[Batman's POV]

Deep within the cavernous depths of the Batcave, Batman sat in his high-tech chair, poring over a trove of data he had diligently compiled over the past few days. The screens around him illuminated his face with an eerie blue glow as he sifted through the labyrinth of information.

With a deft keystroke, he activated an audio catalog and began to narrate his findings.

DELTA FILE-: C-403-5

SUBJECT-: Ace The Tyrant

The subject in question had proven to be a looming threat, far more perilous than I had initially comprehended. This masked figure had waged a fierce battle against none other than Superman, emerging as a worthy adversary to the Man of Steel himself.

The renowned Black Adam had met his demise at the hands of Ace. Batman's voice grew grimmer as he continued.

If the Justice League ever finds itself entangled in a confrontation with Ace The Tyrant, it is imperative to classify him as a threat. He has unequivocally demonstrated the capability to contend with godlike beings. I will dig deeper into uncovering information regarding his abilities and true identity.

The audio catalog came to a close, and Batman was left to contemplate the gravity of the situation.

While he immersed himself in his brooding thoughts, a message notification from the Architect website lit up his screen. He leaned forward, his expression never betraying his intense focus, and swiftly clicked on the message.

"Got something for you," the message read, the words stark and unambiguous.

"What did you find?" Batman tersely inquired, bypassing any formalities and diving straight into business.

The reply that came only confirmed his earlier suspicions. "You've all been unwitting pawns in Lex Luthor's grand design. The night when heroes were cast as enemies of the state, Lex orchestrated the entire operation. The President's mind was under his sinister influence, and he utilized your group of merry men as stepping stones in his ascension to power."

"So, what exactly is his endgame?" Batman pressed on, his voice laced with a sense of urgency.

"He aims to seize dominion over this world. Lately, he's been driven by an insatiable desire to conquer what he deems an overpopulated world teeming with inferior intellects."

"So, becoming President was merely a step towards his true ambition."

The response was unequivocal. "Correct. He will require an immense technological construct to amplify his mind-control abilities and subjugate the entire globe. No one will retain their will; they will blindly worship the bald figure as a false god."

Batman contemplated the dire situation, his resolve unwavering. "Is there any indication that he already possesses the necessary technology to augment his psychic abilities?"

The reply stung with a hint of foreboding. "No, he currently lacks such technology. However, it is my guess that he may set his sights on the Justice League's Watchtower in space. It offers the perfect platform and possesses the requisite power to execute his nefarious plan."

Batman clenched his jaw, ready to defend their base at any cost. "There's no way he will succeed in such an audacious endeavor."

The Architect, unperturbed, maintained his stance. "Okay, if you say so. But there's something else you should be aware of, given your membership in the League. Lex possesses a Mother Box crafted from remnants of an actual interdimensional Mother Box. His intentions may be far grander than we have dared to envision. It is imperative that you and your allies thwart him as swiftly as possible, or else, it could spell the end of humanity as we know it."

Batman digested the new information. "You did well."

"Your generous payment served as ample motivation for my efforts," the Architect replied. Just as Batman prepared to conclude the conversation, another message arrived, this one bringing a glimmer of hope to his darkened soul.

"As a bonus to your request, I managed to ascertain the location of Speedy."

"Speedy?" Batman inquired, a spark of curiosity in his voice.

"Yes, the Scarlet Speedster, the Red Blur, the League member with the greatest potential, if you ask me – The Flash."

"I assume this information isn't free," Batman remarked, already aware of the unspoken terms.

"Indeed, it comes at a cost. As the saying goes, 'If you're good at something, never do it for free.' In this case, it pertains to my services."

Batman accepted the inevitable. "How much will it cost for you to provide me with his precise location?"

"twenty-five thousand. It's the price that befits the risks I undertook. It is certainly a fair price."

"Very well, I am making the payment as we speak," Batman confirmed, completing the transaction as he had for the Architect's prior service.

"Received. You will receive a file containing details of the information I've shared so far and also his exact location, and it will be up to you to secure the return of your comrade."

Batman accessed the file, decrypted its contents, and reviewed the information it contained. He sent one final message, contemplating the Architect's level of competence.

"Are all your tasks executed with such detail?" Batman inquired.

"Of course, they are. My clients expect nothing less, given the substantial fees they pay. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, and I look forward to tackling more challenging missions in the future."

