Valkyria Squadron

Ch15: Crossroads


Oriente 6, Heaven

When I left the room, I still didn't feel calm after such a strange and sudden event, but even with that, there was still something I needed to resolve, and for that I had to talk to the glass angel. When I woke up, I could see her taking care of herself one last time before she left the room angry for some reason I didn't know; I couldn't leave such a thing unresolved. But the first person I met was Urakaze, who told me that she had received a letter to deliver to me, with a slight idea that Momo was the sender, a poorly written letter with shaky handwriting:

"Hello again, by the time you read this I have probably left without warning. I'm deeply sorry that I didn't have the courage to say this in person, but right now I can't even write this letter without being overcome by sadness. This is a letter I never thought I would have to write. My hands are shaking as I write this, but it's necessary for me to tell you everything I'm feeling, everything I've kept inside for so long.

I'm so sorry, so sorry, but the truth is that even though I've never had the courage to tell you, the truth is that I've always loved you. Since the day I was sent to help you when you had the plane accident in Italy, how despite your injuries and pain you still sought ways to comfort me from the fear I had, how you treated me like a normal person even though I was the furthest thing from a living being I could be with my glass body. Through our adventures and challenges, my love for you only grew, strengthening with every laugh we shared and every tear we shed. Even though your appearance hasn't been the best since the accident, and the way you called yourself a monster only added to the pain of your burns, I still saw a strong and dependable man, one who was loyal to those close to him and willing to do anything to help them, even at the cost of himself. A man whose entire life was filled with terrible hardships and losses, and yet, despite his cold and distant exterior, I could still see the goodness that fought against a world that only wanted to end it. You were my refuge, my inspiration, and soon, without me realizing it, you became something much deeper to me.

It is because of the same loyalty and trust that you have placed in me that I don't feel capable of hiding the truth from you, even though my own heart and my superiors tell me to keep silent for the sake of others. I'm sorry that it has to be like this for you to find out that after you lost consciousness three days ago when you rescued Tamamo-no-mae, it was she herself who carried you to the infirmary, because despite the injury she had received, she had healed without any problems in a short time with her power as a goddess, but she revealed that she was pretending out of pure selfishness to feel the warmth of a hero fighting for her for the first time in her life. The Moon Goddess, while you were sleeping, was the one who first revealed her love to you, even in front of me, it was so painful, but still I could understand it, I could clearly see how the same things I was in love with were what attracted the same girl to you, and the truth was even happy that someone else recognized your true worth.

But that's why it's even more shocking to me that the real betrayal came from the least expected place, when it was the Celestial Security Section themselves who ordered me to hide my true intentions of confessing my feelings to you during this vacation I had planned at the hotel, giving way to the Evil Goddess to reveal her feelings instead. They say I should remain firm and focused on my duty, they tell me it is for the greater good, that it is the right thing to do because she is much more important than any of us, as a Goddess her true power is unlimited, and they also believe that a relationship with you could bring about a positive change in both of your lives, one where both parties can help each other, one much better than I could ever offer with my abilities or desires.

At first, I foolishly thought I could handle it, that my true feelings weren't what I thought they were, that I could be strong for the greater good of both of you. But with each passing minute, I feel a growing resentment and anger inside of me that shouldn't exist in a pure creature like an angel, as I should be. I feel used and defeated, as if my love and sacrifices mean nothing to those who see you only as a pawn in a power game. I can't go on like this, César. My heart can't bear this burden anymore. But I can't see Tamamo-no-mae as the enemy and the cause of all this, because she only follows what her heart tells her, she is much braver with her feelings than I could ever be. She doesn't know anything about it, and I prefer it to stay that way, because she is innocent of the evil that affects me.

That's why I've decided to just leave instead, so as not to cause any more suffering for everyone. I don't want to be an obstacle in your life or a source of problems. You deserve a chance to be happy, and if Tamamo-no-Mae is part of that destiny, I can't stand in the way. My presence would only complicate things and cause you more pain than we've already endured. I want you to find happiness, even if it means I have to disappear. I can't bear the thought of continuing to be an obstacle for you, someone who only brings trouble.

