Valkyria Squadron

Ch111: Ghostbusters Part 1

Ghostbusters Part 1

Midorigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokio.
10:00 PM

It was already quite late at night but unlike Haru who was at her friend's house all this time, Xian, Tamamo, and I just arrived in the teacher's car. Even though the person responsible for what we were doing was angry because of the lateness of our arrival there really wasn't much to do, as many people will know: ghosts are more active the later at night, it's common sense. The best times to search are actually between midnight and 4 am, after that the ghosts know that the sun is rising again so they return to their usual inactivity again.  Once finally reunited we opened the trunk of the car to put all our things in there to have them at hand when we needed them.  After that, I got everyone together to give them the last details about what we would try to do. 

"Okay, we're about to start!"  I Start explaining seriously.
"Pay attention because this is important"
"Since almost no one has any experience in this, I am going to make a super summary about the bases of the ghostbusters and what to do in order to be able to see the sun again in case it is unfortunately real"
"Please God let that not happen, please"
"The first thing is that a ghost is usually, BUT NOT ALWAYS! ,  is a supernatural entity trying to complete some resentment of something"
"Normally, but not always, they tend to stalk the place where they died, or where they have something to do".
"For example, if it is a hospital, they could stalk all over the hospital"
"If it's a small house, they will stay in that small house"
"So being outside the property is a safe place where nothing can happen to them"
"Usually but not always"
"Having said this, the ghosts will increase their activity the more time we spend inside the haunted place"
"At the beginning, he will do almost nothing, but if he starts to scare us and we still won't leave, he will probably start doing more drastic things as time goes by"
"Up to here everything ok?"
"Did you understand?"

"No doubt"
"All clear as water!" Haru responded excitedly.

"Ok, I continue"
"Although the ghost will be roaming the entire property, there is one place in particular that they will mainly haunt"
"Usually it is the place that is closely related to how they died, it can be a place they liked when they were alive, or they just hunt that place for absolutely no reason"
"But there is always a place where they spend more time in relation to the rest!"
"Our job as ghost hunters is to try to find out what kind of ghost it could be that is in there and if we were real ghost hunters we would pass this information on to the real hunters, the ones who will fight the ghost to exorcise it"
"How will we find out what kind of ghost it is?"
"Well for that first we have to find which is the main room in which they are usually and look for clues that they should leave in case of being a real ghost"
"Unexplained very low temperatures in a very specific part of the house, see if it leaves fingerprints, see if it is able to speak, see if it can be seen through a camera or just the human eye."
"Normally, not always, ghosts have very particular ways of behaving, a type of European ghost behaves completely like a Japanese one and vice versa"

"I have a question!" Haru asked 
"This is all in case the ghost is real, but what if it isn't?"

"Well then I will have wasted the last 10 minutes talking nonsense"
"which I hope is the case"
"Very good, last and most important!"
"Techniques in case of emergency!"
"What to do if things really go wrong"
"First Haru you run out of the house right away"
"The second is that if you cannot leave the house for any reason, immediately hide in a place relatively far from the main room used by the ghost"
"Hide in a closet or under a bed, preferably in dim light, and above all things do not make a noise even as scared as you are"
"Vengeful ghosts usually have very bad vision, so they rely mainly on noise or light sources"
"Stay there until you see that the bad is over, then that time will come and I will try to get out of the property again"
"As a last resort in case all the above fails, the incense remains"
"If you see that the ghost has noticed his presence, burn the incense and throw it at the ghost, that will distract him for a few moments"
"After that immediately run away from there and look for another place to hide better"
"Do not panic and remain calm at all times"
"Your decisions at that moment could define your life"
"Make the right ones"

"Can this really be dangerous?"
"You're scaring me with what you're talking about!"

"Well you do well!"
"I am too, it's been about 15 years since I last participated in a ghost hunt"
"I'm too rusty, And I might have forgotten something important"

"15 years?"
"That is not your age?"
"Well even though you look much younger, like if you are five ir seven years old?"

"Haru! Remember what I told you that time!"
"Do not say that!, at least say something like nine or ten"  
Tamamo nudged Haru trying to warn her about something.

"I said that I meant that I felt that it was 15 years"
"It was an exaggeration that I remember so far back in time!" I said trying to deflect the fact that I had said the correct number of years.

"So what should we do first?" Wonder Xian.

"Okay, our operation is mainly based on speed"
"In short, the sooner we know which ghost it is, the faster we can get out of here"
"Less time in the house is less likely to make the ghost angry"
"We have to look for the room where the ghost lives the most beforehand so we can put the rest of our instruments there in order to collect the clues we need"
"What we will do in the first part of my plan will be to place these sound sensors in these places that I already predefined in advance"
"With them, we can have an approximate idea of ​​where it could be"
"While you girls are at it, I'll go down to the basement so I can turn the power back on in the house"
"Once the energy  is on the heating system of the house is activated"
"With that on we can use the hand thermometer to point with pressure the place where the ghost is"
"I recommend that in these first moments you focus on your tasks and review places that you can use to hide, keep them in mind so that in case of an emergency you know what to do"

"Okay, you sound like quite the expert even though this is your first time in a long time"
"What happened before?"
"How did you plan all this? asked Xian surprised"

"Well, that time it was more like a military operation than a job"
"So we planned it in detail"
"That incidentally speaking of the subject, Charlotte is helping us with the computer and the plans of the house"
"Thanks to her we have this map of the house and she will be processing live the data we obtain from our equipment"
"Are you there Charlotte?" I Ask for the personal radio that we all had

"No, I'm Kazumi, your mother needed help with her work again and she confused us again so I'll take her place"
"I already configured the video cameras and they are on the line"
"So all the equipment is ready"

"Who are they? Are they friends of yours Elise?"

