Valkyria Squadron

Ch126: Unexpected Visitors

Unexpected Visitors

Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

  Adelis POV

Tamamo just left to try to keep an eye on Yoshida Shigeru. She would try to approach him in a subtle way and then fake a call with Charlotte so that she would speak in Japanese and get his attention. The rest of us were left in the room. Momo was calling room service to order food. Tifa was looking out the window, curious about everything that was going on downstairs. Lisa on the other hand was quite quiet looking through what we had for pills for me.

"The British Prime Minister is leaving the country right now"
"It seems that he is leaving now even though he had paid for two more days in his hotel" Said one of my granddaughters.

"After what happened he is trying to run away to avoid a scandal that will end up in the news"
"Even if it was the sirens, I'm not going to forgive him anyway"
"He knew Maria was my daughter, I'm going to end his career later"

"This would be one less target" Said Charlotte
"Next on the list would be Austin Cordova"
"Lion Saber Industries Engineer"
"He is in the aerospace section"
"Creator of the missile..."

"AIM-140 Hawkeye"
"I supervised the project myself"
"Many complained about the cost of the project, but without it our aircraft had no chance to shoot down their faster interceptors"

"Perhaps he could create a weapon that the mermaids could use to their advantage" suggested Kazumi.

"Unlikely, he is from the United States"
"Son of an engineering couple who worked for the same company"
"Has never known poverty"
"Doesn't know how to create new weapons with low resources or low technology"
"It's like asking an F1 driver to help you on the farm using a hoe"
"I'd be more concerned with some kind of South American guerrilla fighter"
"They are much more ingenious"

"Hecto de Leon Gonzales, millionaire Mexican businessman, owner of the football team Leon Azul, I think it is very likely that he has connections with drug gangs."
"He is visiting the country with several family members"

"If he is indeed one of the leaders of an organized crime gang he will have high security and if he falls under their control there is little he can do, his own associates will kill him"
"He is no a useful asset either"

"Logan Anderson, Ex-Colonel of the Canadian Army"
"Formed a group of mercenaries known as the Red Viper.
"Has extensive military experience in the Continental War"
"He knows how to train troops and lead them"
"His main jobs were escorting Alliance VIPs and delivering supplies in difficult conditions"
"He is in the country enjoying his earnings"

"Yes, I also know him, but I don't know."
"He has a good profile, but I don't know if he has anything to take advantage of for the sirens"
"But what Cesar said and from what we have seen, they would like to have people with great influence in governments or still in the army."


"Room service"
"I brought the food you asked for"Said a young man on the other side of the door.

"It's fine"
"You can leave it there at the door, I'll pick it up shortly" I said, remembering what Cesar asked me to do.

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Adelis, I'll leave it inside the room."
"It's no trouble at all"
"It's just a moment"

When she heard this, Lisa immediately stopped what she was doing and ran near the door, trying to make as little sound as possible. She put her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't speak this time.

"We are having sex"
"We don't want a men to interrupt us in the best part"
"Leave the food cart there" Lisa said without hesitation.


"Sorry, I'm so sorry"
"But it's important, it's hotel policy"
"I'm going to use my key to get in."

Hearing this Lisa took out one of her rare pistols and opened the door of the room completely herself . She pointed it at the bellboy's head and with her other hand she grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up as if he was a toy.

"All right motherfucker"
"What are you planning to do, come on"
"You like to bother the guests?"
"Any sins to commit?"
"You're damn lucky I'm busy with more important tasks right now"
"But if you keep going I can make an exception and take you to hell real quick, if that's what you're looking for"

"Lisa, stop!"
"We don't really know what he wanted to do!"
"Maybe it wasn't anything bad!" I said trying to calm the demon.

"This piece of shit has the look of a sinner."
"Extortion, a person committed suicide because of this bastard"
"Typical of a fucking man"
"He probably wanted to take pictures to get money"

"Ok, fine! "
"But you can't kill him here!"
"It's too flashy, everyone will notice!"
"The police will be looking for us"
"You don't want to bother Cesar, do you?"
"At least let him go for today"

"Agreed, but there will be no second chance"
"But there will be no second chance"
"Do anything remotely like that again and I'll hunt you down like an animal"
"I'll skin you alive before I throw you into the eternal fire"
"Where you'll be reunited with your buddies who planned this whole thing"
"You agree?" Lisa said, but changing her tone of voice to a lower and more horrible one, like a nightmare, while the red color of his eyes shone brightly.

She let go of the man who as soon as he came in contact with the floor ran away as fast as he could towards the elevator, Lisa chased him for a moment sounding loudly her footsteps. When he was gone she walked back and took the food cart to enter our room quietly.

"Damn it"
"This is why I hate men"
"I should kill them all"

"Come on Lisa calm down"
"There are also good men somewhere you know"
"Hey! That ice cream is mine, I ordered it for me!" Said Momo closing the door after the demon passed through.

