Valkyria Squadron

Ch127: Restrained Anger

Restrained Anger

Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

I went back to the hotel where I met up with the others. The room now looked more like a makeshift base with Momo checking the Dolls equipment and the suitcases with the spare parts, Adelis was watching the TV, it was transmitting a map of the surroundings with possible locations of apparitions along with a list of targets, Lisa was by the window watching the beach with Tamamo trying to warn of the slightest sign of trouble.

When everyone came in they greeted me, but I didn't answer them, I was very tired and wanted to finish as soon as possible. I threw the bag I was carrying on the bed, my mother curiously opened it to look at its contents, the half mermaid.

"I am so sorry!"
"Please stop, stop!"
"I can't take it anymore!"
"Stop, I'm sorry! Stop it, stop it!"
"I don't want to do this anymore!"
"Forgive me, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!"
"Stop it, stop it, stop it"
"No more, stop, stop, stop, I'm sorry, stop!" Said the panicked girl despite being quite damaged.

"Oh my God!"
"But what did you do to her!"
"This is horrible!"

"Her tail will grow back"
"More important is that you did not want to answer my questions" I said hiding the fact that I was actually so busy hurting her that I never asked her anything.
"Momo, call Stella immediately"
"I have to talk to her again" 

"But what about her arms?"


Lisa ran immediately to the door, she had her gun in her hand, opened it slowly and looked at the other side, after confirming that it was an expected visit she opened it and let Stella in. She was in her clothes this time, but again she prostrated herself on the floor in humility.

"Oh great Lord, you have requested my immediate presence and here I am answering your call"
"Please spare the innocent from your wrath"

"I don't care about all that shit"
"In the bag over there is what's left of the mermaid"
"Put slavery magic on her too"

"Do you plan to add her to your collection as well, sir?"
"Shall I add her along with the Fairy?"
"I will apply them both immediately"  Said Stella trying to find something to make me lower my anger.

"Quick, I want you to move the map on the TV
"I want it to show about 300 nautical miles from right here"
"Also add the map of the ocean floor"
"Focus on the Submarine mountain range"
"The mermaids have had time to hide, so it is likely that the castle is now underground"

"Immediately, Dad!"

"Is this really necessary?"
"You know what you just did with the new girl, don't you?"

"If I had used the other way, I would have been able to find out immediately where they were"
"But I would also reveal my identity immediately to them"
"It is better to do this and attack them unaware"
"If I attack them now that they don't know I exist I will find them all in one place"
"If they know I exist they will disperse as much as possible"
"Or they could invade the surface immediately to try to kill me"
"Costa Rica has no army"
"The attack force that the police have at their disposal is quite limited"
"It will be a massacre"
"It could easily destroy the country"
"My home"
"I will not let it happen"

"It's done, great Lord" Said Stella prostrate on the floor.

"All right, let's get it over with"

"Please stop!"
"I am very sorry"
"Stop it!"
"Forgive me"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"You, tell me where is the place where the rest of the mermaids take refuge?"
"That is an order!"

The crying girl moved what was left of her arms, trying to point to some part of the screen, but it was impossible to tell where.

"Oh Right, I can't wait for your arms to grow back"
"Lisa pick her up and try to figure out where it's pointing to"
"If you can't use your arms, use your tongue"
"That one is still complete isn't it?"

"I know you are going to kill all the mermaids, but"
"The fact that there is still a section of Atlantis is a great threat in itself"
"How do you plan to destroy the castle by yourself?" asked Momo.

"That's the easy part"
"The only reason I'm not doing it right now is because of the girl over there"

"The wounded mermaid?"
"Do you plan to leave her alive?"

"Did you also notice?"
"She looks like she was originally human"
"It's no coincidence"
"There could be more like her"
"I need to know"

"It seems that this is the place!"
"According to the data of the researchers of the Cocos Island Natural Reserve"
"A topographical survey probe checked this area here and it seems that there is a rather large underwater cavern"
"It has not yet been fully investigated"
"It is 450 kilometers from here, is inside the protected area"
"At 1,000 meters underwater, low sunlight present"
"Low ship traffic"
"High shark activity"

"Someone call Christopher and tell him to give me the speedboat"
"Momo how much autonomy does this armor have?"

"The battery is designed to last for the life of the armor"
"In case of damage an emergency battery should last for a week"
"The armor is capable of electrolysis with the water around it, making it possible to breathe without problems as long as you have batteries"
"No energy and oxygen should last you 12 hours"
"Composed with resistant materials with angelic technology and magic"
"No depth limit and helps the user to endure the descent"
"You could go to the deepest place in the earth's ocean without any problem"
"But it requires you to perform decompression when ascending"
"The armor also has an injectable serum reserve"
"It will keep you hydrated for quite some time"
"You should be able to last about 5 days underwater, the only limitation is hunger"
"I don't think you can eat underwater with the mask on"

"Wow it's good!"
"It's a submarine in human form"
"What's there to do damage?"

"Amphibious assault rifle, shoots smoothly above or below water, red mags have  normal 5.56 ammunition for surface, blue mags for  underwater rounds"
"For Secondary a nail shotgun, only effective underwater"
"In the joints of the wrists there are laser daggers, 40 centimeters long"
"As for your favorite, mobility, it has two modes"
"Walking, the armor will behave trying to simulate being in an environment without liquid, it should be similar to normal walking"
"And combat mode, it uses special thrusters to operate underwater, it is very similar performance to an Arksuit in flight so I reconfigured it to have the same controls"
"Other than that it is your choice if you want to carry something else"

"So you plan to raid a huge castle full of enemies and fight each one of them to see if any of them could be a human transformed into a mermaid?" Said Tamamo this time.

