Valkyria Squadron

Ch122: No Loose Ends Part 3

No Loose Ends Part 3

Quepos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

A huge straight line, an endless plantation of palm trees, an average speed of 150 kilometers per hour, 30 kilometers of route, estimated travel time of 10 minutes. And yet I was about to kill the siren at this very moment. The idea of my plan is to get the information about the location of the mermaids' hideout by interrogating this mermaid princess, for that, I need time to carry out the questions, but right now I was being chased. I don't know by whom but for a while now several cars have been following me from a distance, I know this because at one point when I entered the palm plantation to lose them they followed me, even though there was nothing else besides the same tree 20 kilometers around.

My plan now is to get as fast as I can to Quepos, the same town where the Vatican hunters were headed, and set a trap for my pursuers, if they think they have me against the wall they are very wrong, because I am in my territory, my home, I know almost every street in this country by heart. Quepos is another tourist town, one of the most visited in the whole country for its easy access and all kinds of services, there are many hotels in the area because it is close to Manuel Antonio, a national park recognized worldwide. But despite what the authorities and the government want to pretend, it is also true that there are all kinds of activities there, so no one asks why a young elementary school girl would rent a room for 6 hours in a motel, the same kind of place that surely would not mind having a shootout from time to time.

But despite the speed of the trip, the stupid mermaid knows precisely how to piss me off. I should have left the tape on her mouth so she wouldn't talk.

"May I ask why a breeder is transporting me wherever we are going?" she asked.
"Where is your owner? What is his plan?"

"I am not a breeder, I am a warrior!"
"There is a big difference! You don't see the armor!"

"But your tits are bigger than your head, that's the main way to distinguish a breeder from a citizen"
"Your duty is to lay eggs and feed the hatchlings"
"Well, I think people on the surface the process is different, but your duty is the same!"

"I am not a breeder!"
"And if you keep talking I'm going to make you fried fish!"

"But you have all the signs of a breeder"
"Breasts that will never stop growing throughout your life, wide hips so you can give birth easier, huge ass to support and excite any male, small body easy to handle to the male's liking, small arms because you don't need them to make babies"
"Your whole body screams that you are a breeder"

"I'm going to run you over with this very car as soon as I get the chance"

"I know now, you're still young enough to start working!"
"You're just a little girl who thinks you can do something with your life now that you still have a small body that can move on its own."
"Make the most of it now while you can, when you're a little older you'll have boobs so big you'll never be able to move on your own again."
"But look on the bright side, if you are a good breeder you will have several girls taking care of all your needs when you can't move, maybe one of them will take pity on you and become your friend"
"Or having to use your legs for something other than sex"

With God as my witness I swear I will cut this girl in two as soon as she is no longer useful to me.

After a short drive that tested my patience to the max to avoid crashing the car into a tree, I made it to Quepos by nightfall. As soon as I arrived I immediately started looking for a place to stay. Far from the main street, in a residential neighborhood, I found the shabby motel I needed. I parked the car, waited for a while and then went to talk to the manager, I told him I needed the room for 6 hours, he stared at my chest for a while and smiled, then told me that if I wanted when I finished my business he could be my next client. He didn't laugh so much after I showed him the gun I had on hand.

I went back to the car and put the siren on my back so I could move her into the room, she weighed a lot, although I was used to lifting heavy objects like Avalon, I was really surprised how much she weighed, because although her fishtail is big, she doesn't look that big for the weight she has. I put a lot of tape over her mouth so she wouldn't make any noise, I threw her in the bathtub and turned on the faucet so she could receive water. I don't really know if a mermaid needs to be in constant contact with water, but I don't want to talk to her unless it is strictly necessary. I hid behind a chair near a corner of the wall where the entrance to the room was, where together with the darkness and that the only light came from the bathroom where the siren was, I was well hidden, where they would not see me as soon as they entered. I stayed there for quite a while waiting for my enemies to move, it was quite boring, so much so that I started to get sleepy. But it was then that my fox ears heard faint footsteps coming into my room. There were metallic noises, they were carrying weapons.

A dark man came in, dressed in a Costa Rica soccer team shirt, he had a machete, a big knife generally used for cutting grass or defense. He went straight to where the light was, where the siren was, I was aiming at his head from behind when suddenly two other men came in. One was in a dock worker's uniform, the other to my surprise a policeman, but policemen don't wear sneakers on their uniform. I didn't hear any other people besides them, just the creaking of beds. They were all distracted looking at the bathroom, so distracted that they didn't notice me approaching them and doing my job quickly.

