Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 42 - Capture

Faced with the hunt of hundreds of magic netwalkers at the same time, Shute’s first choice was to escape.

Because of the strength of the four of them, even if the average level is much higher, it is impossible to be an opponent of 100 magic net walkers … to know that the power of blue is not good at attack power.

Shute they can only continue to bless themselves with the 3rd-level spell [Blue Leap], increase their speed, and run towards the direction of the imperial capital.

However, among the chasing soldiers in the rear, more than a dozen of them were not only slower than them, but were constantly getting closer.

Atlam even ran and yelled back, “Don’t misunderstand, don’t misunderstand! We are not malicious, don’t chase us!”

“Don’t run, just grab your hands and catch, we won’t chase you.” The nearest strong warlock said behind him.

“Shut up? We just passed by accident, it just happened that you are making bricks, this is going to catch us, would you like this?” Atlam’s legs almost turned into two groups of illusory round wheels, said helplessly.

“Coincidentally? Ha ha, I think you are mischievous and have other evil intentions! Don’t run, I want to catch you!”

With a sneer, the strong warlock drew some speed again.

Shoute and others shook their heads and could only lower their heads and accelerate again. They wanted to enter the Imperial City and received the support of the “blue hand” trade union.

However, a dozen or so chasing behind did not know what spell was used, and quickly caught up with them, and saw their intentions, crossed them, and stopped in front of them.

“Go west in the forest!”

Shute quickly adjusted his strategy and entered the dense woods to the west, preparing to take advantage of his incomparable knowledge of the forest, throw away the chasing soldiers, and hide.

This strategy is indeed effective. Although a small number of soldiers are chasing faster than them, but taking advantage of the familiarity with the forest, Soute and others hid in a bush for five minutes. The sound finally faded away.

“Okay, they finally left.”

Pickle wiped the sweat on his forehead, slightly relieved.

“Not good!” Suter suddenly turned wild.

“Blue bondage!”

“Blue chain!”

“Blue cage!”

Suddenly, the sound of innumerable skill releases sounded, and hundreds of spell skills covered the four people from all directions.

It turned out that in the system map, the location of Shute and others has been marked on the map by the system, and they will be found no matter where they hide, and they cannot hide successfully.

“The strongest blue shield!”

Shute and others have released the 4th-level defensive spell [the strongest blue shield] to block this wave of attacks.

At the same time, Shute and others also realized that there is no way to hide, they can only use their best efforts to break through the barrier!

“I don’t have to keep it! Wait for a way out!”

Shoute shouted loudly, he was going to lead the team members to fight desperately, and made a consciousness of killing a **** road.

To know that the strength of Captain Shute can not be underestimated, he can kill 20 first-level and second-level magic net walkers.

His wife Elias is also at level 5, and has no problem defeating ten low-level opponents.

Atlam and Picker, both at level 4, have rich combat experience and can compete with each other.

If you struggle desperately, break through the encirclement of these 100 elementary magic webwalkers and kill a **** path, there is really no big problem.

However, something weird happened. Shute consumed a large amount of magic power to release the most powerful 5th-level spell [Blue Blast], which was actually blocked by the opponent ’s third-level defensive spell [second-order blue shield]. Too.

Unbelievable Shute was released three times in a row [Blue Explosion], but was blocked three times in a row, failing to kill or seriously injure one person.

Of course, Shute also shifted his target, aiming at those weaker siegeers, who wanted to use the most powerful spell to open a breakthrough, but when facing a weaker 2nd-level magic netwalker, his [blue burst] was still Failed to achieve the desired effect.

Because of his spells, he was blocked by the opponent’s 5 consecutive 2nd-level spells [Blue Shield].

Finally, Hutt, who was very helpless, placed his goal on Conan Cecil.

Conan Cecil is standing at the front, but he is only a 1st-level magic net walker, and he cannot release the 2nd-level spell [Blue Shield], facing the 5th-level spell [Blue Blast] Shock, he will almost die.

“Alarm, your life is in great danger! Please immediately release 10 first-level spells [blue impact] to counteract the impact of the other party, tilt your head back, and fall to the ground to reduce the damage to your side.”

The battle assist system in the brain issues reminders and quickly gives the best response plan.

Conan Cecil immediately followed suit, first releasing 10 [blue impact], and then his body quickly traveled, waiting for the 5th-level spell [blue explosion] to wash away from where he was, and had fallen to the ground He was just slightly injured.

Then he quickly climbed up and hid behind a second-level magic net walker. In less than a minute, he released hundreds of [blue impacts].

Suter and others almost collapsed!

Because they found that although the average level of the hundreds of magic net walkers besieging them is not high, they are as smooth as ghosts. Even the weakest of them, killing or wounding them is extremely difficult. A group of “old wolves” arrived.

What made them vomit blood was that the hundreds of people who besieged them seemed to cherish the magic units stored in the magic net ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ They all released hundreds of spells in extreme time , As if the magic power does not need to be accumulated, it is used without the concept of “saving”.

Within five minutes, at least nearly 10,000 spell attacks fell on them … the intensity of the spell was like a barrage, and there was no dodge attack.

In order to resist so many spell attacks, less than five minutes later, the magic power stored by Shuite and others in the magic net quickly came to an end.

“Stop, we surrender!”

At the last moment when the magic power was exhausted, in order to save his life, Xiute shouted and made a humiliating compromise.

Four hemp ropes were taken, and the embarrassed four became captives.

Among the palace.

After a timely reminder from the system in his mind, Zhou Ming already knew of the accident that occurred in the northwest construction site of the imperial capital.

Although Shute and others were successfully captured, no one missed the net and the secret was not passed on, but Zhou Ming’s face was extremely dignified.

“System, it’s a little troublesome now. The person who knows the blue handicraft has discovered our secret. The situation is very bad. What should I do next?”

Zhou Ming felt very tricky.

“I’m afraid the safest way is to kill your mouth, kill all insiders,” the system said.

“No, you can’t kill your mouth. Now the members of the Blue Handicraft Society in the Orunian Empire are helping them to find the so-called ‘self-connected people’. Until it was discovered by the senior executives of the Blue Hand that the two sides would never die. “Zhou Ming shook his head.

“There is no better way for the system, the host will solve it by himself.”

Zhou Ming had to rub his head and think about the countermeasures.

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