Valkyria Squadron

Ch72: The Flight

The Flight

The day arrives early for everyone in the house, we had breakfast and after cleaning the house quickly, then a minivan arrived to take us to Yokota Air Base. The day was going well until Momo appeared and her idea of making clothes that she could wear, because since she could not wear normal clothes she made the closest thing she could use, it was a long poncho with a hat to wear on top, a pair of long stockings and tennis shoes, plus medium black gloves that ended just before the end of her glass sleeves, on her head she was wearing a wig, dark glasses, and a mask. Momo happened to be from a fantasy creature to a very suspicious person, although I don't think it reduces the questions at least it changes the focus of the questions. Lisa on the other hand did something easier and just stepped into my shadow, where there was no way of knowing that she was there, without a doubt a more direct and effective solution. The rest of us look human enough to avoid having to do something extra weird. This brings me nostalgia for how much we used to travel before, our luggage was quite small mainly from experience because when we were young our father took us all over our country on trips whenever he could with our little 4x4 family car, so over time, we knew exactly what was essential and what could be left behind. What memories of that time when everything was much easier and our main concern was to find a supermarket on the way to see what we ate, I think my father's car should still be in our house, I should ask my mother what she did with it.  Although I also brought the crystal box with Luna's core in it, because I was not planning to leave it behind on this trip. 

When we arrived at the airbase, a large cargo plane of the United States Army was waiting for us. They let us pass without asking my mother many questions and then the same minivan took us to the side of the plane. Xian and Cedric were already waiting for us on the plane with their luggage. As soon as they saw us they immediately asked about the obvious. Adelis simply introduced them to Momo as friend with social panic and to the twins as her granddaughters and assistants, she also added that all of us present were his team and his daughter Maria. The latter seemed to have hurt Xian who seemed to see further and further away from her the opportunity for her to return to her former full-time position of before. 

After accommodating our luggage and the army finished load a couple of vehicles, the plane took off without problems. As the trip would undoubtedly be long, we just started talking to pass the time. 

"So darling do you know how to drive this vehicle?"

"Well, I never flew one as big as this one, but I do know how to fly"
"This plane is very different from the ones I used to drive but the concept is the same"
"Go fast and do not point the front of the vehicle towards the ground"
"Not touching the ground is very important"

"That's amazing"

"What surprises me is why use all this giant plane just to transport two normal transport vehicles?"
"Isn't it a bit excessive?"
"It was easier just to have left them in Japan" I asked.

"Well those transports there are quite important and they want them back in the United States"
"They are prototypes of the next vehicles that the Alliance will use, they will replace the current ones with something like those two"
"I was using them to show them to the Japanese defense ministry as part of attempts to get a deal with them"

"I can't believe you were an airplane pilot"
"Where did you get the money to learn to fly?"
"When did you even study that?" Asked Maria

"What? But I already told you"
"When I was Rose's bodyguard, in my spare time I practiced to be a pilot"
"Later when I came back and joined the alliance, I just took the test to be a pilot, as I already knew everything in advance, it was not very difficult"
"But I'd rather not continue talking about it for now that Cedric is around"
"I don't know when he came back to talk to the pilots of the plane"
"I don't think that's the case, but I don't want him to find out who I was"

"Sorry about that"
"I forgot that problem"

"Speaking of which, I was thinking of going visit your brother Leo on the way back"
"What do you think about that?"Said my mother dropping a bomb

Maria and I were speechless by what we just heard. We looked at each other and then we saw our mother again.

"That's a terrible idea"

"It won't work in the least"

"But he is also your brother!"
"He must know too!"

"Mom, Leon hated Cesar before he left home"
"After that, he hated him even more"
"He even being able to do so did not go to his funeral"
"Do you think something good can come out of it?" To my surprise, even Maria was defending me.

"What could he say?"
"Option 1, stop joking and keep working until you die"
"Option 2, don't bother me, I'm busy working"
"Option 3, I hate anime and cosplayers, it's a waste of time that I could spend working"
"Option 4, I'm too busy doing my job to wonder how the hell my brother turned into a ten-year-old with fox ears and tail" I said for my part

"Well, to be honest, he is the most normal in our family if we think about it carefully"
"It will be the one that costs the most to convince"
"And that I am aware that you two do not have the best relationship"
"But I'm still determined to tell him!"
"The family must know that you are back and that is all that matters"
"And for that, we have to tell your brother sooner or later" Even my mother knew it would be difficult.

Despite how much we thought about it, we did not reach a conclusion about what would be the best way to talk to him. The rest of the trip was also uneventful. Although Momo looked like a very suspicious person when she heard that the vehicles were prototypes she began to review them and see how he could improve the designs, Cedric joined her and told her about how he would use those vehicles and which parts could be problematic in the middle of a battle. My mother listened to them and also went to talk to them because since Momo has experience with much more advanced technology than the current one, it was not very difficult for her to see how she could greatly improve the vehicles with a couple of very simple tweaks. Xian, Tamamo, and Maria were talking about styles and fashion in New York because they liked that topic, it seemed that they got along well.  For my part, I was talking to Kazimi and Charlotte about some of the adventures I had with my father in my youth, as well as some of our travels in our country. I was only in the United States once and that was when I joined the Alliance, although I have seen it on television and the truth is a place where I would like to take a long trip with everyone through that country and its majestic views. Visit the great canyon, Yellowstone, the mountains of Colorado or Montana, the desert of Utah or Orlando Florida, and its incredible theme parks, It is something that I would like to do later if the opportunity presents itself. 

After several hours the plane landed at the Los Angeles airport where we then changed transportation. We left the huge military plane behind and got on a private jet that my mother rented. It was a last-minute change that my mother decided to make yesterday, the reason? Well, there was a person who dressed as if he were a movie superstar trying to go unnoticed or a thief about to commit a robbery at a convenience store. In this way, we will arrive at a much smaller airport in New York where a vehicle will take us to the hotel at once. I knew that my mother could earn a lot with her position, but hell, a private jet, that although rented, I still don't believe it. Although for some reason I did not feel safe in power seeing the cabin and who operated the plane, so the rest of that trip I spent with them and talking about various issues regarding the plane. They were surprised to see me ask questions like how much was the engine thrust, about the flight configuration they were using, if they had checked the sensors well and if they removed the tapes, or if they had slept enough because although it did not seem to be a pilot it is very exhausting work, Momo also joined the conversation when she saw that she could know more about the plane by talking to us. I think for sure we were a nuisance for them being know-it-all girls, but the truth is that I was taking the safety of my family seriously, It had nothing to do with the fact that he was so nervous that his eyes were red again. 

My mother also talked about what she had planned for the next few days. Since we would arrive quite late, when we arrived we would go directly to the hotel. The next day we would have it free so we would spend it visiting the city. The second day was the day of the meeting at the UN so my mother would be working, Xian will accompany her and Cedric seems to be going to some military base to talk about something with someone. The rest of us stayed around to see what happens, if something comes out more we will go out to give support, if not maybe we would visit some more places. If everything went well the last two days we would spend them sightseeing as well, but if my mother could not reach an agreement she would spend those last two days talking to several people. Maybe on the return trip, we can spend a couple more days in California to talk to Leon but I really preferred not to. 

When we finally got to New York it was a night long ago and we are all tired, also, the change of schedule felt fatal to us. The only one intact was Lisa, who when she got to the hotel she could finally leave from the shadow, I think she and the twins were the only ones with energy, everyone else just got to bed.

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