Valkyria Squadron

Ch112: Ghostbusters Part 2

Ghostbusters Part 2

Midorigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokio.
10:15 PM

The house in front of us gave off a threatening aura. We knew there was something strange about her, however, we couldn't point to anything in particular. We thought maybe there was something paranormal, or maybe it was just a bad coincidence. We all stood outside the house watching in horror as the door near the kitchen that led to the basement slammed shut with speed and violence, the same basement where a wrench nearly fell inches from my head for no apparent reason. Despite the darkness, we could all see it clearly, we could no longer deny that something was not happening there.

"If we go back there, things will only get worse"
"How about if we look from the outside and try to see what happened from safety?" I suggested.

"No, we must investigate further!"
"My grandfather whenever he has a case does everything he can to reveal the truth!"
"A policeman can't run away when he's needed!"
"We have to continue!" Haru answered with passion.

I would like to question what she knew about her grandfather because with Lisa he did not seem very excited to reveal the truth to others and let us get away with it.

"I also think we should investigate further inside the house"
"After all, it is my duty as a Godn..... good at this to protect humans from supernatural dangers"

You are an evil Goddess who was bewitching a stone that killed people! At least don't lie about your true self!

"I am also in favor of continuing"
"Although my family is dedicated to this and they have taught me a lot, this is my first time hunting a ghost"
"Although it is a part of me that I hate, it is still a family responsibility that falls on me"
"I can't back down now that I know it could be a real monster"
"I have to do something!" Xian added.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Let's go one more time to make sure what can be there!"

"Yeah, come on!"

"All right, but at the slightest problem leave the house"
"Ah, I feel like I'm too old to be doing this again."

"Come on cheer up more"
"You are starting to sound like my grandfather, Elise."

Arming myself with courage again, the four of us went back into the house. Another time I had to go back to the basement to try to fix the power. One of the fuses had blown for some reason, I managed to find a replacement after checking the shelf next to it, and when I finished fixing it the electricity came back so we could start looking again for low temperatures.

"The power is back again"
"This time I left it as good as new so it shouldn't go away again"
"If it does, then you know what it is then" I said by radio to the others.

"The microphones on the second floor have detected a rather strange sound."
"It appears to be white noise but its levels are abnormal and unexplained"
"Please proceed carefully" Kazumi said on the radio too.

"Okay, I'm going to check there with the thermometer first"
"Tamamo can you bring that cross too?"
"Do you really think it works?"
 added Haru.

Also intrigued by the information that my daughter gave me, I also went to the second floor to be able to see firsthand what was happening and to be completely sure. After the hallway up the stairs was a bathroom and the main room where Tamamo and Haru were.  The temperatures there were more or less normal but they were lower than in the rest of the house, I think, only by a little but they were lower. Nothing was conclusive yet, but at least we could start with this room. Tamamo put the crosses on the ground quite apart from each other, I hope this trick that Lenore taught me when we hunted the ghost dragon works. Xian on the other hand kept checking the first floor also in case we left something aside there.

"Okay, Haru, put a camera on that dresser over there so it faces the bed and the doors."
"In this way if he moves something we will realize"
"Tamamo you can check the bathroom, look with the UV lamp if there are traces on the light switch or the water faucets"

Although we waited for a while, nothing had happened, so we thought that maybe we were in the wrong place. But just as we were picking up the camera, the doll that was on the bed fell to the floor even though no one was around. The three of us experienced with our own eyes how it happened. Haru and I still didn't believe it, but Tama quickly grabbed the UV flashlight and checked the object. A green mark near the head revealed what he feared so much, a fingerprint despite the fact that no one had touched it, on an object that would normally be seen something like that. The ghost had interacted with it, confirming 100% that it was real.

We already had our first clue, the ghost had fingerprints and had the ability to manipulate objects.

"Okay, this confirms that it is real!"
"Haru you have to get out of here immediately"
"Come we will escort you to the car"

"What but we are just beginning!"
"I can still help a lot!"