I managed to kill the three of them without making a sound just by using the knife. The room was turning red quickly and it was only a matter of time before they noticed and the real police came, but my job was done. I went to the bathroom where I could see the siren scared to death when she saw the men and what had happened in front of her.

"Everything all right?"
"Are you hurt?" I asked as I removed the tape to see if she was in good health.

"Who are these humans?"
"Did they want to harm me?"
"Are they allies of the human hunters?"

I took a close look at the corpses. The truth is that just by looking at their clothes it was clear that these people were nationals, they were also very poorly equipped, and the policeman only had a revolver which I took. They were not Vatican hunters, because if they were, a fight would have occurred. In reality, it was very possible that these guys who were chasing me were actually under the control of the sirens and were trying to rescue the princess. But why not use the maidens? They are much more dangerous than these guys.

Was it the lack of time?
Was it so important to rescue the princess as to attack with the few forces they had nearby instead of waiting for reinforcements?
That means that this girl is important and they want her back as soon as possible!

I turned to see her and looked at her carefully. She was a young girl, if she were human she would be going to school too. Her skin was light and her hair was somewhere in light blue, matching the clothes she was wearing and her tail, they were all the same color, her eyes were also blue. She was quite beautiful and well-groomed, a clear example of her high position among the mermaids. But most importantly, she had a mark on her abdomen, one that was quite clear and revealed much more than it seemed at first glance. The cards of my enemy had been shown changed my focus to my regret.

"What a wound you have on your abdomen!"
"How did you get it? Was it them?" I said pretending to be surprised.

"What's this?"
"Don't worry, it's a pretty old wound"
"It's so old that I don't remember how I got it"
"According to Father, a group of humans attacked me with a spear when I was young, leaving this mark in its place"

"I see"



She had been tricked.

Mermaids were a race that was developed from the fish in the rivers of Atlantis. They were never human in the first place, they just looked like. However, this girl had a belly button, a mark that all mammals possess, one that is impossible to have if you are a real mermaid that was born from an egg. A spear wound would have left only a small, flat mark, not a hole. This girl may not know it, but it is very likely that she was actually a normal human, one that the mermaids took and modified to turn her into a mermaid, after all with the technology of Atlantis that would not be so crazy. But to succeed they had to abduct her when she was very young, perhaps a newborn. They kidnapped her by separating her from her mother and turning her into a mermaid, she being so young she doesn't remember the events.

But this only makes sense as an experiment for something bigger.
Why end up turning her through the whole process into a princess?


Wasn't there any to begin with?
Were they so deep in the shit that they had no choice but to do this?


Mermaids are divided into several categories. Maidens, the lowest rank, act as expendable pawns. The stepmothers are the leaders of the previous rank but are the lowest among the true mermaids. Breeders are exactly what this girl was talking about, their sole purpose is to increase the number of mermaids, so other qualities such as mobility or having a dignified life do not matter. The baronesses are few in number but are experts in magic. The duchesses are generals and strategists. Among the highest ranks are the princesses, who are the only mermaids that can sing and manipulate, so they are essential to obtain allies and kidnap people. Without princesses their main tactics are useless. Lastly, there was the queen, who is no longer alive, who was an important target during the Dragon War. 

The fact that they have created artificial princesses is dangerous.
But there is also the rank of Father, since this is the first time I have heard that title, and if she were to follow the tradition of the Sirens' titles, she should be called Mother. 

I would like to think about this further but I had to leave immediately, I couldn't keep wasting my time in this motel. I picked up the siren and took her back to the car, which I started right after and started driving again in the middle of the night. I would like to think about this further but I had to leave immediately, I couldn't keep wasting my time in this motel. I picked up the siren and took her back to the car, which I started right after and started driving again in the middle of the night. The destination was London, but unlike the capital of the British Empire, this London was substantially smaller and humbler. London was a village much deeper in the mountains between Parrita and Jaco. Population 5 humans, no internet, no phone signal, no electricity. The perfect place to disappear and ask the siren more questions in a quiet way. And place where I planned to rest before the fight that would take place tomorrow if everything go according to plan.

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