After forging their temporary alliance, Talia gave Tom a spot-on description to the cell where Raven was being held captivate. 


Since Ra’s was already aware of Tom’s arrival, Tom no longer had a reason to be stealthy with his infiltration but needed to keep up with it if he was going to rescue Raven before they decide to use her as leverage against him. 


Upon his arrival at the destined location, he noticed the high number of masked men who blocked the hallway to Raven’s supposed cell, all armed with varieties of preferred weapons. 


“Great, this is starting to feel more like some quest straight out of a video game. With the classic ninja army trying to prevent me from rescuing a kidnapped damsel.” Tom muttered to himself, “well I might as well get this over with.” 


Tom flew up and rested his back against the dark ceiling as he faced the hallway below. He closed his eyes for a second, running calculations on how dense he needed to make his deflective field for it to deflect and bounce back light particles around him. 




On achieving this, Tom dropped from the ceiling, making a soft and soundless landing in front of the army. 




With his right hand tucked away in his pocket, he cautiously walked through their mist, weaving his way around them like he was playing some game from family game night, trying to avoid making contact with anyone as he dodged every one of them. 




His deflective field served like an invisibility cloak, erasing every sight or sound of him. They couldn’t see or sense him as his presence had been concealed. 




He kept this up until he got around the last one and to the door which led to the underground prison his girlfriend was behind held prisoner. 




“This has to be a joke.” He muttered, faced with an empty cell as he looked around for Raven. “You have to be kidding me right!!” He loudly exclaimed as he undid his invisibility cloak, attracting the attention of the assassins at the hallway right beyond the door. 




That moment he was unsure if Talia lied to him and sent him into a pathetic attempt of an ambush, or if Ra’s was soon to begin with his appointed ritual. 




He sensed the vibrations produced by each step the assassins took as they attacked him, even though they were soft and stealthy. He knew it came from the direction of the entrance but continued to stare at the empty cell as he feigned ignorant of their presence. 




One of the assassins leaped into the air, twisting his body midair as he swung his sword at Tom, aiming to claim his head. Acting like he was still oblivious to their presence, Tom swiftly lifted his hand into the air and caught his attacker by the neck, seizing him midair as he neutralized the attack. 




His body dropped to the ground while Tom still held on to his head, resulting to a stream of blood from the severed body and neck. 


Tom aggressively hurled the head at one of them who seemed to lead the unit, increasing its speed, power and density so it was several times more destructive than a cannon ball. 




It made contact with him but didn’t stop with just it’s target alone, it also made it’s way to the guts of two more behind him, blasting through their chests and bashing the third guy behind against the dungeon wall. 




The other masked assassins around him abruptly took a step back, shocked by his sudden action which instantly turned his ambush into an horrifically gruesome scene to them, almost as fast as snapping a finger. 




“I am only going to ask this once. Where is Ra’s keeping Raven?” He asked them and after a moment of hesitation, they proceeded with their attack. 




Tom speedily evaded their attacks and intentionally cornered himself in the process as they circled around him, cautiously closing in on him as reinforcement arrived at the entrance. 


 “I guess I will have to be quick about this, I am in no mood for games.” Tom muttered to himself as they charged at him from every direction, individually trying to claim his head. 


Tom lifted his right hand above his hand, pointing to the ceiling as he twirled it in circular motion. 


The swarm of foot soldiers suddenly got sliced apart at chest level, cutting off the legs of those that attempted to attack from above. 




They squirm around in a pool of blood as they cried out in agony. Arrows were suddenly shot at Tom by three archers from opposite each other and in different positions. 


The shot arrows were sent back at the archers, digging their way into the meat of their victims as they dropped dead. While the reinforcements cautiously closed in on him, hoping to find a blind spot as their trained minds refused to give in to the horribly gruesome scenes. 




“Anyone else cares to do something, stupid.” Tom said to them with sarcasm laced in his voice, knowing it was a completely futile effort which would just end up with a pile of bodies, but to what end? He wonders. 




The most obvious reasons was to either buy Ra’s al Ghul enough time to finish up with the ritual before he got there, or blood sacrifices was an essential condition needed to be met for the completion of the ritual and Tom was unknowingly helping give the sacrifices an honorary death in battle as the massacre of so many souls might serve as a hot spot for such a powerful ritual. 




If the latter was the case, it would be quite an irony as he would have a part in the death of the girl he came in there to rescue. 




As Tom thought of a fast and effective solution to take him straight to where he needed to be, he continued to dismember his attackers without moving an inch from where he stood. He shoved his fist so high up into the chest of one and it burst out of his throat. 




“I just need one of you alive to provide me with Raven’s location.” Tom said with a crazy and yet scary look in his eyes, almost looking like a psychopathic crackhead as he crooked his head to the side. 


As they charged at Tom with attempts to resume their halted assaults, they all froze in place as Tom got his telekinetic hold on them. 


By transmuting the molecular structure of the earth, he erupted pillar like constructs up to shoulder level as he sealed everyone of them, just as avatar did with the fire lord. 


He wasn’t willing to play by Ra’s book and needed to find Raven asap. “Tell me where Ra’s is keeping Raven or I will make use of the rock capsule you’re currently trapped in, and slowly crush you all to death but leaving just one survivor.” Tom said as he addressed them.


“As for the survivor, I’ll take my time to skin them alive in the most excruciatingly painful way possibly.” Tom said to them, emphasizing on each word as they all felt the bloodthirsty intent in his voice, his crimson red pupils did its part in striking the fear of God into them as he locked eyes with one of them. 




The assassins remained quite and didn’t say a word as they focused on wiggling their way out of Tom’s self isolated prison. 


“Within the next three seconds, give me the location of where Ra’s al Ghul currently has Raven held at… or I might just randomly start squashing everyone of you and find her myself. “ Tom said, taking slow and intimidating steps as he walked around their midst. 




“… And I might just start with you.” He said as he faced up with one of them who could barely even look at his face while the rest were scared to look in his eyes which gave an intimidating crimson red glow.




“We would rather die than betray the Demon Head.”  A brave dumbass yelled as the rest of them echoed after him. 








Every other person except the foot soldier Tom had eyes on, were simultaneously crushed to death by the rocks that instant. 




“I believe by now you have had a change of perspective and would provide me the details as to the location I seek.” He said as the walls of the last rock pillar slowly started to close in on itself, tighten against its hostage. 


“Okay, I’ll tell you.” He squirmed in fear as he gave in to Tom’s torment and provided him with the directions Tom seek. 


“That’s more like it. That wasn’t so hard, was it now?” Tom asked with an ill-boding tone in his voice, as a result smirk slowly appeared on his face. 


“Aren’t you going to get me out of this rock?” He asked Tom who didn’t  bother lending him an ear, or even turned to look behind but instead he slightly stumped his foot against the ground and the rocks crushed him to death. 


“Well I did set him free in the end, his soul at least.” Tom muttered to himself as he continued to advance according to the description given to him. He knew Ra’s Al Ghul must have probably set up a trap for him, but he couldn’t care less about it because in the end it would just be a futile attempt. 




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