I went to the food cart and took the lasagna. Although I wasn't hungry because of my nerves, I still had to eat, since the last time I had eaten had been the day before. The twins each had a large sanwiche, although they didn't need to eat they loved to do it, especially with everyone else. The little girl flew over and began to eat the fruit pieces that were in the salad.

"You're responsible for that bastard coming"
"I'm just taking something as payment for forgiving him"
"You can have the mango cake instead of me."
"Also you should eat more if you want to believe in the right areas that Darling likes the most"

"I've been meaning to ask this for a while but"
"Why do they all seem to be romantically related to Elise?"
"It doesn't make any sense"
"They are all the same sex, they can't produce offspring of any species" Said the fairy both surprised, annoyed and confused.

"What, you still don't know?"
"Wait, what's that?"

Momo was talking but stopped in the middle of her conversation, raising her hand to point to a wall next to me. I watched as Liza immediately dropped her ice cream, as the Dolls stood up. Surely it must have been something bad. I turned my head as quickly as I could to also try to see what was going on that put everyone on alert.

It was my Daughter.

As if it were an apparition, I saw Mary's face appear from the wall. It moved forward, then her body appeared and then her limbs, it was identical to how Lisa used to do it. But Maria was a normal human, it should be impossible for her to do anything even close to that. Cesar was right, the mermaids had done something horrible to her, they were responsible for what I was witnessing.

When she finished looking and her feet touched the ground she ran in my direction, I was her target.

Lisa didn't hesitate for a second and jumped in the middle to stop her, she received a deep blow that echoed throughout the room. But in spite of the apparent pain, the demon didn't stop, she grabbed her hand, turned her body and threw her to the other side, hitting Maria with the balcony railing. On Lisa's face didn't show her usual crazy face of pleasure and lust that she used to put on every time she had the chance to fight, the one I had used a few moments before. Instead there was a serious, angry, concentrated face, she wasn't enjoying what she was doing this time, that was clear.

But even so, as if that were nothing, my daughter stood up in a macabre way, more in accordance with how the demon should act in her place. In maria's face you couldn't notice any emotion, she had the same serious face that androids usually have, but she didn't even blink, or gesticulate. She looked like she wanted to attack again. Lisa was overwhelmingly faster, stepping up beside her with impunity. Her next action was so fast that it was hard for me to process the seriousness of what I had just witnessed.

She had her leg completely raised, she had already finished her attack. The demon had kicked my daughter so brutally that her beautiful head had exploded. But it was not blood that appeared, but the transappearance of water instead. The rest of her body slid backwards due to the power of the attack, she fell off the balcony. I ran right after that, but when I reached the place Lisa grabbed my arms so I wouldn't fall behind her too. From the balcony I could see how her body was stretched against the ground near the pool. But none of the people below noticed her, because when she touched the ground she also exploded like a water balloon, getting lost among the rest when several children continued playing, innocent and ignorant of what had happened.

"MARIA!!!"  I shouted with all my strength.

I felt that my body was losing its weight, the air was missing, my strength was fading, I felt as if what I was watching was some kind of movie, where I myself was only a witness of what was happening.

"I am very sorry"
"I didn't mean to do it, but I had no choice"
"She wanted to hurt you. I had to stop her"
"I'm sorry!" The girl who was guilty of what happened tried to apologize.

"She was my daughter!"
"How could you!"
"I hat..."

"Saying that to mother Lisa is very dangerous"
"We have no idea how she might behave"
"Also remember what papa said, Mary right now is not a human, she is a mermaid maiden"
"She didn't die, she probably just retired"
"Dad said it, she will be fine so we should not hesitate to defend ourselves against her"
"The possibility of her attacking again is quite high" said both Dolls at the same time.


They were right, Cesar had warned me, that this was something that could happen. But even so, seeing it happen in front of my eyes was horrible and devastating. I now understood how terrifying the sirens could be, and this was just their initial attacks, but they would get worse if we let them pass. The threat that Cesar saw of them trying to take over the world became real to me as well. If they could do this to me, what could stop them from doing this to so many more people.

"Maria has reappeared!"
"She is near the Quebrada Bonita river right now"
"It is on the close the beach where Tamamo and Shugeru are right now!!"
"Another 5 of the missing girls have also turned up nearby"  Charlotte said.

"We must go and help her!"
"She won't be able to do much if she has to protect him from several people"I immediately said.

"Is Tamamo the one we are talking about"
"She can definitely do it" Said the glass girl sarcastically

"We can do it!"
"One can go and take care of the group while the other goes to help Tamamo to protect the boy"
"Please give us permission"

Said both andriods at the same time, you could see how excited they both were. And even though they could just fly off the balcony, they were trying to get my permission first, trying to get the acceptance they needed, the confidence that they were doing the right thing by helping us. I could not refuse their request, one made with the intention of making things better.

"All right, please go and return carefully"
"I'll be waiting for you back"

They saw each other, shook their heads in thanks and ran and then jumped off the balcony, and during their fall they lit their thrusters to fly. They both held hands like twins, until near their destination they separated, one going near the river, the other towards the beach. Please let nothing more serious happen.

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