Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 43 - Because your majesty is a genius

Three days later.

After repeated analysis of the pros and cons, Zhou Ming decided to see the four people who were captured by the blue handcrafts.

Talk to them a little bit.

This morning.

Under the **** of a team of elite guards, Shute and others were escorted into the palace, and in a partial hall, they saw Zhou Ming sitting on the head and wearing a gorgeous emperor costume.

“It’s you?”

Shut was taken aback and couldn’t help blurting out.

“Oh ~? Do you know me?” Zhou Ming asked lightly, why is this guy so surprised?

“No, I don’t know you, but I have heard of you, Your Honorable Emperor Noctis!” Shut put his hand on his chest, bent his knees slightly, and bowed his head.

“His Majesty the Emperor, I have also heard of you. You are my idol. I didn’t expect you to be so young!” Atlam on the side also quickly approached.

“I have also heard your story, Your Majesty the Emperor!” Picker hurriedly bowed.

“Your Majesty Good Morning ~” Elias also blessed her gracefully.

“Shut up! Your majesty is brilliant, and everyone in the empire knows everything. Do you think you can forgive your death sentence if you have heard of the merits of your emperor?” Sing black face mode.

capital offense?

Suter and others were taken aback.

Atlam yelled, “Your Majesty the Emperor, we just happened to pass by a place and find someone. How could this be a death penalty?”

“Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor, we saw a group of people making bricks under a mountain, so we ran and looked at it curiously … wouldn’t it be so?” Pickle said.

“The place you are going to see is the construction of the imperial center floating airport, which is of great significance to the empire’s strategy. This will certainly attract some foreign spies and saboteurs. For these people, the Orunian Empire has always been highly vigilant and seized One will be executed, “Zhou Ming said coldly.

“Dear Your Majesty, we are not spies or saboteurs. We are here to carry out a mission issued by the Federation of Trade Unions. We come here to find someone, and we do not mean to spy on the secrets of the Aulunian Empire.”

Atlam argued loudly and tried to deny it.

“What you said is not counted, the judge of the empire will investigate and judge you, even so, according to your crime of trespassing on the strategic place of the empire, you must be sentenced to at least 10 years, so you better be honest and frank. Penalty. “Zhou Ming sacrificed the empire law and said that he was sentenced to ten years in prison.

“Wh … what? Ten years? Your majesty, we have to be in jail for at least ten years?”

Atlam looked pale and felt cold all over.

“Your Majesty, can you please look at the face of the blue handicraft meeting and forgive us for this recklessness? We would like to apologize and promise to never commit any more … Your majesty, the relationship between the empire and the blue hand has always been good. There is a gap in this matter. “

Pickle said that the blue craftsmanship is detached, and the empire in the world has no disrespect for this union.

In the previous hundreds of years, the relationship between the Aulun Empire and the Blue Handicraft Association has always been good. If the four of them were convicted of “peeping secrets” this time, they would be jailed for at least ten years and the punishment was so heavy. , Will definitely affect the relationship between the empire and the blue hand!

“Slap ~”

Zhou Ming patted the seat of the chair he was sitting on, and said with a blank expression: “The state law of the country has family rules. In the territory of the Aulunian Empire, anyone who violates the law will be severely punished. No one can be an exception. You Do people with blue hands want to override the laws of the empire? “

“Your Majesty, we don’t mean this. We just want to have an opportunity to explain our innocence, Your Majesty!” Pickle exclaimed, and he felt like crying without tears.

“I give you the opportunity to explain, above the imperial court.” Zhou Ming said lightly.


Pickel and Atlam looked at each other, and felt a despair.

For at least ten years, the calamity of prison is about to fall on them?

“His Majesty the Emperor, this should be the best solution you have come up with, right? Killing us will completely offend the blue handicraft meeting. If a seemingly fair trial imprisons us for ten years, this It has not completely offended the blue hand, but also ensured that your secrets will not be exposed prematurely. Doing two things with one fell swoop is indeed the safest response … I ’m right, His Majesty the Emperor?

Xiute, who had been in silence just now, suddenly spoke.


Zhou Ming looked at Xiu Te in the past, and the unwholesome look on his face disappeared, turning into a face of surprise and curiosity.

