Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 38 - Pro-government

After the flood relief and rapid reconstruction work in Andorhal County.

Zhou Ming’s emperor career reached its third year.

His age is also 15 years old, and only three years are left until he reaches 18 years old.

As long as he is a year old, at least 18 years old, and after holding the adult ceremony, the ministers and nobles will, according to the agreement, hand over all the decision-making power to manage the empire to Zhou Ming for his pro-government.

However, just a few days after Zhou Ming ’s 15th birthday, the ministers of the DPRK and China and the nobility reached a consensus and played together, saying that they would ask His Majesty the emperor to take care of the empire in advance.

And few objected to objections.

Up and down the hall, there was a voice requesting His Majesty the emperor to pro-administer and manage the empire in advance. The book “Advise Your Majesty’s Pro-Government” fell like a piece of snow on Zhou Ming’s desk.

How is this going?

As the saying goes, there is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not strong. Zhou Ming is young and ignorant. It is the age of playfulness, and his experience is even less. If he pro-government in advance, there is a great risk to the stability of the empire.

Zhou Ming also took this as a reason, saying that he was playful and impetuous, and he was impetuous, and his experience in dealing with government affairs was inadequate. He still needed to learn from the ministers for a few more years before he could provoke this heavy burden. It’s better to wait for him to become a young man, and then to be in politics again … In fact, Zhou Ming intends to be lazy for a few more years, unwilling to face the mountain of government affairs in advance.

Zhou Ming explained this, but the noble ministers did not agree with him, but persuaded him to have more pro-political acts.

Above the court, the ministers had been in trouble for many days.

“Your Majesty, you should stop being humble anymore, and you will resign. The old face of the old minister really can’t hold back and can only ask for resignation.” Prime Minister Benedikt blushed his old face and said the resignation.

“Your Majesty, have you been in power for three years, are you still doing too little? Did you solve the impoverishment of the empire’s finances in the early years of the throne, and achieved a reduction of 1.5 million in disarmament, which greatly eased the treasury pressure; In Dohar County, 800,000 victims were rescued, and it took only one year to help the victims rebuild their homes and build Andorhal County into a strong economic county, achieving the miracle that manpower can win the sky.

Three years after taking the throne, your majesty has come up with an economic development plan of “Empire Takes Off”. To tell the truth, your majesty, who can come up with such a plan other than God? When he saw this plan, Chen’s mood was agitated, and Chen’s body was trembling. In this plan, Chen seemed to see: A powerful and great empire, like a sun, is rising.

The minister couldn’t believe it at all. Such a plan came from your majesty, from a 15-year-old peerless genius.

no no! It is not enough to describe genius, God, but God!

Your Majesty is the God that the God of Orunia has given!

Imagine that a God is leading this empire, what else do we have to stand in front of God and continue to show off the stupidity of mortals?

Why not give everything that originally belonged to God to see what glory our God will bring us?

So I urge His Majesty to pro-govern in advance and lead your subjects to the place where God directs them. “

There was a minister kneeling on the ground, with a flattering word in his mouth. Although the content was itchy and disgusting, it was obvious that the minister was investing in advance and wanted to make a good impression in the heart of His Majesty the Emperor. Then, from the economic plan with perfect planning, high feasibility, and extremely bright prospects, “Empire Takes Off”, it will obtain rich economic benefits.

“Oh ~!”

Zhou Ming, who was sitting on the throne, almost spit out. He quickly waved his hand and said, “Duke Troplow, has been reputed, and seriously reputed. I am a mortal, and like everybody, not a child. God, I ’m really not a god. “

“But the people of the Empire do not think so, Your Majesty!”

Another minister seized the opportunity and then flattered:

“Hundreds of people around the imperial capital call your majesty your” God of Mercy “and” Master of Thousand Years “, and the people of Anjar County privately call you His Majesty your God of Salvation and the First Mercy of Thousand Years “Gentleman, Your Majesty, these people’s heartfelt appellations were not created by the officials out of thin air, but heard by their own ears. There are even many people who kneel on the ground and face the emperor when they talk about your majesty. After three bows, everyone is in tears, Your Majesty! “

“Enough ~ Enough!”

