The city was shrouded in darkness as Blue Beetle charged at me, his plasma cannon charging up for another attack. I raised my arm, creating a barrier of kinetic energy to block the attack, but he was relentless, unleashing a barrage of plasma blasts. 


I could feel the energy surging through my body as I just itching to hold the attacks and fire them right back at him. Blue Beetle had underestimated my abilities, just as he had overestimated his own power. I didn't deflect the attack back at him, but diluted it and completely absorbed it whole. 

If that attack was deflected back at him, it'll definitely kill him because he wouldn't be able to shield against the condensed plasma beam which was in a concentrated state. 

Like I said earlier I wouldn't want any of them to wind up dead from our brief encounter. Because it'll be blamed on me and this new persona I become whenever I wore this suit, I would become wanted by the League and every law abiding force out there. 

The police force, the military and each member of both the Justice League and the Young Justice would be after my head. It definitely will not do me any good and would make things quite difficult for me. 

I dashed to Blue Beetle, accelerating at a speed near the speed of sound and appearing behind the blue cybernetic kid. I charged my palm and reached for the insect on his back, tweaking both the boy's and the insect's bioelectricity until I fried something within them. 

Blue Beetle gave a loud and painful scream which reflected his agony as he dropped to the floor, and  was unconscious. Impulse had just came to, and just in time. He witnessed the horrific act I had done to his friend. 

He raced at me with desperation in his eyes, running in different directions as he tried to create after-images of himself. An army of speed mirage. 

I predicted the next spot he'd step to, and dashed towards it. You're too slow, Impulse," I taunted. "You'll never be able to hit me with those cheap tricks." If we compete in speed, he'll definitely beat me, but I could predict how he used his speed and accelerate myself there before he settles.

Impulse gritted his teeth and charged at me again, this time with even more speed and ferocity, but I was ready. I stomped my feet on the ground and destroyed the path he was taking and that knocked Impulse off balance, causing him to stumble.

I dashed forward and violently buried my fist against the stomach of Impulse, causing him to lift off the ground for a second and stumble over in pain. I then struck a solid horizontal kick to the back of his knee, causing him to collapse to the ground.

Impulse writhed in pain as I stood over him, my eyes glinting with menace. 

"You're nothing but a weakling," emotionally taunting the kid. "I could kill you right here and now, if I wanted to."

Impulse struggled to get up, but the pain in his knee was too great. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he realized he was no match for me in his current state.

"You're a monster," Impulse muttered weakly. That statement just made me laugh out loud.

"You're damn right I am," I said, my grin widening behind my mask. "And you're just lucky I'm feeling merciful today." I continued to taunt the young speedster. 

With a thought, I lifted Impulse into the air and darted towards his floating body. Delivering a violent blow to his back, it sent him flying into a building and it broke his spine in the process. 

"That'll be all for the evening folks." I muttered, taking a deep breath and turning around as I levitated into the air while I looked at each member that laid on the floor unconscious. I tapped at the side of my mask and my glasses formed over my eyes. My glasses revealed to me their vitals and everyone one of them was breathing, some were barely breathing though. 

I was floating above the battlefield, watching as my opponents lay on the ground, defeated and broken.

I took a closer look at them, analyzing their vitals. They were all unconscious, their bodies battered and bruised from the fight. It made me feel like my power level might be getting to my head, as I acknowledged and hoped to adapt to it. 

With a sudden burst of energy, I lifted myself off, soaring into the sky. Taking one last look at the scene below, feeling a sense of superiority wash over me. These weaklings had dared to challenge me, and they had paid the price for it.

As I flew higher and higher, I let out a sinister laugh I could hold back, reveling in my victory. I knew that the Young Justice would never forget the figure that had done this to them, the one who had given them an utterly dominating and shameful defeat.

After a while, I disappeared into the dark and moonless night, the feeling of power still surging through me. I couldn't help but develop a sense of excitement, knowing how much my power had grown. I flew off into the night, relishing  in the feeling of victory and despair I had shuffled to each member of the Young Justice that were present that night. 


[Connor Kent's POV] 

Conner groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, the sterile smell of the hospital overpowering his senses. As his vision cleared, he saw Dick Grayson standing at the foot of his bed, looking at him with concern.

"Hey, you're awake," Dick said, a small smile forming on his face. "How are you feeling?"

Conner tried to sit up, but his body ached all over. "I feel like I got hit by a truck made out of kryptonite," he muttered, wincing at the pain in his side.

Dick nodded sympathetically. "You took quite a beating from whoever was responsible for this. You all did."

Conner's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, the thief?" 

"You mean the guy who completely beat you all in your fight?" Dick asked

Conner nodded grimly. "That's the one. He's surprisingly powerful, and we were seriously no match for him." He said as a frown formed on his face, feeling a sense of shame wash over him. "I can't believe we were so weak and powerless against one person."

"Don't beat yourself up about it," Dick said reassuringly. "That person is definitely a force to be reckoned with. You're all lucky to be alive."

Conner sighed, feeling the sense of defeat settle over him. "I just feel like we let down the team. We're supposed to be heroes, but we couldn't even take down one criminal."

Dick shook his head. "That's not true. From what I could gather, you all fought with everything you had. Though the result was somewhat painful and bitter, you have to live to fight again another day. It's not over until you say it is." Dick said to Conner, cheering him up and motivating his will, in the process. 

Conner nodded slowly, feeling a glimmer of hope start to rise within him. "Yeah, you're right. We can't give up just because we had one setback. We need to put ourselves together."

Dick smiled encouragingly. "That's the spirit. We're a team of heroes, and together we'll get through this together."

The room door opened and Starfire raced to Connor's side. "How are you feeling?" Kori asked, her voice laced with concern as she got to his bedside. 

"That question just gave me the shortest case of dèjavú I've ever experienced." Conner answered her as he reached a hand to his head and placed the hand on it, like he was struggling with the pain. 

Starfire reached for his head, sensing his pain, "I am sorry you had to endure such a terrible fight. It is not easy facing such strong adversaries."

Conner nodded, grateful for Starfire's comforting words. "Yeah, he was something else. He completely outwitted us."

Kori nodded, "He sounds like a dangerous opponent, that's for sure. But we'll find a way to take him down, don't worry."

Conner looked at the two of them, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him. "Thanks, guys. For making it here as fast as you could, even though you have your own shit going on."

Starfire smiled warmly, "Of course, Conner. We are here for you."

Dick nodded in agreement, "We're a team of Superheroes, and we take care of each other like family."

Conner closed his eyes, and reflected on the incident that had taken place. The beating he took from the strange thief who stole the prototype Mother Box, and how he knocked out other members of his team. 


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