"Well, let's say they are part of our team"
"They are the ones that are almost always giving us support or information about what is happening"
"I think maybe you've seen them before, maybe they're in the cafeteria"
"Ok let's get started"
"Tamamo can you put a magical barrier around the place so they don't bother us?"

"Right away darling!"
"Wait before you start!"
"Haru you can have this with you at all times"
"Don't part with it for nothing and give it back to me when we're done"

"An old metal fan?"
"Wait maybe this is not important to you!"
"I can't have this, it's an important memory for you!"

"Don't worry, is very resistant and tends to come back to me in one way or another"
"This fan of mine is from a sacred object of a Goddess..... I mean it probably belonged to a Goddess shrine here in Japan"
"So in theory it should be able to have an effect against vengeful ghosts"
"Maybe ir could get you out of trouble"
"Use it as a talisman while you have it" Tamamo said a little worried 

"Are you sure your fan could be of some use?"
"Do you really think it could work as a repellant?" I approached Tama's ear and spoke to her in a low voice so that the others would not hear

"The fan really is one of my sacred objects"
"Why do you ask?"

"Well yes, I don't doubt that"
"But aren't you an Evil Goddess?"
"Could your fan really work like that?"
"Wouldn't that draw them in instead?"

"Do not worry!"
"The fan behaves according to my will"
"If I want it to be an object that curses, it will"
"And if I want it to be a sacred object, it will behave as such"

"Well, that's fine, but now another question just came to my mind"
"Is that perhaps being you a Goddess you could not interfere with the ghost in some way?"

"Don't worry, I'm holding back as much as I can so as not to attract attention"
"Right now the ghost should see me at best as a human who may have an affinity with ghosts"

"Yeah, that's exactly the part I'm afraid of."
"Try to lower it, even more, completely average human-type"
"I don't want to take any risk 

"Okay, I'll try to reduce it as much as possible."

"Thank you, I love you"

"Hey! leave the flirty you two for another day!"
"Is it even time for something like this?"
"We're supposed to be really scared 
" Haru said annoyed.

After Tama put a couple of talismans around the house to raise the magic barrier. With it, we could make all the noise we want that no one would notice, so I could curse and scream until I was happy when I needed it. The house we reviewed was quite different from the house in Japan, this was similar to where my family and I lived, a western-style house, with two floors and a basement, the house was quite large: three rooms on the second floor plus one more in the first for guests, bathrooms for each room separately, large living room, pool, kitchen and dining room, music room and a garage. It was basically a mansion by Japanese standards, the family that lived here must have had a lot of money. 

We all entered the house and as I told them, everyone placed each sensor in the appropriate place. Not wanting to take any risk, I asked Tama to be with Haru at all times, because she was the most appropriate person to keep her safe at all times. Xian told me that her family was dedicated to this and also she is a professional killer, she can be alone. For my part, I really have no idea what I'm doing here. I hate the dark and being underground, and right now I'm doing both trying to find the damn electrical box in the house. I have a flashlight to help me but the damn place is so dark that if I'm not pointing directly with it I can't see anything, plus maybe there's a ghost so being completely dark is looking for trouble where I shouldn't.

"Electricity is on" I warned by radio
"Give it a couple of moments for the heating to be optimal and check the thermometer"

"Darling, I think I found something quite curious here in one of the rooms"

"Please tell me that it is a false alarm and there is no ghost"

"I found in one of the closets a rather strange table"
"It has letters, numbers, the words yes or no and goodbye  in English, in addition to a triangle with glass"
"Looks like a magic tool of some sort"
"This thing has traces of magic!"
"What the hell is this table?"

"Oh my God"
"Okay, Tama I need you to do what I say literally"
First of all put a seal talisman on it and get it out of the house as fast as you can."
"Don't talk near it and even less ask questions towards any person in particular"
"Don't destroy it until you completely purify it first"
"And if you see that the triangle moves for no reason...scream in panic"

"I think I once saw one of these in a horror movie?"
"But what was it?"
"Was that where there was a house in ruins?"
"Anyway, I don't remember much either, such as where the ghost was?"

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed in panic 

But I hadn't finished talking when I heard how the electricity box failed on its own, the safety breaker was activated and the power went out. But the worst of all was that I heard later how a wrench fell terrifyingly close behind me, if I had been a little further back I would have been injured.  I was in a panic, I felt like I was short of breath again, my heart was beating very hard, I was not able to feel my weight, I thought I was flying and what I saw was a lie.

"Just Fucking run outside"
"Get out of the house NOW!"  I screamed in panic on the radio.

The exit of the house and the basement were not very far, but despite the fact that I ran as fast as I could, I felt that they were eternal kilometers. Since I was the furthest away, I was the last to leave, the other girls had been waiting for me for a long time.

"Don't tell me you're scared just because there was a table with letters in a bedroom"
"I thought you were braver Elise" Said Xian with a mocking tone.

"This is bad, I think the ghost is real!"
"I'm sure!"
"Everything is there and I think I tried to hurt myself in the basement"
"A wrench almost broke my head"

"You're overreacting!"
"You just freaked out because the light went out again and you tripped over something when you took a step back."
"A coincidence  just occurred"

"I think we should not underestimate Elise"
"After all, she is the one with the most experience, right?"
"She says it for a reason" Haru said.

"I'm not entirely sure if there is an evil ghost"
"But this weird table really has magic"
"Also I don't know what layers are so we shouldn't rule out anything" Added Tama

We spent a couple of minutes discussing whether what happened was real or not, and trying to reach a reasonable conclusion about what happened. I myself was beginning to believe that it was really just a coincidence due to my nerves during what happened, but suddenly while we were all still talking we could see how one of the doors of the house opened wide, while we were all outside arguing. This time everyone saw it happen live , so no one could deny it. Something was really happening in there.

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