Valkyria Squadron

Ch113: Ghostbusters Part 3

Ghostbusters Part 3

Midorigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokio.
10:30 PM

The three of us grabbed everything we needed and headed back to the house to continue the investigation. We carefully walked back to the room where the ghost seemed to be staying the longest, the same room we saw the ghost in moments before we went back inside. From the window I could see Haru in the car looking at me with fear, I reminded her on the radio to pay attention to the computer and report anything she saw.

"I'm sorry but right now there's nothing out of the ordinary in the cameras" Haru mentioned quite worried.

"Is there something in the electromagnetic sensor?"

"No, there is no reading" Xi'an replied showing me how no matter how much she shook the device, it didn't respond.

"I don't like this"

"It is quite likely that he went to another room knowing that we would go back in" Tama informed me.

The three of us were looking at each other in silence contemplating that possibility when suddenly a big thud sounded, accompanied by a peculiar lock sound, just after the lights in the room began to turn on and off. I heard light, fast weights outside the house, then heard the front door being slammed repeatedly.

"The front door of the house closed by itself and no matter how hard I try I can't open it!" Haru shouted over the radio.

And just as she finished speaking we also heard a couple of horrible cries of pain in the living room of the house, and how her slow and heavy steps began to lead me to where we were.

"Turn off the radios and hide!" I told the girls.

Everyone except Haru listened to me and completely turned off the radios and the spotlights, then we started looking for a place to hide, but precisely where the footsteps were heard was where the best places to hide were, and they were getting closer and closer. Tamamo opened a small closet and beckoned us to enter it, without much time to do anything else the three of us ran and hid there, then closed the doors just before hearing how the ghost opened the door of the room we were in.

Inside the small closet, we were all three locked up trying not to make any noise. But the environment I was in was quite difficult for me not to make any noise. It was smack in the middle of both Xi'an and Tamamo and the place was so claustrophobic that it was no exaggeration to say that we were on top of each other. Behind me was Tamamo my wife and a frighteningly beautiful girl, so close to me that I could feel her chest pressing hard against my back. And in front of me was Xi'an who was also a unique beauty, and who was close to my real age, so she was also quite pretty for my taste. She was hugging me and once again because of the lack of space she was pressing her chest against me. Although it was better to say that she was the one in the worst position because my chest was so big than hers that I was the one that consumed the most space and I could barely see her blushing face through my chest looking down. I could feel her soft chest just below mine close to my belly. While I was flying between the two beauties held only by the pressure of lack of space, being crushed by both Tamamo and Xi'an. Maybe right now I'm a girl, but that doesn't mean that inside I'm still a man and therefore I'm "happy" much more than normal to be like this between two such beautiful girls, so much so that maybe I could scream or pass out from the shortness of breath. Although I would love to enjoy this moment, I couldn't do it either, because on the other side of the doors was the ghost prowling.

Damn Ghost! I don't know if I should be happy or terrified because of you!

Suddenly I felt a chill so great that I almost froze. The ghost emanated so cold that I thought it was winter again. It had gone from super hot to like being in a fridge.


Who is pulling my tail!!

Wait, did someone else get into the closet too? Now there is much less space than before!

After a few agonizing seconds in which now I am short of breath and because of Xi'an's face her too, the ghost left, and shortly after the lights returned.

"Hey? Does the door now open?"
"What the hell was that?"
"Hey, I was able to open the door!" Hear Haru talking outside.

Tamamo moved her hands with difficulty and opened the closet doors. But we were so tight that we couldn't get out, we were literally stuck in the closet, especially me because I wasn't even touching the ground. Tamamo also tried but it was impossible. Xi'an tried to move but had the same result. Anxious from the lack of air Tamama exploded in a large amount of smoke, she had transformed into a little fox again, and with the new space achieved... I was still short of space. But at least this time Xi'an managed to move enough to get out of her and then I fell out with her too. Tamamo turned back into a girl in another burst of smoke before Xi'an figured out what had happened.

"What the hell!?"
"Elise your tail grew much more there inside the closet?"
"Your tail is much bigger than you!"
"Just look at the size of that thing!"
"It is the size of the closet"
"You could hide a grown person with your tail!" Xi'an asked scared

"Damn, it was accidental!"
"There are still things I don't understand about myself!"
"I thought the tail grew to that size when it was winter"
"I don't know why he did it"
"If I could stop him believe me I would have!"
"I didn't want to suffocate us to death with my tail"

"Does your tail grow in winter too?"  Tama asked.

"Yes, it has something to do with getting heat for the cold, right?"

"Yes, but that's not the point"
"My tail also wanted to grow when it was cold so I had to hide it to avoid more problems"
"And if both your tail and mine grow in winter"

"Are you girls really having this conversation right now?"
"Can't wait to be home?"
"How about a more private place with less ghosts? She said Xi'an worried about what Tama was talking about."

