The package was delivered to the pick up point and I received my full payment. The encounter with the Young Justice team had been an unprecedented incident, I wouldn't have guessed they were tracing a series of technological theft and mapped the next target to be in San Francisco. 

Moreover, the thought of that thief going around and stealing tech might prove problematic for me in the near future. I might have to look into that thief. "Gwen." I called out. 

"Yes, Master Tom. How may I be of assistance to you at this moment." She responded, her British accent ever so soothing. 

"Don't you think that response of yours is becoming way too formal?" I said to the AI that had become more like a roomie to me. 

"Okay, I guess I'll tune the formalities down a bit."

"Good, now let's get to the business of the day. I want you to look into the rate at which tech has gotten stolen from different Laboratories over the past year." 

"Does this have anything to do with the thief that had been stealing technological parts from numerous facilities?" Asked Gwen. 

"Yes it does, now can you get started on it?"

"Of course, sir," Gwen replied. "I'll begin searching now."

I watched as she began to scan through countless files. For a few moments, there was only silence as we waited for the search to complete.

Finally, Gwen spoke up. "I've found the data you were looking for, sir. It appears that there have been a significant number of thefts over the past year, with the majority of them occurring in the last few months."

I nodded, taking in the information. "Interesting. Can you compile a list of the laboratories that have been targeted?"

"Already done, sir," Gwen replied. "Shall I display it on the screen?"

"Yes, please," I said, leaning back in my chair as the data flashed across the screen. I studied it carefully, my mind already beginning to think up a plan.

"Thank you, Gwen," I said, turning back to the holographic projection Gwen had used to give herself a physical and human appearance. Giving herself the look of a blonde British lady in her early thirties. 

"It's my pleasure, sir," Gwen replied, a note of self confidence reverberating through her voice. "I'm always here to assist you in any way I can."

I sat in front of the computer, my eyes fixed on the screen as I went through the data from the latest laboratory theft. My mind was calm as I searched for a pattern or any clue that could lead me to the thief, hoping that it doesn't end up being a futile effort if he's not worth the trouble. 

I analyzed the conditions of each of the facilities when the heist happened. On looking through the data, I noticed a power fluctuation on the majority of them which just so happened to occur on the exact same day each of them were robbed. 

Coincidence?... I think not. 

The fluctuation in the power supply might have been their cue to sneak into the facility undetected, but they usually get seen or noticed during their escape. Their thefts were messy and sometimes he gets to exchange gun fire with either security or the police force. 

Reports on that matter had been that he wore a complete armor suit which made the bullets bounce off him as he got shot multiple times while returning fire. At the end of it all, he usually ends up escaping and completely erases his trail as he disappears. 

"Gwen, pull out a list of tech that had been stolen under these circumstances." I said, as I leaned back in my chair and pored over the results. 

I pored over the results and the list of stolen tech, trying to piece together any possible connection. My algorithm pieced the technological parts together and provided me with additional information and insights, but it was still a puzzle that needed solving.

 Some of the stolen devices could potentially amplify psychic abilities if put together correctly by some genius, but there was one vital component missing. 

As I continued to analyze the data, Gwen's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Sir, I have identified a missing component that would be necessary for the amplification of psychic abilities. It would improve its range and resilience against Electromagnetic waves that might interrupt the signal."

A malicious grin creeped across my lips as it seemed I had just found my ticket to track his location, or more accurately, where he was going to be. Looking at the intervals between each of the hits, it occured within a two weeks interval between them. 

"Gwen, search for Laboratories that might have the last component," I commanded. She quickly brought up the result, revealing only one facility currently in possession of the missing piece. The prototypes had been completed a month ago, but they were not yet available to the public. How fucking convenient their release date was. 

It was evident that was where the thief would make his next move. In just two weeks, he would be there, stealing the last piece for the psychic amplifier he was building. As I pondered on the thought, I couldn't hold back the smirk that appeared on my face as the idea of a brief encounter crossed my mind. "A brief encounter wouldn't hurt anybody." I muttered as I considered the thought. 


The Justice League meeting was tense as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and The Flash all sat around the conference table. Superman cleared his throat and began speaking, "I have some concerning news. It seems that a new player caused a great deal of trouble for the Young Justice."

The room grew quiet as Superman continued, "This thief had taken out Kid Flash and Impulse, temporarily crippling both speedsters in the process. He left Wonder Girl in a comatose state for an entire day, and almost killed Superboy. He had left Conner at death's door, but with clear intentions of not wanting to go for the kill. This thief is good, and we need to find out who they are and put a stop to them."

Batman spoke up, "It gets worse." He said to them as he took a pause, creating an atmosphere full of suspense among the League as they curiously glared at him. "This thief was in possession of a blade made of kryptonite. He used it on Superboy but without hitting any vital organs, like he carefully avoided them."

The room erupted into a flurry of questions and concerns. Wonder Woman spoke up, "We need to take this seriously. If this thief is able to take down members of the Young Justice and leave them in the state he did, they might have been way more than the team could handle." She took a brief pause as the expression on her face shifted from one of concern, into an all serious look. 

"The reports said he got away with a prototype mother box some scientists were working on as an alternative power source that could generate an astonishing amount of electricity that could even power an entire estate. 

Green Lantern agreed, "We need to investigate criminals who might possibly need that kind of technology and also find out who this thief is and how they were able to get their hands on kryptonite."

The Flash chimed in, "I'll run some searches and see if I can find any leads on him. This seems to be the first report on someone with this description."

"How was he able to battle with the speedsters, is he one himself?" Green Arrow asked, stroking his beard as he leaned in unto Flash in anticipation for an answer. 

"Wally and Bart both said the same thing, he wasn't a speedster but he seemed to be one step ahead as if he increased his acceleration with every step he took and appeared where he needed to be." Flash responded. "But there's something about which Wally said that made me feel uneasy since the moment I heard it."

"And what might that be?" Batman asked. 

"Wally said the thief was somehow able to temper with the lightning he was emitting and used it against him." Flash said with worry completely audible in his tone. 

"Even Superboy couldn't land a single hit on him, like his skin was so dense that it repelled physical attacks with ease. He seemed to also create a protected barrier when he reached out his hand against an attack, the nature of his powers is a complete mystery to us." Black Lightning added. 

"How come a person with that power level did not come to our notice earlier? Where have they been hiding?" Green Arrow asked. 

The sudden appearance of someone who single handedly bested the Young Justice and came out of it without a single hit dealt on him, caused a great deal of unease amongst them. 

The next time he comes up on their rader, he might have to deal with the Justice League for he was now labeled as a threat. 


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