"What happened? Did his attack go through my deflective field?" I muttered to myself, looking at the little blood I had on my fingers as I tried comprehending what just happened.

I could feel my blood raging, I haven't been this pissed off in a really long time. Licking my lips, I kept wondering how he was able to land a solid punch on me without my defense coming into play. We hovered in the air as twitches of lightning crackled around him.

"Don't think because you were able to take down Superman makes us equals. Before me, you are nothing but a clown. Now get on your knees and beg for mercy, I might consider giving you a less painful death."

"Look how cocky you got, just because you were able to lay one on me. I guess you really are the reverse of that kid, both in humor and in attitude." I replied to him in reference to Shazam.

"What's your name anyway, Black Madam? Because you seem more like an oversized pussy to me. Then again, I guess I'll just call you sparky." I taunted him, wanting to get under his skin a little bit before making any move.

"I'll make sure you regret talking to a god in such a disrespectful manner." He said as he sent lightning right at me. I dodged it and saw him appearing right behind me as he clenched his fist and threw a blow at me.

I dodged his punch and countered with a heavy uppercut which had him hurling through the air and crashing into a the mountain side, it was like fighting Superman all over again only this time I could actually get hurt. I didn't know how he's able to make contact with me, but I thought it best I avoided his attacks rather than try deflecting them.

I flew to the scene ready to hit him one more time when lightning came forth from the dust clouded spot he was driven into.


I grunted as the lightning hit me, I wasn't fast enough to dodge that attack. He flew with great speed and was about to land another punch on me but I wasn't going to let him have his way; it was time to take down a self-proclaimed god.

I kicked the air and disappeared right in front of his eyes, reappearing behind him as I repaid the favor from the punch he was about to land on me.

My fist made contact with his jaw, but it came at the cost of a few lives. He crashed into the military chopper which exploded as a result of the impact.

The explosion sent him to the ground. I started thinking to myself, what was the difference between his and Superman's attacks that he was able to injure me.

My mega brain went to work as I analyzed both him and Superman; and at that moment, it finally hit me. I was a bit surprised when he landed blows on me that I didn't really notice why he was able to. The simple answer to that was my newly found kryptonite which he was covered with, it was Magic.

I have come to realize that my one and only weakness was magic, coincidentally my girlfriend Rachel uses magic. "Isn't that convenient." I sarcastically remarked.

Well now that I know this, it was time to end this little circus show. In blurry motion he dashed at me as we continued to fight, we kept fighting until we found ourselves in a farm located in Smallville.

We fought through the cornfield, mainly me wanting to see how long I can go up against Black Adam. During our exchange of blows I realized that ending the fight too early would have been too much of a buzz kill, when next would I get the chance to experience this level of adrenaline rush again.

So I decided to keep it going just a bit longer. He grabbed a tractor, lifted it into the air and threw it at me. I watched the tractor as it came to me, almost like time had slowed down a bit.

It was a physical matter and magic had no influence over it, which gave me an idea. I clenched my fist as I gave a blow to the tractor, at the same time doubling its momentum, speed, and power as I sent it back at him.

He didn't see that coming and it made contact with him, sending him off his feet as he somersaulted across the field. Just as he was able to stop himself from rolling, I appeared as a glitchy image  behind him and delivered a kick to the side of his stomach, sending him crashing through a windmill and into a barn.

I followed him, and Black Adam could be seen flying out of the barn, I telekinetically threw him out of there. The farm animals were starting to get restless as they began to make a fuss in response to the two strangers who were wrecking the place.

He crash-landed into a cornfield, he was taking longer than I expected for him to recover. As I flew into the air, dark clouds converged in the area just above us, morphing into a dark and ominous-looking cloud.

"This can't be good." I muttered as the sound of thunder crackled and lightning streaked across the clouds.

A lightning bolt descended from the cloud and came right at me but it completely missed its mark. Black Adam flew up into the dark clouded sky and continued sending lightning my way.

I kept dodging, and it really pissed me off. Normally I would have been able to tweak with the lightning, controlling it and bending it to my will, but just because it is of magical origins, it is harmful to me. Kind of like my own version of kryptonite.