"I'm not talking about that!"
"The ghost is emanating cold!"
"Winter cold specifically!"
"He is so cold that he could freeze a person!"
"The ghost has recognized us as a threat and is in danger!"
"It is trying to defend itself with more violent methods"  Tamamo explained.

"Doesn't that mean we're facing another kind of ghost then?"

"Although we cannot rule out that possibility, I highly doubt it"
"If it was part of the ghost's powers, it would have shown them from the beginning"
"What he is doing has more in common with using all your energy to survive"
"Although the energy cost is much higher, if it is to stay safe the ghosts could use it"
"But still, that has something to do with the way they died"
"So it is possible that the ghost died in a way related to the cold of winter"

"Well, did Haru not mention that the person who owned the house died in December of last year?"
"It is normal that there would be winter cold everywhere"

"You're right, I had forgotten that"

"So what does that mean?"
"Does the cold count or not?"
"It is important?" wonder Xi'an.

"It means that means nothing"
"Most likely it's just a coincidence" I replied to her as I sat for a moment

"Are you using your tail as a mattress?"

"Well yes, what's wrong?"
"It is quite comfortable and warm"
"I have not been able to enjoy doing this much so I plan to take advantage of it now that I can"

"Darling, you know that you are quite similar to me, right?"
"If you practice you could make it grow  in the size  your want"
"If you wanted you could have it this big forever"

"That would be interesting, though I'd rather change my appearance instead"

"That topic is much different. I'm afraid"
"You will need more than four tails to do it for a short time"

"I would like to know more about what you talk about so much BUT RIGHT NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE TALKING ABOUT OTHER TOPICS!
"Perhaps you forgot about the murderous ghost demon that is loose in the house!" Xi'an shouts nervously.

"Sorry, sorry!"
"My fault"
"I get very distracted talking to beautiful girls like you two"

"Flirting with me won't work!"
"For starters, I'm older than you and your teacher, second you have your girlfriend behind you and third there is a demon on the loose!"
"Did you hit your head?"
"Normally you tend to be much more shy and quiet"
"What made you change?"

SHIT,  I screwed  up
That damn squeeze in the closet made me unintentionally speak out loud about what I was thinking.

"He He, Darling told me beauty when  she asked why so distracted"

Thank god the radios were still off so Haru didn't hear what I said. But that doesn't mean that the atmosphere afterward got a little weirder because of me. Almost like calling your teacher mom, but worse, that's why you should never go into full retard mode. Putting my inner idiot aside we went back to the business of looking for ghosts. Seeing that the room was no longer the place where the ghost was prowling, we decided to collect the cameras and return to the room to look for more clues as to where the new place could be.

When the ghost went hunting again I think I heard it come out from around here more or less, so we'll start here. Once again Tamamo took out a thermometer and began to check the surroundings. Xi'an continued with her meter and I asked Kazumi again if she had detected something in the microphones, to which she replied that out of our embarrassing conversations she had not heard anything else.

The lights went back on and off!

We all scoured the place with our eyes looking for what could be going on this time, The meter that Xian had in her hand began to scream in agony trying to notice something that it could not.

The lights go off and on

And in one of those they turned red several times, between the flashes I could see the silhouette of the monster again, but this time it was stopping at the end of the corridor behind the kitchen, it was there doing nothing, looking at us, harassing us.

Tamamo seized the moment and threw a talisman at him, but the ghost disappeared for a moment and the talisman pierced him, making an explosion of light at the end of the corridor, but without making a noise or destroying anything. Surely it was some spell against ghosts that he had saved. The ghost for some reason disappeared afterward without attacking.

"I got it!"
"I could see the ghost through the camera!"
"I've seen the ghost through the camera!"
"But for some reason, you can't see it in the saved video file!" Haru said on the radio now with the same focus that she had at the beginning of the night.

Hearing this, the three of us left the house without saying anything and went back to the car to finish clarifying what had happened.

"Did you really get to see it with the camera?" I asked.

"Yes! I assure you, it was right here in this hallway in front of you!"
"It just doesn't show up in the video."
"Right here where is this strange distortion!"

"The camera has several video failures due to what could be electrical failures in the photosensitive material"
"Something in the environment was strongly manipulating the electricity or radio waves, which made it difficult for the camera to record the video and it corrected the file in which it was saved, but it did not bother the live broadcast as much"
"Maybe a single very strong jammer, something military level, could do this kind of effect on a video camera"
"But the effect of it is pretty inconsistent too"
"It is clear that a supernatural entity caused this peculiar failure" My daughter said on the radio.

