Valkyria Squadron

Ch123: Metamorphosis In The Dream

Metamorphosis In The Dream

Londres, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

 Londres is a rather old and forgotten town in Costa Rica. Where it does not receive the recognition to even appear on a map. I have no idea who founded it or what it looked like in its best years. How do I know this place exists? That is a curious story, my father's grandfather was the one who came to this town, I have no idea why, he lived in a house here for a while, but he got tired of the place and went back to his hometown. My father heard the story and on one of his trips we set out to find where this town was, it took us several days of asking people around to find the approximate location. I was on the trip as usual and learned how to get there. I never thought it would be helpful until today. The town consists of several old houses like my grandmother's, separated by several kilometers from each other. The center of town could be considered the school, which is now abandoned due to the low population in the vicinity.

Right now I was in it together with the mermaid. I haven't talked to her much yet, as I was still a bit tired so I decided to rest a bit first. I don't need to sleep, just rest my muscles for a while before going back to work. The mermaid on the other hand had been quite calm. She didn't seem to be fighting against me and despite the nonsense, she talks, she was quite cooperative, so she preferred to rest before doing something she would hate me for later. I went to rest in one of the school chairs, and on the way, I took 3 Sulpiride pills, the same for suppressing schizophrenia,  just in case. It is very difficult for me to fall under the effect of a siren, but in case I underestimate her, relax too much and she has something, the pills should prevent her from using my feelings to take advantage of me.

Despite the situation I was in, I didn't feel as nervous as before. Although a group of human hunters captured me, another group and this girl rescued me from them. They have not attacked me, so it is very likely that they are related to our faction. Surely right now we were here in the middle of nowhere waiting to lose the hunters completely and they will return me to the sea when the sun rises again.

The breeder walked to the other side of the room and sat in a chair, resting her legs on another. How I envied doing things like that because due to my tail, things like standing and walking are impossible for me. I thought she would go to sleep but she just lay there, looking at me. From one of her pockets, she pulled out a pair of white things and ate them. That was all her food? I don't think it was enough for her body, but maybe it was the diet she was on to slow her growth before she stopped walking.

Her body did not match those I had seen of humans before. It was possible that she was a new species. Her ears were huge and swiveled from time to time according to the direction of the sound. Even now that she was resting her ears seemed to be fully awake. She was actually quite alert to her surroundings despite how relaxed she looked. It seemed that she was battling sleep, for sure being in this situation so out of her nature was taking quite a toll on her.

Since she had been helping me all this time I decided to repay the favor and help her sleep better. Surely a good night's sleep would make her feel much better for tomorrow and give her more energy. Since she seemed very nervous, she would surely get scared if I did something drastic, so I started to sing very, very lightly, almost imperceptibly, to make her relax more. And after a while, I sang a little louder so she could sleep completely. After that, I would just make her have a relaxing dream for her and wake her up when it was daytime.

The heat of the sun made me wake up suddenly. I tried to look around me, but something was not right. The school was quite clean and tidy, it looked very much like the typical Japanese classroom where I went every day to take care of Haru. When I tried to get up from the floor something grabbed my chest and pulled me to the ground again, it was warm and quite soft. It was like being on a jelly? What the hell is this thing? 


No, No, No, No, No!
Stop! Wait! This couldn't be happening, could it!
No, not like this!
Not like this!


It was myself

It was myself that made it impossible for me to move. What I thought was a huge bed was my own chest, which was so big that I was completely on top of it. I was in the middle of the boobs lying helplessly, completely immobile and naked. I could feel my legs behind me but they didn't touch the floor, in fact, I couldn't even tell where they were in relation to myself.

A headache began to squeeze me hard, stopping what I was about to do.

I looked around me again, there were several classmates looking at my face. They were all looking at me with contempt, with rejection, surprised to see me. Once again I was the center of attention because of my disfigurement. There were Kyouko and Yukiko looking at me, talking to each other, clearly mocking me. In a corner there was also Haru, she pretended not to look at me or know me, and in her face, there was a shame. Knowing that she had once spoken to those tits with a voice she thought was human.

The school bell rang, signaling the start of classes. All the girls sat in their seats, I could do nothing but stare at them from the back of the room. From where I was destined never to move again.

"Why do we have to stand next to it?"
"Shouldn't they have taken it somewhere else where she won't be in the way?"  I heard someone say.

"That thing used to be called Elise, she pretended to be a human hiding the fact that she is actually a breeder"
"It was a couple of days ago that her body exploded at the end of class"
"She grew to that size in a matter of minutes"
"Now it is impossible to get her out of here without shattering the walls, which would cause the school to collapse"
"The only thing to do is to leave her there for the rest of her life"
"Just ignore it"

My heart was racing as I continued to listen to what someone in the room was saying. I was scared, seconds before a headache brought me back to my senses.

The door to the classroom burst open, the only other one left because of my guilt. From it came a girl I didn't recognize, she looks much taller and older, she was dressed a little more casual but formal, and she was wearing a beanie, so she must be the teacher. But she was not our usual teacher that was clear, as her face looked quite angry and serious. She wrote a couple of things on the paper, took off her beanie, and then turned around, revealing her face at last.

"All right, you lazy bums, thanks to your mediocre results now I'm in trouble too!"
"I need to get you in shape before the sports festival and keep you from getting fat as pigs"
"So we'll start right now, 50 laps of the athletic track"
"You have one minute to get there and I hope you have completed them before I get there to check"
"Now RUN!"

