Valkyria Squadron

Ch70: Shattered Soul

Shattered Soul

Family Home, Sumida City, Tokyo
March 1st

When we finally got home, Maria and Momo were nervously waiting for us. But as soon as they saw us cross the door, they were relieved a little until they saw Lisa pass through the door and she sat nervously on the couch, with a triumphant face, as if she had won the lottery, at the same time that her body still had injuries from the fight that happened earlier. Momo was so scared that she "disconnected" at all, she wasn't moving at all, I think she wasn't even breathing, her eyes didn't blink and her pulse seemed to be zero. Maria on the other hand, as soon as she saw her, took a couple of steps backward, she was puzzled that he attacked her, but when she saw that Lisa greeted her happily in an energetic way, she changed her focus to concentrate to see what nonsense we came out with this time.

Adelis for now more concerned about what happened at her work than about the demon she had in her living room, she took the phone from her living room and immediately made a call, it seems that it was to inform someone that she was already in her room. home with her team, so now she was safe. After that, he turned on the TV where it seems that the twins, guessing his intention, immediately changed the channel to one where they were giving the news of what happened live. The result of the attack? Almost forty people died, no idea how many disappeared and the shots were still heard from the outside, implying that the combat had not ended yet. The cameramen showed images of how police forces arrive and as well as the self-defense forces together with the US military to try to regain control of the place.

"This is horrible!" my mother said surprised at how she watched television
"It is incredible that I managed to get out of there alive!"
"never thought they would attack a place like that!"
"Where did they get the strength or the desire to do something like that?"
"I do not understand"

"The situation inside seems quite chaotic, the army has not yet been able to secure the first floor and it seems that they have barricaded themselves on the third floor, right in your office" Kazumi said, it seems that she is closely following what is happening

"I think my laptop should still have battery"
"Can you access my computer from here?"

"Yes, of course, no problem"

"Okay, make a backup of the files from hard drive F, when you finish format or destroy the whole computer"
"I'd rather that than risk accessing important data"
"If you can also try to find out if they also have computers and also destroy them"

"Ok" Kazumi said as his eyes began to brighten a bit and rotate in a slightly peculiar way

Now that I think about it, I hadn't seen any of them work because I always listened to them on the other end of the phone. But now that I see her connected with several cables behind her to a machine that looked like a small capsule but vertically in a corner of the living room, holding her slightly in the air I cannot stop thinking about how very different they are from us.

"How did you manage to get a miniature version of the strange machine in Aria?" I asked

"Ah, that?"
"Momo built it these last days, it seems that she followed the girls' advice and added a couple of improvements such as higher connection speed, a good cooling system, security systems and case of overload as well as a way to quickly disconnect them with the left lever" My mother said quickly answering my question.

"Are you not forgetting something very important!"
"What is she doing here!?" Momo asked, coming to her senses pointing at the demon.

Lisa was sitting on the sofa, now she had a stuffed animal that was in Maria's room. And what the hell is she doing !? She is holding him in arms like she is a baby !? What the fuck !?

"Calm everything will be fine, Now that I'm finally together with your father, we are going to be a happy couple"
"You will be a big and strong child-like your father, you will see"
"I will make sure of that"
"Hahaha" She said while laughing in a very peculiar way

"That an excellent question?"
"Why are we having that crazy woman in my house?" said my mother looking in a disturbing way towards the demon as well.
"I would prefer that you be a good son and do not bring a person to my house who is currently being persecuted by the police for being a serial killer

"Ok, I know that it looks like she could look like a person who may belong to a padded room"
"But I assure you that she was not always like this"
"She saved me a couple of times, if it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here"
"I owe my life to her"
"So I want to know what the hell happened to him to make it end this way"
"Come on, she can clearly control herself"
"Just look at her"

And why the hell did I say that, now Lisa was just picking up Charlotte and holding her as if she were a baby, and she was bringing her to drink, with a bottle of boiling coffee as if it were a feeding bottle. Where the hell did she get that from, no one was even making coffee! Oh great, she burned her hand herself, and she doesn't care?

"You see, I told you that you would be big and strong my little girl"
"You already look like you're going to high school"
"How fast children grow up!"
"I am so glad I had twins with Cesar"

"Did you say something?" my mother exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her" I said doubting myself

"Do not worry you, I will not separate from you ever again now that I finally found you again"
"Here, I am going to put this chain on your feet so that I can know at all times where you are!"

"Where did you get it from?"
"Why did you even have one?"

"Let him go, you stupid demon"
"Or I'm going to burn you to ashes" Tama said taking Lisa by the arm so that she could take her away from me.

