it difficult to build?

a bit difficult.

Because the so-called “highway” is a “soul chord” of great capacity, not only to draw a distance of three or four light years, but also to ensure that the internal capacity is large enough to allow a lot of magic to flow at high speed.

Who can provide such a “soul string”?

Can Zhou Ming provide it?

Shook his head.

Of course, shaking his head.

Zhou Ming can’t provide such a thick “soul chord”. With the size and strength of his soul, he pulls out a four-light-old soul chord, which can be used by up to 10 level 5 magic netwalkers at the same time.

Fortunately, the system has a way to solve this problem.

That is to use the soul of the dead as “raw materials” to build a magic “highway” with enough capacity.

The system predicts that as long as the souls of 10 million practitioners are filled as raw materials, a sufficient “highway” can be built.

Yes, see here, I believe everyone knows what the so-called magic web is made up of: part of it is of course the huge magic power; part of it, which plays a supporting role in the skeleton, is naturally the endless fragments of soul Too.

Due to the many practitioners of the “red continent”, Zhou Ming extended his soul string over a short period of time, waiting for the magic net walkers of the red continent to kill enough enemies and fill enough After the soul, the “highway” was successfully built.

In addition, in addition to the expressway used to transmit the “red power”, it must be planned and constructed.

On the other side, at the New Demon Net, Zhou Ming also intends to allow several “True God-level” elders to extend their “soul chord” and build a highway that transmits the “blue power” to the Red Land .

Why build a “highway” that transmits the power of blue?

The reason is simple, because there is a lot of “blue power” in the Youhong Continent.

The concentration of the blue power over there is three times as much as the blue moon plane, and the total amount is almost exactly the same!

Faced with so many “blue forces” scattered on other planes, how could Zhou Ming be unimpressed?

How could so much blue power be wasted instead of being collected and used to accelerate the construction of a new magic net?

Therefore, the 14 expedition members who arrived in the Red Continent all had work and division of labor.

Six demon heads who practiced the power of the Crimson Red, went to the Amway “Little Red System” everywhere, and strengthened the “Criminal Power of the Crimson Power”.

The 8 team members who practiced the power of blue went to those countries with a large number of warlocks who practiced the power of blue, and continued to promote the “little wisdom system” to accelerate the growth of the new magic net.

But the problem came again.

Say good to purify the magic net?

Continuously amway the system and expand the two magic nets to achieve the purification of the magic net?

What is the basic principle of Zhou Ming’s purification of the magic net?

In fact, the principle is very simple, which is to use the different affinity of the two cultivators to the two magic powers to achieve the screening and separation of magic powers.

Everyone knows that the power of blue is a neutral force. Once it is contaminated by negative energy or negative energy, it will be seriously affected, making it impossible for the warlocks to practice.

The Crimson Force is a force with a negative attribute. It can be mixed with negative energy or with mid-energy. Even if it is contaminated by negative energy and mid-energy, it will not be a big deal. , Does not affect the cultivation of warlocks.

Of course, the negative energy must not collide with the positive energy. The extreme energy of the two attributes, collision, will undoubtedly cause huge damage and even annihilate together.

So Zhou Ming can use these characteristics to achieve the separation and purification of the two energies.

Because the warlocks who practice the power of scarlet are not affected by the power of blue under the polluted environment, they can only absorb the power of scarlet, if they are allowed to put the power of scarlet in the material plane , Uploaded to the magic net in large quantities, constantly reducing the concentration of “red power” in the material plane.

Then the concentration of “Blue Power” has risen relatively, becoming more pure.

Then, the pure “blue power” is continuously uploaded to the new magic net. After the “red continent” plane enters the “era of the last law” for a period of time, the purification work of the magic net is basically completed.

In Zhou Ming’s hands, he also got two clean and complete magic nets.

It can be said that you are done!

In short, Zhou Ming ’s set of purification principles is actually very similar to the separation of acids and alkalis in chemistry. If the “blue power” is regarded as neutral “water”, the “red power” Seen as an acidic “strong acid”, if you want to separate it, just use some strongly adsorbed substances to continuously strip the “acid”, and the remaining water will become pure ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ According to this According to the principle, no matter whether it encounters any plane or magic net in the future, as long as it is not a mixture of “acid and alkali”, Zhou Ming has enough assurance to achieve the purification of the plane or magic net.

The copy of “Infinite Magic Net” is still in a state of chaos. The unpolluted Magic Net is only a very small number. Due to the operability problem, the ability to purify the power of the Magic Net is really poor, even There is almost no.

But Zhou Ming, who found the best way to purify the material plane and the magic net, undoubtedly occupies a huge advantage and has a super weapon.

This will undoubtedly bring great help for him to clear this copy!

Of course, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, whether it can be done in the end, Zhou Ming ca n’t go to Haikou arbitrarily, and he is too confident. He can only take one step at a time, to achieve the ultimate in details. To be meticulous and meticulous, adjust at any time to create one small success after another, so the final big success will naturally be closer and closer to him, and will not be far away.

So, in the next two months, Zhou Ming extended his soul string and successfully built a “highway” leading to the energy layer above the red continent … of course, this is the original version, the magic channel The capacity is very low and the magic transmission rate is very slow.

However, under the union of many elder god-level elders, the blue power “highway” extending from the new magic net to the red continent was successfully built. The magic transmission rate is 10 times that of Zhou Ming’s highway … This enhances the strength of Alfred and others.

The two highways are all built.

On the other side, Alfred and others who are active on the Scarlet Continent officially started their “Amway Tour” after the hardware facilities were perfect.

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