I'll try to fulfill my last promise to repair the portal and make it operational so that you can return to your family and continue your struggle to regain the joyful life that was taken from you.

I hope that one day you can understand my decision and forgive me for leaving you. I'll always carry you in my heart and fondly remember the moments we shared. But now I must find my own path, away from the shadows of obligations and sacrifices.

Take care, César. May you find the peace and happiness that you so much deserve.

With all my love and sadness,


When I finished reading the letter, there was no doubt that my face reflected anger when I saw Urakaze take a few steps back without knowing the true reason. It was exactly what the letter said that I didn't want to happen. I wasn't so stupid that I hadn't noticed Momo's true feelings towards me over time; they were more than obvious, even to an idiot like me. She had always gone out of her way to help me, even when she was scared to death, like when she accepted my request to take care of my father without a problem. I just hadn't responded to her as I should have because of my own grief and loss over Nanami. I felt, no, I still feel, that if I took one step beyond Nanami, all her memories and feelings would be violated, that it would be the same as if she had never existed or mattered. But now, with everything that had happened, the only thing my heart kept saying was that I had to find that girl and talk to her and tell her how I really felt about her, that I had unfairly and selfishly wanted her by my side even though I had just had someone else like Tamamo by my side.

"I have to go after her."

"Go after who?"

Surprised, I saw the goddess Tamamo behind me again in her dark blue celestial outfit, a curiosity without malice in her eyes waiting for the answer, her fox tails wagging happily. I didn't want to break her happiness, but I had to be honest with her, for everyone's sake.

"I'm sorry, Tamamo."
"I'm sorry, but right now I need to be really honest with everyone."
"I need to find someone right now."
"The truth is that I..."

"Are you going after the glass angel?"
"Are you finally going to tell her that you love her?"
"You have been taking your time."

"But what!?"

"Why are you surprised? I am an evil goddess and a kitsune."
"Mischief is in my nature."
"I lived in a palace for years, I've seen evil plots at work many times."
"I myself fell victim to one.
"Do you think I wouldn't pay attention to what's going on around me?"
"Especially in a place so full of demon hunters and soldiers like this hotel?" Tamamo said and looked at her former pursuer in front of her.

"I'm sorry, but due to the emergency with your escape, we had to evacuate the entire hotel."
"All the guests who are here now are nothing but hunters, ready to jump into battle in case the goddess reveals her true fangs."

"Ha, empty worries."
"Right now, I have someone by my side who truly loves me and is worth more than a hundred legions of your best warriors."
"My victory is already achieved."
"Could you please leave now? We are discussing serious personal matters," Tamamo said as she jumped into my arms.

Urakaze, seeing the smug face of her former enemy, just reacted strangely with what seemed to be a smile and turned to leave without saying anything else.

"Tamamo, I'm sorry, but I have to be honest."
"The truth is that I..."

"I just told you, I understand perfectly."
"Do you want to go after the poor girl who was trampled by others?"
"You also want to tell her that you love her, even though you just told me the same thing."
"What a selfish person."
"But I also understand perfectly the kind of man I want to be with."
"He's so magnificent that it's obvious that someone else has set her sights on such a precious treasure."
"It's natural that several women would want him by their side to have such a faithful companion in their lives."
"I just want to make sure that only the right people stay by his side."
"'In that girl, not only is her body transparent, but so are her feelings."
"I can't be the enemy of someone who, like me, only wants the best for the person she loves."
"In any case, it would be me who should apologize for standing in the way of the relationship you both seek."
"But it would also be hypocritical of me to say that I won't let go of my beloved so easily."

"Tamamo... I..."

"No, wait, let me finish, please."
"I'm sure you think that you can't respond to the feelings of both girls without hurting the other."
"But what I see is an incredible person who still wants to put both girls he loves ahead of himself and be the one to be sacrificed if someone has to get hurt."
"But... is it really necessary for someone to get hurt? For someone to be the loser for all eternity?"
"No, I'm sorry, but no."
"Even though you and I are the perfect examples of cruel stories and bad endings, I don't like sad endings either, and I'm sure you don't either."
"What I mean is that I don't mind if you have Momo by your side."
"She's an innocent girl, a victim of injustice and herself."
"Go ahead, have a harem of girls if that's what it takes for us all to reach happiness."
"All I ask is that you don't forget me, your humble slave in love."

