Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 36 - Rapid reconstruction

“One, two, three, four …”

After arriving at the disaster relief site, the group of ministers dispersed immediately, and then counted like a sheep, facing the victims in the simple wooden shed one by one.

In order to count the number of victims in the disaster relief site, these officials adopted various methods.

Some dumb officials counted the past one or two places based on the number of people in the disaster, but soon the number of dizziness was dizzy, and the intensive phobia was shaken by countless moving faces, which was difficult to sustain.

Smarter officials will first calculate the approximate population density of the disaster victims in the disaster relief site, and then measure the area of ​​the disaster relief site.

The smartest officials went directly to the kitchen and asked the cooks how much food the disaster victims consumed every day.

In the end, a number was obtained that was not too large: 650,000 people.

A total of 650,000 victims have been resettled in this largest disaster relief site in the east.

With the addition of three disaster relief sites in the north, west and south, an average of 50,000 people were resettled each.

The total is 800,000.

In the “Disaster Relief Report”, the total number of resettlement victims is indeed 800,000, and there is no trace of water.


The group of officials suddenly fell silent.

They stared blankly at their emperor, a 14-year-old minor, with a big question mark in his head.

How did you do it?

How did your emperor do it?

With all the conditions and facilities of the empire, even if Andorhal is close to each other, even if the million victims and the emperor tried their best, they could save up to 34 million people, and at most half could not be saved. All.

But their emperor, His Majesty, did what was impossible: almost all the victims were rescued.

Created a scene in which they could not believe the miracle before them.

But even so, His Majesty the emperor still seemed not very satisfied, still muttered in front of them:

“There are 1.5 million people in Andorhal County. The sudden floods drowned 300,000 people, and another 200,000 people fell into the siege of the flood, and gradually died after drowning. Afterwards, another 200,000 people lacked food due to the lack of rescue. , Died of starvation. “

“In the end, only 800,000 people were saved.”

“Actually, when the floods broke out, if the people in Andorhal County could go to the emperor to call the police two days in advance, the victims would have at least 200,000 fewer deaths.”

“If the rescue forces act more quickly and have more advanced equipment, the victims will die more than 100,000 fewer.”

“If Andohar County has established a comprehensive disaster warning system, taken precautionary measures, and evacuated the victims in advance, the total loss of the victims will be reduced to below 10,000, and there will never be deaths and missing 700,000 people.”

“Although natural disasters are terrible, if people do not have the determination and preparation to deal with natural disasters, they will only be able to escape and suffer heavy losses.”

“On the contrary, if all precautions and preparations are made, Andorhal County is more than enough to save itself. Why should the Quartet vigorously rescue? What are you afraid of?

Hear His Majesty the Emperor.

Surprisingly, no one from the group of ministers stood up to refute. Instead, they all fell into contemplation. They felt that His Majesty was young, but what he said made sense.


Everyone can talk about Daoli, but whether it can be done or whether it can be translated into concrete practice is another matter.

And 800,000 victims, His Majesty the Emperor was rescued, and after learning the specific rescue methods, all the ministers served, but after that? What should I do afterwards?

You must know that the 800,000 victims have almost nothing. They have to rely on the state to support them. Then they have to take out large sums of money to rebuild their homes and resume production. At least for three years, they ca n’t see any return. A huge burden.

The Chancellor of the Treasury Tashik initially estimated that the money alone would cost more than 5 million gold tower shields, and the food was countless.

The Treasury will certainly not be able to bear such a large burden. After all, it was only last year that it made up for its shortfall.

He can only ask His Majesty the Emperor to continue to pay for the good and the good.

So how did Zhou Ming do this?

He contracted all reconstruction projects in Andorhal and continued to invest huge sums of money. After the floods basically retreated, he organized 800,000 victims and carried out vigorous reconstruction work.

Then in just one year, three extremely magnificent projects were completed!

The first item is the construction of an Andorhal Reservoir with a storage capacity of more than 50 billion cubic meters, using millions of tons of cement (Zhou Ming burnt it out), the lake area of ​​the reservoir is more than 1,500 square kilometers, and the main dam is 80 meters high. , Can completely withstand the once-in-a-century flood.

After the completion of the Andorhal Reservoir, not only will the floods be completely controlled, but it will also bring three major benefits.

One is irrigated farmland. Tens of millions of acres of farmland will be adequately and well irrigated. Andorhal County, which has been flooded for ten years, will become one of the most fertile food production areas in the Arunian Empire.

The second is fish farming. In the vast lake of Andorhal Reservoir, countless fish can be raised. In the tens of thousands of fish storage ponds excavated downstream of the reservoir, countless fish can also be kept … Let all kinds of fish become local specialties in Andorhal County, creating a lot of wealth for the people.

Three can build Andohar County into an industrial zone.

Because after the completion of the Andorhal Reservoir, the 80-meter-high drop of the main dam is enough to provide countless hydraulic resources. Here, the large amount of hydraulic machinery installations will undoubtedly bring production to the industrial development of the Aulunian Empire. A huge increase in efficiency.

In addition, around Andohar Reservoir, which has become the hometown of fish and rice and an important industrial town, Andohar County will export countless industrial and agricultural products and create countless opportunities and wealth.

Facing these opportunities and wealth, how could Zhou Ming let go?

The Royal Commercial Group in his hands will cooperate in depth with the victims in Andorhal County, signing purchase and sales contracts, covering all agricultural and sideline products, then carrying out industrial processing, and finally selling them nationwide … It is expected that at least annually it will give Royal Commercial The group brought in more than 10 million Jinta shield revenue.

And Zhou Ming’s post-disaster reconstruction funds are only about 10 million gold tower shields … can be paid back in a year.

In addition, Zhou Ming also spent millions of gold tower shields, allowing people to build a two-way track from the Imperial Capital to Andorhal County to facilitate the exchange and transportation of personnel products … This is the second grand project.

Coupled with the completion of the planned third grand project … Royal Capital Airport and light gas (light gas, inert gas, similar to the “no gas” in the previous copy, very low density) floating boat manufacturing plant ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ is also under intense construction.

In just one year, Zhou Ming has completed two major events and completed the reconstruction of the entire disaster area. It is expected that from next year, Andorhal County, which will become a “hometown of fish and rice” and an “industrial town”, will give He brought extremely rich profits.

In short, all construction activities come down.

Its efficiency is high.

Construction is fast.

It’s unbelievable.

It can be described as “Fast Speed”.

According to the original expectations of the group officials: the reconstruction of the disaster area will take at least three years, and the jaw-dropping Andohar Reservoir is not in the plan of the group officials. If the empire has such a plan The construction fund of that reservoir needs at least 50 million gold tower shields, and the construction period must be more than 20 years!

But in less than a year, the reservoir stood in front of them, rubbing their eyes hard, thinking they had hallucinations.

How did you do it?

What kind of force built such a huge reservoir?

Is it possible that there is a **** who can’t help?

In front of Zhou Ming, the group of ministers asked one after another, because they couldn’t believe it: relying on the power of mortals, they could build the storage dam.

The group of ministers guessed right, in order to speed up the construction of the Andorhal Reservoir, Zhou Ming did use the power of “beyond nature”.

The power of blue!

Although this kind of neutral and soft power is slightly insufficient in attack power, it has a magical effect in controlling water and soil.

In addition, there are a total of 100 magic net walkers who played a huge role in the construction of the reservoir, more than 10,000 excavators, which created the “miracle” in the eyes of countless people.

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