Valkyria Squadron

Ch125: Lucky Bastard

Lucky Bastard

Jacó Beach, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

 Bastard POV

Damn, just my luck. That was the fourth girl that turned me down today. Can't anybody speak Japanese in this damn place? It's one of the most important languages in the world! How do they want me to speak Spanish? They are the ones who look for tourists, they are the ones who should speak several languages instead. I had more luck with the girls who speak English but I think my way of speaking didn't make me understood well. Damn it, why did my father have to bring us here? Couldn't we just go to Okinawa like every year? I didn't know he was coming back, but I had to take advantage of this time that I'm alone, I need to get a girl so I can go back and tell my friends about it.

I looked back to the beach again looking for my next target. A group of girls tanning, they are redheads, probably from Europe, they are a 5/10 unlikely to want to talk to me. Over there by the sea there is another girl, brown hair, tanned, has a surfboard, speaks Spanish, probably national, 4/10, won't pay attention to me. I saw a girl alone walking on the beach, blonde, looks American, she's a beauty, 8/10, worth a try Oh no! her boyfriend showed up, never mind I'll take my chances. Don't you expect him to just split a coconut with his hands? He could do the same to my head! no thanks. Shit, I already checked my main hunting area, I'm going to have to look further away.

I went back to the main road, the one that goes along the town and the beach. I kept checking my options. Girls like to frequent places where they sell sweet things, so I approached one of these places pretending to be interested in what they were selling there. The girls were also mostly tourist, most of them with men around them as well. I was almost to the counter when I saw that they actually sold ice cream. Shit if I didn't buy some their boyfriends would realize I was here for their girls. What ice cream has a name I can pronounce? Chocolate is said the same everywhere, isn't it? that's the one! I was already next to the counter when I heard something near me.


(Yes, sister, I got it.)
(I will send you the images when I finish the call.)
(Yes, that's good, it's very tasty.)

It was my native language! It was Japanese! And it was coming from a girl! I turned to see the source of such a beautiful sound. The sight was dazzling, a girl a little smaller than me, white skin, straight black hair, her body was a little flat but slender, she also seemed to be much younger than me. She was completely my type, 10/10, I had to take a chance, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I left the line and walked towards her, trying to look my best. Although I was confident in my appearance, I had to make the most of it. I'm on my school's swim team, but I've still taken good care of my body. Several girls have asked me out, but none of them compare to the trophy of dating a girl on a vacation abroad. If I get to date this beauty I will be the envy of my swimming buddies. Besides, if anything happened she wouldn't be able to find me easily enough to take care of the child. It was a foolproof plan, all I had to do was make her mine.

She was near the wall, she had finished talking on the phone, it was my time to attack. I moved my hand and hit the wall surrounding the girl. She stood still in her place, scared but not saying anything, our eyes met, we could feel our respect for each other, her scent was like that of cherry blossoms, a sweet delicacy that delighted my heart. She seemed nervous but willing to let me continue even more, I was in control. But only for a short time because my soul was uncontrolled by the desire of kissing her right away even without knowing her. Contradictory I know, but love itself is a contradiction.

I had to continue further, I couldn't stop here, but decided to pity her and talk to her instead for now. But what would she like me to tell her? She's younger than me, maybe our tastes are different, what's in fashion now? Now that I think about it, that girl I used to date used to talk to me a lot about this new video game, she liked the main character a lot because he looked like me. It seemed like all the girls liked it because they were talking about it everywhere. If I'm going to talk about it, he'll like it for sure!

"Are you a part of the phantom thieves? Because you just stole my heart"  I said sounding as cool and manly as possible, for I had regained the confidence to be back playing on familiar ground.

The girl kept staring at me, looking like she didn't know what to do. No doubt she had left a good impression because her mouth was wide open. I'm sure she doesn't expect a guy like me to know about "niche" things like she surely is. On her face was the clear look of doubt, she didn't know what to say to my prayer, she was thinking carefully what to say pretending that her heart wasn't racing at my advance.

"Do you also speak Japanese?"
"What a surprise! I thought there was no one here who could also speak it!"
"It's so far from home!" She said ingeniously and sneakily.

That was it, she answered me politely, now she would feel obliged to listen to me and pay attention to what I said.

"Of course I am!"
"I'm from there too!"
"My name is Yoshida Shigeru"
"My father is the Senator of Japan, I'm sure you've heard of him"
"We are on vacation right now"
"And may I know the name of the beauty in front of me?"

I said to impregnate her with my great background, but giving a guide for her to answer what I wanted to know about her.

"My name is..."
"My name is Tamamo"
"I came here for work, I'm on a photo tour for a fashion magazine"
"The producer wants me to be on the cover but although I'm glad I'm also a little nervous, I want to do my modeling job well."


This was my biggest prey so far. She was the most important target I had ever met. She had to be mine! And to my good fortune, she herself readily responded for me to continue talking to her. She wants me to go further, and I as a gentleman do not refuse the advances of a lady. She wants me to praise her and comfort her about her problem. She is looking for a strong pair of arms to give her the support she needs. She needs me, she wants to keep hearing my voice greedily.

