Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 82 Almost hacked to death with random swords (two and a half chapters)

Unknowingly, An Ge's magic level has improved again, and now he can cast level 1 magic with both hands at the same time....

Why is it still level one! Didn't it mean progress! ?

That's right, progress has been made, and the speed of mana recovery has improved again! After hearing this, Negris sprayed blood on the spot, if it could still vomit blood.

But it's not absolute, the level of magic is limited by the magic power, if you use the Locke hand on the right to cast it, the magic power will be cached in the mourning hand bone, and you can cast a second-level magic.

So Ange is now using Locke's hand to cast spells, which can release second-level magic. If the cast is purification, cleansing, and raining, the effect will be optimized due to proficiency, reaching fourth-level magic power.

The fourth level is a hurdle for a magician. After crossing this hurdle, one can call himself an intermediate magician.

But Ange achieved this effect with level 2 magic, power level 4, mana consumption level 2, and magic recovery level full. If anyone is so unlucky, if you want to fight magic with him, you will find yourself facing It's a humanoid fourth-level magic sprayer..., although the raining technique of this sprayer is used to water the ground.

Finding Ange was equivalent to seeing the granary. Luther's agitated heart finally calmed down. He was looking for a place to rest for a while, when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

Turning his head, he saw that the little zombie was spreading his hands, balancing his posture like wings, and rushing directly into the valley from the slope, his legs were about to throw out afterimages.

Running to the edge of the rift, the little zombie made a loud 'ow' in the direction of An Ge, and raised the thing in his hand high, and a group of ghosts was tightly held by it.

Ange let the angel skeleton fly back: "Catch it, reincarnate." After speaking, he called Negris in his heart.

After Ange armored the ghost warrior, the little zombie said that it wanted to give it the armor of the black warrior, but after negotiating, Negris said that he knew the boss opposite, and it was not easy to grab his subordinates, so the little zombie Without armor, these days it ran out by itself and said it wanted to catch ghosts.

"White ghosts are so easy to catch, wild ghosts are so fierce, little zombie souls are not strong, and they still want to catch ghosts..." Negris flew back cursing, muttering in disbelief all the way, until it saw the little zombie A ghost on a zombie's hand.

"Did you really catch it? How did you catch it? Isn't the soul of this ghost stronger than yours?" Negris was shocked. The soul of the ghost caught by the little zombie is obviously stronger than the little zombie. How did it catch it? 'to each other's?

"Aw!" The little zombie made two fist gestures.

"...It's okay to catch it after you've been wounded? You can beat the soul stronger than you. It's amazing." Negris was speechless.

This is indeed a solution, but in the system of undead creatures, those with strong souls often represent strong strength, and ghosts with stronger souls were injured by little zombies with weaker souls. Really... Are all the freaks around Ange like this? ?

"Then come quickly, and reincarnate as soon as it is injured and dizzy." A group of people rushed into the cave where the reincarnation altar was located.

Although the consumption of the soul flames has been a bit high recently, there is still enough to activate the reincarnation altar, and it continues to flow.

Every moment, he can feel that in the soul network, the two points of Lisa and Oak, there is a steady stream of soul flames projected into his soul. What is more miraculous is that there are also silver coins, although not continuously , but as long as there is, it will be very enthusiastic, as if doing a ritual.

With the addition of these new believers in Devil's Valley, the daily increase in soul flames alone is maintained at about 2,500, which is enough for him to cast the halo of quick death once, and there is still a little left, which is enough to activate the reincarnation altar.

Negris said to Ange: "Come here, I'll teach you, your spiritual power and elemental control are too perverted, and your soul strength is also high. You are simply the best candidate to host the reincarnation altar, let alone the reincarnation ghost warrior. Even if you reincarnate a lich undead, the success rate will be very high, and whoever wants to die in the future can just find you."

Different people preside over the reincarnation altar, and the reincarnation rate varies greatly, ranging from 20% to 80%. The success rate of a living person turning into a lich is a little higher, and the success rate of an undead turning into a black warrior is much lower. , but no matter which one it is, it has never been 100% successful.

