

"I love the smell of chaos in the morning." I expressed out loud as I stepped out my front door, looking unto the dark smoke clouds that led to the sky from a distance. 

"You're kidding, right?" Selina asked, staring at me with disbelief in her eyes. I guess the situation the world currently found itself wasn't one she could easily tough out. 

"I'm afraid he's not." Leo replied. 

"Scratch that, chaos sucks… It reeks of blood, smoke and pollution." I exasperated as I sarcastically gestured like I was going to puck. 

"Well, that would be my que to leave. Later Tom, hopefully we survive this mess." Selina said her goodbye as she hopped on her bike. 

"Later beautiful, and try not to damage that sexy body of yours. Okay?" She smiled at my remark, while Leo just gave a half wave as she zoomed off on her bike. 

She was probably going to get her stuff and evacuate the city like anybody in their right senses would do, but Leo and I weren't like those normies. 

"What now boss?" Leo asked. 

"We head for Metropolis, the heart of this attack." I ordered, turning to Leo as a smirk crept across my lips. 

"I was hoping you would say that." Leo said with a mischievous look on his face. 

Society is a mess right now and Gotham most especially, took it up a notch. Criminals trying to grab as much spoils as they could, heavy traffic due to the masses who were trying to evacuate Gotham, and the accidents many got involved with along the way. 

Most parts of the city were engulfed with flames, hence the thick smoke. Buildings were on fire, so did vehicles that got involved in one accident or the other. 

Luckily the police, firefighters, Red Hood, and Batgirl were on the case and each were trying to either calm or ease the minds of the panicking masses in whatever way they could. 

With all the chaos, Batman was nowhere to be found. I guess he had to be either at the heart of the action or must be working on a way to forcefully send our unwanted guests back to their home world. 

From what we saw on the news, the League members had their hands tied with the five soldiers who seemed to be in the commanding ranks of Darkseid's army. 

I already sent a message to my mercenaries to stay as far away from Metropolis as possible, I wouldn't want them committing suicide by alien invasion. 

If Darkseid was to show up anywhere, it would definitely be Metropolis. Leo and I needed to be on our way so we could get there as soon as we possibly could. 

For me it's the thrill of having to fight someone of Darkseid's caliber, not knowing if I'm even strong enough to stand up to the conquer of worlds. 

While for Leo, chaos meant busy heroes and occupied police officers. Banks and buildings which held valuables are literally begging to get rubbed, since the security guards must have already abandoned their posts and joined the evacuation. 

Captain Cold and Heat Wave are psychopaths who enjoy the adrenaline rush of crime. They would go against the tides and risk their lives just so they could steal whatever they had their eyes on. 

In order for Leo and I to get to Metropolis quickly and avoid the traffic jam, unlike the helpless civilians, we'd have to either use a private jet or I personally fly there. Well, I guess we'll go with the latter. 

"Wait wait wait…. Do you really think you can take on this Darkseid dude? He's the definition of bad news, and I wouldn't want you getting yourself killed." Leo said with a hint of concern in his voice as we prepared to leave. 

"But isn't gambling big what makes it so thrilling? The uncertainty of the outcome, but confidence in knowing I wouldn't go down that easily." I replied to him. 

"Am just saying you're a smart kid, don't go killing yourself over a gamble that might cost you everything, including your life." Leo said while wearing his jacket and strapped on his cold gun to its holster. 

"Careful Leo, you're almost sounding like you care." I teased. 

"Of course I do, I wouldn't want that brain of yours to go to waste. Also, I guess you've grown on me quite a bit." He said with a lower tone before walking out the house. 


[Back in Metropolis] 

Wonder Woman flew across the evening sky as she communicated with the rest of the members on ground. "I'm currently headed towards one of the locations where the light descended from the sky. There's been commotion from each of the four locations." She said as she continued her flight, momentarily pausing her speech as she spotted the destruction which laid ahead. 