"Is that really what you want?"

"The real question should be if this is what you want."
"You want to save both girls, right?"
"To be the hero of their sad stories."
"Come on, you're taking too long to go after her."
"I know what your heart is longing and screaming for right now."

"Thank you, seriously."
"You have no idea how much easier you make this for me."
"But there's one more detail I need to be honest about first."
"The truth is, I was married to another girl before, her name was Nanami."
"Something happened to her since then, so..."

"Darling, I just told you."
"I don't care if you have someone else in your life, just fight to make those happy stories happen."
"The fact that you're so honest with me, despite my sudden appearance and sudden love, shows the loyalty you have to others."
"Even though they're not with you now, you still think about them after all this time."
"That's the kind of unprecedented loyalty I'm in love with and want for myself."
"I have no problem with you loving Nanani or Momo, just save some of that great love for me too."

"Alright, agreed."
"Let's go find that shy angel together."

I took Tamamo's hand to accompany me, and we quickly went to my room to gather the few things I had. Then we arrived at the reception to go back to the capital and search for Momo. I also took the opportunity to take care of some unfinished business, such as saying goodbye to Urakaze.

"Despite what it seemed, you've managed to create a great hotel, Urakaze."
"You have handled my constant mistakes with remarkable professionalism and constant support."

"Of course, it's a pleasure to have the presence and approval of someone as important as yourself."
"Very few places in all the heavens can boast the honor of having been used by the great Cesar."
"Excuse me, but would it be an inconvenience to take a picture and use it for publicity?"

"What if instead you kept this letter I wrote to my father asking him to return the hotel to you?"
"If he doesn't give it back to you, tell him he's going to have a real problem with me."
"Oh, and also tell him to pay for my stay; I'm sure he'll have enough."
"I'm sorry this has to serve as payment, but I really don't have a single coin on me right now."

"Don't worry, I understand perfectly."
"Anyway, I'm happy to help another person in need."
"Oh, I almost forgot, please accept this box of sweets together."
"Take it as a humble wedding gift from me," the manager said, handing it to the fox girl beside me.

"Thank you, Urakaze!" Tamamo said somewhat playfully.

"I am so sorry for our past, but I hope this can be a way to put it behind us and start a new relationship of friendship."
"A formal apology should be required for everything that happened."

"Don't worry, it's not necessary, and I don't want your pity on the day I finally got married."
"I will make sure that I will be happy instead of you from now on."

While they were talking, I could see a girl innocently enjoying her coffee on one of the chairs in the lobby while others were suffering because of her actions, so I went to talk to her instead. I stood beside her and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air to prevent her from escaping.

"Stella! What a pleasure to find you, I just wanted to talk to you."
"I see you're very happy and enjoying life after what you caused with Momo."
"Would you mind saying a few words to me before I send you on a free vacation in the resurrection device?" I said as I pointed my gun at her with my other hand.

"I'm so sorry!"
"I was just following orders!"
"It was never my idea, I would never defy the Great Emperor!"

"Then can you tell me whose fault it was?"
"Say it quickly before I get angrier and rip your neck off."

"He was the one who sent me, telling me to take advantage of the Goddess' sudden love and try to put her on the right path."

"Do you think I am a fool?"
"THE BOSS would never risk taking action against an ally."

"He said it was best for both of us!"
"That way, you might be able to overcome your lack of self-esteem."
"The mistake I... made was... overstepping my authority... by talking to Momo."

"What? Excuse me?"
"With the lack of air you have, it's hard for me to hear what you're saying."
"Could you try to use your last breath to say it properly?"

"It's my fault that I forced Momo to hide her true feelings."
"Please forgive the established covenant, all responsibility lies with me and me alone."

After listening to the white angel speak with agony, I let her go so she could breathe, because I needed her a little more.

"You better help me find Momo again so I can talk to her."
"Otherwise I will fuck you up so much that your sister will be called the sane one."

"Yes, sir, right away!"
"Actually, I have my spaceship in the parking lot, so if you want, I can take you directly to her."

"Oh, that would be fine."
"Come on, let's go, move it," I said firmly.