“Uh, it seems that something seems to have been figured out by you? Come on, let me see how much you know.” Zhou Ming asked him.

“I should know, I basically …”

Shute was about to speak, and his wife, Elias, squeezed him with his body, and said to him, “Shout, stop talking, we will be killed!”

“That’s better than ten years in a dark cell, not to mention …”

Shute shook his head without any fear, looking at Zhou Ming and said, “Your Majesty the Emperor has no intention of killing us, otherwise he will be dead when he is caught.”

“Don’t talk too slowly, whether you intend to kill you or not depends entirely on how well you have grasped the situation.”

Zhou Ming waved and said to the people around him: “Lei Ji, the guards in the hall, you all go out, I want to talk to them separately.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Reggie and others retreated one after another, leaving only five people in the empty temple.

“Speak, Xiute, tell us everything you know!” Zhou Ming waved.

Xiu nodded his head and said the first sentence, so Zhou Ming’s eyes shone.

“First of all, Your Majesty the Emperor, I think you should be the goal that the President asked us to find: a talented self-connected person.”


Zhou Ming pondered for a moment, nodded, and admitted directly: “Yes, your guess is correct, please continue.”

Seeing Zhou Ming nodding so frankly, Shute and others were also taken aback, and Ilias’s face was even more bitter.

“Secondly, Your Majesty the Emperor, you have not only become a self-connected person, but in a short period of time, you have also become a” connected person “, those we have encountered before that are suspected of” connected person ” Magic Webwalker, it should be your masterpiece, Your Majesty. “Shut continued.

“Yes, this is guessed by you … smart, you are very smart.”

Zhou Ming admitted frankly again, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and continued to reach out and signaled: “Is there any bolder guess, you can say it all.”

At this moment, Elias has desperately hit her husband with her shoulder. She said anxiously: “Shute, don’t talk anymore! Let’s say we are all dead!”

“Don’t worry, the more we know, the safer it will be.”

Shute was confident, and said the last guess in his heart: “Honorable Emperor, I know you have a more ambitious plan. You may rule the entire continent, or you may control the entire magic net … As you can see from the huge floating airport under construction, you must have a very big plan in your mind! “


Zhou Ming couldn’t help but clapped his palms and said with admiration: “It’s amazing, it’s really amazing, almost all of my hidden identity and the plan I’m carrying out have been guessed by you. It’s pretty impressive, but … “

Zhou Ming then asked: “I am more curious about how you inferred so many things with a little clue? What is the basis for your inference?”

“It’s very simple, your majesty you are a genius!”

“Because your majesty is a genius, you can invent hundreds of tools and objects.”

“Because your majesty you are a genius, connect to the magic net and become a self-connected person ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is not a problem for you at all.”

“After becoming a self-connected person, I have mastered some tricks, and then help others connect to the magic net, it is also reasonable.”

“Finally, because your majesty is a genius, your dreams and ambitions must also be the greatest, and I can only imagine the land.”

Shute explained.

Zhou Ming suddenly realized: “The original guesses are all based on me being a” genius “?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Xiu Xian said.

“Okay, Suter, now that you have uttered all your guesses, in return, I will also tell you three basic things–“

“The first situation: you are temporarily safe, I will not kill you for the time being, but give you a chance to choose.”

Zhou Ming stretched out a finger from his left hand and waved his right hand again. The rope tied to Shute and others broke instantly, and they restored their ability to move freely.

“Second situation: Congratulations to you, your wife Elias is pregnant, and you will soon be upgraded to become a father.”


Hearing this, Shut’s face changed wildly, and he quickly turned to look at his wife, Elias, and he was very surprised.

Elias shook her head again and again, seeming very disappointed.

“Third case: To ensure that the information will not be leaked, your range of activities will be limited from today; in addition, to prevent you from escaping, you will no longer be a magic net walker from now on.”

Saying that, Zhou Ming’s right hand waved in the void, and a “soul knife” was slashed out, instantly cutting off the four “ soul chords ” extending from Shute and others in the void.

“Oh ~!”

After the chord of the soul was cut off, Shute and others were hit hard, and at the same time they spurted a large blood, looking like gold paper.

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