"Quick Momo, hand me the fire extinguisher before Tamamo uses the blue flames in here again!" Said my Adelis towards the angel.

Everything had quickly escalated again and this time it threatened to end with the house destroyed if it continued. But suddenly, as if answering the call for help, the doorbell rang. We all stopped immediately and fixed the room as quickly as we could. Momo went up the stairs to the second floor like a lightning, Kazumi used the emergency system mentioned above to escape the cables, then she closed the capsule and finally ran with her sister to the closet under the stairs. The rest of us set up the room so quickly to receive the visitor, all of them exactly Lisa, who instead of hiding took a knife and stood behind the door to knock.

To avoid any problems, my mother opened the door with such force that it hit Lisa enough to knock her to the ground.On the other side was an unexpected visitor again, but understandable the one who was here.It was Stella, but who instead of coming with her usual elegant outfit, was wearing combat armor, along with a large and heavy spear.

"Apparently you managed to capture the demon" said Stella
"I am surprised by such fact"
"I've come here to pick her up and lock her up again as soon as possible"
"In this way, we can finish this as soon as possible"

This surprised me and set off an alarm in me, as it seemed quite suspicious to me. Because she had arrived quite fast, too fast in fact. How Stella had arrived so fast if they were not supposed to know where Lisa was. I could only think of two possible options, the first is that Stella has been watching us all these days, or the second she was quite close to Lisa but she hadn't done anything. In either case, I didn't feel comfortable about why she arrived so fast if she was supposed to have no agents left here. Either that or that she wants to hide something related to what happened. Could it be that she made a mistake and she wanted to hide it?

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm not going to do anything until we first clarify what's going on"

"What are you talking about!?"
"She is a demon, we must capture her!"
"People and angels have already died because of her"
"She is a danger that we must stop as soon as possible!"

"Yeah yeah, keep playing innocent"
"I know that that demon is Lisa, I know that you know it too"
"That is why you are so in a hurry to take her away as soon as possible"
"The question here is what are you really trying to protect"
"Innocent people or some superior of yours?"
"Maybe your boss?"

"Are you suggesting that we are hiding something from you?"

"Lisa was a watchmaker, quite an important position even for high-ranking angels"
"She was probably in a higher position than yours"
"And you're telling me that she sent everything to hell because she did and she started killing people because she was bored"

Just when I finished speaking a noise came from the room. Lisa was furiously glaring at a picture on the fireplace. She yelled a few things at him, she took it and threw it with all her might towards a stand, smashing the glass.

"Stupid men they are useless"
"We'd be better off killing them all" Lisa said while spitting at the image on the ground

"Thanks for your help in proving my point Lisa"
"By the way, the image you just threw was mine as a child at school"

Hearing this she was stunned and returned to pick up the pieces quickly. With respect to the photo, she tried to put that where was originally, not without problems, as she seemed to try hard not to look at the content of the photo. She clearly was struggling to try to contain herself.

"This is something that concerns the angels"
"This has nothing to do with you, we will take care of this" Stella said avoiding the questions with a serious face

"This is so weird"
"Even for a fallen angel, becoming a demon completely is impossible"
"It doesn't matter what she does, it's impossible"
"What happened to her is a unique case" Momo said worriedly from the stairs

As soon as she finished speaking, Stella made an angry face towards her, it seemed that she did not want Momo to not mention that. It seemed like she was right, Stella is trying to hide something that got out of control

"I'm sorry but that demon they want to take so much from stays with me"
"Plus she could help me protect my mother while I'm out"
"Only with that, she would already do much more for me than what you have done in the last ten years"

"I can't do that"
"We can't let a demon before loose on Earth"

And in his own way, as soon as Stella mentioned this, our house phone started ringing. But the tone was completely different from what I thought a phone could ring. Because they sound like trumpets sounding ceremoniously joyous.

"What is this!?"
"It is impossible to decipher where the call is coming from"
"It's as if it came from the phone itself!"
"This should be impossible!" Charlotte and Kazumi with one voice said surprised from the stair.

"Answer the phone"

"Hey wait!"
"That call clearly has your name, answer you!"

"Good morning Master!"
"Your humble servant Stella speaking!" Said Stella changing her tone of speech completely to one much more cheerful and clumsy more similar to Tama's.