The other people stayed and watched what had just happened, you could see the faces of disbelief and surprise at what had just happened. And yet no one raised their voice or interrupted for a single second, they knew it, I knew it, no one in this place was stupid enough to stand up against my will, they all preferred Stella to be the victim of my wrath than themselves. After all, that was the girl's only job.

The return trip to the capital of Oriente 6 was quite fast, even faster than the high-speed train I had used before. This time, bypassing even the city's protocols, Stella parked her ship in front of the portal terminal on the street for land vehicles. As we entered, it was easy to see that not a single person was around, except for one person who was busy repairing one of the machines. Quietly, both Stella and Tamamo stayed behind to let me approach and finally talk to her in peace.

The girl was focused on the sea of cables and electronic parts around her, a soldering tool in her hand, working. Still, I could see the light coming through and illuminating her beautiful glass figure. I stopped a few steps away from her, took a deep breath, and spoke quietly so as not to scare her.

"Momo," I said, my voice shaking slightly.

She turned around in surprise, her big eyes filled with sadness when she saw me.

I... thought I made it clear in the letter..." she murmured and looked down.

I could see tears glistening in her eyes, so I moved closer and took her cold hands in mine, trying to make a connection that could better convey my feelings to her, just as she had done for me when she tended to my wounds.

"I am so sorry, as soon as I read your letter, I had no choice. I came as fast as I could to talk."
"I couldn't let someone who treated me so well and whom I want to be close to suffer so much pain and keep so much to herself to spare others grief and suffering."
"I couldn't let you go like that, Momo."
"I can't let you sacrifice yourself like this."

She tried to pull her hands away, but I held them tight, wanting to make sure she heard every word.

"I am not so foolish as not to have noticed your feelings.
"And you don't know how much it pains me to have been unable to respond to you earlier, to have let you suffer in silence."
"It's just that at that time, I was thinking about everything that had happened with Nanami and my own problems, and I felt that you were wasting yourself by trying to be with me."
"I've been blind for too long, trapped in my own pain and regret."
"But now I realize how cruel I've been to you by not being honest with you and myself."

Momo looked up, her crystal clear eyes reflecting a mixture of hope and despair.

"César, I... I couldn't go on like this."
"I didn't want to be an obstacle to your happiness."
"But I couldn't keep my feelings hidden any longer."

"Momo, you have never been an obstacle."
"You were a light in my life, a refuge in my darkest moments."
"And although I have always felt a deep affection for you, even though my heart is still trapped in the past, with Nanami."
"One that doesn't make me capable of living without you in my life."

"So... What do you mean?" She said, looking at me with eyes filled with both hope and sorrow.

"I want to be honest with you, with Tamamo and with myself," I replied with determination.
"What I feel for you, Momo, is real and deep."
"I love you."
"I love you as much as I love Tamamo, as much as I love Nanami."
"I just can't imagine a life without either of you in that future."
"That's why I talked to Tamamo about the feelings I had for myself and for you."
"And she also responded to those feelings."
"That is why she wants to accept you in that future with me."
"Please forgive me for being so despicable and selfish to want you all only with me at your side."

Momo remained silent, processing my words.

"Does Tamamo... know and accept it?"

"She understands the value of our feelings and has shown a generosity and understanding that has left me speechless."
"She agrees that we shouldn't hide our hearts or suppress our desires."
"She wants us to seek happiness together, regardless of convention."

"Selfish idiot"
"You're the worst."
"You just go and do whatever you want all the time"
"Leave everything behind just to save the girl you love"
"How do you expect me not to be in love with someone who is so incapable of hurting the people he loves, even to the point of wanting multiple girls at the same time?"
"And you... do you really think this can work? That we can be happy like this?"

"I swear on my honor as Dragon and Emperor"
"With the Goddess of the Moon as my witness, in front of her, I swear that I will fight every day to make this work, even the impossible".
"I don't want anyone else to feel lonely or sacrificed."
"I want us to be together, to share our lives and our hearts."

She closed her eyes and let more tears fall, but this time there was a glimmer of hope on her face.

"César, I have always dreamed of being honest with myself and confessing my love for you, but I am afraid that it might not be possible."