Although the damage isn't as much as the average human, but it still hurts really bad, I must say. He stretched out his hand and started shooting out lightning from his bare palms, with killing intent.

Giving him space was dangerous, he was fast, strong, and was a lightning user. To top it all, his powers do not deal with physical components nor physical laws. I needed to end the fight soon.

Enough horsing around and just trying to have an exhilarating battle where I could actually get hurt, "Getting hurt sucks." I remarked.

Since he had decided to keep his distance for a while and just use lightning for long-range attacks, all I had to do was turn it into a close combat battle where he won't see the slightest chance to create distance between us.

I took a deep breath as I slowly descended, letting my feet touch the ground as I took a firm stance. "Let's begin." I said.

Transmuting the ground, solid but spiky rock pillars stretched into the sky, all targeting Black Adam. I increased their speed and power to be faster than that of a fired bullet. He dodged a few as they rapidly came at him; he used brute strength to break the others. The ones which managed to make contact didn't make him bleed, but he felt it.

I morphed their shape, and they restrained his limbs. Just as he broke himself free, he saw me right up in his face, my fist clenched and with a thin film of blue aura around it as it crackled with electricity.

Connecting my solid blow to his face, it sent him off with a sonic-like speed. I rose more spiky stone pillars, and he crashed into them, then I telekinetically pulled him towards me.

"Stings, doesn't it?" I asked him.

Restrained and unable to understand how I was able to control the earth and electricity which were two polar opposites, he asked. "What kind of sorcery was that? I am invulnerable to electric shock, so electricity shouldn't have an effect on me."

"What did you do?" He yelled, anger clearly audible in his voice. This wasn't a show and tell, I found no reason whatsoever to tell him what I did to him.

What I simply did with that punch was to target the bioelectricity in his cells as the painful sensation coursed throughout his body. Although he was somehow godlike and magic coursed through his veins, deep down he was still human after all.

I stumped my feet on the ground and accelerated myself towards him, grabbing him by his face and slammed him into the tarred streets of Smallville as I subjected him to electrical torture.

I bet the farmers would be glad we finally took our fight off their farm lands.

I continued to subject him to torture using his own bioelectricity. He tried toughing it out but he let out an outcry as he couldn't take it any longer.

I saw no point in tossing him around, using him to hit heavily solid objects when they clearly are not that effective. It was better to focus on the inside and deal internal damages.

I stopped, and he seemed like he was on the verge of passing out. I transmuted the ground, and solid thick rock restraints came from the ground and held him in place. One on each arm, same for his legs, and one across his belly and back into the ground just like the others.

I lifted my right hand into the air and something like an air bubble appeared, large at first but slowly shrunk as I condensed the air within.

It kept shrinking and shrinking; it was like compressing oxygen into an oxygen tank used for deep-sea diving. Just that this time, I was turning it into a small air bubble in my palms.

About a minute, and it was as small as a pearl from an oyster. It could pass through any solid matter so long as it is made up of molecules; it can pass through any solid matter.

I slowly controlled it through the air until it slipped through Black Adam's head, his strength had already returned, and he broke himself free from the restraints, making me fly into the air in response.

I hovered above the ground, and it was evident that he was really pissed off. As I looked down on him, I saw the end of a man who wielded the powers of the gods.

He gathered enough force beneath his feet, jumping towards me as he left small craters behind. He launched into the air with a clenched fist, ready to descend his wrath upon me.

But just as he was about halfway and ready to throw his blow, I slowly brought up my hand and snapped my fingers. He immediately dropped to the ground like a lifeless bag of bones.

I let the mass of compressed air pressure explode inside his brain, his body dropped to the ground as blood flowed out from his eyes, nose, and mouth. An ordinary person would have had their heads blown off.

I remained there, looking down at his lifeless body to see if there would be any magical miracle or if he'd be resurrected by some juju stuff.

My nanites crept along my eyes and formed into a visor. It highlighted his body and made it clear that there wasn't a heartbeat; he was dead.

I looked around, and my visor revealed to me that the army had created a perimeter around Smallville in attempts to isolate the situation.

"Thanks for the thrill, man; too bad I had to end you like this." With nothing else to do, I flew into the air, disappearing into the inky night sky.

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