Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 37 - 1 step to the sky

The construction of the Andorhal Reservoir has an important reason for its low cost and high speed.


By cheating, Zhou Ming steals a lot of power from the magic web for his own use.

He first invaded the “blue power” of the magic web, and at the end of a magic string, a small piece of his “site” was drawn.

On top of this private “small site” and with the help of the system, he avoided the control and surveillance of the magic net administrator, and he unscrupulously did the illegal work of stealing magic power and doing whatever he wanted.

To know the power contained in the magic web, it is so large that it can be described as “infinite”.

If you have mastered this infinite power, what can Zhou Ming do?

Unlimited casting.

For example, the first-level spell “blue impact” that requires 1 unit of blue power, Zhou Ming originally only released a few hundred, now what?

The power of the entire magic net is used by him.

He can release countless more.


Viruses that invaded the magic web … I am afraid that somebody thought of this term for the first time.

Yes, Zhou Ming is a virus. He feels that it is too slow to accumulate magic power honestly. It is better to steal the highest authority of the magic net and obtain the same “unlimited use rights” as the president of the “blue hand” union Carlos Nari “.

Not only that, Zhou Ming felt that it was not enough to obtain “unlimited use rights” by himself. He was an emperor and could not work in person. He had to find a group of people to use the vast power of the blue power of the magic net.

So Zhou Ming turned into a “joint helper” and selected 100 highly qualified warlocks from the elite warlock regiment of the Royal Imperial Guard Corps to guide their souls and pull out the soul chords. Magic web.

In Zhou Ming’s hands, there were 100 Monet Walkers … After gaining the desired power, these Monet Walkers were naturally loyal to their emperor.

Furthermore, because of the connection points of these 100 magic net walkers, the chords of the soul, all constituted a small “local area network” in the magic net “small site” drawn by Zhou Ming, and was under the absolute control of Zhou Ming. Therefore, the 100 magic net walkers must also be loyal to their emperor.

In the end, Zhou Ming put down the magical “infinite right to use”, so, the Andorhal Reservoir was built quickly, and it was completely reasonable.

So it can be said that the construction of the Andorhal Reservoir was quickly completed with the support of the blue power of the magic net … took a shortcut.

It can also be called “stealing the heavenly power and using it for oneself”.

This is not very ethical.

Once discovered, the consequences will be unbearable.

Zhou Ming must come up with a way to remedy the situation and return all the stolen magic power.

Furthermore, because the magic net walker passes the “soul chord” to the magic net in the process of delivering magic power, the magic net will deduct one third-that is, uploading 3 units of magic power, which is actually equivalent to saving 2 units of magic power.

In the process of constructing the Andorhal Reservoir, according to statistics, Zhou Ming stole a total of 16 million units of blue power.

Therefore, he and the magic net walkers in his hand must upload 48 million units of blue power to the magic net to make up for the shortfall.

With Zhou Ming’s efficiency of their daily meditation, 48 million units of blue power, they have to meditate for about 60 years before they can return all the stolen power.

Of course, if all the blue forces uploaded are counted as compensation, if there is no deposit and only compensation, then in just 20 years, Zhou Ming can pay off the debt.

However, Zhou Ming’s plan was not to lose any money. One unit’s strength was not lost. He chose to pay the debt directly.

And prepare to continue to steal the power in the magic net in the next construction activities of the empire, help the Aurunian empire take off, and embark on the development path of “one step to the sky”.


Is Zhou Ming crazy? Is he thinking about the consequences of this?

Duan Mi will be discovered by the blue handwork, and he and his empire will face devastating punishment and blows!

He did it so risky!

Still be more down-to-earth, take a steady development path, and be careful to lead the disaster.

No, no no.

Zhou Ming wants to take bold risks and step into the sky.

Because he has three reasons to do so.

One, the magic power contained in the “blue power” of the magic web is too horrible and huge, almost equal to “inexhaustible”.

So how big is it?

If the “Andohar Reservoir” is used as the unit of measurement, the magic power contained in the “blue power” of the magic net is enough to build 10 14 square Andorhal Reservoirs.

The magic power of 16 million units that Zhou Ming took out from the thieves is really only a small amount of money compared to the inventory in the magic net.

Two, the magic power contained in the “blue power” of the magic net is almost unlimited, but the content of the “blue moon” plane in the material layer, the content of the blue power is continually decreasing, even to an extremely dangerous level. degree.

The specific manifestation is that the number and proportion of spiritual warlocks have been declining year after year, and the number of high-powered warlocks is getting scarcer, and they are constantly entering the so-called “era of the last law.”

The energy level of the entire plane is naturally also declining, from the initial “high energy plane” to the “middle energy plane”, and there is a tendency to landslide to the “low energy plane” … yes, in the system position In the determination of the plane energy level, the “blue moon” plane can only be classified into the ranks of the “middle and low energy level” plane.

If the content of blue power in the “blue moon” plane of the material layer continues to decrease, sooner or later it will become a “low energy plane”.

What is the root cause of this situation?

The expansion of the magic web.

To know that every magic net walker, in the process of uploading magic power to the magic net, the magic net has to draw a third of the “cost”.

The billions of magic net walkers, multiplied by one-third of the billions of units of magic power uploaded every day, is the power left by the magic net ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ multiplied by 360 days per year.

Multiply by the hundreds of millions of years that have passed.

How can the material surface of the blue moon with constant loss of power not gradually weaken and dry up? Towards the end of the French era?

What about the “blue power” magic net in the energy layer?

After hundreds of millions of years of power supplementation, although it has not reached the peak state of the “Era of the Gods”, it has also accumulated a huge blue power.

At the cost of the gradual depletion of material power, what is the use of accumulating such a huge power?

Patch the magic net.

Repair the magic net “Blue Power” that was severely damaged in the “War of the Gods”.

Has the patch been successful?

Has the “Blue Power” magic net been repaired?


Not repaired at all.

Because the energy particles also have the characteristics of Brownian motion, the power of pollution is more.

It is like a tank of water dripping into the ink. After being contaminated, add water to the tank. The ink concentration does drop, but the water in the tank is still in a contaminated state.

Adding water to the tank is by no means a smart and effective way.

However, Zhou Ming found that more than 90% of the thousands of broken magic nets in the energy layer are the same as the “blue power” magic net. By intercepting the energy in the material plane, it is added to the magic net. Strengthen the magic net, and then intend to use its huge power reserve to repair the incomplete parts.

The result is that in addition to polluting more pure power, it has no effect.

However, Zhou Ming has a completely opposite but reliable method to remove polluted energy and repair the damaged magic net.

The first step of this method is to steal a lot of power from the magic web …

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