If there is no reincarnation altar, the success rate of turning a living person into a lich is terribly low. If there are some materials to assist, the chance can be increased, but it is difficult to exceed 50%.

Why is it that Ferlin has presided over the Lich City for so many years, and the number of Liches is still very small. Even if Clegg wants to reincarnate, he dare not guarantee that the success rate is too low.

However, Ange's situation is too special. Negris has never seen a guy with such a high mental strength, and the strong-boned Locke back then may not have such a high level.

Bone Locke is the master of mourning, and his soul is unparalleled, second only to the king, but can his mental power be as perverted as Ange?

The reincarnation altar requires strong mental power and precise control. Needless to say, control, Ange has used magic to pollinate crops for thousands of years, and it is easy for him to thread a needle through pollination.

With these conditions, Ange should be able to achieve a success rate of 80% in reincarnating a living person as a lich, and about 60% in reincarnating the undead as a black warrior.

Activate the reincarnation altar and throw the ghost into it. The six stone pillars shoot out light and hit the ghost. Its spirit body is reorganized under the power of the altar and quickly becomes a reality.

A materialized ghost stands on the altar.

After a long process of branding and armoring, the little zombie finally allowed the ghost warrior to armor himself. After the adjustment, the little zombie had two more hands... Hoes, hoe without handles on its hands, Like a pair of claws.

Negris couldn't see it, why is it a hoe, was it crooked by Ange! ! !

Angel Skull didn't feel much when he saw Ang's armor before, but now seeing the armor of the little zombie, it was not convinced, ran over and pointed at the little zombie, and yelled at Ang.

Before Ange could respond, the little zombie ran over and patted himself on the chest: "Oh!"

After speaking, he was about to run out, ready to catch ghosts again, and Angel Skull also went out, but after a while, both guys came back dejected, and it was windy outside.


Luther waited for everyone to finish, and the reincarnation altar also stopped, and then he pointed to the teleportation circle next to him and said, "I remember the last time I heard World Tree, it was the teleportation circle, the silver coin told us .”

Just outside, when Negris told him about the World Tree, Luthor felt like he had heard the name recently, but he couldn't remember where he heard it for a while, until he saw the teleportation circle.

The silver coins played their subjective initiative, collected a lot of ironware, ropes, tools, daily necessities, etc., and kept sending them to the small teleportation array in Ice City.

The teleportation circle can't be used, so it can only be transmitted slowly with a small teleportation circle, like ants moving.

During the transmission process, the silver coin mentioned the name World Tree.

Silver Coin said at the time: "Those elves are crazy. They said that the World Tree has sprouted, and they asked humans to hand over the World Tree saplings, otherwise they will launch a holy war. Now the whole world is looking for the World Tree."

"By the way, do you want a world tree branch? As long as you anonymously connect to the teleportation array of the elves, they will give you a sick branch for free. If you can cure the world tree, you will get the friendship of the elves. I have already received one." roots."

Anna said: "We don't know how to cure the tree's disease, what are we going to do?"

"Ornaments, the dead branches of the world tree are used as ornaments, and when they are placed on the table, the whole grade is completely different. If there is any business to discuss, if you lead the person to the room, he will be shocked on the spot. When he sees I am rich and powerful, and even the World Tree can be used as a decoration, so why don't you just submit obediently?"

Anna was shocked by this advanced business thinking, and couldn't help asking: "What if the other party doesn't know World Tree?"

Yin Coin sneered: "I don't even know World Tree, so what qualifications do I have to talk about business with me? It's understandable if I didn't know each other before, but now there is such a big commotion among the elves, and there are still people who don't know, then they must not be businessmen."

Anna was full of admiration, but she still refused: "Forget it, I don't do business, and I don't know how to treat diseases. I waste the space of the teleportation array. Don't want it. For us, no expensive decoration is as useful as a shovel .”

Yin Coin nodded approvingly, this is a person who can clearly know what he wants and is not confused by vanity.


After Luther finished speaking, Negris and Ange looked at each other, and Ange's eye sockets were full of soul fire.

