Valkyria Squadron

Ch71: Getting Ready For The Trip

Getting Ready For The Trip

Family Home, Sumida City, Tokyo

We were all still awake in the living room watching television. Adelis with the help of Kazumi and Charlotte was overseeing the army's efforts to retake the Akasaka Press Center. Which had been attacked this afternoon and from which it seemed that the main objective of it was my mother, but thanks to the appearance of Lisa she is now safe. Although it seemed that the group that organized the attack was a group that was against US military forces in Japan, their stupid way of acting just provided an example of why it is better to have them. I think they could not do something more counterproductive to their cause than to attack the military base, if they had simply made a peaceful march with banners at the entrance it would have been thousand times more efficient.  The count had reached fifty people dead, almost all of them were from the rebels, but disgracefully the initial explosion of the attack killed three soldiers who were guarding the entrance of the building. Those assholes are still entrenched in the third-floor offices. Cedric is right there right now trying to negotiate with them to surrender and surrender, which could have an effect because it seems that if they are listening to him speak. 

Since my mother is busy with that, she was not going to cook something for the rest. Tama offered to make some food for everyone but we managed to talk to her that she didn't need to bother. The next was Lisa trying to cook but for obvious reasons, we took her away from the kitchen short story before. The rest of us don't even think about it, so we prefer to simply eat several packages of cookies and that's it.  It was around eleven o'clock at night that the idiots finally decided to end this waste of time and surrendered to the army. Although the police also participated in this operation, because the base is under the jurisdiction of the United States Army, they will be arrested and tried by them, which means that they will receive even harsher sentences than they would have attacked another place. 

Adelis stayed awake for a while more assuring a few more things and talking to various army officers. Charlotte stayed with her and her sister went to rest. The rest of us who had nothing we could help with decided to go to sleep better. Regarding the rooms, well everyone went to their respective rooms. As for Lisa, we allowed her to keep the closet because she was asking for it herself, as soon as she entered Tama immediately closed the door and put several talismans on the door to seal it. He said it was to make sure she didn't do anything weird, as he was already tired of everything so I just nodded and lay down to sleep.

The next day we had breakfast with everyone, in which due to the large number of people who now lived in the house the table was now full. And what a strange place this house became, because humans, angels, demons, and gods were eating at the same table. And despite everyone being on guard for the new girl, everything was relatively calm.  During lunch, my mother mentioned the next thing we would do in the next few days. 

"Yesterday they handed me the peace treaty with the Empire and the sanctions it received" She said while drinking her cup of coffee.

"That's good, they were already taking some time to give any news about that" I replied.

"It's a disaster"
"It's exactly what the Empire didn't want to happen"
"If it is carried out it will only be a major problem in the long term"

"That sounds troublesome" I said in a monotonous tone showing that I didn't care anymore about that at this point in my life.

"So I need to speak in person with the president of the united states to prevent that from happening"
"I plan to meet him during his visit to the United Nations building in New York in a few days."

"Wait a minute!"
"Are you going to meet him just like that?"
"Do you know him in person?"

"Well I helped him during his political campaign, and the truth is, if the Alliance didn't pay much more than him, I would probably be working for him right now"
"He obtained his position thanks to my help and he is a good friend, so I know that he helps me change the sanctions that will be imposed on the Empire"
"I need Charlotte and Kazumi to help me prepare for the trip"

"And I meanwhile starving to be able to send money due to my low salary as a pilot during the war"

"The trip will be with an army transport so I do not need to pay for the trip"
"What I want is that you can find a good safe place to stay and organize my schedule"

"Okay, I'm going to do it right now" The twins replied at the same time

"The plane will leave tomorrow morning so I need it as soon as possible"

"Wait a minute!"
"Who are you planning to go to New York with?"

"Xian and Cedric will accompany me on the trip"

"You're kidding right!?"

"What do you mean?"

"Xian can be good at her job and so can Cedric"
"But I think you are underestimating our tendency to get in trouble"

"Of course not!"
"It's a quick trip, a couple of days to New York, to the United Nations building, one of the safest places on earth"

"And this month alone you have been attacked three times in the only moments when I am not present"

"Do you want to accompany me on the trip?"
"I was thinking of maybe bringing Maria to my granddaughters with me"
"This way you can be alone with your girls"
"Surely you can take advantage of the time with something fun you want to do"
"Why would you waste an opportunity like that!?"