All the girls ran out immediately without even complaining. Leaving only the two of us in the classroom. She looked me in the eyes and let out a sigh. I for one didn't need to ask, I already knew her. After all, she was my wife.

"All right, now that we are alone we can have a moment to eat"
"Here, I brought you lunch"
"Well, wait a moment and I'll bring it to you instead" said Nanami.

She left the classroom for a moment, returned with a ladder, which she placed next to me, and climbed up my chest until she was right next to me and hug me. She sat down next to me and opened the box with food, which she carried to my mouth herself since I couldn't even sit down.

"Because of your stubbornness for wanting to be a normal human, look at the trouble you have caused us"
"I had to start working as a P.E teacher to be able to come to see you!"
"If only this had happened to you at home at least we wouldn't be going through all this in front of the public"  she said with a spoonful of food.

"Is it really you Nanami?"
"What happened to you? You look so different"
"You have grown up" I said happily.

I stretched out my arm to touch her, but it was too short to reach her from the position I was in, or rather I had been in.

"Don't even try, you know you won't make it no matter how hard you try."
"There's nothing you can do, this is all you are now"
"A huge bed of breast"
"You better keep eating"
"It cost me a lot to make you this lunch you know!"
"Be thankful I came all this way and I'm feeding you despite how embarrassing it is to be seen."

"I don't want to eat! I want to be able to walk!"

"Accept it at once! There's nothing to do!"
"You are a breeder, not a person!"
"Don't you see how much you are making us all suffer from your foolishness!"

The classroom door burst open!

Nanami worriedly jumped from where she was to the ground as far away from me as possible. On the other side of the door, another girl appeared, but this one was different from the others. She had horns and a pointed tail, along with her blue wings. She was Luna, the dragon girl, who was dressed in the same uniform as the other students. She looked into the classroom and was surprised to see only the two of us.

"I'm so sorry I'm late again!"
"I thought the alarm clock was working but it ran out of batteries."
"I came as fast as I could"
"Please forgive me, Mom"

"Be more careful next time you come in here!"
"Warn first before you come in!"
"Do you have any idea what a scare you gave me!"
"Just now I was feeding your father!"
"What do you think would have happened if it had been someone else and we were seen with her!"

"You are right!"
"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again!"

"The others have already left to go around the circuit."
"Go as soon as possible and join them"
"I'll come down when I finish feeding her"
"Take care"

"Yes, ok"
"See you later Mom!"
"See you Dad!" she said waving her hand in dismissal.

"Goodbye, Luna!" That was all I could manage to say to her before she left without answering me.

Nanami turned around and walked back up the stairs to come back to me. It took her a little while, but her discomfort on my body was visible to the naked eye.

"What the hell is going on here?" I said because I couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you think!"
"This is all your fault because your obsession with wanting to be a human is what led us to this!"
"You are a breeder, you are only good for giving children and milk."
"But because you pretended to be a human, going to school while hiding your true purpose, this happened!"
"You should be glad that we can see you today!"
"Why did you do it!"
"Why did you hide it!"
"Because of you, I married a breeder!"
"What do you think my father will think when he hears the news!"
"I'm a breeder's wife!"
"No one has to know about this!"
"Our relationship is an embarrassment to everyone!" she said crying.






Panic threw me out of my sleep with a scream.

I was back in the old school abandoned in the middle of the night.

Still agitated I quickly checked my chest, it was large, yes, but to my normal size. I was standing on my own again. I could jump and move. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was all just a nightmare.

On the other side of the room was the mermaid, frightened to see how I had been charmed by her. She surely didn't expect me to be able to resist, more or less, if I had been fully awake, it wouldn't happen, because of my true nature.

I immediately remembered everything I had just experienced in my dream. The way everyone treated me made me angry. But not as much as the fact that this girl had used Nanami to alter my precious memories of her, tainting her with that twisted and cruel version. How, even though it was a lie, she used my daughter to ignore me completely without giving me a chance to say goodbye to her. Although I was glad to see them once again despite the short time.  Her insult to me was immeasurable! One that would be paid with a quick death if the circumstances were different.


Avalon came out of the ground, according to my command.

"Stop! Wait!"
"That wasn't my intention!"
"I just wanted you to get a better rest!"

I was so angry, that despite the weight and the pain, I lifted the giant sword with one hand.


What a blow I had Discharged against the damned mermaid.

But her screams of pain were not enough for me. It wasn't enough pain yet.

I took her arm and pulled the top half of her. Leaving behind the part of the fish that belonged to the girl that was still stuck with Avalon. I pulled out my knife and cut off both of her arms as well. It wasn't a fair price, but I couldn't charge her more for now either.

"It hurts!"
"It hurts so much"
"Please stop!"
"I'm sorry!"
"It hurts!"

"Stop complaining!"
"This is not enough to kill you yet"
"By tomorrow you will probably have healed all your wounds"
"But I'm going to make sure your wounds aren't healed by then"
"The night is very young and I want to have fun as only I can have fun"

I took the battery out of the car and brought it along with the cables to charge it.

"Before I wanted to interrogate you, now I just want to make you suffer"
"You made me go through a nightmare in my dream"
"I'm going to put you through a nightmare in real life"

Horrible sounds accompanied the citizens of London that night. And by the time daylight came I had not managed to make the mermaid talk, but that was no longer my plan. Anyway, I had more ways to make her talk even if she didn't want to. So I went back to Jaco to join the others, with a quarter siren in a bag in the luggage compartment

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