The silver coin of the main material plane, just finished displaying the world branch decoration with a former colleague, and received a message from the blue: "Master Ange wants my world branch?"

"Yes." An Ge touched the symbol belonging to the silver coin and said with his soul.

Maybe he didn't control the strength of the soul, the thought made the silver coin's head buzz, and he hurriedly responded: "Okay, okay, Mr. Ange, wait a moment, I'll send it over right away."

"Pass here." Ange said, and sent a new teleportation array logo to the silver coin.

The vast majority of teleportation arrays do not have such things as coordinate system diagrams. They are interconnected, and more often they rely on signs. Search, the chances of finding another teleportation array are very slim.

"Yes, my lord." The silver coin responded respectfully.

After disconnecting, Silver Coin glanced regretfully at the world tree branch on the table. As he said, this thing has no real function, but it is very useful. Owning it means owning at least one teleportation array, which is a symbol of strength and reputation , Business partners can feel at ease when they see it.

Under the same conditions, others will definitely choose to cooperate with merchants who own world branches and teleportation arrays.

But, what can I do? If Mr. Ange wants it, he can only reluctantly give up.

Hastily packed and delivered.

After passing it on, An Ge asked him to receive it, and then passed a pot of saplings to him: "Return your saplings."

Collect your branches, return your saplings, and exchange them at equal value.

But the silver coin spurted blood: "Master... my lord, is this the sapling of the World Tree?"


The silver coin only felt that the flowerpot seemed to be hot. It was so hot that he almost knocked it over. This is a hot sapling.


After getting a new branch and inserting it into the essence, Ange got another new fruit, hollowed out the fruit, and got more than a thousand seeds.

The useless fruit was thrown aside casually, before it hit the ground, a 'horse' appeared in front of the fruit like a ghost, and ran away with one mouthful.

"Bada, give me some!" Luther took a step back, yelling and chasing after him.

When he caught up with Lightning, he saw that he had already bit off half of the fruit, and was spitting on the other half.

"Changbada, Master Naig, come here, let's saw off the horns of this horse together, I'm so mad." After getting along for less than an afternoon, Lightning successfully angered the Juggernaut. Skill, this horse is absolutely full level.


Three days later, Silver Coin, carrying a newly bought grocery box, came to the Green Leaf City of the elves, where the borders of humans and elves meet.

Because of the unusual movements of the elves, in just a dozen days, a temporary town has spontaneously formed here, with various buildings and tents sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, where merchants, mercenaries, assassins, spies, and slave traders , intelligence brokers, all kinds of people crowded this small town.

The elves are happy to see the success, because only in such a chaotic situation, humans cannot unite the front and speak with one voice. The elves even send troops to station directly at the gate of the town. Whoever has information can provide them with information. After verification, they will be rewarded. .

However, this also led to overcrowding at the gate of the town every day. The elves are so beautiful, no matter whether they have information or not, they all come to feast their eyes.

"Give way, please let me go." Yin Coin struggled to walk through the crowd, unable to squeeze away the old perverts in front of him for a long time.

"Go away, what are you squeezing, dead goblin, can you see elves? You can't reach them." The person in front was annoyed by being squeezed, and gave him a slap in the butt.

"I want to go, I want to find the elf, I have good news." The silver coin squeezed hard, squeezed hard.

Others don't believe it: "Stingy goblin merchant, when did you switch to selling news?"

"Don't even think about doing business. There are countless goblins thrown out these days. The elves only need news about the World Tree, so don't waste your time."

Well, I didn't squeeze in, and I was squeezed out by others. I turned around and felt something was wrong with my body. I touched it in my arms, good guy, the money bag is gone.

"Damn thief." Yin Coin scolded through gritted teeth, who would have wanted to come to Green Leaf City without being hacked or caught, but was blocked by a group of old perverts and lost his purse.

Fortunately, the grocery store box was held in his arms, and there was an anti-theft strap, so those damn thieves couldn't get their hands on it, otherwise they would have disappeared.