"Who is she and why does she know so much about machines?"
"Surely she is the typical hacker who is in a room full of screens and computers?"
"Can I meet her?" Haru said.

"I'm  sorry but she doesn't do any of that."
"She is much more different than what you have in mind"
"So now that we know that she does not appear on video, we can confirm that she is a Goryo, right?"

"Yes, the fact that it has disturbed an object that it did not touch directly confirms that it is more a spirit than a monster"
"It also matches the story of the original owner of this house"
"It is very likely that he is the one upset by the circumstances of his death"
"That's why he haunts this house" Tama informed me.

"And here comes the part why I hate my job"
"What do we do to take care of that?"
"Is there any way to get him out of the house?"
"Should I call Stella and ask her to come over?"

"I myself can completely purify it and send it where it should"
"All I need is to enclose him in a magic circle while I'm purifying him"  The goddess said.

"That's a lot of good news in a row"
"What is the hidden problem, which part is where it gets complicated?"

"The ghost obviously he's not going to let me catch him so it will have to be attracted to the magic circle"
"If he was chasing someone to attack him, he probably wouldn't realize the trap we're going to set for him"

"And  guess only I'm the only one idiot enough to do it"

"You know you're the only one who can do that part, darling"
"Here, when he enters the circle, I need you to place this talisman on his back."
"This will paralyze him so he can't escape the circle while I purify him"

"So you want me to chase me to kill me in a room that he shouldn't suspect, and I also have to somehow get behind him to hit whit this"
"Sure, super easy, almost a gift"
"Let's go now"

"Was that sarcasm?"
"Are you sure you can do it?"  Ask Xi'an.

"Of course she can!"
"Darling always acts like this when she really thinks she's capable of pulling it off easily!"
"She always does!"
"She never fails"

"Thank you very much for your high regard for me, but before I could win there were many times when I lost first"
"Which is why I'd rather you don't take for granted that I always win without fail"

"I'm just saying the truth!"
"When Darling fired up not even all the gods in heaven can stop her!"

"Yes and then a stray bullet in a dream almost killed me"

"I would like to understand the context behind what Elise says sometimes" Haru said.

"This first-floor guest bathroom is quite large and the door swings open in a way that makes it quite easy to hide the floor circle behind it as it opens"
"I think it's the best place to ambush him" The android added on the radio.

"The one at the entrance to the left, I have it"
"Tama prepares everything to make the circle as quickly as possible and leaves the door open"
"Xian checks and warns by radio if the front door closes by itself again"
"Haru returns the sacred fan to Tamamo"
"Because of you I'm almost sure I'll have another nightmare today so you're going to have to invite me to something later."
"Okay, I hate this but there's no other way, come on, let's finish this and get out of here, it's already making me sleepy"

Once again back to the house, we entered the cursed house to finish now with this work. Tamamo came walking behind me and when we got to the indicated bathroom she rushed in and she went to work right away, she took out a lipstick and started drawing on the floor. For my part, I went to the other side of the corridor near the room and began to watch carefully for any sudden change, expecting anything, because it depended on me that this plan would work and that I would come out alive. The minutes passed but still, nothing happened, the lights were still on without variations, the horrible sound that the bulbs had emitting lights was taking its toll on my mental health, because I began to believe that perhaps it was the ghost that made such an unbearable sound. The hallway also seemed to get longer for no apparent reason. I knew that nothing had really happened, but I was nervous to think about seeing the ghost come out at the end of the hall, on the other side of where I was waiting for it to actually come out.

I felt a horrible cold on my back, all my hair stood on end again, I could see how the steam of my breath left my mouth, how my hands quickly went numb. Then I understood what was happening. Although the ghost wasn't hunting yet, it was right next to me, emitting its winter chill again. Thinking of the worst that could happen, I jumped back a bit closer to the bathroom and summoned Avalon.  The huge sword was so big that having it on its side blocked the entire corridor, making it super uncomfortable, but I wasn't going to leave anything to chance, not with me present. And it's a good thing I did because the next moment I could feel something hit the other side and screams began to be heard, this time of unrestrained fury. The lights started to fail after it hit, so had it not been for my reaction the result might have been different.

I backed away little by little as I received the ghost's attacks, making it seem like he was succeeding when in reality it was the opposite. But the ghost, not happy with this, began to throw his cold towards my sword, I could feel how his temperature began to drop rapidly. So fast in fact that it activated the sword's magical defense system. From the core of the sword, a small faint light could be seen, and with it, Avalon itself began to gain heat by itself, a couple of seconds later the temperature of the room was the same again, although I could feel the ghost in the other side trying to cool down as much as possible, the sword simply heated up more contradicting the effect of the cold.