Batman ended the chat without another word but muttered to himself, "Let's hope there won't be a need for that."

With the file in hand, he rose from his chair, his formidable presence undiminished. Batman reached out to the League members, except for Superman, summoning them to the Justice League Watchtower to discuss the imminent rescue mission for the Flash.


[Tom Hendricks POV]

Breaking News

The world once again found itself at the mercy of Ace the Tyrant, a man who showed no compassion for those who dared to stand against him.

The news broadcast unfurled the shocking tale of the climactic showdown between the Man of Steel and Ace the Tyrant, confirming the shocking news of Superman's defeat at the hands of this formidable adversary.

In the aftermath of this startling revelation, the airwaves echoed with the declaration of Black Adam's demise at the hands of the same enigmatic figure.

Tom Hendricks descended the stairs of his lavish home, a casual observer to the chaos unfolding on the television screen. "Look who made the headlines again," he remarked casually, making his way to the refrigerator.

Seated in the living room, Jason and Leo were engrossed in the news broadcast, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Jason, with his characteristic brashness, voiced his incredulity. "Just when I think I've glimpsed his strength, he surprises everyone all over again. How in the world is he even that strong?"

"He just is," Leo responded, his cool and collected demeanor a stark contrast to Jason's exuberance.

Jason couldn't be easily deterred. "Nah, he's like a superhuman on steroids to take down Superman like that."

As the news coverage continued, Tom remained silent, engrossed in his meal. Jason's astonishment was understandable. After all, for years, it had been widely believed that Superman was an indomitable force, virtually invincible. 

Yet, right there, on the screen, was footage of Ace the Tyrant brutally pummeling the Man of Steel, his fists a whirlwind of fury. A second clip showed Ace holding Superman's unconscious form high above the ground before callously dropping him to the floor.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when Superman gets handed his own ass," Jason commented, his voice tinged with awe.

Leo, however, seemed to take a different perspective. "Yeah, it's a surprisingly satisfying sight, don't you think?" He glanced over to the kitchen, where Tom continued to dine in silence.

While Jason and Leo exchanged comments about the news of Black Adam's defeat, Tom's thoughts took a different trajectory. He ruminated on the information he had uncovered from Lex Luthor's personal computer – secrets and risks that could imperil the entire world. The mother box in Lex's possession was a significant cause for concern, reconstructed from the remnants of an actual interdimensional Mother Box.

It struck him with a sense of irony; he had been the one to accept the job of stealing the Mother Box and had unwittingly handed it over to an employer, unaware that the very same Lex Luthor had commissioned the task. His conscience hadn't probed the identity of the employer or their intentions at the time. Now, he couldn't afford to be indifferent, for the world's fate hung in the balance.

Tom's mind was abuzz with the possibilities. "Why would he take such a huge risk?" he mumbled to himself, pondering the implications of Lex's audacious ambitions.

He rose from his seat and retreated to his room, tapping his watch as he issued a command to his AI, Gwen. "Gwen, gather everything you can find regarding Darkseid and the last time he caused a fuss on earth."

Gwen diligently complied, summoning a trove of footage, images, news reports, and information on the subject. Tom watched with bated breath as the material unfolded, offering a harrowing glimpse into the past. It unveiled an invasion by alien forces that had killed abducted humans as they left destruction in their wake.

The most chilling footage depicted Darkseid's confrontation with the members of the Justice League. He had dispatched them with ease, as if they were mere children, before a colossal, malevolent figure whose very presence exuded evil.

Tom was confounded by Darkseid's powers, which defied conventional understanding. Telekinesis, a searing heat vision surpassing even Superman's with acute accuracy, brute strength, and speed – these were only a few of the abilities at Darkseid's disposal.

It was becoming evident that Lex's grand scheme might involve summoning an actual demon from the depths of Hades Valley in the underworld, with the misguided belief that he could control such a malevolent force if push comes to shove.

It was a shame what happened to Black Adam, if not for his arrogance, Tom was looking forward to striking a deal with him sometime. But then again, he found out magic was his kryptonite and it was lethal to him. If he couldn't get him as an ally, then he needed to die.

Yet, as he contemplated the threat Darkseid posed, Tom wondered if magic would even affect this formidable adversary. Perhaps Raven, Constantine, and the golden helmet-wearer could hold the key to countering Darkseid's insidious power. Although he doubted they would be of much help because raw violence seemed to be more effective against him.

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