"I don't think there are many"
"Most likely that girl over there is the only one so far by how desperate they are to want her back."
"But the possibility still exists"
"I have to check however small the probability"
"It's my responsibility as the Last Emperor of Atlantis."

"Wait a minute!"
"If the castle is underwater?"
"What about the kidnapped girls!"
"What about Maria!"
"They're going to drown!"

"The angles should be able to take care of rescuing them"

"Excuse me!?"  Stella said in surprise.


"Lisa! the stake! NOW!"

Lisa complied immediately and gave me what I asked for.

I ran to the angel still prostrate on the floor and drove the metal stake into her back. I grabbed her arm and pushed her to move her towards the bath tub so as not to stain the place with blood, then I threw her inside and drove the same stake into her in a different place. The angel tried to endure it but I could still hear her grunts of pain.

"Are you going to tell me that you didn't have anything planned?"
"What did you think was going to happen when I killed the mermaids?"
"Is it going to me also to pick each one up from the sea?"
"I'm not your fucking mother, I don't clean up your shit!"
"You didn't even think to help!?"
"You wanted Maria to die drowned lost in the ocean!!!"
"Are you crazy!?" I claimed to the bastard, staking her with more and more stakes.

"I will mobilize the solar system fleet!"
"I will have a ship assigned to rescue every girl!"
"I will do so immediately!"
"My fault has been a disgrace to the angels, but if you tell me to take a little pity on me I will act immediately!"

I took the heavy telephone from the room and this time I used it to hit the angel hard on the head several times.

"I don't care how much your body hurts"
"I want to see them in position right now!"
"I want to see the information on where everyone is!"
"I want to see where Maria is!"

"Calm down!"
"You will kill her!"

"I'm holding back!"
"I want to have killed her before!"
"And you'd better have learned something today, because there won't be a next time!"
"Do we understand each other right?"

"Completely, Great Lord of the skies"

"Lisa, you wanted to hurt her, didn't you?"
"Keep nailing her with these until she finishes ordering the rest of them"
"Go ahead, take it out on her all you want, make her a good example for others about the consequences of disappointing me"
"It is an order"


"It will be at least a 3 hour minimum journey"
"The U.S. Navy usually patrols the area looking for drug boats"
"If they see a girl driving a speedboat this far offshore they will try to have me"
"Charlotte, can you try to keep them from spotting me?"
"Something like a Jammer or shield me from their radar?"

"I can do it but first I need to identify which boat you will use"

"No problem, I'll let you know when I'm on it"
"If something happens and I don't come back...."
"Please try to find the Codex and protect it."
"Don't let anyone get it...."

"Cesar!?" Tamamo asked frightened.

"Don't misunderstand me"
"I will not let them finish me off"
"But it's also good that if something should happen it's better to have a backup plan"
"You are the best option I have to keep the Codex safe"
"Please promise me..."

"Your wish is my command, my beloved husband."
"I swear that I will protect the Codex in case of extreme necessity."
"But do not expect me to stand idly by and watch as I lose my beloved husband to the hands of our enemies."
"I impatiently await your promised triumphal return until the end of time."
"Please come home, come back to your family."

Said the goddess with a rather serious and proud tone, a way of behaving that she does not often show but that I was getting used to seeing and loving her too.

"I know you are doing this to rescue Maria."
"But please be very careful"
"Don't do anything super crazy"
"I want to see you both back"
"I can't bear to lose anyone else again"
"Please protect yourself, please come back safely" Said my mother, still nervous and scared.

"I have already told you that I am just going to destroy the sirens once and for all."
"They are still decimated and gathered in one place, one under my hand to their disgrace"
"Besides, don't think that I am too weak to be defeated by them"
"None of you have yet to see me fight for real, I assure you"
"I am much more capable than you think"
"When I get back we are all going to go to the beach before we head back"
"What do you say?"

"Well, after coming all the way out here it would be a waste not to visit all together and spend some time having fun"
"I'm sure our daughters want to experience it too"
"I look forward to it" Said Tamamo.

"Why do big people like to visit that place so much?"
"Isn't it dangerous?"

"I don't think you have a bathing suit for your body but I think I can cut the extra bathing suit that came in the case to make it a one-piece suit."
"I on the other hand don't think I could do much with my appearance to go too" Said Momo a little sad.

"Wait, you don't think we're going to go to that place full of tourists, do you?"
"This family is the number one when it comes to tourism"
"We accept nothing less than a private beach without paying for it"
"My father didn't spend his whole life looking for the best places for nothing"
"I know a hundred places close enough where only the most adventurous connoisseurs would go"
"You might as well go if it's just us, right?"

"To be able to see Cesar in a bathing suit and on the beach?"
"This must be my lucky day!"
"I'm going to make him see my beauty above all others!" Lisa said excitedly.

"And you are forbidden to go naked to the beach!"


After I finished saying goodbye to everyone I took the siren again and put it back in the bag, as it would surely help me in one way or another. At the hotel I ordered some food to take with me for the long trip. I ran into another of Dago's sons who came with a car to deliver the speedboat to me, it was quite "rudimentary" as it was clearly handmade, but it was clear that it had been designed for speed even over safety. It also had several navigational instruments, GPS, radio. Charlotte used my phone to be able to identify the boat and try to prevent me from appearing on satellites, but short-range radar would be another problem. But I'm not worried about running into the police or the US Navy, they are not a real threat here.

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