One of the light bulbs in the corridor exploded, unable to withstand the cold and heat that was in the middle of the two sides

I think I had already achieved my goal of getting her attention so I ran back and put Avalon away again. I immediately felt how brutally cold it was. The ghost looked me straight in the eye. I turned my back on him and ran as fast as I could towards the bathroom. I crossed the door and took the talisman out of my pocket, Tamamo saw me and nodded, indicating that she was ready too.

The horrible heavy footsteps came much faster than they had before and in just a few seconds he too was walking into the room. I jumped on him and hit him and put the talisman on his back.
But the bastard disappeared a thousandth of a second, and with that shit, I failed to put the damn paper on him.
Tamamo reacted quickly and taking out her naginata pierced the ghost with it, impaling him on the spot, he couldn't move, but he could still attack. I wouldn't let that bastard harm my wife, I jumped over him and taking Avalon back I took it with both hands and using it as a shield I protected Tamamo who was behind me.  She wasted no time and trusting me with her safety she closed her eyes, took out her fan, and began to wave it. She picked it up, opened it, and blew a gust of air at the ghost. When this impacted him he began to shake and scream in pain. I shook violently, with her arms I tried to count, but I pushed my shield to hit him instead of her.

Realizing that his blows were useless, he tried again to use his cold to attack instead, but once again, Avalon stopped him completely, although I could see how the cold was such that it thickened to look like ice on the windows of the building. bath. Tamamo again threw another gust of wind, the ghost screamed again in pain. The noise was so horrible that I actually thought he was dying painfully.

"The Moon is both a mother and a guide, she taught humans not to be afraid of the dark of night, as well as to guide them home when they got lost in it"
Tama started to speak out loud, her voice sounded with such strength and will that she heard it coming from everywhere. And with that I realized that she was talking very differently, she was talking like the goddess that she really is.
"Free spirits seek joy in it, souls in pain rest in it."
The ghost desperately tried to free himself from the spear, but his hands thickened to burn when touching the holy spear.
"By my granted authority I order you to leave this world and be judged according to the evil and good you did in life, as ordered by the universal law"
The ghost began to stagger rapidly and violently, seeming to live so much that it seemed to be in two places at the same time. He screamed and writhed more disgustingly than I thought possible.
Tamamo opened her eyes, she had a golden light coming from them again. Her kimono at some point that I didn't realize changed for a majestic and highly adorned, her majestic tails seemed like a great altar, in one of his hands her metal hand fan, in the other, her naginata was back. She stretched his arm and extended the fan for the last time, in the fan I could see the kanjis 魂の旅, journey of the soul, where the hundreds of times I had seen that object and did not have them before.
"It is an order from Tamamo-No-Mae, the goddess of the Moon, the mother, the guide"
"Accept the weight of my words, my voice is your law and my will your destiny, fulfill your duty as a human and continue with your journey"
"I curse you Miyazaki"  The only word was heard coming from the ghost.

A huge gust of wind took over the small room, rolled up the ghost that disappeared, and created a tornado so powerful that it lifted me off the ground too. It wasn't an attack as such, or at least not for me, so Avalon didn't intervene. Tamamo still with her majestic and dignified form took me from my hand and took me in her arms as if I were a small child, but just as she showed herself right now she seemed so beautiful and trustworthy that I didn't say anything.

"Wow that was so cool" I said excitedly.

"Well, from time to time I have to do my work as a goddess"
"But if you like how I look I can stay like this forever if you want so you can enjoy this view as much as you want Darling"

"I have no problem with it, but I think Haru and Xi'an will have a heart attack if they see you like this"
"Do you think you can put me down now?"
"The doctor recommended me not lower my self-esteem anymore for this month"

"Oh! Sorry!"

After we finished packing up all our stuff we left the house and got back in the car. Thanks to another talisman that Tamamo put on the window, Haru couldn't see what happened inside the house or Tamamo's majesty when she got serious. Haru was super excited about what we did and treated us almost like superheroes, Xi'an on her side was happy to show that she was capable of maintaining her family's legacy if she put her mind to it. We recommend them not to tell anyone about what we had seen. When Tamamo removed the talismans from the barrier, everything returned to normal and again people began to walk the street with all the normality in the world, ignorant of what had happened in the house next door.  Having finished our work we left the inspector's granddaughter back at her friend's house where she would spend the rest of the night while Xi'an took us back to our house. When I got home I ate, took a shower, and took a couple of Sulpiride pills, one of the medicines that I took most regularly since the time of the dragon war, is a drug to treat schizophrenia but also can that I would like to describe eliminates the emotions, in my case anxiety or sadness, although it can also take away the feeling of happiness,  to see if I could calm down in a preventive way, I went to bed immediately to try to sleep now that I was sleepy and I wasn't thinking much about it ghost believing this would prevent me from another night panic attack.

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