Zhou Ming waved his hands again and again: “Don’t say it, don’t talk about it anymore. I really can’t hold it anymore. I’m still young. Please stop giving me these compliments and compliments.”

“As for the matter of pro-government, let ’s slow it down for a few more years. My experience is indeed inadequate, coupled with playfulness and activity, it is difficult to meditate, and I ca n’t face the boring performances and official documents every day. Burst and Lord Lucius, the three of them continue to take care of it, and when the time is ripe, I will take care of it myself. “

Zhou Ming made several excuses and planned to delay for a few more years.

“The time is right?”

At this moment, a voice came, but Lord Lucis, who had not spoken very often, suddenly said: “Your Majesty, you will no longer tell such jokes with the nobles and nobles in this palace.”

“The measure of whether a monarch is mature and bears a heavy burden has nothing to do with age, but is related to the nature of mind, knowledge, resourcefulness, wrist, courage and courage.”

“Although you are young, your majesty, you have a calm mind, excellent ingenuity, and excellent wrists. You have the courage far above the average monarch, and your courage is unparalleled.”

“Should your majesty be in charge of political affairs in advance? In fact, in the first year of his majesty’s reign, the problem of empirical financial tension was resolved. The minister knew that his majesty was far from comparable to that of a general monarch. Pro-government, not let us comrades-in-law give your majesty your hind legs. “

“Your Majesty has been in power for three years now. The whole country praises it. Everyone is looking forward to it. If you are not pro-political, when will you wait?”

To everyone ’s surprise, the “noble faction” who had always been reserved and never expressly expressed support for the emperor ’s pro-government affairs had represented Lord Lucis (within the Orunian Empire, there was a natural opposition between the imperial power and the nobles) Relationship, the growth of the imperial power, and the power of the nobles will undoubtedly be oppressed and reduced, and even make more compromises), but at today’s court meeting, they suddenly expressed their attitude and also asked the emperor to pro-government in advance.

Zhou Ming suddenly choked.

I muttered in my heart: finished, this is the end ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ One of the three major factions of the upper empire-Lord Lucis, the representative of the aristocratic faction, also requested Zhou Ming to pre-administer politics in advance what?

This means that the entire empire has reached a complete agreement. The only person who does not want Zhou Ming to pro-administrate in advance is his own.

Hearing the neat voice of “Please His Majesty in advance for pro-government”, Zhou Ming couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“How good the emperor is, if you want to be in politics, you have to fight with an old lady in the harem and hope that she will die early and let the power return to herself.”

“Or set up an ambush, introduce the power minister into it, take the cup drop as the name, and stab the sword and axe hand out together. After cutting the power minister into meat sauce, the royal power will return to his own hands, and then he can speak and talk.”

“What’s the matter with me? I haven’t exerted much force yet. The potential opponents have all turned into supporters. All the factions have been subdued, crying and shouting that the power will be returned.”

“Obviously, the few things I did before, it is estimated that these aristocratic ministers have been stimulated by the stimulus, and the stimulus is heartily convinced and the five bodies are thrown into the ground.”

Of course, if Zhou Ming settled the issue of the Empire ’s financial tensions in a timely manner, he would n’t let go of the big moves behind him, and now Zhou Ming could still be a relaxed little emperor without having to undertake that difficult job. Child labor for a huge empire.

But there is no way. In the face of certain things, Zhou Ming will still obey his own heart and make the choice he must make … even if he will bear certain consequences.

So in the face of all noble ministers’ requests, he had no choice but to nod and promised to pro-government in advance.

“Long live!”

“Long live your majesty!”

The group of ministers and the people naturally cheered and celebrated all night.

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