"Without buts!"
"We still don't know what layers are"
"Also, remember that you promised me to do what I say"
"That was the deal we had to let you come"

Tama also agreed with what I was saying, so she pushed her a little so we started walking. We headed back to the stairs to get out of the house, I was first then Haru, and finally Tamamo. My nerves were at max, I think even the hair on my tail had become spiky.  I felt just the same as when I was in a convoy and going somewhere in the war. When you know that you can be attacked from anywhere, you know that the enemy is there, but you do not know where the only thing you can do is continue and hope that your luck does not run out.

The lights went down again.

I immediately switched on my flashlight so I could see the road again. But something strange began to happen to my flashlight, it began to blink as if it lacked power, despite being battery-powered. I turned to see how Haru was. And it was then that the three of us saw him in the face.

It was hard to identify what it was, but it clearly wasn't something natural. As soon as Haru saw it, she tried to scream, but Tamamo, reacting quickly, covered her mouth and threw her into one of the rooms to hide both of them from the ghost. But the ghost seemed to be aware of his presence as he began to move towards the same room. I had to do something and now!

I used my flashlight again and pointed it directly at the unknown entity's face. He turned to see me and started walking towards me.

He began to walk slowly toward me. His slow, heavy footsteps contrasted against my quick, light breathing. I felt like my brain was screaming at me to run away, but I had to buy time for Haru to save herself. In his hand was the reminiscence of what seemed to be a weapon, because he had that he didn't know. As soon as it got closer to the first floor, where I was also, I began to hear how that thing babbled, it sounded both annoyed and hurt.

Once both he and I were near the entrance of the house the bastard made a sound like a fury and started running towards me. With only an instant to save me, I lit the incense with the lighter and threw it into one of the rooms near me. The monster changed its target soon after and ran to attack the incense sticks.

He hit them furiously, violently, with hatred. It seems that he considered those things a threat to himself, he had to get rid of those things before continuing. I took advantage of the moment to turn off my flashlight and retreat to a darker part of the house, towards the basement again, where I hid in the upper part of the bookshelves. The nerves of the moment made me walk so quietly that not even I listened my myself walking. All I could hear was my heart pounding and heavy footsteps approaching the stairs.

Just as I interact with the door trying to open...

The sound is gone.

The sound of that thing stopped dead. I listened even more carefully but heard nothing, no footsteps, no groans, no moans of pain. stay a couple more moments waiting for something to happen, but nothing. It seemed that by now that thing had retired. I turned on my flashlight and it worked normally again, another sign that everything was fine for now. I had heard on the radio that everything had passed by now and that everyone would run back to the exit.

Outside we all met again in the car. Tamamo and Xian were tending to Haru, who was lying inside the vehicle, she was clearly having a severe panic attack. Her face was very different from the excited one at the beginning of this adventure as she called it. Tamamo was hugging her trying to calm her down, after all she already had enough experience in that after living with me all this time. Xian by her side was with a medicine cabinet, she was looking for some medicine with a calming effect. I do that to check the status of it. She had high blood pressure, she was having trouble breathing, she was crying, but no injuries or bruises, apart from her agitated state everything was fine.

"Okay, now that we all agree it's real, what do we have?"
"It is a violent ghost and we know that it can interact with physical things"
"Has anyone discovered anything else?" Ask out loud trying to break the focus of the group to try to relax the atmosphere.

"When the ghost attacked this EM-wave meter it went through the roof when that thing passed near the laundry room"
"I had to turn it off so it wouldn't discover me"
"Good thing he went for Elise and not where I was" Said the alleged teacher as she threw the object she was referring to at me

"Where did you get this thing?"
"I know that it is used to measure electromagnetic waves, but this is mainly used in power or communication stations"
"How does it work for monsters?"

"It is one of the essentials in my family"
"It's easy to spot if a monster is doing something with one of these"
"The same company that manufactures them sells them to us at a reduced price due to the frequency with which we end up losing them and buying new ones"
"Although I never thought that I would end up buying one too"
"Most ghostly entities tend to inadvertently manipulate their surroundings with energy"
"With this, it is easy to detect and proximity"
"The problem is that you have to be close to them to get the readings."

