“Damian… Damian wake up.” Waking up to his mother’s troubled voice, his sleepy eyes met with her worried gaze right above him. 

“What happened?” He asked her as he tried piecing together the events from the previous night.

“I was hoping you could tell me. I found you passed out on the ground and was so relieved when I found your beating pulse. “

“I was attacked by a Intruder.” He reported, quickly getting to his feet as he made full recollection of what had happened to him.

“He’s being taking care of as we speak.” She assured him, trying to keep Damian as far away from Tom a she possibly could. 

“I wish to claim his head myself” Damian said to her, letting his anger known as he furrowed his eyebrows.

“You have to let go now, the others will take care of him.” She said with a serious tone. 

Surprised by her sudden change of tone, he pressed on no longer. “Okay.” He replied. 

“How do you feel?” She asked Damian, worried about what Tom might have done to him as she had seen first hand how creative Tom could get when causing others intense agony. 

“Apart from a slight tingling sensation at the back of my neck, I think am alright.” Damian reached for the back of his neck as he spoke, accessing it in check of injury.  

“I’m glad you’re alright, you can’t possibly imagine how I felt when I saw you on the ground laying unconscious.” 

“Who is he anyway? As far as I know, there’s no one who’s crazy enough to infiltrate the League’s base on a solo mission.” 

“It’s a long story but your grandfather lured him here. On two occasions he has refused your grandfather’s request to join the League as the right hand man to Ra’s AL Ghul.” Damian’s eyes slightly widened in surprise upon hearing this. 

“For your own safety you should stay in your room for the rest of the night, this isn’t your fight. I’ll check on you in the morning, got that?” 

“Got it.” Damian replied as Talia exited the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. 


Taking a casual stroll along the hallways, Tom quickly ended every assassin who attacked him along the way. 

There were so many booby traps planted at every corner and Tom triggered everyone of them as he admired how creative the league could be when it came to the art of killing. 

The traps were embedded into the walls and the grounds of the hallway, making every turn a dangerous turn for intruders, but not for Tom. 

He finally arrived at the underground cave of which Ra’s was supposed to conduct the ritual, but no one was there. The huge underground space was dimly lit as a thick fog filled the air, completing the creepy contrast portrayed by the scenery. 

“Hello Tom, I’ve been expecting you.” A voice echoed from a distance. “You took longer than expected, but you are here now, that’s what matters.” The voice said as the figure of a man came into sight. 

He got complete silence in return, as Tom intensely glared at him for a second before darting his way, grabbing on to his neck as he lifted him off the ground, one hundred and fifty percent sure that was the man who was behind all that fiasco. 

“With the slightest squeeze of my hand, I could kill you right this instant. So better start telling me where you are holding Raven and I just might consider sparing your life, even immortals can be killed.” Tom threatened as his pupils illuminated with an ominous glow, that was when he began to experience a strange feeling. 

Tom abruptly dropped him as he stumbled a few steps backwards. “It seems to have finally kicked in, now we can have a little conversation before I proceed.” He remained standing on that spot as he continued. 

You are quite a remarkable young man for you to still have your sense of self after being exposed to a concentrated dose of a specially made vertigo formula, and still be on your feet after three minutes.”

“Am assuming you must have already figured out who I am, come on, you’re a smart kid.” He said to a dizzy Tom who had slowly started hallucinating a second figure standing next to the man in front of him. 

“Not entirely, but I’m guessing you’re probably the narcissistic immortal bastard who kidnapped my girlfriend for power, and has had his men stalk my every move since I rejected your offer. Ra’s motherfucking Al Ghul.” Tom responded to him, squinting his eyes as he experienced difficulties focusing his eyes.

“I have to say I am quite impressed by the will power you display. If it had been someone else, they would have lost their sense of self already and given in to the narcotic’s merciless influence.” 

‘I don’t have a single scratch on me, so how and when were they able to drug me without my knowledge?’ Tom pondered, struggling to get his thoughts in order and forming an understandable sentence. 

His eyes suddenly widened as the realization dawned on him. “The fog!!” He exclaimed, gesturing his hand into the air as he tried creating a strong gust of wind to clear the atmosphere but it yielded no results. 

“I should probably warn you, you won’t be able to access your powers for the meantime because your brain and other senses are completely disoriented by this specially formulated formula” 

As Ra’s spoke, Tom was distracted by a sudden loud ringing in both ears as he stumbled a little on his feet before dropping to the ground, leaning on one knee, as he suffered a severe loss of balance. 

“You are temporarily disconnected from your powers for roughly twenty four hours. Which is more than enough time for me to subjugate Trigon and transmigrate my soul into you as I use your body as my new vessel.”


“A vessel?”


 Tom asked, coughing through each word as he struggled with the effects of the narcotic, refusing to let go of his mental grip on reality as he was hallucinating the ground spinning and the rocky ceiling drawing way closer to his center of gravity as it morphed into an indescribable fourth dimensional shape. 

“At long last.” Ra’s declared. 

“After the long game of cat and mouse, I will finally take possession of that body. I’ve wanted it since the night I received a full report about the league’s encounter with a boy who single handedly defeated an unit of assassins without getting as much as a scratch from it.” Ra’s took a brief pause as he stared at Tom for a few seconds. 

“By acquiring your body and making use of your powers as I please, I will be reborn not just with your powers but also with direct access to the outer worldly powers of Trigon.” 

“Hold up, so the only reason you wanted me to join the League was so you could take possession of my body ad powers.” Tom clarified.

“That’s some seriously fucked up Orochimaru type shit.” Tom muttered, as he tried getting up on his feet but found himself laying on his back all of a sudden. 

“It’s almost dawn, I suggest you save some of your strength by complying rather than fighting against the current. Both rituals will take place tonight and there is nothing you could do to stop it.” Ra’s said to Tom as he backed his words with an evil laugh, but didn’t get a response from him. 

“Take him away.” Ra’s ordered as he gestured towards Tom. Two assassins with their presence perfectly concealed in the dark, immediately emerged from the shadows as they both threw Tom’s arms over their shoulders. 

Ra’s watched as they slowly carried Tom away, waiting to see if Tom would cave in to the fear factor of the drug and plead to him for mercy.

Annoyingly for him, Tom was stubborn and a bit too prideful to beg for his mercy. He refused to give Ra’s the satisfaction of watching him gravel before his feet, begging for his life to be spared.  

Taking one last glance at Tom before moving on, Ra’s turned around and walked towards the opposite direction. 

Although Tom’s brain and senses were totally muddy, he maintained a neutral expression even as he looked behind, only to see an hallucination of  two Ra’s walking on the ceiling, upside down. 

The assassins chained his hands and legs, as one of them aggressively pulled on the chain, dragging him like a slave as they pushed him to the ground of a dungeon cell before returning to their respective posts. 

“There’s no way in hell I would let him get his way.” Tom declared in his dark cell, having a serious look in his eyes as he tried making use of his powers to escape his shackles but it was just one futile effort after another. 

Unfortunately, Tom’s powers enabled him to manipulate anything that possessed vector qualities, influencing them at an atomic level. 

Due to his heavily disoriented state of mind, he was unable to access the mental connection he had for the manifestation of his powers. Tom leaned his back against the walls as he got into a meditative posture, trying his best to concentrate but his thoughts was more like a mosh pit up in his head. 


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