I found a remote corner, opened the grocery store, took out a ball from inside, went back to the entrance of the town, and threw it into those old perverts, the ball exploded into a ball of powder and stuck to their bodies.

"It's itchy, it's itchy, # \u0026¥ # ( @It's itchy." The crowd screamed and dispersed.

"Itchy to death, bah." After the powder was gone, Silver Coin calmly walked to the elf's tent: "Hello, I would like to see Her Majesty the Elf Queen, I have news from the World Tree."

The leading elf glanced at him and said, "We don't buy anything."

It is true that many goblins who are obsessed with money came to sell various products to them, which made them lose their mind to work. The goblins have a lot of things that really please them.

"I have news about the World Tree."

"If you tell a lie, you will be hanged from a tree, and you may die." The elf threatened. At the beginning, there were many daring guys who used false information to deceive people, but after being hanged a few times, no one dared to do this again. up.

"I have news about the World Tree."

No matter how the elf asked, Yin Coin repeated this sentence firmly, and finally he was taken to Green Leaf City.

"I have news about World Tree. I want to see the queen. If I don't see the queen, I won't say anything."

"I have news about the World Tree. I want to see the queen. You can't decide."

"I have news about World Tree. I want to see the queen. If it's fake, you hang me."

After he persisted, an elf priest magically probed his forehead, which allowed him to meet Gaillard.

"You insist on seeing me, and hope that the information you bring will be worthy of my interview." Gaillard said seriously.

Some daring guys really use all kinds of methods to deceive, to deceive, to see Gaillard, and they are not afraid of death. Facing such fanatics, Gaillard was a little scared, and hoped that the goblin in front of him was not such a guy.

Unexpectedly, Silver Coin closed his eyes directly, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, if I bring news of the World Tree, what can I get? No, what can my master get?"

"Your master? Who is it?" Gaillard asked, and Silver Coin closed her eyes, which made her feel a little better. At least it meant that this goblin didn't have those impure motives.

"I can't tell you now." The silver coin responded loudly.

Gaillard pondered for a while, and said slowly: "If your master is not an evil person, then he will gain the friendship of the elves."

"Uh, Your Majesty, I don't quite understand. What is the friendship of the elves? Is there a discount for shopping?" When the silver coin mentioned "discount", it deliberately brought a frivolous tone. This is a negotiation technique that allows The other party felt his contempt for the 'quote'.

Elf friendship? Can I eat it? The most annoying thing in business is this kind of illusory return. What if the other party's friendship is just to treat you to a few meals?

Gaillard was obviously not as careful as the goblins, and he said a little angrily: "Whoever dares to be an enemy of the elves who gains the friendship of the elves is equal to being an enemy of the elves, and he and his descendants will get the elves' friendship." Asylum, no one can hurt him, even if the family dies, the elves will not abandon their friendship."

Yin Coin's eyes widened in shock, and Bada, it turned out to be this kind of 'friendship', a friendship that would never be betrayed by death, this promise is too serious.

However, the silver coin was not overwhelmed, and then asked: "What is 'evil'? Is it defined by you, or by humans? Or by the Church of Light?"

"Of course it is defined by the world tree." Gaillard said as a matter of course.

"Very well, please Your Majesty the Queen swear in the name of the World Tree."

For the news of the World Tree, Gaillard made an oath in the name of the World Tree. The World Tree is the god of the elves. This is a divine oath, which is absolutely binding.

Yin Coin finally breathed a sigh of relief at this point. Don't look at him as bold, he dared to oppose the Bright Cultivator with a bottle of essence, and dared to fool the Elf Queen with a sapling, but his whole heart was hanging in the process.

"I have no news about World Tree..."

"You! You bastard!" The nearby elf guards rushed out with their swords angrily, wanting to hack the goblin who was teasing their queen to death.

Yin Coin turned pale with fright, and said anxiously: "I brought the world saplings, here are the saplings."

Thank you Shude Yachong, LSC7, Duansi LS, book friend 150617061552573, Panda loves to drink coffee without sugar, happy and happy 1, Skull wants to build a foundation, forget the old member username, Bai Shouhe, Beiming Keqing, for the tip.

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