"Okay so we have manipulation and it emits strong waves of energy"
"Tamamo, is there anything that comes to mind about which monsters are capable of those things?"

"Well, I know of two possible monsters that would be capable of something like that."
"Both monsters would be of Japanese origin, but if I'm wrong and they're from some other part of the world, I'm afraid I wouldn't have any other idea."
"The first could be an Obake, a spirit Yokai, more of a physical monster than a ghost"
"They can vary quite a bit, it could be from a Tanuki child playing tricks on us, to a demon from hell looking for a human to torture"
"The other would be a Goryo, a vengeful spirit of a descendant of the aristocracy"
"He would be like a daimyo or a relative close to him, who was violently murdered in a rivalry and now seeks revenge"

"Hell, then it could be a kid playing or straight up a bloody demon"
"That's a pretty wide range to cover"
"Kazumi do you have something by your side?"

"The property was in the name of Yoshimoto Tsugumichi."
"Important employee of the Ministry of Economy"
"He was found dead in the basement, it seems that he had a cardiac arrest"
"He had already presented symptoms and had been in the hospital for that very reason"
"His name was being considered for Minister of Economy before his death."
"The doctors said that he was overexerted due to the heavy workload that he had days before his death"

"So it can also be a Goryo."
"Which is also bad"
"What do we need to be able to differentiate one monster from the other?"

"Since the Obake is a physical monster, he should be able to appear on video cameras as well"
"If it is a spectral ghost it should be difficult for an electrical device as sensitive as a camera to capture it"
"Probably not at all in the video or it will be very difficult to see"

"So we have to put the video cameras all over the house and see if it comes out on the video or not."
"I'd rather burn the whole place down instead"
"But since it's a child playing a very heavy joke, I can't do it."
"But if that's the case I'm going to hit him so hard I'll make him forget the ability to speak."
"We have to be absolutely sure what we are dealing with before proceeding to do anything else."

"Do you still plan to go back there?"
"Despite what I try to do to us?"
"It's very dangerous!"
"He might try to kill you!" Haru said still with tears on her face

"Yes, exactly"
"That is the danger that I have been warning you from the beginning of this"
"That's how this game is played, that's how it's played in the big leagues"
"Passibility is always there and accepting it and moving on is what separates boys from men."
"Your grandfather makes this decision every day in order to bring food to your table"
"It's good that you learn the weight of it now that you're young"
"If you want to be like your grandfather so much, you have to understand and accept it too"

"You are crazy"
"This is impossible! Humans are not cut out for this!"
"If you go there again they will attack you!"
"You don't have to do this, it's not your job!"

"But of course humans do"
"They've been doing this for centuries"
"And it is thanks to them that people like you have been blessed to live with the luxuries created from the efforts of your ancestors"
"Maybe it's not my job, nor my problem"
"But if I don't act now that I'm here, who knows what could happen in the future?"
"Maybe that ghost is able to escape from the house, maybe it will attack your friend who lives near her when she returns home one day"
"Maybe she goes to the park where the children go and one of them does not return to her parents anymore"
"If something like that happened to know that if I had acted it would change that, I would not forgive myself"
"My pride as a warrior does not allow me"
"And surely Nanami didn't either after we fought so hard to get rid of beasts like these and let one get away"

"Elise"  Haru said looking into my eyes, this time his face was once again that of admiration, it seemed that he had forgotten his fear of quite recently.

All the lights in the house went out again by surprise, and a second later, the light of one of the rooms came out of the window, from it you could barely see a dark silhouette.

That bastard was challenging us. He was saying that he was ready for our duel. It seemed that he recognized us as adversaries, and as such, we would both try to defeat the other by any means necessary. But I had already sworn, I wouldn't let a danger like that thing wander around freely, I would finish it off, even I have to give my best. Because this time I had sworn by Nanami and her memory.

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