[Lex Luthor's POV] 

"This has to be a joke, a ridiculous one at that." He sat in his luxurious chair as the guards he left as security all stood in front of him with their heads down. 

"This really does sound like a dry joke to me. I, Lex Luthor, sole owner of the LexCorp, was robbed." He laughed out. 

"Which one of you was the mole who helped them succeed in their little scheme." He asked them but no one answered his question. 

"It would be almost impossible for them to do such a neat job if they didn't know the place really well. The only proof they were here, are the bruises on your faces and the things missing." He kept on pointing out the facts but no one was stepping out to admit that they were the mole. 

"The cameras were rendered impotent, the security guards can't also be useless." His butler brought him a drink to help quell his temper, he reached for the glass of whisky and gulped it down. 

"Whoever they were, was no amateur. They were highly skilled. They even got into my personal safe which uses a three way biometric identifiers." He was served another drink as he slowly stood up from his seat. 

"I don't care about the money, gold or expensive jewels they stole." He took a slow walk around the room, emphasizing on each word as he spoke. "I only care about two things in that safe and they were stolen!!!" He yelled as he smashed his glass on the ground, scattering shards all over the place. 

"Get out of my sight, you good for nothing!!!" He yelled at them and they all did accordingly. 

"I am really sorry about that, sir. But you need to calm down." Mercy said to her boss, trying to help him regain his usual calm demeanor. 

"This is me being calm Mercy… This is me being calm. " He emphasized. "The small stash of Kryptonite I had in my safe is all gone. The Khandark diamond we had stolen last year, I split it in two and used one piece as negotiation to make Black Adam join me in my attack against the League last time. The other piece was kept in there, I made it clear that it was the last piece in my possession and was going to be given to him as compensation for killing that scoundrel, Ace." 

He took a pause as he turned to look at Mercy. "I guess I just have to try taking hold of his mind and turn him into my personal bodyguard instead." A sly grin crept across his face as he mused at the thought. 

"I'm afraid I have bad news, sir." Mercy said as Lex made a full body turn to face her, wondering what news could possibly be more worse than what he was currently dealing with. "Black Adam was killed tonight by Ace the Tyrant." She reported, the grin on Lex's face was immediately wiped off. 

"What!!!" He exclaimed, "you didn't feel the need to inform me of this earlier?" He asked in anger. 

"I am doing it now." She quickly replied. 

"I saw the footage of him being on par with Superman when it came to strength and I knew there was a slight possibility of him winning their fight somehow, so I contacted Black Adam to finish the job." He took slow walks to Mercy as he continued, punctuating each word. "Now you tell me he is dead?"

"Well I guess I just need to speed up the plans then. How is the work going on completing the mother box we had that mercenary steal?" He asked Mercy. 

"It's a bit slow sir, but they are making progress and soon it will be ready for activation." She reported. 

"Tell them to pick up the pace and get it completed already. The original mother boxes were capable of interdimensional capabilities, hopefully this replica would be good enough. 

With the Watchtower within my grasp, I just need this mother box perfected and I will rule not only this world but dominate other planets as one supreme ruler." He followed up his speech with a diabolical laughter, clearly moved past what had happened that night and already forging straight ahead. 


[Tom Hendricks POV]

The adrenaline from the fight with Black Adam still surges through my veins, and the thrill of getting punched and hurt, not knowing if I'd win, makes me feel alive, more like a human at least. It's a welcome change from the uncertainty of whether I'm transforming into something else, or if I'd grow bored of humanity's petty squabbles.

Back from the epic showdown with sparks flying, my thoughts turn to what's next. I've been taking things easy, cruising through life, and it's taken me this far, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm stuck in neutral.

Sure, I've achieved my initial goals – established an extensive network in the criminal underworld, made a name for myself in a world where only high-ranking criminals partner with me, and become the go-to guy for any risky endeavor that could jeopardize their operations. I've crafted a reputation as the most trusted broker who delivers top-notch services, and I've assembled an incredibly competent team of mercenaries.

My next step hinges on the aftermath of whatever chaos Lex Luthor's twisted mind leaves in its wake. But for now, I have my sights set on the next bustling city in the DC universe: Metropolis.

I contemplate pursuing a degree in technology, establishing a legitimate company, and ascending the social ladder as Tom, the young and prosperous billionaire. All the while, I'll continue to leverage my extensive network and connections to gather information and get things done in the shadows better than Lex does. 

It's a good thing I've already enrolled in an online university. My father's words echo in my mind – the importance of a school certificate, especially when dealing with government entanglements. It might be a sentimental gesture, but it's a safety net I can't ignore.

I've discovered an online university on the dark web that could expedite the process, providing me with a legitimate certificate in just a year, albeit with a shortcut that bypasses the years of normal study. It needed to be a one year duration so incase anyone decided to look into me, everything would check out. 

It's amazing, the things you could get done for the right bundle of Benjamin's. Who knows? My company could become the next LexCorp or Wayne Enterprises of this generation.

By day, I'll present myself as a successful businessman to the world, while by night, I'll continue to be a member of the criminal underworld. I am yet to figure out why cash made through illegal means always feels so good. 

But before my big move to Metropolis, I feel the need for a farewell party with the boys, just like Leo and I did back in Central City with the Hope Diamond. I've been scouring the drak web for valuable artifacts, and one, in particular, has piqued my interest – the Spear of Destiny.

I have no interest in it but it sounded interesting, being the spear that pierced Jesus on the cross and all. Also I hear it's a very powerful and yet valuable item over here. 

As I delve into my research, I stumbled upon an article indicating that the Justice League confiscated it years back, leading me to assume it's now housed in the Justice League Watchtower.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're taking an online course, aren't you already a smart-ass?" Leo inquires, peering closely at my laptop screen.

"It's all just a formality. What I really need is that certificate they'll give me once I complete this shit."

Leo nods in understanding. "Oh, I see."

With a sly grin, I assured him, "You can speak freely; Jason isn't home."

"Why don't you let him in on this side of you? I know you aren't big on trust but it wouldn't be that bad to put your trust in someone who is already like family to us." Leo pressed on, giving me a knowing look.

"Family huh." I reflected on my past as a grim memory came into play, in the form of flashbacks. "I've been betrayed by a family member before, someone I saw as a father figure."

Leo offers his condolences, albeit in his unique manner. "Betrayal from family can really mess with your head."

"Yeah... Since then, I've been cautious, keeping my circle as small as a red dot. He's earning that trust slowly but surely he'll get there" I replied. "So, where's my package?" I asked as I rubbed my hands together. 

Leo moved closer and placed the drive on my desk. "I've got something else for you, a little souvenir from my trip to Metropolis, a rare gem in the black market."

I can't help but smirk when he revealed achunk of Kryptonite. "Nice. I had a knife made from Kryptonite, but I had to repurpose it into brass knuckles."

Leo raises an eyebrow, slightly bewildered. "With this, you can really go all out I guess."

The Kryptonite he brought me was enough to craft a blade and about seven bullets, an intriguing addition to my arsenal.

"While you're geeking out on that, I'm going to sell the Khandark diamond I kept for myself, along with the others we swiped," Leo smugly informed me as he headed out of my room, a hint in his final words that the operation was successfully camouflaged as a robbery.


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