Green Lantern was about closing in on his selected target when he realized that he knew who it might be. 

His power ring glowed with emerald energy as he was confronted by the sight of the rampaging Kalibak. "Well, well, if it isn't the charming Kalibak causing pointless destruction again," Green Lantern quipped, a smirk playing on his lips. For a second there, he was a bit worried he might have picked the short straw and might be confronted by Darkseid himself. 

Kalibak, towering and ferocious, responded with a menacing growl. "Green Lantern! Your light won't save you from the might of Darkseid's favorite son!"

"We'll see about that." Green Lantern said as an amory of emerald constructs materialized behind him. 

As he launched them at Kalibak, the ground crackled with energy as Kalibak savagely swung his mace and destroyed each and every one of the constructs sent his way. He did that as a warm up before the actual show down. 

Green Lantern conjured a massive fist with brass knuckles, fists ready for a brawl. "Let's see if your strength can match the willpower of the entire Green Lantern Corps!"

The clash began, each blow resonating with power. Kalibak swung his electrified mace, but Green Lantern deftly dodged, countering with constructs that danced like emerald fireflies. "Your moves are as predictable as your taste in destruction, Kalibak!"

Kalibak roared, summoning dark energy to enhance his attacks. "I'll crush you, Lantern! No one can withstand the might of Apokolips!"

Green Lantern soared into the air, creating a shield of light to deflect Kalibak's onslaught. "You really need a hobby, Kalibak. Maybe gardening? It's therapeutic!"

As the battle raged on, Green Lantern's constructs intensified, forming intricate weapons and barriers as Kalibak destroyed each and every one of them. "I've faced scarier things before breakfast, Kalibak. Step up your game!" He taunted. 

Kalibak, relentless, launched a seismic shockwave. Green Lantern responded, creating a colossal hand to halt the quake. "You're like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Time to put you in a timeout!"

As Kalibak defended himself against Green Lantern's construct, a gigantic hand holding a truck was materialized by Green Lantern. He smashed Kalibak with the vehicle as the ground cratered beneath him. 

Kalibak tried regaining himself when a moving train came from his side, hitting him into the air. This was where Green Lantern got a bit crafty with his combos. 

As Kalibak was struck into the air, just as he was about to hit the ground, an emerald baseball bat smashed him into the ground. 

The impact was so strong that he burst through the grounds and landed upon the rail tracks of the underground subway station beneath the city. 

Green Lantern slowly descended through the dust clouds and into the hole which he had sent Kalibak, he kept his guard up as he knew that wasn't near enough firepower to take down the godlike beast of a being he was fighting. 

Kalibak rolled over on the damaged rail tracks and spotted Green Lantern's glow emerging from the dust cloud. He immediately dug his hands into the ground, pulled the rail lines from the tracks as he swung it at Green Lantern with all his might. 

A green shield appeared out of thin air but it immediately shattered upon impact with the rails, breaking through the shield, Kalibak whipped Green Lantern against the solid wall. 

The attack was so quick and direct that it didn't give Green Lantern enough time to even think of generating a shield strong enough to withstand Kalibak's strength. 

Falling to the ground from the human-shaped hole in the wall, he coughed out some blood as he held onto his torso, Kalibak must have broken a rib or two. 

"What? No smarty comment?" Kalibak taunted upon seeing Green Lantern's state. Hal tried getting up, groaning as he struggled to stand on both feet. But rather just levitated himself off the ground as he tried getting the pain out of his head and his head back in the fight. 

Looking ahead with a blurred vision, he saw Kalibak close the distance between them and he immediately covered himself with a ball as a protective shield against Kalibak who was upon him and with his Beta-club in hand. 

He swung his mace with all his might and the ball-like shield shattered like glass taking a hit from a crowbar. 

It drove Hal through the concrete underground ceiling and back upon the surface, falling on the streets as he bled from his mouth and nose. Green Lantern wiped his bloodied mouth with his glove as Kalibak's hulking figure landed in front of him. 

He knew he was clearly out matched but decided to try a little something. In a final surge of willpower, Green Lantern encased Kalibak in an emerald cage. "Maybe next time, choose a hobby that doesn't involve destroying cities. Art class, perhaps?"

He tried putting up a strong front but he knew that cage wouldn't hold for long if his willpower wasn't strong enough, he was in serious pains but he tried to focus more on keeping Kalibak caged up as he created huge chains to hold and restrict Kalibak from making use of his limbs. 

Kalibak struggled against the chains and cage bars as his new confinement slowly shrunk in size to keep him in place and without any means of swinging his mace. 

But the new god was too strong for Green Lantern. With a loud and beastly roar, he broke the chain incapacitating his right arm. 

The chains connected itself back and pulled his arm back into captivity. With his crimson red eyes, Kalibak pulled on both arms this time and broke both chains, he swung his mace and destroyed the cage construct. 

"I guess you have a problem with chains and cages." He quipped as he saw how pissed he had made him. 

Kalibak had a savage look in his eyes as it turned blood red. The beast growled as it dragged his beta-club along the tarred round, with focus like a beast that was locked in on his prey, starved and ready to end Green Lantern for good. 

"Oh, boy!" Green Lantern exclaimed, knowing this might be the end of him if he wasn't smart about things or just happened to make the wrong call. 


Kalibak jumped into the air with both hands tightly gripping on his beta-club as he took a brute swing at Green Lantern. Hal blocked with the power of his ring but was forced from the sky and crashed into the supermarket of a gas station. 

Kalibak charged in, not giving Green Lantern time to regroup or organize his thoughts. Lantern jumped to his feet and flew out of the supermarket through the hole he had made on the roof. 

He looked around him and realized they were in an abandoned gas station and everyone in that vicinity had evacuated due to the invasion, a thought to subdue the beast crossed his mind. 

As Kalibak closed in on Green Lantern, he stomped the ground below his feet so hard that he propelled himself forward with an incredible speed, he took another swing at Green Lantern, aiming for his head this time around but Green Lantern had something else in mind. 

Green Lantern took a side step to evade Kalibak's attack, he missed his target and ended up striking the empty ground. The moment his beta-club made contact with the empty ground, he turned to take another swing at Green Lantern but his face was met with a gigantic fist instead. 

It smashed him through the ground of the gas station, bursting through multiple pipes as he crashed into an underground gas bunker. Kalibak's hairy body was soaked in gasoline. 

A green and bright light shone into the hole from above. He looked up only to see Green Lantern up in the sky, with a conjured rocket launcher in hand. He held it on his shoulder, aiming at Kalibak. 

"I must admit, you were one tough bastard. But this is the end of our fight." Green Lantern stated as he pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher. 

"No!!!" Kalibak roared out as he tried jumping out of there but he wasn't fast enough. The explosion was so massive that it took out the entire gas station and neighboring structures around it. 

Green Lantern used his ring to create a protective shield which shielded him from the flames and shockwaves from the explosion. 

Green Lantern continued to float in the sky, wondering if the sacrifice he made with public property was worth it, considering Kalibak might walk out of that massive explosion with nothing but burns. 

He waited for a while, only to see Kalibak slowly crawling from the aftermath of the explosion and greatly wounded all over his body. 

"You might have won this match, but I promise to get my revenge on you, mark my words." Kalibak was badly wounded and conceded the fight to Hal.

Green Lantern let out a sigh of relief before dropping on a nearby rooftop. He leaned his back against a wall as he caught his breath, with bruises and severe injuries all over. 



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