"What I want to say is that I don't think I take risks"
"Look how much we have tried to avoid problems and still we continue to find them"
"So I'd rather we all go on this trip"
"Tama, Lisa, and I know how to fight, Momo can fix almost anything and the twins can do almost anything that has to do with computers."
"The only useless one here is Maria!"
"In the spirit of offending, I do not feel it"
"So I think we better be together in case something happens"
"Also you already said that you are going to use a military trip"
"It won't cost anything if more people go"

"I can not do this!"
"Most of them don't even have documents"
"Momo is made of glass!"
"Lisa has horns and she is blue"
"The twins are literally the robots they fear so much in the Alliance!"
"And you have ears and a tail"
"Are there more reasons to say no?!"

"Minor details"
"Surely someone like you can get away with just saying that we are accompanying you"
"Also I did not think that we would enter that place"
"We just stayed in the hotel or visiting the city"
"We will act only in case something goes terribly wrong"

"Well, I think we can create quick documents for everyone" my daughters said trying to convince my mother too

"I am fine to stay in someone's shadow, it is not necessary for me to leave there" I manage to say Lisa also thinking of helping.

"I've been building a costume so I can go outside!"
"I think I can finish it by tomorrow" the angel said

"I have a pair of kimonos that maybe they can work to make Kazumi and Charlotte look more human so that they are not discovered!" Tama added also trying to help.

"I do not think it is good that they are dressed like that in New York, I think that will make them stand out more"
"But it's nothing that a sweater and a wig won't fix"
"Our height is similar, I can lend you clothes" Even my sister signed up

"Do you all really think the same?"
"Do you really want to go there?"
"It's a 14-hour flight, on a cargo plane"

"Well I once took an 8-hour ride standing in one of those planes"
"I don't think this time will be worse"
"I also think that it is also good to get Lisa out of the country for a couple of days at least"
"You know, the police are still looking for her for what she did"

"It's fine"
"I agree"
"We will all go, you have to prepare everything that you will occupy for tomorrow"
"And Momo please hope whatever you're doing works"
"And also, do you think you can make a miniature version of the machine in the room where Kazumi and Charlotte connect?"

"That's easy, humans already created it a long time ago"
"They're called computers, and there are like 4 in this house"
"Despite its size, this machine is still mainly an internet port with fans"
"They are not that effective but a laptop with an internet cable is more than enough for them"

"We would like to add that we can simply use wireless internet"
"Although a cable is preferable, we do not have problems by not having it." The girls declared

"New York!"
"We will go to New York!"
"One of the fashion capitals!"
"I have to visit at least one of those stores!" She said excited Maria
"Everyone at school will be jealous to hear about it"

"Is it a place where they sell cute clothes?"
"So I too want to visit one of those stores!"
"I wonder what the New York-style kimonos would be like!"

"I'm not good with clothes but I'm sure they don't sell in that city"
"At least to my knowledge" I gave my honest opinion 

"Mom, Dad"
"The school just sent an email, it seems that in the end, they will give them spring vacations after all"
"So classes will start in April so that you will still have this month off" said Charlotte 

"Well, it is understandable that they still want to give more time after what happened in the Dam"
"Although this can help us, if everything goes well, maybe it will take a couple more days to enjoy the trip more!"
"You know, forget at least for a couple of days about all the problems we have here" added Adelis

"I am also in favor of that!"
"I want to have a vacation from all this mess!" I admitted too

The rest of the day we all spent preparing everything we could occupy for the trip. From clothes to having to store my weapons in a special suitcase in case we had to return on a commercial plane. Tamamo wanted to wear her kimonos but I recommended that she not do so, because the city is not known for its cleanliness, so it was better that she wear western clothes. She listened to me and will only take three kimonos on the trip, it seems that she does not feel safe if she does not have one near her. Lisa by her side I have no idea what she was doing but she locked herself in her closet and only laughter could be heard, I have no idea what she is doing and I think I would be more concerned to know, According to Momo, since Lisa is a succubus, she could change her appearance to that of a normal human, as Tamamo does, who is capable of not showing her ears and tail if she felt like doing so, the question is if she will be able to remember how to do that. Momo by her side spent the rest of the day also locked in her room working on her costume because unlike the other two she cannot do anything to alter her appearance,  I wonder how she will achieve that because since she has a miniskirt included in her own body she cannot wear pants, and other long sleeves with ruffles that prevent her from wearing something like sweaters, she really does not have many options to do something about it. My mother and Maria prepared theirs and the rest of the day was spent looking for a way to dress my daughters so that they would not look like androids, and although it took them a long time, they succeeded. One more time, the sweaters and long pants to the rescue, a classic. The only thing different extra was the inclusion of some gloves and a pair of my caps for them. After that, we all went to bed early to be ready for the long journey that awaited us the next day.

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