"What the hell"
"You're trying to sound like a maid cafe employee" I said mocking her

"Yes Master"
"I understand it and I will hold myself responsible"
"But she is not just a normal demon, she is a succubus!"
"No, wait!"
"No, I didn't mean that!"
"Yes, you are the one who are in charge Master"
"Wait, but that's mine!"
"If it goes public, my sister will ..."
"I get it"
"Yes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience Master"

Stella finished speaking and put the phone back in its place. Then he turned to me now with a discouraged face. Looks like you screwed up with whatever she did.

"When you finish here you can prepare one of those omelets with ketchup drawings"
"I want one with a fox face" I kept mocking

"Congratulations, you win"
"Lisa stay with you"
"Now she is your problem" Stella said addressing the demon

"Get away from me fucking stupid bitch!" Said Lisa in response

"Have this, for sure you will be glad to have it"
"With this, you will not separate from Cesar again even if you want if that is what you wanted"
"For some strange reason, it looks great on your neck"

"Wait, is that slave magic again!?"

"Did you think that this would not have repercussions? "
"The condition that THE BOSS put for her to stay is that she need be married to you and has a slavery magic, after all we cannot let her continue to get out of control"
"Maybe you are the only one whose head is not torn off while you sleep next to her"
"And probably this time if you are going to have to use it with her frequently"
"Also it does not seem that she is very against having you together with her"
"THE BOSS just said make sure she doesn't kill innocent people"
"Now it's your job to try to put your new wife back together"
"Good luck"

"Was it not because of this magic that it seems that all this problem originated?"

"Regarding Tamamo"
"We allow her to stop the time on that occasion as an execption"
"But THE BOSS don't want you to keep playing with the system"
"Do you get the point?"
"Now Regarding Lisa the watchmaker
"THE BOSS will give a pardon for her"
"But only for what she did in the past, what she does from now on will be severely punished"
"She doesn't get her job back for obvious reasons, but we can give her a job as a security officer"
"Congratulations Lisa, you are probably one of the very few demons with permission to walk freely in Heaven"
"Although I'm afraid that will also cause problems for your appearance"
"Please bear it the best you can"
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back before my sister realizes that I sold her things to buy a car"

As soon as she finished speaking, Stella ran out so fast that she even forgot that she had left the spear on the cabinet near the TV, so she had to go back and take it again to be able to leave. Seeing that everything had returned a bit to calm everyone went back to the salt to discuss what to do about the new member of the family .
"If she stays, I want her as far away from me as possible"
"I don't think natural enemies should be together" Momo was the first to speak
"The probability that she will commit a crime in the next 24 hours is 100 percent"
"We can accept that she is another mother of ours, but we don't want to have to do what she might ask us" the twins said.
"Congratulations brother"
"I did not believe you capable of being surpassed after Tamamo, but you achieved it widely"
"You have my respects trying to live with a yandere and being optimistic about it"
"Well, as I said before, I support my Darling with all my love"
"But even I didn't think this turn of events could happen"
"I can't stop feeling worried about what will happen to her here with us"
"I can accept her as one member more of this strange harem that you are forming, but I hope she respects the time of others when we are alone with you Cesar"

"They are aware that my mind is not correct"
"But even so I will do my best not to disappoint you"
"I know that what I have done was not good and that maybe it could harm someone else, so I will depend on you to help me"
"I know that in my current position I am not worthy of being with you, so the simple fact of sharing a room with you is enough for me"
"So I preferred to stay last to avoid problems with other girls"
"Besides anyway now I also finally one of these necklaces just as they all wanted"
"But I managed to do it with the person that I decided, so it is my victory in the end"
"I beat all those stupid selfish men!" added Lisa the demon.

"Are you okay with this?"
"Leave behind your freedom to be here?" I asked her seriously.

"Wait, if she stays here where is she going to sleep?"
"We no longer have any unoccupied rooms!" Said my mother worried.

"Don't worry, I prefer very small spaces"
"After living in a cell for a while I feel calm in places like that"
"The closet in Cesar's room has more than enough space for me"

"How do you know how much space the closet has!?"

"Well because I have been seeing it"
"From the window, you can see inside the house"
"Though it wasn't fun to be watching when it rained"

"Have you been watching us all this time !?"

"Of course!"
"I wasn't going to let more thugs get back into my mother-in-law's house!"

"And that's exactly what a yandere would do"
"You asked for it brother"

After that I had to stay talking to Lisa about the rules I would have to follow to try to avoid problems. As you can imagine, it was quite a long pitch that could be summed up in didn't hurt, protected my mother from the shadows and that she couldn't be without someone else's supervision. After that we started to eat and we went on to our next problem, my mother had to meet with the president of the United States in New York to speak with him regarding the peace treaty that they would propose to the Empire.

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