"Green Lantern, Shazam, and anyone nearby should do the same, Cyborg has confirmed that they are soldiers of Darkseid's army, and commanders to the hostile forces invading our planet. Our mission is to defeat them and send them running back to Apokolips." She ordered over her coms. 

Wonder Woman arrived where one of the portals had appeared, finding herself in a scene of utter destruction. Craters marred the landscape, a testament to the invaders' destructive arrival. Amidst the wreckage stood Granny Goodness, a menacing figure clad in dark, twisted armor, one of Darkseid's forces.

Granny Goodness, with her hunched form and malevolent grin, exuded a palpable threat. Wonder Woman, determined and majestic, approached her adversary. The air crackled with tension as the clash between good and evil loomed.

Their exchange of competitive glances was brief, but intense. Wonder Woman, lasso in hand, warned, "Your reign of terror ends now."

Granny Goodness, cackling, retorted, "The fun's just starting, my dear."

As Wonder Woman darted directly towards her, the battle unfolded with a symphony of blows, each clash resonating with power. 

Wonder Woman's divine strength clashed against Granny Goodness's cunning and dark weaponry. The battleground became a canvas of acrobatics and might, a visual testament to the clash of titans.

In the culmination of their confrontation, Wonder Woman's lasso momentarily ensnared Granny Goodness. However, Granny, fueled by dark resolve, broke free and launched an assault. Wonder Woman, drawing upon her Amazonian prowess to counter, delivered a decisive blow that sent Granny Goodness somersaulting backwards along a short distance from Wonder Woman,

Granny Goodness got on her feet and closed the gap, jumped into the air with her weapon held up high as she descended upon Wonder Woman, striking a heavy blow of which Wonder Woman blocked with her sword. 

Upon countering with her sword, the ground beneath her cratered due to the strength they both possessed.

The street which was now turned into a battlefield, echoed with the clash of their weapons as Wonder Woman and Granny Goodness continued their face off. 

The fight went on with a lightning-fast exchange of blows. Wonder Woman's bracelets deflected Granny's dark weaponry, each collision resonating with power. The air crackled with intensity each time they made contact.

Granny Goodness, with a wicked grin, unleashed a barrage of relentless strikes, combining brute force with calculated cunning. Wonder Woman countered with unparalleled agility, her movements a dance of precision and strength.

The battlefield became a canvas of dynamic combat—Wonder Woman's lasso snaking through the air, momentarily ensnaring Granny once again, only for the dark warrior to break free with a sinister laugh.

"You naughty little monkey, Granny would spank you good." Granny Goodness said to her before blasting Wonder Woman with her dark weaponry, she evaded the blast with her bracelets before dashing at Granny with a clenched fist. 

Wonder Woman, channeling the might of the gods, delivered a thunderous punch that sent shockwaves through the battleground. Granny Goodness, fueled by dark energy, retaliated with a surge of malevolent power, creating a chaotic spectacle of cosmic forces colliding.

"The anti-life equation shall be ours, and this universe shall tremble at the might of our Lord." Granny Goodness cried put as her weapon clashed against Wonder Woman's sword, creating sparks upon each strike. 

"We the protectors of earth will send you and your companions back to Apokolips, Darkseid will never get his hands on the planet." Wonder Woman stated before pushing back Granny and delivered a strike upon her armor. 

"Really now?" Granny rhetorically asked. "I must say you're one naive child to think that lord Darkseid, the conqueror of over one hundred thousand worlds, wouldn't be able to seize earth for his own." 

"I'm not the one being naive here." She said as she threw a kick at Granny and continued her statement. "You are!" 

Granny stumbled back and with a malicious grin on her face, she shot a beam of dark energy at Wonder Woman who dodged to her side and launched her lasso whip at Granny's feet. 

It wrapped around her leg and she pulled granny into the air, slamming her into the ground with all her might. "This might take a while." Granny muttered while getting back on her feet, ready to put an end to the Amazonian princess and proceeding with her mission.


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