"Oh come on, don't say that"
"How could an angelic goddess do it with your face something wrong"
"It's impossible for a work of art like you to think that it's made with the best painters that could be found, no, search at this world."
"A beauty like you is a shooting comet that I am glad to have seen in all my life"
"No doubt that the two of us meeting in a place so far from home but meeting each other is not a coincidence"
"It is someone's plan for us to be together"
"The all-seeing goddesses of love have pulled the strings and scheduled our reunion"
"I will be the protective guardian of such a treasured smile"

I said flaunting my best poet skills with which I was born. The same words with which several girls had fallen for me. It was impossible now that she could get out of my charm, the only thing she had to do was to let herself be carried away by her desires and accompany me. If all went well tonight I would make her mine. Tonight she would be another trophy for my record. The one-night adventure abroad that every boy dreams of fulfilling in his life, was at my hand's reach. and with a model no more and no less!

"Wow, but what an "artistic" way of expressing yourself you have ...."
"You know, ...."
"Don't you wish we could both get some ice cream and walk around and talk some more?" She said in her shy voice, but with a burning desire to continue with me.

"But of course!"
"I'll get something right away"
"How about some ice cream to share?"
"I know it's a common way in this place to get to know each other better." I said sure of my lie, because she had no way of knowing that I just made it up.

"Two ice creams are better!"
"I like more traditional things like at home"  She said firmly, it was clearly a clue she was giving me, she liked traditional Japanese things, was what she really meant.

I went to the counter and tried to order ice cream. As usual none of the locals can speak Japanese, but what's wrong with these people? They don't know how important it is for me to impress this girl! In the end I resigned myself and started to speak in English but they couldn't understand her either. How does this place keep going? Almost all their customers are foreigners! They speak English too. I had no choice but to ask to see if they could give me what I wanted, in the end they did it and gave me the two ice creams I needed. I just hope this girl, Tamamo, didn't notice.

After handing her her ice cream we both started to walk along the street without any particular place, it was already close to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. If I wanted to go out with her tonight I had to speed up my progress even more. But the girl was looking at the sea constantly and not at me. She seemed to be quite interested in going for a swim. All this time she had gone into her sexy bikini, but it was completely dry, she still hadn't gone for a swim. I thought maybe she was waiting for a little push from a man to cheer her up.

"Do you like swimming at the beach?"
"Wouldn't you like to go with me to enjoy this beach together?"  I said taking her by surprise by the hand.

"No need" 
"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere"
"Better tell me about yourself"
"That's what you wanted after all, isn't it?" 

She said quickly withdrawing her hand, it seems that her mind had not yet fully opened to me, despite what her heart was saying.

"That's a point I wanted to get to"
"We should get to know each other better after all"
"You know, I belong to my school's swimming club."
"This year I'm preparing to participate in the National Olympics."
"My dream is to make it to the international Olympic games, the big ones, the important ones"
"Maybe I will win the precious gold medal"
"Who knows, maybe I will dedicate the triumph to you, on international television"
"So madly in love with you"

"Oh come on"
"You can't do that, I'm sure your girlfriend will be mad about it."

And here I was faced with the classic trick question that every woman asks at some point in the beginning of a relationship. She was clearly asking if I was available to her. I had to make it clear that I was completely available to her, but not to go so far as to say that other girls ignore me, otherwise she will see it as a red flag. The correct answer was to indicate that I already had a girlfriend, which was not a lie in itself, but that I had recently ended up with her, making her see that my value was high in the eyes of other girls.

"Don't Worry"
"She is no longer a problem"
"I broke up with her after I realized the real reason she was with me"
"You know the excuse she gave"
"She said she was a lesbian in reality"
"You know how low you have to go to say that to someone"
"I thought we were right for each other, but it looks like I was the only one who saw it that way"

"Oh Dear"
"I can't believe why she would do something like that"
"I'm sure she saw what you were really like and didn't think she was worthy of you"
"That's why she ran away from you"

She said clearly feigning surprise, but I'm sure that inside she was glad to hear this, for now she knew that I was free for her and that I was a precious good.

We continued walking a little more until we reached almost to the end where the beach met a river and after that a difficult rock to continue to the next beach. But then something surprising happened. There was a girl on one of the rocks by the sea, she was a girl, she looked like my companion in age, but she seemed to be a national from here, I turned to look at her. But Tamamo stopped dead in his tracks and stopped walking as soon as she noticed her.


It looked like my trophy knew her, it was a friend she made here? This should be my biggest lucky day, if I played all my cards wisely I could make a threesome with them, a perfect match, fame and glory would be mine. I walked a little further to talk to her, for even though she was a native of here, if she knew Tamamo she could surely speak Japanese too, someone had finally deigned to learn the right things. I had to introduce her and impregnate her well. It was hard but it was worth it. It was my destiny, this would be my greatest triumph, and these girls would be the ones to give it to me.

"Stay away from her!"
"She is a danger!"


She said something?

But I didn't have time to think it through when I heard something fly towards me. A moment later something landed near me. My eyes must have been deceiving me, for in front of me I saw a third girl, but this one was very different from anything I had ever seen. She was built, she seemed to be made of metal, or at least that's what the marks on her body suggested, a body that had a backpack implanted on her back, she had wings and emitted heat, was it for flying?


"This is the second time Maria has attacked today"
"Lisa managed to get her away from Adelis in time"
"I followed her here, it looks like she was trying to meet him right here."

I was still trying to figure out what was going on, but I felt something hit me from behind, and then everything went black.




When I woke up it was already dark.

I looked around in confusion trying to figure out what had happened. I was back in the bar of my hotel. Along with a lot of bottles around me. I had been rejected again? Hell, I don't even remember how they turned me down this time. Good thing my old man isn't here to see me. But I still felt too sober, like I hadn't had drink anything. Since I had lost at least it was an excuse to drown my sorrows now, so I asked the bartender for another bottle of whatever.

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