Superman stood at the entrance to the control room as he continued to stand guard to the device, adhering to Lex Luthor's command. 

Lex had fucked with his head so badly that his influence over Superman's mind wasn't broken even though he had lost his psychic ability.

Superman clinged onto the series of instructions Lex had given to him as he continued to obey them like Luthor's little bitch. 

He heard heavy footsteps approaching him from the corner. Upon turning his head for the source of the strange sound, he saw Batman closing in on him, dressed in a Mech Batsuit.

"Nice armor, Bruce." Superman said as he relaxed his shoulders, ready for whatever tricks Batman had up his mecha sleeve. "But do you really think some fancy suit would help you beat me?" He taunted. 

"No, but I am hoping this might." Batman responded, hurling three Batarangs at Superman. Superman stood firm as he caught all three of them with his super fast reflexes. "Really? This was your great pla…" 

Batarangs had exploded and engulfed the air around him with kryptonite gas. He was suddenly cut off from his speech, struggling to breathe in the kryptonite mist. 

He coughed and dropped to his knees, reaching for his throat as he struggled to breath while choking on the gas. 

"Breath it in. Do you know what that emotion you're probably experiencing right now is called? Batman asked  as he took slow steps around the choking Man of Steel. 

"That's fear." He continued. "It's a shame you fell susceptible to Lex Luthor's influence." He added as Superman suddenly got on his feet and threw blows as Batman. 

Blows Batman easily evaded and blocked. "Don't worry I'll beat it out of you." He added as Superman watched in wonderment at how Batman was easily able to block his blows, even though he had been weakened by the kryptonite gas it still should have had an effect. 

Superman threw more swings but Batman evaded them, held both of his arms and gave him a solid headbutt with his titanium cowl. He threw blows after blows at Superman who was forced back with every hit. 

Superman tried punching Batman but it was blocked and he got a fist in his face instead. Batman threw a kick directly at the center of Superman's chest, sending him flying through the air and crashing through a wall. 

Batman pounced on him, continuously kicking him around. Each kick lifted him off the ground and sent him through a short distance. Superman got to his feet but Batman wasn't letting him get any breathing space, he continued trying to disfigure his face with a barrage of punches. 

Grabbing Superman by the neck, Batman smashed his head against the wall right next to them, gave Superman a headbutt with his titanium cowl, before throwing a heavy blow across his face as it sent him to the ground. 

He looked down at Superman like a man who had literally brought a god down to the level of a mere mortal, while Superman slowly got on his knee as he came to the realization that the effect of the kryptonite gas in his system was slowly wearing off. 

Just as Batman was about kicking the fallen Superman, his leg got caught and he was hurled through a wall instead.

Batman grunted in pain as he bounced on the ground and crashed into another wall. He groaned as he rolled over, struggling to get back on his feet. 

They both got on their feets, locking eyes with one another as they stared at each other through the hole in the wall. Suddenly, they dashed at each other, Superman burst through the opening in the wall and they grabbed each other by the shoulder in an attempt to overpower the other. 

Batman slammed Superman against the nearest wall, pinning Superman on it as he threw one blow after the other directly at Superman's face. 

His metal fist kept hitting the Kryptonian until the sound of a metal clang could he heared and Superman stood without flinching or batting an eye, as if he was made of literal steel. 

Batman paused, realizing what that meant as he took slow steps back. Superman looked down at him like some insect, a silver bat bug, he rose above the ground and drove Batman through the floors and onto the lower levels. 

Although Superman was still weak, he grabbed Batman and aggressively hurled him through a section of the tower and into the huge restroom, causing continuous damage to the internal structures of the tower in the process. 

Batman groaned in pain as he struggled on the floor, while Superman tried summoning what little strength he had acquired as he slowly rose to his feet again. 

He heard the sound of a cocked gun and looked over to the direction it came from, only to see Batman who held a grenade launched in his hands. 

Superman let out a battle cry as he charged at him, leaping into the air with a readied fist, willing to smash Batman with all his might when he got shot with another dose of kryptonite gas. 

He choked mid air as fell to the ground, crumbling as he crashed into another wall. While Batman bounced off the ground, his titanium cowl had been damaged on the left side. Superman seemed to have landed his loaded punch as he fell to the ground, leaving Batman groaning in pain as small electrical sparks twinkled from the damaged region of his cowl.

Batman turned to see Superman choking on the gas, desperately trying to grasp whatever ounce of air he could get into his lungs. 

He stumbled on his feet, walked over to a sink in the restroom and ripped it off the wall. He took slow but measured steps at the struggling Superman who was clutching onto his chest, facing downwards. 

With determination and anger in his eyes, he smashed the back of Superman's head with the ceramic sink. The hit knocked Superman to the floor, flat on his belly as he groaned in pain from the hit and from difficulty in breathing

Batman grabbed him by his spandex as he pulled him to his knees, then grabbed his hair to stand him up. He held onto his neck and arm and he carried Superman on his shoulder. 

He slowly walked with Superman on his shoulder, a few floors above the hanger in the tower, he threw him down the tower and Superman fell on a jet in the hanger, which resulted in an explosion. 

Batman shot his grapple gun upwards and the hook found its way to a sturdy hold, then Batman descended through the smokes and upon the hanger. 

He retracted the hook then tied it around one of Superman's legs and dragged the Man of Steel as he slowly pulled Superman behind him, into an open space. 

"I bet your parents taught you, that you mean something…That you were here for a reason." He said as he kept on dragging Superman behind him. 

"My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter, for no reason at all." He finally stop pulling Superman and turned to face him as he continued. "But here you are, letting yourself fall victim to Lex Luthor's mind control. It's either I beat you back to your senses, or kill you while trying."

He pulled on the grapple gun and swung Superman in the air, smashing him against every tech and vehicle in the hangar.

The sound and shockwaves from the explosions reverberated through the tower as the hook finally let go of his leg. 

Superman fell to the floor, groaning in pain while Batman tossed aside the gun. "They taught me that this world only made sense if you forced it to. So it's either you take control of your senses and gain back your mental will or I end you in respect to the symbol of peace you once represented." 

He walked over to a hidden locker in the hanger and pulled out a spear with its sharp end made of kryptonite, as he continued his speech. "In memory of the hero who stood up for what was right, in memory of my team member and colleague, my friend."

Batman extended the spear closer to Superman's face, the kryptonite spearhead shun really bright as he made a cut on the side of his face. He watched as the blood spilled down his face, proof of his mortality. 

"Look at you." He said as Superman continued to groan in pain due to the long exposure to the kryptonite right up at his face. 

"You are not a God, you're not even a man. As of now, you are nothing more than Lex Luthor's puppet and you have doomed our world with your own two hands. 

He lifted up the spear into the air and was about striking him when he heard a cry from behind him.

"Noooooo!!!" He halted, turning his back to see Martian Manhunter approaching them as he held on to the walls for support. It seemed he hadn't fully recovered from the excessive dose of sedatives Superman pumped him with.

"Let me see if there is anything I can do to free him from Luthor's clutches." He said, struggling to get his steps in order and walk in a more stable manner. 

"There is nothing you can do, he is too far gone. This is the only way there is to it." Batman said as he lifted the kryptonite spear into the air and thrusted it into Superman. 

"Bruce nooo…!!!" Martian Manhunter yelled as he watched the blood creep across the floor.


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