"It is possible," I assured her firmly.
"We can make it happen if you want it to."

Tamamo then approached us and enveloped the three of us in her nine fox tails, swaying gently as she watched us with a warm smile.

" You don't have to be afraid, I don't intend to be your rival."
"Momo, César is right."
"There's no need for anyone to suffer or be the loser."
"We can build something beautiful together."
"Are you willing to try?"
"Don't you also want to go towards that future where we all are happy?"

Momo opened her eyes and looked at Tamamo, then at me.

"Yes," she whispered finally.
"I'm willing to try."
"I want to be with both of you and seek that happiness you speak of."

I hugged her tightly, feeling her glass body relax against mine.

"Thank you, Momo."
"For giving me a second chance, for believing in us."

Tamamo joined the hug, and in that moment I knew that although the road ahead might be challenging, I would never be alone on that road again, an opportunity to create something special and permanent.

When we finished, Momo couldn't stop staring at the collar Tamamo wore around her neck, to which the kitsune simply responded with a smile and a fake innocent
"So that's how you're playing!"
"Well, I'm not going to let myself be less than Tamamo in any way!"
"If Tamamo can have a slave collar to ensure she's always by Cesar's side! Then I want one just like it!"

"What are you talking about? You don't need to do something like that."
"Just as you are is fine," I replied, surprised by the sudden declaration.

"No, it's not fair that only one of us is a slave and the other is free!"
"It means you would have a preference for her, just because she couldn't leave or disobey you."
"I want one too, I want to be Ceesar's property."
"I want to be loved equally too!"

"Momo, what if we think about it a bit more carefully and maybe..."

"Oh, so you also want to have a relationship like mine, including your total submission to Cesar?"
"I'm glad I managed to get another slave collar, thinking that maybe as a goddess, I might somehow break the first one."
"Take this, it will fit perfectly around your neck, but remember, once it's on, it will mark you forever as property, not as a person."
"I hope you like the design because it will be an immovable part of your body afterward."

"Give me that, if we've come to this point."
"Of course, I love Caesar enough to become her slave without hesitation!" said the angel a bit angrily, taking the collar.

"However, it was Cesar himself who placed mine around my neck."

Somehow, Momo, thinking it was a good idea, approached me with her own slave collar, hoping I would also put it around her neck as if it were the equivalent of her own wedding ceremony.

"Momo, I think your neck looks pretty nice without the need for the collar" I said in an attempt to save her.

"Just put it on already!"

"Yes, sorry."

I placed the heavy piece of metal around her neck, which snugly fit, and closed the clasp, sealing it with magic to never be opened again. After this whole experience ended, it was finally Stella who broke the silence to remind everyone of her existence.

"Alright, I suppose I'll also act as the official for this humble wedding ceremony."
"I'll give the details to THE BOSS so he can also approve the new couple and harem."
"Now, regarding Mr. Cesar's concern about returning to his family."
"Momo, could you kindly input these Earth coordinates into the computer, please?"

"Ah? Oh yes, of course."
"Ummm, Cesar, I'm sorry but I won't be able to accompany you on your trip to Earth right now."
"I had already called my mother and told her I would visit her soon."
"Plus, I also need to talk to her about my recent marriage and prepare my things."
"But don't worry, we'll soon reunite even if you're still alive."

Momo came unexpectedly towards me and hugged me quickly, with no trace of the shy girl she was just moments ago.

"Ah, the portal is ready to operate, it's just necessary for Tamamo to infuse her magic into this crystal here on the side and it will transfer it as energy.
"Please be careful not to put more than necessary or you could overheat the entire system instead and melt... the entire building."

"Oh, yes, of course, I've got it," the goddess said as she continued to work on opening the portal.

"As for the destination, you don't have to worry, Lord Cesar."
" We've worked to place you in a location of utmost importance that will undoubtedly benefit you greatly in your mission to reunite with your sister and mother."
"Above all, I recommend a coffee shop that is close to where you will appear, and it has been there and they are delicious, but make sure you go in the afternoon, before dark, because today they will close early." Said Stella before the portal started to glow.

Tamamo stopped what she was doing and jumped towards me, hugging me to finally cross the portal back to Earth together.

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